Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Raine ❯ True to Form ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Welcomed Raine

By Dark_Wolf

Disclaimer: I own only that which I create. Anything to do with Yu-Gi-Oh, being its characters and the game is owned by it owner....some big-time corporation. Thank you. The work of poetry in this chapter is owned by me. The title is Mirror Image.

Chapter Four: True to Form

Summary: A conversation of unusual topics

A/N: Yes! Chapter four cometh! Don't have much to say, so let's get on with the show!

Shadi was comfortably seated in the aisle seat of Flight 2931 from Cairo Egypt to Domino City Japan, seated next to him, by the window as Solomon Mutou, Yugi's grandfather. They had met up in Cairo, where Solomon was helping a friend of his with a dig. Since the flight had taken off an hour ago, the two had found themselves conversing about many things. From the millenium items, to the recent Duel Monsters Tournaments that were going to be held in a few months. At the present moment, both were silent, Shadi was thinking of why he was being called to Japan, and Solomon was reading a book of poetry that he had picked up at the gift shop.

"You seem very engrossed in the book, Mutou-san. Is it good?" Shadi asked.

"Yes, it is actually. The author's way of writing is indeed strange, I've heard good things about her, so I decided I'd pick up a copy." Solomon smiled, "So far, I'm not disappointed."

"Who is the author?" Shadi asked, only to gasp in amazement when he recognized Cadenza Raine Wheeler's pen-name of Demonique Chancollor. Solomon caught the reaction and asked, "You know of her?"

"Yes, I've met her quite a few times actually. She's a very interesting character. Would you mind reading me one of the poems, I'd like to see if she's kept true to her original form of writing."

Solomon nodded, "Certainly, it would pass the time. Our flight lands at six this evening, right?"

"Yes, we should be on the ground in a few hours." Shadi was glad, he wasn't really comfortable flying in a machine. But he knew it came with progress.

Solomon cleared his throat and said, "I'll read one of the shorter poems. It's slightly off the wall, but is pretty decent. The title is Mirror Image."

You say I'm Death. Darkness is my tool.

Pain and destruction my allies; I'm evil, am I?

Selfish and Soulless; Knowing no affection.

You say the fires of war fly on my tail. Weapons and people are merely toys.

Life, sweet precious life, is only a game. And I control all the players.

You think you know m. But I have many names. And many more faces.

I'm evil, aren't I? Totally selfish and soulless; Knowing no love.

You think you know what I am. Everything I'll do, Every life I'll take.

You can't control me. So, you think I'm a monster, do you?

Tell me, Honestly, Do you believe your own lies?

You swear I am the master, I command your Loyalty.

I'm evil, am I? Selfish and Soulless; Knowing no trust.

You say you're no traitor. Not daring to risk my wrath.

Possessing no courage, Save for what it takes to cower Like the

Whipped cur you are. So you think I'm a monster, Do you?

Tell me, Honestly, Do you believe your own lies?

Or are you the true Monster? After all, you're the one talking to a mirror.

Solomon stopped reading and looked at Shadi, "I've been trying to figure out the meaning behind this piece; so far, I haven't found it. What do you think?"

"She knows the Ishtars. She's been exposed to the darkness of both Merrik and Malik's psyches a few times. I think she was trying to put their feelings regarding eachother into perspective. I don't know if this is common knowledge, but Demonique's real name is Cadenza Raine Wheeler. She's Joey and Serenity's older sister. When Marus and Alicia moved to Japan she stayed behind with her grandparents."

Solomon shook his head, "No, I never knew that they had a sister. Now, you say that she's friendly with the Ishtars? What's the situation with that?"

Shadi shook his head, "I'm not at liberty to discuss that quite yet. When we return to Japan, there will be some excitement going on, I can sense that much, but I don't know when I'll be able to explain about Raine."

Solomon nodded his head in understanding and the two settled down to enjoy the rest of the flight.

Meanwhile in the Kaiba Mansion, everyone except for Tristan, who hadn't awakened yet were sprawled out in Joey's room, keeping the man company, they had been told when the flight would land and Yugi and Yami had laughed because it was at the same time that Yugi's grandpa would be arriving as well. When they were told about the phone call from Tagjaki, Bakura had started to chuckle, earning looks from the rest of the group.

"Bakura-kun, what do you find so funny?" Ryou asked his yami.

"I'll gladly help the woman take care of that son-of-a-bitch. We could always send him to the Shadow realm and let our monsters have their fun with him." Bakura said with a sinister smirk.

