Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Water Love ❯ Sunny Mornings ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Water Love
Writer: Angela (orangeaura868)
Genre: Romance/ Fantasy… this is an Alternate Universe fic
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Spoilers: None (because it is an AU)
Warnings: Well…there's yaoi…cute mermaid boys…water dragons…maybe some language.
Pairings: YYY with side SJ and mentioned BR MM…you should know who they are.
Disclaimer: This is a `disclaimer.' The point of having one should be blatantly obvious. Either way…I'll still say it…I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh.
Summary: Yuugi is the ever curious merboy with an ill-fated arranged marriage to some unknown son of an ocean kingdom. Yami is a human deathly afraid of sea water. How could these two have possibly fallen in love? This is a love story crossing land and sea, proving that love indeed knows no boundaries.
Plot Bunny: LittleMermaid (thanks to whoever drew it and posted it!)
Let's begin now…
It had been raining at an ungodly time the previous night. Most people would have been fast asleep and not aware of the rain dropping from the dark sky. It was about three past regles in Merfolk time but by human standards it was time every person should be in bed. Even the insomniacs should have been lulled to sleep by the smothering feel of boredom -very intense boredom. So the point of it raining served no purpose in being heard as no one in their sane mind would be up so late. Instead, the rain was merely a part of the weather in the tropics. Although no one was still awake to see or hear it, it did not mean that it was not there. This could furthermore be proved by looking out of the window the first thing in the morning and finding droplets of water still resting on large palm leaves.
The lush vegetation around the hotel depended solely on the rain. Of course, they would not die immediately with gardeners watering them. In any case, the pouring rain of Mother Nature accomplished more than any gardener could ever hope to do for their garden. The shade of green was bright and glowed warmly with the sun as Yami blinked.
Why must it be so damn bright?
Yami instantly used his left arm to shield his eyes from the overly cheerful sun. His right hand was holding open the shades until he gave up and let go with a lethargic sigh. Yami felt as if he had woken up too late. Oddly enough, he would have been particularly happy to simply go back to sleep. He was awfully tired. Dressed in a large black T-shirt and red boxers, Yami yawned reaching for the extra-high ceiling. He stood on tip-toes as well and glanced warningly at the ceiling. Whoever thought of having ceilings being way up there was an idiot who showed no compassion to those lacking in height. In this case it was Yami. He pushed it aside in his exhausted mood and continued stretching and doing a number of push-ups and sit-ups. After doing this Yami opened his eyes to see his hotel room clearly.
Clearly would be a bit misleading. The shades were still tightly drawn over the glass door leading to the balcony. The light that sneaked its way in came in bright lines on the opposite side of the painted wall. Yami didn't quite understand why Kaiba enjoyed such an overly embellished style. Shoving this thought away as well, he picked out some clothing from the suitcase near his bed -he had been napping when he should have unpacked- and changed. Jou had pestered him about having clothing in different colors besides black. Yami had not listened, greatly preferring dark shades to Jou's light colored shirts. Today he had decided to be more `vacation-like' and was wearing a loose white T-shirt. Knowing Yami, one could only ever compromise. Over the white was a short-sleeved black collared-shirt. Take that you color loving fools, Yami thought in his rude `it's morning again' tone.
Once this part of his routine was accomplished, Yami would proceed to bother Jounouchi and Seto. Today, he thought better of it first knocked on the door to the other room.
He heard some rustling from the other end of the door.
“Yami?” Jou's voice called out. “Why are you up so early?” he continued.
“It's nine o'clock.” Yami answered matter-of-factly as he turned the decorated handle into the room. “Kaiba and you have to make a tour bus to Xel-ha, correct?”
Inside the twin of Yami's room, Jou snuggled deeper into the blankets, refusing to get up. Kaiba had already been up for a few minutes and had been to the bathroom. Yami could tell by his neatly combed hair. Seto sat in a floral armchair by a window with the day's newspaper spread out on a circular table hotel's provide. He was wearing his rectangular reading glasses as well as some less formal attire.
