Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Raine ❯ Everything is Possible ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Welcomed Raine

By Dark_Wolf

Disclaimer: Nothing is owned by me except for the original characters mentioned previously, and of course, anyone who doesn't seem familiar. Also, if the use of songs is brought up, I can guarantee that I don't own the lyrics, I will state who does when I use them. The works of poetry that will be used at a later date, are however mine, unless stated otherwise.

Chapter Three: Everything is possible.

Summary: The YGO gang receives an interesting phone call.

A/N: Hey, it's been only a few hours since I finished chapter two, and already I'm on chapter three, did I forget to mention that I way too much time on my hands? Oh well, writing for enjoyment is better than doing homework.

The gang had all retired to guest rooms to try to get some more sleep, it was now six in the morning, and while it was thankfully a Saturday, the whole group wanted to be awake to greet Joey and Serenity's sister. In the room that Malik and Merrik usually stayed in when they spent the night at Kaiba's, Malik, Merrik, Isis, and Rashid were talking.

"Isis, what does your necklace tell you about what is to happen?" Malik asked his older sister.

"It hasn't told me anything. Which is kind of odd, all things considered. I guess it is up to the fates to decide. But I wonder..."

Merrik picked up on her thought, "Wonder what Isis?"

"Before the call was ended, Joey called his sister Raine. But the entire time they talked, Serenity and Joey referred to her as Za. The girl's voice sounded familiar, didn't it?" Isis turned to Rashid.

"Yes it did. I think I know what you're going to say. It might be possible that Joey and Serenity's Raine is the same person as our Raine. Certainly their last names are the same, but there must be thousands of Wheeler's in the States."

Malik was bouncing on the bed in excitement, "Are you telling me that we might be seeing Raine again? That Joey's older sister might be her?"

Merrik nodded, agreeing with Isis and Rashid, "It is entirely possible, Aibou. It could very well be Raine."

"All right! I'm going to get to see Raine again! Woohoo!" Malik jumped off the bed and proceeded to do a happy dance, swiveling his hips and jumping up and down in excitement. He resembled a five year old in a candy store.

Merrik, Isis, and Rashid all laughed and then cautioned, "Malik, do not be getting your hopes up. We could be wrong."

Malik stopped dancing and pouted, an alligator tear snaking its way down his cheek, "Okay, I'll calm down. But I have a feeling that you were right and it is her, after all, she told Kaiba that Eric Cameron would be accompanying her."

They nodded, but agreed to wait patiently for the time to come when they would meet the missing Wheeler. The four settled down on the two double beds and were soon asleep, thankfully remembering to turn the ringer off of the phone that was on the nightstand between the two beds.

In Joey's room, everyone was awake. That everyone consisting of Serenity, Joey, Tristan and Seto. They had been quietly talking about options and wondering when Raine's plane would land.

Tristan, much like Isis had picked up on Joey's slip of the tongue earlier and asked, "Joey, what is your sister's name? You and Serenity had been calling her Za, and then before you hung up you called her Raine. I'm just curious."

Joey smiled at his best friend, He is so cute when he's curious, Woah, Wheeler, did you just think that? Oh my god! I'm hot for Tristan! Oh boy, I can't let on, it would ruin the best friendship I've ever had, excluding the friendship with my sisters. "Her name is Cadenza Raine Wheeler. She usually goes by her middle name, but when we were very little, Za created nicknames for us. She called me Jo-Jo and Serenity Wren. So we started calling her Za, which is just the last two letters of her first name. It's a habit that's stuck. I only call her Raine when I'm upset."

Seto nodded, "That's understandable. We're all upset after what happened to you. Which brings me back to my question. Why didn't you want Dr. Blaine to file a report with the police?"

Serenity smiled, "Because, he knows that Raine is on it even as we speak. She'll take care of Marus, and I wouldn't be surprised if Mom got a very interesting phone call sometime soon."

The phone ringing cut off their conversation, and Seto walked to answer it, " Hello this is Kaiba."

"Kaiba-sama, this is Tagjaki with Infinity Law Offices. I'm calling on behalf of Cadenza Raine Wheeler, would you be so kind as to put me on speaker phone so I may address you all?"

Kaiba did as asked and said, "There, how can we help you, Tagjaki-san?"

Tagjaki smiled before speaking, Kaiba reminded him of Raine, both strong personalities, "Joey-kun, Serenity-kun. Raine-Kun called me just hours ago to let me know what happened. I am her solicitor here in Japan, and will be more than glade to help you with anything you need until she gets here, which will be by six tonight according to your cousin Kurt. I was told to relay a message to you both concerning the actions that Raine-kun will be taking upon her arrival. Serenity, you will have much say in what is about to occur. Your sister is going to start proceedings to have custody of you stripped from your mother and transferred to her. She understands that you have a life here in Japan, and is more than willing to transfer here."

Joey gasped while Serenity laughed, Raine was coming home to stay, they would be a family again! "But what about her job with Megadon Comics?"

"She has arranged a leave of absense and will be sending her drawings and such by email or by air-mail. The company has agreed with her and they are working on the how to's as we speak."

Serenity asked, "And Eric? What about him?"

"Mr. Cameron has the choice to go or stay, but knowing how close those two are, and that they consider eachother family, he will more than likely stay to help support you two. He loves you both just as much as Raine. Since his parents' deaths in his freshman year at college, your grandparents have mostly adopted him, so he is basically family. If he chooses to stay here, he will be offered a job here at Infinity."

Serenity clapped her hands and Joey gave a choked laugh, "We'll all be together! Oh great!"

"I am glad you are happy. Now, I must go, since I need to get started with all that she has asked me to do, don't forget, she'll be at Domino City Airport at six this evening, I believe it is gate 23 B."

"Mr. Tagjaki, wait a moment. I have one question." Kaiba interrupted, "What will be done about Marus Wheeler?"

"Raine-kun will take care of him. She has said that she will let the police have what's left of him after she's finished. I can only hope she doesn't kill the man, eventhough she'll never be jailed for it. I do not wish to be in Mr. Wheeler's shoes when she sees him, Raine is a fearce fighter, the best in the states."

With that the call was ended and Serenity looked to her brother, "See. I told you she'd kick his ass!"

The three men laughed and Joey nodded, "Watch your language, Wren. Just because Za and I have potty-mouths doesn't mean you need to have one as well. And I had no doubt in my mind that she would make him pay. But I do agree with Tagjaki-san, I hope she doesn't kill the bakayaro."

Tristan yawned and said, "I'm beat, I'm going to my room and take a nap, I'll get everyone up at five so we can head to the airport, okay?"

Seto agreed and the two men left the room, leaving Serenity and Joey to curl up on the big king-size bed to talk about Raine and Eric and finally fall asleep. In just under twelve hours, the Wheeler family would be re-united again.

A/N: Hey all, chapter three is up! Yay me! Homework sucks and this is much more fun. Actually, my work is done for the weekend. So I'm going to get as many chapters up as possible before I get too busy. Zani, Joey's Gal, thanks for the wonderful review! I appreciate them greatly. And yes, Zani, the personalities of my original characters are based off people that I know. Raine's potty-mouth takes after mine. Well, I'm going to get started on chapter four, so as always, thanks for the reviews, and keep them coming.