Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Water Love ❯ Sea Dragon ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Water Love
Writer: Angela (orangeaura868)
Genre: Romance/ Fantasy… this is an Alternate Universe fic
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Spoilers: None (because it is an AU)
Warnings: Well…there's yaoi…cute mermaid boys…water dragons…maybe some language.
Pairings: YYY with side SJ and mentioned BR MM…you should know who they are.
Disclaimer: This is a `disclaimer.' The point of having one should be blatantly obvious. Either way…I'll still say it…I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh.
Summary: Yuugi is the ever curious merboy with an ill-fated arranged marriage to some unknown son of an ocean kingdom. Yami is a human deathly afraid of sea water. How could these two have possibly fallen in love? This is a love story crossing land and sea, proving that love indeed knows no boundaries.
Plot Bunny: LittleMermaid (thanks to whoever drew it and posted it!)
Let's begin now…
Beaches come to life early in the mornings. It could be almost said that it began to shine radiance from just one single ray of sunlight. At the break of dawn there were already people bustling by as they work on the beach. The jobs varied from fisherman to that of running a surfboard rental booth. Crowds would then begin to push in like swarms of angry bees…who were merely fighting to relax. Soon the sun would have risen fully into the bed of a blue eternity topped with cream. It would share the most brilliant, sparkling lights with its friend, the ocean, and laugh through the people watching them. The sun was warm on their backs and equally as gracious to the blue green waters. If someone had managed to stop they would witness a playful fight between the Sky and the Water. Beams of light were tossed at eachother and the ocean made good on its end. Lines of light ran through the pure water and shined back at the sun.
There would be noise, that much was certain. People would be at the water's very edge, playing in the surf and laughing as the waves chased them. Even more people would be on the beach, lazing around in the numerous beach chairs. In a way, the publicity was ruining the scene. Thank goodness for private beaches.
This was also the main concern for young merboys who weren't allowed near the surface world. It wouldn't do to get caught on important business. Not to mention it was highly annoying to go playing out in the reefs only to have a glass-bottom boat swim overhead. Yuugi could only guess that it was swimming, in reality the boats move very fast over certain parts of his beloved home. Then there were the scuba divers that terrified him with the black suit and mask. Everything posed a threat to him and the rest of merfolk. So, by simply adding some humans onto the planet the merfolk were granted less and less space to swim in freely. Yuugi could only play in the secluded courtyard…by himself. This was evidently the meaning of `secluded.' Of course, if anyone knew him as well as Mai did, they would immediately figure out that he was most certainly not the type to be held back. He was five when he wandered outside of the borders of Carribbea.
Currently it was ten years later and Yuugi was a fifteen-year-old merman, still with a childish demeanor. He swam through the colorful reefs and dodged the traffic until he was closer inland. From there, the water was much easier to get around in as no one was permitted to swim here. Underneath the water, Yuugi could see all around him the wonders of his sea. A small smile soon fought its way onto his face to show how proud he was. Yuugi swam faster with new enthusiasm.
His tail undulated up and down with a rapid pace until he slowed once seeing the slight slope of the sand reaching the shore. Yuugi took to the right, following the patches of brain coral and avoiding the fire coral that stung should he touch the white tips. He greeted the rare fish good morning and bid them a good day all while continuing on his path. The water level soon rose up again to meet the rocky cliffs at the other end of the beach. The brown walls were looming ahead in the water and Yuugi swam closer and closer to them until he stopped right before impact. The prideful smile was still on his face. With the halt, his new gold necklace settled down from having to dangle from the neck of a fast-moving swimmer.
The area around the cliff was a bit colder and was provided a fair amount of shade from the cliff it self. Underneath the water, the brown rock wall seemed a bit strange. The walls seemed so…tall. The area felt strange to the ocean, and slightly foreboding. Yuugi swam around it slowly inspecting the stone face. There was a series of three chips in its wall that were in a vertical order. Yuugi grasped the outer two firmly and pulled it to one side. It was a bit hard since Yuugi would admit that he was not the strongest merman around. Even still, the rock door eased smoothly along despite the immense effort it had taken.
Now here was the tricky part. Inside the cave that was hollowed inside the cliff, there was a certain thing that Yuugi had kept without even Mai knowing. He didn't think it would do to worry his father or his sister.
