Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Raine ❯ Leaving on a Jet Plane ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Welcomed Raine

Bye Dark_Wolf

Disclaimer: Don't own nothing except for Noel Blankenship, Dr. Blaine, Cadenza Raine Wheeler, and Eric Cameron.

Chapter Two: Riding on a Jet Plane

Summary: Raine and Eric race against time

A/N: I hope everyone is enjoying this story. I'm enjoying writing it. Please forgive any typos or misspellings, also I don't know the Japanese language at all, the majority of what I do know I learned from reading other fan fictions, so please forgive me for not using many Japanese terms, if I get more comfortable with the language, I will be sure to use more of it. Again, thanks for reading and leave a review why don't you.

Raine was very, very pissed off at the moment. She was so mad that she was shaking, and her long-time room-mate and best friend Eric Cameron was staying well away from her. She at the moment was yelling into the phone trying to get a plane back to Japan right away. Eric walked into his room and began packing his suitcases. He smiled at the thought of Raine, he had known the girl for six years now, and he was still surprised that they were friends.

To the un-knowing observer, it would seem strange for the two to have as close a friendship that they did have; but they were closer than family, they shared everything together. The good and the bad. Raine liked to say that they were family, and Eric was inclined to believe it.

Cadenza Raine Wheeler, Raine or Cade to her friends, hadn't changed much in those six years, she still stood about 5'9", she had waist-lenght burgandy hair with purple, black, and silver streaks running throughout it. Her form was pure sin, she possessed the grace of a feline and the breasts of a goddess. (He was a man, he was allowed to look at her breasts every once in a while) Her face, though was her calling card. She had high cheekbones that were off-set by her startling eyes. They were a silver in color with a faint rim of light purple around the iris. She said the eye color was a genetic defect, but Eric had his doubts. When they were in High School Raine had discovered her talent for art and creative writing, putting both to good use as a published author of several anthologies of poetry that had been quite sucessful, as well as working as a graphic designer and artist for a small-time comic book that dealt mainly with supernatural and mythological aspects.

Eric, on the other hand was an up and coming lawyer and was the complete opposite to Raine, where she was dark, he was light. He had been cursed with his Nordic blood. He stood an overwhelming 6'9", had shoulder-length blonde hair that was tied back into a braid at the moment, His muscular frame supported his body quite well, and his eyes were a startling shade of sky blue. He had played football in high school, and still worked out whenever he could.

The two friends met in their senior year at high school. They hit it off immediately, discovering that their personalities meshed almost like the belonged together. Thek had dated for about two months before the broke up, saying that kissing the other was like kissing their sibling. The two were the same age, Eric being only two months older. Since Raine had just had her birthday on Halloween, that made them both 23. Raine had been accused of being as frigid as a penguin stuck in an icebox in the middle of the Artic, but that was just to people she didn't know, and didn't like. To their small group of friends, she was a loving, funny individual that only turned into the ice queen when someone pissed her off.

Eric had finished packing his two suitcases and his carry-on back pack while thinking and he heard Raine still on the phone with the airline so he went to the hall closet and pulled out Raine's luggage set and proceeded to her room to start packing what he knew she would take. He kept her bedroom door open so he could hear what Raine was saying. What he heard only made him laugh.

"Look you overgrown ape. This is a family emergency. I'm telling you for the last time, I know your airline has non-stop flights to Japan, and I also know that one of those flights lands at Domino City airport. So, don't tell me you don't know what I'm talking about."

A silence was heard as the man spoke to her. "Okay, then tell me this. Is Kurt Hampton working today?" The reply had to be in the affirmitave, because Raine cursed and shouted into the phone, "The what the fuck am I doing talking to you! Put Hampton on the phone right now buddy, before I have your job!"

Raine turned to address Eric while she waited for the line to be transferred to Kurt, "Don't forget to pack my deck. I don't go anywhere with out it."

"I won't. You know that I never go anywhere without mine as well. I still don't know why we didn't attend the Battle City Tournament last year."

"Finals you dumb shit! Anyways, in case I forgot to mention it, we'll be staying at the Kaiba Mansion. Apparently my brother is friends with Seto Kaiba."

Eric sweat-dropped, nothing seemed to phase Raine, but he knew that she was worried about her brother and sister and was extremely mad at her so-called parents. He just shook his head and said, "Man, this is going to be some vacation. Are you going to call Mr. Tagjaki?"

"As soon as I get off the phone with Kurt." There was a slight pause then, "Speak of the Devil. Hey K-Man, what's hanging?"

"Besides my dick, Rainey, not much. What can I do for you today?" Kurt Hampton was a distant cousin on her mother's side and he was always willing to pull a few strings for family.

"Well, I just got a disturbing phone call from Joey and Serenity. I have to get to Japan as quickly as possible. I mean, like leaving within the hour. Can you help a cousin out?"