As soon as Yami stepped in, Seto had looked up from the paper. Jou finally glanced up as well, took a look at the clock, and panicked.
“God damn! The bus comes at ten!” Jounouchi exclaimed wildly. He dashed out of bed with renewed energy and pulled on a shirt and some pants in a feverish dance across the floor.
While this was going on, Seto continued staring down Yami -scrutinizing him with his reading glasses. “You're wearing something different today.”
“I'm allowed to aren't I?” Yami answered back. In all honesty, he was just trying to seem more like a man on vacation. Typically, vacations in Mexico did not include leather.
Seto nodded and continued reading the paper. “It looks good on you. Try wearing colors next.”
“Never. I'm sticking with neutral.” Yami replied dangerously. His mental image included himself wearing rainbow and running around in a meadow with rainbows and butterflies all in slow motion. It made him feel sick and thankful he had not eaten breakfast yet.
Finally, Jou came back from his rushed run and collapsed on the bed -dressed. He was dressed at least, but his hair was still being ignored. Kaiba put down the last section of the newspaper, folded it back together again, and tossed it right into the trash can a good distance away. He turned back to Yami coolly.
“We'll be gone for the day. What will you be doing?” he inquired.
“Exploring the pool, eating, and sleeping.” Yami replied, leaning casually against the wall.
“No mermaid-hunting?” Seto questioned sarcastically.
“It was a joke, one-who-has-no-humor.” Yami responded in an equally condescending voice that closely resembled Seto's own. Kaiba only pulled off his glasses and brushed the remark off in that way.
“Funny, you should say that,” Kaiba continued, “I would have thought you were drunk otherwise.”
Jou gave an exasperated sigh. “Guys?” he ventured.
“Oh really, Kaiba? You weren't quite sober last night now were you?” Yami asked rhetorically. “Besides which, you blamed it on the sun previously. Changed your mind?”
“You have yet to do something productive. If I were you I'd close my mouth right now, Yami Ka…”
“GUYS!” Jounouchi yelled. “Gee whiz! You'd think that one of you would know better than to argue with the other. You're both like children!” he scolded.
Kaiba sat up stiffly and finally stood. Yami eased away from the wall.
“I'm sorry.” Yami apologized first before Seto could. “You two should enjoy your trip to Xel-ha. It's supposed to let you scuba dive and snorkel too, right? It should be fun.” Yami swept his blond bangs back again with his left hand.
“Yep. Only problem is that you both cost us fifteen minutes.” Jou answered with a mock sadness. He stood from the bed and got a backpack of clothes to change into, as well as some bottled water from the fridge. Jou then left the things in Seto's arm, surprising the brunette very much.
“We'll eat quickly at the at the main restaurant in the front. Feel free to call for room service. The spare key is on the table. Don't forget to unpack as well.” Seto advised him.
“All right.” Yami stressed. “It's not like I'm some kid who can't take care of himself.”
“It's funny you should say that…” Seto began, but Jou cut him off with a glare and dragged the CEO out of the room.
Yami continued to stand in the room with his arms folded before deciding to do something. He stared after the two as they closed the door loudly and left. Finally! Some peace at last, Yami thought. He was affronted by Seto's bickering today. He was a bit more offensive this time than many others.
Yami stared at himself in the mirror in their room and scowled. He had no idea why he had on the khaki shorts that were too long for him -the storekeeper said that he was too short for them. Yami turned away and grabbed the key before heading down to eat at the Golden Sunset again.
To hell with getting room service.
Yami found himself walking down the same halls and pathways as yesterday and soon arrived at the beachfront restaurant. He strode in with his sandals on that made all the difference between his leather boots. They didn't tap as clearly.
