Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Weapons of the Gods ❯ Live Fast ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

As Ian emerged from yet another group therapy, there was one thing that could make him smile. That was the teenager that was waiting outside, having sat around the office an extra hour, with a duffle bag at her feet and a smile on her face. Despite how annoyed he was that he ahd just sat around listening to some people talk about how they had suffered from the `bee dream' again, that all faded when he saw Kagome waiting for him to be done.
He ran up and grabbed her, twirling her around slightly, cuasing the girl to giggle. It had been a week since that fateful costume party, and already, both ahd noticed the change in their relationship. Kagome seemed less…timid, more comfy around him. She had always tried to remain a bit more civil with him during their first few minutes of talking, and slowly warm up to him. Now, she had no problem yelling at him the instant he did something wrong or kissing him when he did something she agreed with.
And Ian had seen himself change over the week, though slightly. The biggest thing was that he hadn't woken up screaming in terror,which meant most of the guys in his room were being a lot nicer to him. He had also found himself, maybe due to good nights rest,maybe due to having someone that actually gave a damn about him…developing a bit more of a back bone.
He had confessed this to Kagome 3 days ago.
“You mean to tell me…you have been acting brave since we met?'
Ian had nodded. “I use to have to wake up an hour early in order to convince myself to get up and see the shrink, I was that afraid that someone would make fun of me.” Kagome had given him a startled look.
“And you let me make fun of you?”
“You are the first person who's done so that I don't mind.”
Kagome had treated him to ice cream after that.
“How are ya beautiful?” Ian said with a smirk.
“Great.” Kagome said. She leaned in, whispering as she did. “I have a surprise for you…something to see if we can't…jumpstart your memory.”
Ian raised an eyebrow. “This might be interesting.” Kagoem twirled a finger in his hair, and then raised an eyebrow. “I'm…uh…growing it out.”
Kagome grinned and the two ran out of the office, heading to Kagome's house. After they left,Dr. Christan stepped out of his office.
“Did they meet again?” He asked. The receptionist nodded, and he stroked his chin. “I wonder…”
“this is the surprise!?!” Ian shouted.
Kagoem frowned. “Yes, it is!”
Ian looked at her,his eyes narrowed. “A picnic near a tree we use to go to, that is a surprise to jog my memory. Seeing old photos, that is a surprise to jog my memory. Kissing sweetly while listening to our song, that is a surpise to jog my memory.” He looked at, enraged. “Sword fighting in front of your little brother is NOT a surprise!”
“I am not her little brother!” Shippo shouted. “And who are you anyway?”
“Ian.” He said.”
“You use to do this all the time!” Kagome shouted.
“No, I have never lifted a sword in my entire life.” Ian shouted back.
Shippo scratched his ehad. “Kagome's boyfriend…you seem familiar.”
“Feh!” Ian remarked.
“Now I know I have heard that before!” Shippo said, trying to figure out who the young man reminded him of.
“Darn it Ian, just give it a try!” Kagom screamed.
“No!” Ian shouted. “I don't feel like it.” He walked up to a tree, trying to pull himself to the top branch. “Come on…I know I can do this! I did this all the…what are you laughing at?”
Kagome was laughing hard, watching as Ian kicked his legs in a vian attempt to get up the tree. Shippo was looking at the two of them, thinking that it was amusing but not THAT amusing.
“Ian…stop…just stop…” Kagome walked up to him, wiping hertears away. “You are doing it all wrong.” Ian glared at heras she crouched, and then jumped up,grabbing the branch and managing to get to the branch with ease. Ian growled and miicked her,before he reclined back on the branch. He glared at Kagome, trying to stay mad…till his stomach let out a deep growl.
Kagome burst into laughter again.
“Are you sure about this Kagome?” Her mom asked. “We haven't…you know…had this since Inuyasha…”
“Trust me on this.” Kagome said with a smile. She looke at the pot and sniffed, grinning. “Juuuuuussstttt about ready.”
It's a good thing Ian doesn't have Inuyasha's nose. Kagome thought. That would ruin the surprise.
Kagome watched as Ian walked in the room, followed by Souta, Shippo and her grandfather. Ian was still in a bit of a bad mood, after he had found out what he had thought was going to be a sweet time together had devolved into sword practice. Kagome had made a deal with him: Eat dinner here, swordfight later.
“Why does yoru little brother always wear those strange costume pieces?” Ian asked, pointing to Shippo's tail and ears. Shippo frowned as he looked at Ian.
“Stop laughing at me! They are real!” He froze, expecting Ian to look at himin shcok…but Ian merely smirked.
“Well, get in your highchair.” He smirked. “though, if I had to sit in one of those, I would be delaying it at all costs too….runt.”
Kagome raised an eyebrow. The Inuyashaing of Ian is going well.
Shippo looked at Ian for a sec, then scrambled into the high chair. He paused, and moaned, realizing that he had just gotten into the thing OF HIS OWN WILLPOWER.
“Shippo, don't smash your head on the high chair.” Kagome's mom said.
“eating with demons…” Her grandfather muttered. “I need more purifying scrolls.'
“What are we having, if I can ask?” Ian looked at his empty plate. “Or are we doing “pretend you have food” night, like at the orphanage?”
Kagoem smirked. “We are having Ramen.”
Everyone froze, looking at Ian. He shifted in his seat a lift, suddenly wishing he had decided to take up that swordfighting. Souta and Grandpa were surprised, Shippo and Kagome's mom were startled.
Kagome'smind had just been blown.
“You've…never had ramen?”
Kagome looked at her mother, and faster then anyone could comprehend, had taken Ian's plate and dished the noodles out. Ian pokedone of themwith his chopsticks, curiousat why she was going so nuts about him never eating them. What was wrong with never having ramen?
He lifted a noodle to his lips and took a smile bie, glancing at Kagome,who was sitting their with a silly grin on her face, and the rest of the family,who were about as confused as…
“Holy…” He said, the noodlehitting his tongue. It was as if a flavor bombhad been dropped in his mouth. He brought the bowl to his greed mouth and began to slurp down the ramen. He finished it in five seconds flat, and helped himself to another helping. He didn't notice Shippo's jaw fall.
“…..INUYASHA!” He screamed, leaping from the highchair and latching onto Ian's head. Ian fell from his chair, his empty bowl spinning on the ground. “How did you get here? Why is yoru hair black? Why didn't you tell me you were back?”
“Kagome!” ian shouted. “HELP, it's attacking me!”
Kagome lifted Shippo off of Ian and told him to calm down, and that she would example everything. Shippo nodded, still staring at Ian in awe.
Ian got up, and after picking up his fallen bowl,dished himself more ramen. However, he couldn't help but notice everyone's stunned looks. Sota gently took his chopstick and poked his arm, jumping back when Ian let out a `hey!'
“Let me explain.” Kagome began. “This is Ian, we all know him, right?” Everyone nodded absently. “Ian is the reincarnation of Inuyasha.”
Everyone stared at ian, who was feeling subconscious. Part of him wanted to storm off, avoid the eyes. The other half just wanted to hide under the table.
“Uh…long time no see?” He ventured.
Kagome's grandfather stood up. “This isn't a reincarnation! The demon has possessed yoru friend!” He grabbed Ian and dragged him out of the house, Kagome giving chase, Ian hollering in panic.
“Well…” Kagome'smom said. “That was different.”