Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Weapons of the Gods ❯ The Legend of Kappa Neo ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“The gods cannot allow one who has performed such service to perish by his own hand.”
In the land of Egypt, the gravekeepers tell of the Unnamed Pharaoh, and his quest to defeat the dark god Zork. With the power of heaven, the Pharaoh waged war upon the servant of the dark god, the Thief Bakura and his Ka Diabound. However, even with the aid of the 7 millennium items and his priests, the pharaoh was unable to defeat Zork. In order to save his people's lands, he sealed the dark god and his own soul into him millennium puzzle, to wage war in another time, with new allies on both sides.
This is the story the gravekeepers tell.
It is a lie.
Though this story is what most gravekeepers know as truth, and the Pharaoh himself will see as his final hours when the final battle comes, such is not the truth. It is merely the work of the gravekeepers to hide the greatest secrets of Egypt, ones that could result in the fall of the very earth.
For you see, The Nameless Pharaoh survived the battle with Zork, using the magic of his Millennium Puzzle to seal the dark god away. The Pharaoh would go on to rebuild Egypt, anoint new priests and continue the great legacy of his forefathers. But it would be what happened next that would cause the gravekeepers to cover up the past.
The Pharaoh discovered a young peasant girl working as a slave within his palace, and seeing the strength that she possessed, disguised her as a man and made her his personal bodyguard, protecting him from the forces that sought to destroy him. More so, the two fell in love and began a secret affair, the Pharaoh even planning to make her his queen.
It would be during this time that a mysterious man would enter the city of Onimod, the new stronghold of the Pharaoh. In his hands he held the Millenium Dagger, the shadow item that would inspire the Pharaoh's father and Uncle into making the Millenium items. The man would enter the palace in secret and be captured by the peasant girl, the Pharaoh whipping him in the throne room till he was stopped by the Priest Seto. The Priest remembered this man from his childhood, and knew that angering him could be catastrophic.
This man was Kappa Neo, the last of the Clan of the Cross-Swords, a Medji warrior. The Pharaoh's father had sent Kappa Neo and his warriors to fight the Nubian armies, and for 8 years, they did battle, till only Kappa Neo and the very God of the Nubians were left. Kappa Neo killed the grand immortal in battle, cleaving his head from his body with his enchanted blade, and spent 12 years wandering in hopes of finding his home once more, dragging the head along with him.
Upon being freed, Kappa Neo became a direct threat to the pharaoh, holding him responsible for the acts done by his father. He also took a great interest in the Pharaoh's lover, talking to her in private when he could. The Pharaoh feared that he was either trying to seduce his love, or worse, planning to kill her.
To save her from the Medji warrior, The Nameless Pharaoh and his too-be-queen agreed to seal her soul into the Millennium Heart, a gift the Pharaoh had given her as a sign of his love. When the Pharaoh felt it was safe for her to return, he would restore her soul to her preserved body, and they would wed.
But it was not to be.
Kappa Neo learned from Priest Seto of the ritual, and for reasons unknown, went into a rage. He burst into the temple, slaughtering the guards as he went, painitng the walls with their blood. He stopped the ceremony, and as he cradled the peasant girl, learned the awful truth: By entering when he did, he had prevented the priests from preserving the woman's body, leaving her soul trapped in the heart. Kappa Neo let out a cry of fury, blaming the pharaoh for this, and began to attack the priests, using his dagger to skin them alive, leaving only three present safe: The Priest Seto, who had warned him of the events, the Priest Mana, for her teacher had been the student of Kappa Neo's dear friend, and the Pharaoh.
You see, the Pharaoh snuck behind the warrior, and struck him in the skull with his puzzle, knocking the proud Medji out. He declared that Kappa Neo would be tied to a camel and be sent out into the desert to die.
It is here that the story should end…but the gods, they had other plans for Kappa Neo.