"I'm inclined to agree with Bakura on that one." Merrik laughed, "I'd like to see Joey's father stand up to the might of a pissed-off Red-Eyes Black Dragon."

Everyone laughed loudly and the laughter woke up Tristan who joine the group shortly.

"Well, at least I don't have to run all over the place to wake everyone up." Tristan laughed as he walked into the room and sat down on the chair closest to Joey's side.

"Nah,Tris. Everyone is too excited to sleep, I think. We were just about to pop in a video to kill some time until you all have to leave for the airport." Joey laughed.

"See, I was thinking about that. I'm going to stay behind with you in case you end up needing any help while the others are gone. What do you think of that?" Tristan glanced at Joey and was surprised when the boy nodded.

"Sounds good to me, you can start now, think you can help me to the bathroom? I'm not sure if my leg can take all of my weight right now."

Everyone chuckled and Tristan helped Joey into the bathroom. When Joey was settled back into his bed, the group agreed to watch a movie. Seto put the Disc into the DVD player and soon everyone was laughing at the antics of Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson in Shanghai Knights.

Once the movie had finished, there was only an hour left until the plane landed, so everyone bid Joey and Tristan goodbye and started downstairs to the cars that were waiting to take them to Domino City airport. Serenity was the last one to leave the room and she turned to Joey and Tristan first.

"I'll bring Raine right over, okay Joey? I know she'll be anxious to see you. I can't believe we're finally going to be a family again!"

Joey nodded and smiled, "Yea, sis. We are going to be back together. I think its about time."

Serenity smiled and took off out the door. The second Joey knew she was gone, the smile disappeared and the tears started falling.

Tristan was by his side in an instant, "Joey, buddy. What's wrong?"

Joey sniffled, "I'm scared. It's been so long since I've seen Za in person, I'm afraid she'll be disappointed in me. That she'll think I'm weak."

Tristan hugged his friend, "Joey, lo-buddy," Whoo, that was close, I about called him love. "Bud, why would she think you're weak? You are one of the strongest people I know."

"I couldn't stop Marus from beating me all these years. What if she thinks that he was right to beat me? What if she thinks I'm a disappointment to her? I couldn't stand it if she hated me." Joey sobbed, burying his face into Tristan's chest.

Tristan rocked him back and forth, waiting for the storm of tears to stop, when they finally wound down, he gently lifted Joey's face up to his, "Joey, that is the last thing she'll think. I heard her love for you and Serenity in her voice when you two spoke to her. We both heard what Mr. Tagjaki said she was planning to do. Both of your sisters love you more than anything in this world. Never doubt how lovable you are. Because you are so giving of yourself to your family and friends. You are so special." With those words, Tristan did something he had been wanting to do for the last five years, he leaned down and brushed his lips against Joey's.

Joey sat still in shock for all of two seconds, then he started to respond to the kiss, what was meant at first as comfort turned into something else entirely. Joey's lips parted and Tristan slipped his tongue into the younger man's mouth, feeling like he had finally come home. The kiss didn't end until they were both panting for breath. Tristan leaned away from the man he had fallen in love with, prepared for Joey's regection of him.

"Tris, what was that?" Joey whispered.

"That was me doing something that I've ached to do for about five years now. I won't say I'm sorry I did it, but I will apologize for not giving you a chance to pull away." Tristan softly replied.

Joey shook his head in amazement, "For five years, huh? Mind if I ask you a question?"

Tristan pulled away and sat on the edge of the bed, "Go ahead." He was fully preparing himself for Joey to yell.

"Why didn't you do this five years ago. I liked it." Joey smiled at the shocked look on his friend's face, "I'm not joking. I think I've always been half in love with you. I just never wanted to admit it until today. It suddenly hit me a few hours ago that I had the hots for you."

Tristan picked his jaw up from the floor and squeaked out, "You mean it? You love me?"

Joey reached his uninjured hand out and caressed Tristan's face, "Yea. I do."

Tristan whooped for joy before gently tackling Joey back onto the bed and kissing him once again, "I love you too, Joey. I have for a long time, now. Want to go out?"

Joey laughed, "Sure. Guess this means I'm the girl in this relationship?"

The two chuckled and settled down to a long, lesiurley kissing session, where Tristan proved just how right Joey was.

A/N: Well, chapter four is up and ready for reading. I'm sorry if the last scene is a bit weak, this is the first time I've ever tried to tackle a yaoi pairing, and I will do my best to get better at writing them. Next chapter, the arrival of Raine and Eric. Please be kind, and review. I'd like to know how I'm doing. Constructive criticism is always appreciated and if you flame, I can start a bonfire and roast weiners and marshmallows.