Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Water Love ❯ Sea Bound ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Water Love
Writer: Angela (orangeaura868)
Genre: Romance/ Fantasy… this is an Alternate Universe fic
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Spoilers: None (because it is an AU)
Warnings: Well…there's yaoi…cute mermaid boys…water dragons…maybe some language.
Pairings: YYY with side SJ and mentioned BR MM…you should know who they are.
Disclaimer: This is a `disclaimer.' The point of having one should be blatantly obvious. Either way…I'll still say it…I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh.
Summary: Yuugi is the ever curious merboy with an ill-fated arranged marriage to some unknown son of an ocean kingdom. Yami is a human deathly afraid of sea water. How could these two have possibly fallen in love? This is a love story crossing land and sea, proving that love indeed knows no boundaries.
Plot Bunny: LittleMermaid (thanks to whoever drew it and posted it!)
Let's begin now…
Seto and Jou were not late to the tour bus stop. Granted, it had taken them quite a while to get to a landing site from Seto's helicopter where they could catch a cab to the stop. In fact, with the added traffic of other vacationers it was surprising that they had not missed the bus entirely. It had been there though. The large tour bus was second in line on the street with a guide out front tacking fluorescent green stickers on the passengers. Jou was all but wolfing down his food back at the restaurant, barely managing to keep a civilized face on all while crumbling up inside on how their vacation would be `ruined' from being late. When he had finished his super-fast breakfast, Jou had jumped up from his seat and scrambled towards the exit. Seto Kaiba followed behind, in a slightly more dignified rush, while pushing in both his and Jounouchi's chairs, and thanking the chef for the spectacular meal.
From there the duration of the trip was spent with Jou worrying that they were late and mumbling all the outrageous possibilities in a single frantic moment. Seto Kaiba merely ignored the thoughts of `could've left us behind and taken the payment for the trip' and that of `they'll be there and then start to drive away just as we arrive'. He especially blocked those of `Mexico hates us.' After all, there was no way that a place could hate a person. Seto Kaiba was a very realistic man.
So, that was their tale up to the very second they climbed on board with a small green dot on the front of their shirts. Now, Jou was holding his stomach complaining about eating too little from being in a hurry. He glared pointedly at the driver -who wasn't driving. They were still parked in front of a shopping square where the guide was waiting around outside for all of the people who booked seats…or at least until the seats were filled up for last minute arrivals. Screw showing up early.
Seto had pulled out an issue of Fortune magazine and was leafing through it pass some of the pages he had marked with yellow post-it notes. He glanced at Jou with an unrecognizable `look.' Finally, Seto stuck his hand in the backpack Jou had thrown at him, dug around, and gave Jounouchi a wrapped, plastic box in a single motion. Kaiba handed it over nonchalantly without even a second look as to Jou's reaction.
Jou, on the other hand, had suddenly stopped mumbling about `damn delays' and stared with wide eyes at Seto's offering. This was most certainly why the two were together. Seto. Was. God! Jounouchi snatched the box out of Seto's hand and continued his staring, now focused on the box.
“Chef Miguel liked having his cooking praised. It was a simple matter to ask to take some with us. I figured you would be hungry.” Seto said with half of his face blocked by the magazine. His blue eyes peeked out from their place in the article as Jou opened the `To-Go' box of food.
It was still warm in his hands as he held it with a sort of shocked delight. Jou read the label, Deity's Hideout Restaurant and Bar, and could barely contain his happiness and instead focused his near trembling fingers on opening it. He smiled serenely at Seto seeing the contents.
“Did you figure I'd like heart-shaped pancakes also?” Jou asked playfully. He grinned as Fortune slid down from Seto's face to reveal his own amused smile.
“Perhaps.” Seto answered in such a way that Jou need only notice the way his cerulean eyes slid up -pretending to remember something- to see that Seto had obviously planned the breakfast. “It was a guess.”
“Miguel must be one heck of a guy not to complain.” Jou said, shaking his head. He was very happy in fact, so happy that he took the syrup container and peeled off the lid, poured it all over the heart, and offered the first piece he cut to Seto. Seto took a bite and watched Jou look at him expectantly.