Just barely a week ago he had been exploring the east-side reefs and playing with the family of manta rays there that had just moved in. Generally, manta rays can be found not any farther than the continental shelf. They prefer the reefs, and sometimes even go to the surface. At least they could breach the surface without fear, Yuugi thought at first. That was until Alpha and Beta abruptly turned and swam deeper out in the ocean. He chased them with his own speed and tried to see ahead. The mantas turned here and there and hardly stuck to one of the reef trails. They hopped all over, as if tracking something. The reefs were quickly thinning in some parts save for the flat beds of plate corals that littered the sea floor. The manta rays slowed their speed and wandered towards one particularly flat plate coral. Yuugi paused behind them, petting the back of Beta, who was swinging side to side in an impatient manner. He was worried since the ramora fishes had left both Alpha and Beta. He didn't know what was the matter since all that was resting on the coral was a swirling ball of water and bubbles. In any case, Alpha was the one who inched forward and poked at it with his Cephalic lobes. Yuugi was about to rush forward, just in case Alpha was going to eat the swirling ball of blue water. He had not the chance though when the ball of fast spinning bubbles froze in its circular path, and spun in the opposite direction until it revealed what was doing the spinning.
That was why Yuugi was here today.
The rock wall stayed cold under his hands and he kept them their despite it. Yuugi nervously peeked into the cavern for his friend. He didn't quite know what to expect since each day the water dragon had become increasingly more stubborn. Aquarius, as he had come to call it, was the most horrible type of water dragon around. Yuugi knew that in his heart despite the fact that he'd only ever heard of them as a myth, and thus Aquarius was the only example of the species. Aquarius was an insufferable nuisance, and yet the creature was fully aware of the fact that Yuugi had saved its life. Had Alpha and Beta not somehow sniffed out the poor dragon it would still be spinning in a circle trying to rest. It was a stupid instinct most marine animals had. Yuugi could only guess that the water dragon was built for colder areas and was used to spinning like that in his sleep to keep from freezing. Poor thing, it was in Carribbea now. On the other hand, the `poor thing' had bitten Yuugi twice on his arm and refused to be made go anywhere. Yuugi had to lure it into the cave with fish. The insufferable, carnivorous beast. Yuugi gripped the rock wall slightly tighter when the blue dragon swam closer, moving like a snake.
He held his breath as it progressed further and further until he could clearly make out the brown eyes and fin-shaped ears. It swam so slowly that it made Yuugi anxious. He felt a slight pressure in his chest and decided promptly that holding his breath was not helping the situation. The dragon was actually approaching him! What if it suddenly decided that fish was too bland and then devoured him? No one would ever know how the prince of Carribbea died! Mai and father would be worried so much while he sat in the stomach of a water dragon. He shook his head. No, he needed to be calm. Aquarius was simply hungry and decided to be cooperative this time. The dragon inched closer and now Yuugi could even see the spot of light in his dark eyes and make out individual scales.
“Uh…Aquarius?” Yuugi ventured as the dragon was within arm's reach. It began to circle him warily, keeping his brown eyes trained on the merboy. Talk about one's share of unusual instances in the length of a week. Yuugi was seriously concerned with his luck now. Maybe he would go see Isis, the aloof fortuneteller, one of these days. For now, he could only stay still, stay calm, and not show any fear. He was chancing a guess that dragons could smell fear, just like sharks. He wondered if dragons ate little merchildren…
Bad! Bad thoughts! Aquarius is sure to know by now. Maybe some dragons could read your mind. What had his teacher said about dragons? Why didn't he pay attention? Yuugi was too frustrated to think clearly. His situation was not good. He hadn't even thought to bring some fish for it to feed on. He hadn't expected it to actually want to eat -not anything from him anyway. He was just going along his merry way prepared to talk to the dragon knowing that the dragon kept its distance. It was most definitely not keeping its distance.
The dragon charged him. It truly charged at him. One second it was on its fifth lap around him -he had been counting in his nervous frenzy- and the other it was coming straight at him. Yuugi tried dodging out of pure instinct -fight or flee- and hoped that he would live another day, maybe tell his family that he was going away on a long journey before he died a miserable death by the han-no…fin of a dragon. He was expecting a large blow to the head caused by the dangerous looking tail and then perhaps being devoured alive by the starving thing. He did not expect, at all, the dragon to slow just before impact to slither around him.
Aquarius wrapped itself snugly around his waist and spiraled around him until it was at Yuugi's head, where it poked him sharply with it's snout…and swam off in the blink of an eye. Yuugi had not been blinking at all since his eyes were shut tight, all the while praying to Neptune for a painless death. He felt the cold scales move slowly across his skin, driving shivers down his spine as it worked upwards. He felt the fins brush against his stomach, making him want to curl up in a little ball. He finally felt a hard tap on his head and suddenly the cold feeling wrapped around his body was gone.
