Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Weapons Of Mass Seduction ❯ Veggie Breakfast ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Starfire here! This is my 1st fic so be gentle! And review when you're done reading. I don't want to hear her whining for weeks afterwards.won't whine! *pouts*Like hell you won't!muses are mean.......... Anyways! Enjoy the fic! I'm sorta winging it so don't yell at me if it sucks. I'm using an odd pairing so if you don't like it, leave. Ryou/Otogi/Bakura

I moan loudly as I reach my peak. It's like nothing I've ever felt before! I slam into once more before exploding into him.
"Damn it!" I growl as I wake uo. I was dreaming about him again. I hate only being able to dream about him! Not to mention the ever-present problem it causes me.
"Otogi!" Ryou calls from the other side of my door.
Speaking of the devil........
"Yeah?" I reply sleepily.
"I made breakfast if you want some," my new roommate answers. "I managed to get Bakura out of the house for a while so you can eat without him trying to jump you."
Damn. I love it when the demon half to my angel flirts with me every time I leave my room. I don't know if he truly means what he says while doing it, but I'll bet if I agreed to take him up on it, he would do it.
"I'll be out in a minute!" I call as I get out of bed.
I go over to my beauruo(sp?) and pull out a pair of skin tight, black leather pants and an emerald green muscle shirt. Then I go over to a little box and pull out a matching dice earing.

~Ryou's POV~

*Thanks for giving me some time alone with him Kura!* I send through our mind link.
::No problem, hikari. You need to put a move on him if you ever what to be with him because if you don't, I will.::
*.O.K., Kura. I'll do it this morning! I hope he likes us. Or maybe......... Kura! I have an awesome idea!*
I tell him about my idea and we plan to do it tonight. I can't wait until Otogi is ours!
He comes down the hallway and I think I'm drooling. He looks like a god! Those pants and that shirt cling to every part of his body!
"What's such a special occasion to be so dressed up?"

~Otogi's POV~

Do I really need an occasion to dress like this? I ask in my head.
"Just wanna look sexy when we're finally alone," I answer in a flirtatous tone. I want them both! Damn it! Ryou looks beautiful without trying, and Bakura has that sexy demon aura surrounding him.
Ryou blushes before saying, "I think you've been around Bakura too long."
"Maybe I have, or maybe I just feel flirty today."
He laughs before saying, "Bakura feels flirty every day!"
"That he does, Ryou, that he does. Now what'd you make for breakfast?"
"Pancakes and veggie sausage!" he exclaims happily. Ryou and I are veggitarians. Bakura can't go a meal without meat. Maybe Ryou and I could change his mind one day.
We were finishing off breakfast when Bakura walks through the door with a shopping bag.
"What's in the bag, Kura?" Ryou asked with a smile.
"Lollies!" he exclaims with a hyper grin.
"Uh.... how many of those have you eaten so far?" I ask nervously.
"Only a bag! I LOVE lollies!" he giggles before pulling out three more bags of lolly pops.
"I see that."Review & I'll try to update ASAP!!Just fucking review! Yeah! Maybe she'll leave us alone after this story!on a cold day in the Abyss you 2 ^_^