“We'll have to praise his cooking more often now.” Seto decisively, after chewing the sweet morsel slowly. Jou continued cutting pieces of the pancake and feeding Seto after taking a few bites himself.
“I hope you don't mind me tearing apart this heart.” Jou said while eating.
“Don't worry, puppy. I'm not into symbolic things.” Kaiba replied. The magazine was back in the bag after having found that it got in the way of incoming pancakes. The two ate, talked, and looked at the scenery. They almost didn't notice that the bus had started moving.
When they had finally reached Xel-Ha, the guide asked all of the people on the bus (a few fitting the stereotype of having Hawaii print shirts and large cameras) to stay together until after they got in. After that, there was another tour guide from the park who led them through and got Jou and Seto maps. They passed a large iguana basking in the sun. Seto took a picture of Jounouchi posing next to the iguana. Next, was a forest of sturdy trees, grown a specific distance away from the next since there were dozens of white hammocks tied to each tree. It was spectacular.
“We are definitely coming back here!” Jou announced doggedly. They continued walking around the park on several roads. There were shops everywhere and lots of places to eat. They all seemed full though, with loads of people everywhere. Today's trip was definitely different from the other day's relaxation by the beach. Further ahead was a huge man-made lake with water from the ocean. Back near the entrance was the water in which Jou pulled Seto along to swim with the dolphins. Seto was able to coax a group into taking pictures of them from the land. A hundred dollars never hurt anyone. The two continued with their fun and went on to go snorkeling in the `lake' and even scuba diving in deeper regions. Jou had a particularly exciting time chasing fishes around. From behind, Seto was the one who handled the water-proof camera and snapped pictures whenever possible. One part of the water inhabited VERY large fish. The two hadn't been reading the signs and proceeded throwing fish food around when all of a sudden a huge fish came out of nowhere and bumped Seto in the back. Several more came swimming around the area, it was the one with a distinct, fake sunken boat, and ate the bits of food in the water. After a while, Jou and Seto got used to them and managed to capture some wonderful moments on film. The one with Jou first staring shocked at the fish about the size of his sister was priceless.
Lunch was at one of the park's wonderful buffets, and afterward the couple went biking around the natural scenery and looking for exotic wildlife.
“This is so much fun!” exclaimed Jou. He tackle hugged Seto from behind in joy. Even Seto Kaiba smiled and nodded and hugged Jou back.
“I wonder what Yami is doing. He's missing out on a lot of fun.” Jou continued. Seto merely shrugged and told Jou that it was more special with the two of them…he used the term `romantic.'
The `Yami' of which the two spoke of was at the hotel. That much was granted since he had never wanted to do anything else. However, what Yami was doing was not just sulking around the hotel. Sure, Yami had sulked for a while digging around for sun block and had nearly given up, but he did more than that. Not only did he find the sun block, he also found some rather NC-17 rated items. They burned his mind with disturbing mental images.
After the poor experience, Yami had rubbed sun block on every part of skin uncovered and degraded himself by having a large white layer on his nose. He thought he looked rather foolish as he posed in front of the mirror. Yami made a mental note that he hated those with more skin melanin. He brushed a bang back that was bothering him and continued out.
It was strange what was happening to him here. Suddenly, one little plane trip made everything change. He no longer slept as well as he used to. He argued with Seto more and more for the fun of it. He also constantly changed his mind. It felt strange to be thinking two different things and still believing both. Yami felt a bit…bipolar. Something of the sort like that anyways. He couldn't quite decide.
Just what was happening to him anyway? Was there a mermaid or not? Yami walked out of the door with the room card tucked in his right pocked and clutched it in his hand tightly in his frustration. He didn't know what to think. He had remembered that his opinion on what he saw changed a lot. Yami knew that at one point he firmly believed there were mermaids. Then again, he could have been saying it to spite Seto. Also then again, he could have been denying it this morning to go and spite Seto more. In fact, spiting Seto and aggravating him seemed like a very popular choice right now. Yami felt that way anyway.