Why that sneaky little devil!
Yuugi gave chase almost immediately after finding the dry, cold, icy, freezing feeling gone. He put on an extra burst of speed as he dodged the brain corals and the fire coral he had passed on his way to the cliff. Yuugi maneuvered around the schools of fish and the Ray family as he pursued the little water dragon. The water rushed past him in a blur as he focused on catching Aquarius. It happened slowly. First, the dragon turned around to see if it was being chased. Yuugi couldn't stop fast enough and soon enough he rushed into the water dragon, collided into a conveniently placed sponge, and found a wiggling mess in his arms. Yuugi was laughing and he knew it, but he didn't care.
Why weren't there more water dragons around anyway?
Aquarius had quickly reacted and was now well aware of the fact that Yuugi was intent on catching him. The dragon seemed to laugh without sound, expressing happiness in trying to escape to start the chase over again. The two lay tangled in the sponge before finally the dragon squirmed free and fled.
“Stop, you!” Yuugi yelled after his new dragon. He moved his tail furiously trying to catch it. He swam left and right, crashed into Beta, and continued on shouting a rushed `Sorry!' back towards the confused manta ray. Yuugi continued dodging back and forth and later…up.
The warm air was the first thing that met him. He could barely react to the fact that he was above water, still far out but close enough to be seen, before he grabbed Aquarius. The dragon was still in its spot, unmoving and seemingly petrified, looking towards shore.
Yuugi immediately thought without even turning. He turned just in case, a quick flash in his peripheral vision as Aquarius submerged itself -a smarter decision than Yuugi's- and before he knew it he was back underwater.
There had been only one human. Thank Neptune. One person would only be taken as one who was mentally unstable, never to be believed. Yuugi couldn't help feeling strange though. He couldn't help but want to check back to see who was the one who had chanced to see a one of the merfolk. The quick turn wasn't enough to see anything. Yuugi could only remember black, he thought the person might have blond hair, maybe red if he was wrong. He just didn't know the length, in fact, he didn't even know if he was imagining anything. That was all that he had caught before the splash of water broke him was his anxious trance and had him following the water dragon back underwater.
“Aquarius?” Yuugi called into the reefs, glad to be in familiar territory. He looked left and right before wandering forward and into the thicker reefs of the east side. Aquarius was waiting for him there next to the sponge where they had both fell earlier.
The blue-green water dragon stared at him with its large brown eyes in a fierce glance. Yuugi couldn't quite tell the expression but he was sure that it was not a happy face. Was he mad that a human saw him?
“Aquarius?” Yuugi questioned the dragon again, more nervously this time. The dragon snapped out of its stare to swim closer. Aquarius snapped his jaws around Yuugi's arm abruptly, let go, and swam off in the opposite direction.
“Ow!” Yuugi cried, “That hurt, Aquarius!” Yuugi soon had one hand over the wound to prevent possible blood from leaking into the water. That dragon was really frustrating sometimes. Yuugi swam after it with an angry sigh. He could only make it partially to the inner working of the East reefs before he screamed.
Aquarius! Sea elves aren't food!”
A/N: Wow. I'm really sorry that this couldn't be up sooner. The plain fact of the matter is that I have good reasons. First, I went off for eight days to Florida trying to survive with my five-year-old brother. If that weren't bad enough, this was my entire winter break. As soon as I got back I was busy with a huge English project that required my entire focus. Well, what about before then?, you ask. I am well aware of the fact that I had a week before I left for Florida. I was very busy finishing my 45-page novelette. Trust me, it took the entire week. I'm proud that I could get done an entire slash filled novelette as a Christmas present for my friends, so I hope this is an adequate excuse for not taking my time out to satisfy your needs.
Is my tone too cutting? It's meant to be. I've gotten a review exactly four days ago to update within four days for some threat or other. I'm pissed. I don't mean to ruin a good reputation, but I do truly mean that I'm a busy person with a life to live. Everyone has one of those. I have to take the SATs on the 22nd (Yes, I know I'm 13) and my parents have been harping on me about it all month long. Plus, after finishing my story I was on a `no-writing-for-long-time' mood and working very hard to get other things done.
So, this is my reason for not updating for a month. Good enough? Good, because I would much rather explain the story for those who are confused on this chapter.
First off, I did zero research on water dragons. They're a fantasy creature already and I've mentioned before that I'll be writing my own book on them. The manta rays, and corals were researched on though.