All the same, Yami walked in and continued to the back where a continental breakfast buffet was being served. The waiters and waitresses had not yet arrived because no one needed their assistance in the mornings. Yami took a plate and got two pancakes, topped them with fruit, and dribbled honey on it like he always did. He then filled a glass with milk, and carried his breakfast to a table near the front, where he could get a nice view of the ocean in all of its `glory.'
He ate slowly, first finishing the peaches, then the strawberries, and lastly the blueberries. Yami wiped his mouth of excess honey while staring out to the scene.
The “Deity's Hideout” was a unique resort/hotel that made its money from the rich who visited every once in a while. In simply needed one customer every two weeks for it to have enough to sustain itself for another two weeks…the hotel was very high-ranking in satisfaction rating.
Yami ate another bite of the honey/syrup covered pancakes.
Supposedly, the only way one could arrive was by plane. There was a landing site for small air crafts in the back lawn. The land it was situated on was cut off from all the noise of highways and civilization in general. That greatly contributed to how relaxed Yami felt right now.
Another bite and there was only one pancake left on the plate.
The hideout was very wonderful indeed. It even was surrounded by water on three sides. Jounouchi had read that one off of a brochure that he had obtained from Seto. Personally, Yami could not quite understand why anyone would want to be surrounded with that…stuff. It was rather terrifying -no, not terrifying, detested that water should be that close to a person.
A good half of the pancake was gone.
The way the landscape worked was that the land on which the hotel was built jutted out a bit. It wasn't noticeable on any map, but one could tell from the fact that there were some small cliffs lining the left side of the coast. Technically speaking the cliffs ran north, but that was on an actual map instead of from Yami's perspective. The right side of the coast curved back in and did not jut out. It was sandy there, and your classical beach. Yami hated both sides equally though.
The plate was empty now.
Yami stood from the table and left the plate there for some waitresses to get now that they were arriving. He himself decided to go for a walk on the sand. Yami calculated that three feet away from the wet parts of the sand should be enough.
The air was surprisingly warm against his face and it felt nice. It was humid too, but Yami overlooked it immediately. Some sand slipped into his sandals as well, and Yami resorted to taking them off. Before he knew it, the black shirt was unbuttoned, and he was actually walking along the beach with a soft breeze blowing through his hair, he breathed in the salty air, his sandals were held in his hand, and he enjoyed it immensely.
It came to a degree where he noticed that three feet away changed to two, and later to one. Yami quickly stepped back a bit more and refrained from kicking the sand or playing. Beaches were just that good at doing their job. No wonder people vacationed at beaches.
Yami finally settled in one of the yellow beach chairs set out in parts of the beach. He watched the bright sun and shimmering water lap onto the myriad of grains of sand. Yami noticed the beautiful colors of the water. That was some of the few colors he enjoyed. The soft green mixed with the blue and melded into a perfect unity that even moved as one. The sky above was almost the same. Starting from the horizon, the blue was light and airy but closer overhead the blue darkened so gradually that Yami gave up trying to find where the color changed. Looking out again, he could see puffy white clouds in the sky above, and boats far down the coast, away from the cliffs and away from the hotel. Yami had walked closer to the cliffs than he had first suspected.
He took a deep breath of the cooling air and continued admiring the close-up view of the water. It was so enchanting that Yami felt himself hate it more just for that. The breeze felt better from where he was sitting and the sand was soothing warmth for his feet that he buried them in.
Yami laid back in the beach chair, resting. It was about time he didn't have to worry about anything at all. He sighed happily. Yami watched the untainted beauty of nature, and relaxed over his distance away from the water.
That was until two figures came up from the water with a burst of blue-green waves. One was most certainly human, while the other could have been the fish he saw the other day. Yami leaned forward rabidly and blinked, training his entire attention on what he had seen. Whatever that had been the two things were gone and Yami was almost certain that they both had fins like a tail. He shook his head. Perhaps he should have been sleeping when it rained last night…
Yami got up from his yellow seat feeling squeamish. He noticed that despite the cold wind blowing over him, the sun had still managed to begin making Yami-toast out of him. He cursed a few Gods and began walking back, all the while praying that Seto and Jou left some sunblock for him.