Outside again, he felt the sudden change in temperature, from air conditioned to warm and sunny. He walked briskly down to the beach, this time taking off his sandals before getting to the sand. The sand was hot under his sensitive feet. Yami never went on vacations at beaches, well, not warm tropical ones at least. He continued walking, looking, having a calm relaxing time. This time he wouldn't be delayed by having to go back for sun block.
The ocean was still the same beautiful blue rainbow that seemed to devour the horizon. Yami felt very nice being able to stare at it, having the chance to look at it as he walked. The sky was also a beautiful blue. It was lighter in color, but enveloped the …well…it enveloped whatever else was up there. Everything seemed like it was blue for a reason, blue to try and relax him. Well, Yami would tell them that there was absolutely no need. In fact, he took a deep breath right then and shrugged his shoulders to loosen them up. The sun dazzled overhead and nearly blinded him as it did the ocean. Everything was perfect. Just…perfect. Terrific too, should he want to act like a thesaurus. His gold bangs, and red-black hair fluttered in the sea breeze as Yami continued walking.
It was all too splendid to be true. He, a complete loner, was on a sparkling beach with sand that seemed to glitter with radiance. There was a bright mass of emerald green leaves from the palm trees on the shore. The waves crashed and flowed continuously as one. If anything could be made any better then the earth beneath his feet would be humming a cheerful tune. What was wrong here?
Yami could taste something bitter in his mouth from just thinking. He felt lonely. The loner felt lonely. It was laughable. Suddenly, one trip made him feel so…alone. Well... no, that wasn't it either. Yami didn't know what he was feeling again. He knew that the beach was beautiful and amazing. He knew that, from what Seto had said, beaches were more peaceful when viewed away from thousands of other people. That was true. That was all true. Yami felt peaceful, and he knew that it was better than having to look around and find a myriad of other people and having to wonder if they felt the same way he did looking at the ocean. Somehow though, it felt equally as bad to look at the ocean all alone. Seto and Jou must have had a fine time on the beach. Yami was not.
He wanted to share. Yami wasn't the type to share anything, but this view…right now…he wanted someone else to be right here with him and tell him that they loved what they saw. Maybe he needed a girl…
Yami grunted and continued walking. He might as well go to another beach, keep walking until he was out of the hotel boundaries and then he'd be with other people. Problem solved. It was better than having the evil ocean tamper with his mind and make him think he needed some girl. This was why he hated the ocean. Yami hated change and was very firm about that point too. Plus, he didn't only hate it, he fea- No, Yami didn't fear anything.
It was nearing midday when Yami crossed an imaginary boundary line into a public beach. He sort of came out of one corner, and over a few rocks to see the sand nearly gone from being covered by all sorts of beach towels. A few large umbrellas popped out and reminded Yami that other people did exist. It was hardly peaceful in this beach but Yami had been walking for a while convinced that this would help. Exasperated, he weaved in between rows of laid out towels and chairs. Yami still carried his sandals and ignored anyone who might have made a comment on his hair.
Well. This was what he wanted. Yami was at a new beach, there were other people here, they all seemed relaxed, and he no longer could figure out why he would ever want to be here. There were too many people…too much color to see the blue. He took a seat on the sand littered with small stones and shells. Now that he was done trying to enjoy the beach, Yami looked around for other things to do. Further inland there was an ice cream cart, but Yami felt too old for ice cream -especially since he would be getting it only for himself. That made him feel childish.
Yami sat on the beach with both arms behind him and his sandals somewhere near them. He took a few deep breathes and tried to look like he was enjoying the beach while sharing it with so many others. There was a little girl burying her brother. A boy kept running into the waves; Yami felt sick just thinking of the water rushing onto his skin. There were young couples everywhere too, old ones if he scanned around.
Suddenly he felt as if he should check into the mermaid, get Kaiba a straight answer. Yami sat up abruptly and walked nearer to the water.
It would be alright to rent a boat using Kaiba's name, right? After all, this mermaid business was concocted just for him. Yami would take a boat, get it out to sea, and lie on the boat, away from the people yet away from the beach as well, and just stare at the sky. Just staring at the sky would be enough for him. He would also keep an eye out for mermaids should they suddenly appear in the sky. Yami continued walking; he had spotted a small building near the ice cream carts that had a sign reading `Boat Rental.' It didn't get any easier than that.