Second of all, the water dragon does play a role. I'm not the type of person to throw in some random water dragon so Yuugi would have a companion (the fact that the water dragon gives him a companion is purely coincidence.) I hope you all like the addition anyway. I was worried that the dragon and Yuugi would both seem horrifically out of character.
I'm aware that more time could have been spent in detailing. I forced myself to get it done in four days time. Whoever suggested it and all my readers…be very thankful. My `not-writing-for-long-time' is meant to last a long time.
That's it for this chapter, although I wish I had more room/time for free talk. I shouldn't wander too far ahead and spoil anything though. As always, watch out for possible foreshadowing and other signs. They are in here too. Oh, yes, one more thing, Isis was added in on second thought. I think she fits in nicely.
Another warning, this story is YAOI. I have these warnings all over the place. It's glaringly obvious that people know what they are. I would like it very much if I didn't get reviews telling me to change my entire plot line to suit someone's homophobic tendencies. (This is meant with all due respect and no offense to those who are homophobic.)
Thank you to all of my reviewers!
Pharoh's-slave: Thank you for the kick I needed. It may seem like I am very mad at you, but in some way I'm glad that you've gotten me updating again. I was slightly confused over your first review. How is my writing `strict'? As for skimming through, I greatly encourage you to fully read it. You may pick up hidden things you've never seen before.
Rose: Ok, back up a little bit. Back up to the top of the first chapter and tell me what my warnings are. I'm glad that you took the time to read it, but reading a story you hate it often worse than not reading at all. I know some good fanfiction writer's who write un-yaoi related stories. Would you like me to point you off in a general direction?
Rikainiel: Great point. Thanks for pointing that out. I sort of didn't write it in because it wouldn't be like him. Looking from your perspective, that not saying anything makes him nicer, is a lovely way of seeing it. I'm sorry for not updating so soon, forgive me? Thank you for reviewing.
Master Elora Dannan: Yes I have! I read it in sixth grade actually. I was mesmerized and freaked out at the same time. All the same, Sirena was a lovely book. Thanks for reviewing! (Yami and Yuugi met…in some way.)
Hikarinotenshi15: Well, they meet now! Not quite actually, but in some way they have. Thanks for the review!
Dark Raven, Hiei's Girl: Thanks. Blush. I never really thought of it that way, maybe Tea could be the sister of the mysterious prince? Thanks for the plot idea! Also the review!
Ireth: Hiding under a new name, eh? Not gonna work with me. Glomps you. I actually have a lot to say to your review, Deathy-chan. First off, the sea plants were made up. Burivalia is entirely fictional…so is that fish they ate. The things in this chapter exist, well, not the dragon but you get the idea. Thank you so much for commenting on style. I agree. I don't completely not have style, it's there, but…invisible. I'm glad you liked Mai's story as well. As for Merfolk magic, it will certainly be a big topic! Thanks for reviewing me, Deathy!
Esther'nEra-guardians-ofChaos: Actually, I was thinking the character remain an original since the identity is not important. After your review, I'm thinking Valon could have been the guy. Thanks!
DemonSurfer: As far as I'm concerned this will be a particularly slow moving fic. I think the inciting force has already sparked the rising action. Most just have yet to realize it. Thank you for asking!
Tayko: Thanks! I wasn't quite able to update so quickly, but oh well.
Yana5: They met now! They'll meet again later though. Thanks for asking. As for Mai, yes, her story is very sad.
Alana-Star/SugarCat: Yes…the first chapter starts the fic. I hope you may continue further to this point. Thanks for reviewing it.
Lady Shinigami: Sweet JEBUS your review was long. Thank you so much for it. It made such a lovely read! I'm glad/proud to be contagious. This goes into a health class experiment where everyone started out with Sweetarts, and two people had Good and Plenties (the virus.) Well, I had the virus and within a few minutes of swapping around the room, I helped successfully infect all but four people. Miss Contagious I shall be! You went slightly into instinct with your review, I want to comment that you have also infected me. Thanks to you, instinct will play a slightly larger role in this. As for me being a chef…Bon Appetite!
Carmen5-Nemrac: Thanks. I was starting to lose confidence in my ability in detail. I hope you liked this chapter!
Pharaoh Atemu's Angel: Technically, Yami has shown up again now. Yami will have more time in the next chapter though. Sorry for the update being so slow. I hope you continue reading. Thanks for reviewing.
Yaminakathy: I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for the review!
I'm so very happy to have gotten so many reviews. Thanks for everything people! AS another note (for those who have made it thus far) please point out grammar or typos, I was lacking sleep in trying to get this done.
Thank you to all who read my work. Please review!