Kurt sat up in his chair, and pulled his lap-top closer to him, "I think that can be arranged, they're still in Domino City?"

Raine breathed a sigh of relief, "Yea. Marus beat Joey pretty badly and from what Serenity told me, Alicia doesn't seem to give a damn. I have to get over there."

"Give me just a minute. Have you called Mr. Tagjaki?" Mr. Tagjaki was Raine's solicitor in Japan, he was responsible for making sure that Joey and Serenity got through college and had money to live on. The funds were held in trust with Mr. Tagjaki as the only person, besides Raine herself that could touch the funds.

"No, I'm going to call him as soon as I get the ticket situation straightened out. Kurt, I may be staying a while in Japan, if I do and Eric decides to stay with me, can you ahndle shipping our stuff to us? You can put the furniture in storage, and let the land lord know what's going on. Bruce understands if he won't get a month's notice from me."

Kurt nodded, eventhough he knew Raine couldn't see it over the phone, "It will be taken care of. Did you call Grams yet?"

"I will before I leave, they may be calling you to arrange a ride over."

"Already taken care of. Your tickets will be waiting at the check-in, you leave in two hours. You'll be on the ground by six in the evening Japanese time. Is that good enough for you. Right now, it's the best I can do." Kurt started another form to get tickets ready for their grandparents.

"Thank's cousin. I appreciate it. I'll let you go so that I can make the necessary arrangements and make sure Eric packs what I need him too. I'll let you know when I get there."

"All right, Rainey, take care. And give the squirts my love."

"Will do, K-Man. Talk to you later." Raine hung up the phone and porceeded to call the international number that would put her in contact with Mr. Tagjaki, after a minute the line was picked up.

"Mushi-Mushi, who's speaking please?"

"Tagjaki-san, it's Raine."

"Raine-kun, what's wrong?" The eighty year old man knew that it had to be important for Raine to call. They usually kept in contact through email and msn instant messenger.

"Marus has been beating Joey. Apparently for a long time. Serenity and Joey called me from Kaiba-sama's mansion. I'm leaving for Domino in two hours. Can you get in contact with a good lawyer? I want guardianship for Serenity taken from my mother and given to me. I also want you to start the proceedings to get Marus put away for a long time. Keep that on the underside for right now, I'll let the police have what's left of him after I get done."

"Raine-kun. It will be done, but be careful when dealing with Marus. Don't go getting hurt, okay?"

"Arigato, Tagjaki-san. I'll be careful. I'll be in to see you as soon as I can after I land. Eric will be with me."

The two said their good-byes and hung up. Raine then called her Grandparent's house in San Diego. When the line was picked up, Raine rushed to explain, "Gram, I got a call from Serenity and Joey."

"Oh my, what's wrong?" Beatrice Callahan, a 73 year old retired school teacher looked as if she were only half her age, her long auburn hair had no grey in it at all, the only real clue that she was as old as she was were the laugh lines around her eyes.

"Marus beat Joey pretty badly. It's not the first time. I'm leaving in two hours. Eric and I are going to Domino City. Gram, Alicia doesn't care anymore. I'm suing for custody of Serenity. I was hoping you and Gramps would have my back."

Bea sighed, and knew that Alicia had just burned her last bridge with her family, "Can't say as I'm surprised. The last I talked to Alicia was three years ago. Yes Za, you have our support. We'll get things toned down here and be on our way as soon as possible."

Raine released the breath she had been holding, she hated the fact that she was making Bea and Alan choose between their youngest daughter and their grandchildren, but she was relieved that they were going to back her, "Kurt is already getting things arranged on his end, call him and let him know when you can leave, I have to go, I want to get there early so I can get through security."

"Understandable. I love you, Za. Give Joey and Serenity our love and let them know we'll be there soon. Take care, Za-girl. And don't do anything rash."

"You know me, Gram, I'm always careful." Raine smirked at that and Eric and Bea both burst out laughing.

"Yes, careful not to get caught. I assume you've called Mr. Tagjaki?"

"Already taken care of. I'll call you as soon as we land, okay?"

"Okay love, bye." the line went dead and Raine turned to Eric. "Are we ready to go?"

"Yep, as soon as you grab your necklace we're off."

Raine nodded and walked to her jewelry case, she got out a silk wrapped package and unwrapped it to reveal a golden choker with Egyption heiroglyphs etched on it and a dangling pendent with the Sennen Eye. They left their apartment and drove to the airport.

An hour and forty-five minutes later, a plane took off from LAX and was flying over the Pacific Ocean headed toward Domino City Japan.

A/N: Thank you so much Zani, for your lovely review. I hope you all enjoy this next installment of my adventure. I'll try to update regularly, but with school and work, it may be difficult. Again, R & R!