The man behind the counter's name was Malik. Malik leaned casually on the counter and watched the beach goers with distaste. How many years had he worked here? How many years had he been standing in the exact same spot renting out boats? Malik didn't know and didn't care too much. He loved the ocean very much and was only sad that he couldn't get a job in a better location. Besides which, Mako paid rather well.
Malik shifted his weight onto another foot and ran a hand through his beige-colored hair. He was so bored and business was very slow. Not too many people wanted a boat.
“How much to rent a motorboat?” a man asked. Malik nearly jumped from shock, and nearly jumped again seeing the other man's strange colored hair. Instead, years of practiced boredom glued the expression to his face so that only an eyebrow rose instead.
“Can you drive one?” he asked back. Malik knew that he shouldn't patronize customers, but this time he couldn't help but wonder.
“I'll figure it out.” The tri-color haired man answered coolly with his crimson eyes staring at Malik. “How much?” he asked again.
“How long?” Malik answered with his own question. “The rates are on the sign above,” Malik pointed, “20 dollars an hour. That's 225 pesos too.”
“Charge it on a man named Seto Kaiba.” Yami said, waving a hand in Malik's direction.
Malik's bemused expression appeared for only a moment. “And how do you expect me to find this `Seto Kaiba', sir?”
“Ask around. Someone will know him.”
“A criminal?” Malik asked again.
“Try billionaire friend.” Yami suggest helpfully.
“Whatever. The boats are down on that side of the beach.” Malik pointed to the right side without even reacting to the word `billionaire', “I'll get is running for you and…”
“Me.” Yami finished. “Just me.”
“Right.” Malik said. He glanced at Yami oddly.
In a matter of minutes Yami had a crash course lesson in how to start, stop, drop anchor, and steer. Malik was done and walked back up the beach and back to the booth.
What he found shocked him and made him nearly jump again.
Another customer?
At first Malik was going to jump from the fact that the man looked exactly like him, until he realized it was the sun and the reflections on his sunglasses. Then, Malik nearly jumped again from the fact that the man still looked like him without the sunglasses. His eyes were also lavender, and his hair the same beige color, although spiked up.
“Can I help you?” Malik asked. This time, his practiced boredom was wearing out. He could feel his eyes widen more and more.
The man stared at him with nearly pupil-less eyes in a strange demonic stare.
“Did you know that man?” the stranger asked.
Malik didn't know if he nodded or not in his breathlessness and alarm.
Yami was out to sea when the stranger came asking for him. He was so far out to sea that the anchor was already down and he was lying down in the boat, and staring at the sky like he planned to. The day felt nice and he didn't ever feel like leaving. Perhaps he'd do this everyday. While Kaiba and Jou were out visiting places, he'd be here staring into the mystical blue. Yami had not taken the sun into account though, but he shielded his eyes with his arm and peeked out slightly into the `safe' parts of the sky.
He sighed and tried to sleep. He felt awfully tired, but that could have been from staying up nearly all night last night. Yami settled down and covered his eyes completely with his arm. Sleeping on the ocean, that's what he was doing.
Then…Yami felt the boat rock back and forth and something bump from underneath him. He sat up quickly and grabbed the edges of the boat, afraid it would overturn itself. He glanced nervously out.
Amethyst eyes stared back at him.
A/N: I want to say so many things right now. First, inform me of grammatical errors. Second, it's winter, so my writing of summer may be off. I'd notice more details be able to describe things better had it been summer. Bare with me.
Another note: The huge fish in Xel-Ha is true. Those things are…larger than my kid brother! They're nice too, but intimidating.
Pesos is generally converted times 10. However, the exact thing is 12 point some. When you trade American dollars, you get times 10. When you shop using pesos, it'll be 12 point some. I'm not saying anything about Mexican people though. That's just the way the economy works.
Ok, this chapter is the start of some major PLOT. I think people can accurately guess ahead now…or at least try to.