A/N: I apologize here and now for any dumb spelling/grammatical errors I may have. I've really been typing quickly this time and spellchecker doesn't catch everything. Also, I'm mildly dyslexic and have been known to do silly things. It you catch something, please tell me.
About today's chapter though, I'm sort of disappointed. I really wanted to have a chapter up so I just wrote for the heck of writing. I don't think it's one of the best, but it is rather long.
I'd really like to know which character everyone likes right now…so I'll have a small poll.
Yami! Because he's sexxay and hot and needs some lovin'!
Yuugi! Because cute little merboys are just plain wonderful!
Seto! The argumentative guy who the author has forced to wear glasses!
Jou! He's so adorable! I want more Jou!
Ryou! The story can't work without more of Ryou!
Mai! Because she's one tough gal and has a troubled past.
Yes…that was random, I know. To those of you who have questions, or need clarifications...
Xel-ha is a real park. I've been there and it was really nice.
The hotel `key' is actually a card.
The descriptions are lacking in style, I know, I'm lazy.
Finally, you've all gotten what you wanted, more Yami. I'm a bit puzzled over the next chapter, but things should resolve themselves. I hope you've learned more about each character. Please try and guess what happens! Guessing is fun!
Thank you to all of my reviewers of Chapter 7:
Chelley Angel: Thank you very much. I'm glad people can actually take an Alternate Universe fic seriously. You can't believe the amount of people who disapprove of them, labeling them as something an author does to avoid writing canon. Your review made me feel much better! I hope you like this chapter too!
Esther'nEra_godess-ofchaos: Thanks!
Dark Raven, Hiei's Girl: Thank you very much!
Rose: Well, I'm glad that you chose to try my story first. I hope you continue reading!
DemonSurfer: Well, I'm glad you appreciate me updating. Have you seen my other fics? I haven't touched some for over five months. Don't worry about this fic though, the plot has been worked out and I won't stop updating for anything! As for water dragons, they're territorial? They can come on land?! Wow, I'll really be writing my own story about them after all. Thanks for reviewing!
Rin-almighty-yaoi-lover: Funny, I have a friend who goes by Rin. Anyway, I blushed at your review! I'm very happy that so many people like this story. I'm also glad that my fanfiction stands out in a group of numerous other mermaid-fics. Thank you very much! I hope you continue reading and enjoying this just as much as I enjoy writing it!
Pharaoh Atemu's Angel: Thanks. I'm glad you liked the idea. I'm really happy there's so much support for Aquarius. I just finished SAT testing this morning. I'm glad they're over. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the fic!
Yaminakathy: It was worth the wait? Wow, you've made me a very happy writer with that comment. Thanks!
Hikarinotenshi: Just wait till the plot thickens, Yami and Yuugi will certainly talk! (Can't have shounen-ai without them talking!) Thanks for the review!
Yana5: I'm not quite sure actually. I just hope I can figure out the details. I'm pleased that you liked the chapter. Thanks for reviewing!
Mekoharu: Ji-Heh! Nice to see you here! Since when were you getting published? Why didn't you tell me?! Another thing…if people have you on author alert then it's a good thing. It means they're alerted to when you update. I also hope you mean `pen name' having a pin name is much different. I'm glad you're back on the internet and glad you've finally gotten to read my fic. Happy Birthday! I'll see you in school on Monday!
Shy: First off, I shyly loved your review! I'm not bothered at all. I adore getting feedback. Thanks for supporting a slow-moving fic too. A lot of people would jump right into the thick of things. My story is going to be a lot different. Anyway, I'm glad you liked Aquarius. I hope you continue reading, and thanks very much for reviewing!
Thanks to those who read this fic! Please review! (Also a thanks to how many I've gotten. I'm completely shocked!)