Near death, Kappa Neo fell from the camel's perch and watch it run away, leaving him naked in the desert, only his dagger to comfort the pain in his heart. The goddess Nephthys took pity upon the man, and could not support the crimes the Pharaoh had done upon him. She saw that Kappa Neo as a man that had been sinned against, and she would aid him in his revenge. Nephthys knew the truth that no one else did: That when the Pharaoh's father sent Kappa Neo away, Kappa let behind a wife, Shima, daughter of the Priest Phinisis, teacher of Mahando. Upon his return, he had found her dying. None but the gods and the Medji general know what she told him before the final moment, but it is known her final words: `At the Palace.'
Nephthys kissed him upon his brow, returning his strength, and dressed him in fine armor. With these gifts, Kappa Neo made his way to the Mediteraian, and toegher, the two made their way to Greece. There, they met with the goddess Athena, who, seeing the strength of Kappa Neo, took them to the foot of Mount Olympus and told them to climb it if Kappa Neo wished to have his revenge. The two climbed up the Mountain, where Kappa Neo was greeted by a surprise: The Olympians took him and gave him the ambrosia and the nectar, transforming him from a man into a immortal: Kappa Neo, the God of Chaos.
More so, the Gods gave him their greatest warriors, the Army of Light. Warriors that needed neither sleep nor food, they would do whatever the gods commanded them to do. To lead these group of immortal soldiers, 9 of the Greek gods gave to Kappa Neo a weapon, each enchanted with great magic to aid him in the coming war.
Kappa Neo, Nephthys, and Athena lead the army of light to the walls of Onimod, and with the terrible power of the 9 Greek weapons, the new god of chaos waged his war the Pharaoh. Soldiers died by the hundreds by his hands alone, and by his own dagger he destroyed the great wall of the city, and soon he entered the throne room and attacked the Pharaoh. The two, each wielding a millennium item, did battle in the shadow realm, each drawing blood from his opponent. But in the end, the Pharaoh could not challenge a god and did the only thing he could: he sealed his own soul into his puzzle, to be safe till the day he was needed once more.
Kappa Neo, enraged, emerged from the Temple to find a greater nightmare: Athena had struck down Nephthys, betraying her and beginning her attack upon the innocent people of Onimod. Kappa, ashamed at what he had caused, cast off the ill gotten godhood and became a man once more. He gathered the last of the soliders as well as the last two priests, and together with Nephthys, drove Athena from Egypt and sealed the army of light away, shattering the 9 weapons.
Little is known after that day. What is known is that Priest Seto would become Pharaoh, and to the surprise of many, took the Priestess Mana as his queen. Their heirs would survive the fall of the great Egyptian kingdom and move into the middle east, then later asia, where they would slowly die till only one family survived: The Chitoshis.
The Greek Gods, with the loss of the war and their army, faded into history, as did many other gods.
The Pharaoh's puzzle would be locked away, untouched for 5000 years, till it was discovered by the legendary gambler Solomon Moto. Solomon would give this puzzle to his grandson, Yugi, who would free the Pharaoh and join forces with the spirit to try and save the world from the darkness of Zork.
The peasant girl, Kaikou's, soul would be split in two and kept by a woman, Diane, who would marry the last son of the Chitoshis, and after her death would leave it to her two eldest children: Seto and Raia Chitoshi. After being separated at the orphanage, Raia would find her brothers, now called Seto and Mokuba Kaiba, and the twins would piece together the heart, unlocking the soul of Kaikou into Raia's body.
Of Nephthys, little is known. All accounts say she watched over Kappa Neo for all time.
And Kappa Neo, his fate is most known. After the battle of Onimod, he left Pharaoh Seto and entered the desert to wander. The gravekeepers say that he is still out there. For you see, when he cast away his godhood, Kappa Neo became something else…beyond life or death, beyond even the gods. He became an immortal bein of chaos, a master of light and darkness, forever living, with the dagger that allowed him to kill the very gods. None would dare face him…none could stand in his wake. And so, he is still wandering the world, under a new name, a new persona, waiting for the day he can take his vengeance upon the Pharaoh.
That day has come at last.