I'm a bit disappointed with my writing style since it's humorous. I need to learn how to write drama again. Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter!
Thank you to my reviewers!
Chelley Angel: Yeah. I want to know too…I'll just have to brainstorm! I'm pretty sure that I'll mention it more and more down the line. Also, yes, I'm cruel to Yami. I'm glad you `voted.' I sort of set up the poll just to see what everyone felt. Thanks!
Dark Raven, Hiei's Girl: Well, yeah. Thanks. Although Yami is wearing a white t-shirt underneath. Maybe I should edit? Thanks for the review!
Master Elora Dannan: Ta da! They have `met.' God, I'm so evil to my readers. The suspense is painful, right? Well, how's this for original?
Shy: I shyly loved your review! I'm glad you appreciate the fic. Also, Ryou is my favorite too. (It's just that he's not a main character in this.) Thanks for the review!
Rose: I wore my PJs inside-out and backwards. It got me a two hour delay from school. Thanks for reviewing!
Demon Surfer: Yes. It was obvious! Anyway, Yami only gets the sun block. I'll start looking into fan service though. Also, I have a friend who is obsessed with dragons. You two would make interesting friends. Blah. Thanks for the review!
Medoriko: Well, there's more of Jou in this chapter. Thanks for reviewing! I'm glad you like this Fanfiction.
Hikarinotenshi15: I like Yuugi too. He is very cute, like you've said. Thanks for telling me! I'm glad you like the fic!
Rin-almighty-yaoi-lover: Here's your serving of Yami! The chapter has a fair amount of him. Anyway, it's nice to hear that I can change people's opinions of characters. Thanks for reviewing!
Hikari's-dark-side-08: Wow. Thanks for the offer!
Carmen5-Nemrac: There's nothing to forgive. I'm fine if you forget to review…we're human, I'm human, and I do it too. I love Ryou as well, and I'm glad you like the dragon. I went into major brainstorming mode this week and I've figured out a basic idea of how Bakura would fit in. I just need to tweak the details…oh, and I can't tell you. Sorry. Not even my friend, Death, knows about him. Thanks for reviewing though!
Tayko: They've `met' now. Thanks for the review…I don't mean for you to pick though. Just knowing a bit is enough for me.
Lady Shinigami: Oh. Holy. SHIZNESS! I just…stared at first at your review. Then I started reading and laughing and thinking of clever replies. So…yes. I do miss you and your large reviews that make Fanfiction writers very happy. It's all right that you were busy. People are constantly busy…and you excuse was top notch. FMA rocks. Also, is contagion a word? Cuz if it is then it's a pretty darn cool word. We shall make people fear our contagion! Also, thanks for liking the name. I was busy for two hours bouncing back name ideas with a friend of mine. Eventually I got tired and my mind was being uncooperative so I went on babynames.com. You can search for meanings…so that's how I settled on Aquarius. With you review, I promise that I won't stop. I will never not update for more than one month if I can help it. (Don't know about my summer this year, sounds booked so far.) I'm so glad that you think this is a good story though! Yay! Goodness shall rain over the land contagiously! So, you can identify with Yami! Double Yay! I've heard of hormone stuff too…but threatening to live in a hobbit house? Are you sure that's legal? What if a bunch of lawyers come after you? Gah! No exploding head! You don't even have to pick. Every character is wonderful, happy, cheerful, and kind. Of course you'd like them all! (Dripping with sarcasm as you will see in later chapters.) Also…Yeah, I've had trouble with the other fellow too. He's just so…OTHER. Wow…this is me at 10. No wonder my mom tells me to sleep early… (A thank you for reviewing if I accidentally forgot in my 10 o'clock state.)
Pharaoh Atemu's Angel: Wow! You reviewed so quickly! (This explains why you're all the way down here since I scroll down the review page.) I'm glad that you like both Yuugi and Yami. The both of them are very good characters. Thanks for commenting on individual things that you liked. I'm really happy that I know some exact things that people like. I hope you've enjoyed this chapter. Thank you.
Thank you for reading this extra-long chapter. Please review!