Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Raine ❯ The Return of the Forgotten ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Welcomed Raine

By Dark_Wolf

Disclaimer: See previous chapters.

Chapter Five: The Return of the Forgotten

Summary: Heart-felt reunions and a few suprises

A/N: Well, it's on to Chapter five, maybe I'll get chapter six up tonight as well, never knew insomnia could be so productive.

Suprisingly, Domino City Airport wasn't crowded as the group of friends walked through the lobby, they weren't harrassed by people wanting autographs and such, after all, the finalists of the Battle City Tournament were all present and accounted for, except for Joey. The troop made their way to gate 23 B and Yugi and Yami continued on to 25 A where Solomon's plane would be docking. They had discovered that Solomon's plane would land first, and Raine and Eric's plane would land about ten minutes afterwards, so Yugi, Yami, and Solomon would be back in time to meet Raine and Eric.

The others sat down in the uncomfortable seats and talked quietly amongst themselves before Seto noticed both Serenity and Malik bouncing in anticipation. He shook his head and asked, "Malik, I understand why Serenity is excited, but why the hell are you bouncing around like you've had too much sugar?"

Malik turned to the CEO and laughed, "Because I can't wait to see if Serenity's sister is my Raine!"

Serenity turned to Malik, "You think you know my sister?"

Isis laughed and Rashid and Merrik smiled, "Yes, we think we do. Malik is quite attached to her if she is who we think she is. And the proof just walked in." She turned to Shadi, "Hello, cousin. If you are here, then I will assume that Serenity and Joey's sister is indeed our Raine."

Shadi nodded as he took the seat next to Isis, "Yes, she is indeed the Raine that you know. I felt the Millenium Pendent calling me and here I am."

The rest of the group turned to Shadi, and Seto asked, "The Millenium Pendent? I thought there were only seven Millenium Items. Now there's eight?"

Yami spoke up at that, "You have kept things from us Shadi? This information would have been helpful last year."

"I understand your feelings, Pharoh, but there is a reason why I was not at liberty to divulge the fact that a missing piece had been found."

Merrik spoke up, his eyes catching the Pharoh, "If you had lost against me, I still wouldn't have been able to rule the world. Raine would have appeared on the scene and I would have given up. I owe Raine a debt I can never repay, and the world would have been safe. Raine's choker would have reversed time and the Tournament would never have happened."

Seto was amazed, "You mean that the Millenium Pendent controls time?"

"Among other things. It has the power to counter-act anything the other items might do, it is the third most powerful item, following the Puzzle the Pharoh and his light share and the Scales, which I own for the moment." Shadi explained.

"For the moment, Guardian. What do you mean by that?" Bakura sneered and Ryou punched his arm. "Stop being rude, Bakura."

"The Scales belonged to the High Priest. Seto, being the reincarnated Seth is the rightfull owner of the Scales, I am here to surrender them into his power. But that is for later. I have to wait until things settle down and Raine can concentrate on the Items." Shadi looked over to Malik and Serenity who were engrossed on watching the passengers leaving the just docked plane.

Seto nodded, "Raine has to be there for this?"

Shadi looked back at him, "For the Scales, yes. She has to judge if you are ready for them yet."

Malik and Serenity's excited squeals drew everyone's attention at that time. "She's here! She's here!" Malik cried.

"I see her! Look, over there, that's my sister!" Serenity was jumping up and down, tugging on Mokuba and Malik's arms. "She's almost through the doors" Serenity dropped Mokuba's arm to point to the person they were all waiting for.

Seto found his heart-rate picking up as his eyes locked on the vision trying to get passed the slowly disembarking passengers. She was gorgeous. Her hair was down, and hanging about her waist, the dim lights picked up on the sliver, black and purple highlights spread throughout the burgandy mass. She was wearing black leather hip-huggers and a midriff cut halter top also in black. She had golden arm bands on both her arms and you could see her golden choker complimenting her tanned skin. I have never, ever felt this much of a reaction to another woman, it's almost as if something is calling me to her. I feel like I can't catch my breath, and the world is spinning. Fortunately for Seto, no one had noticed his reaction, they were all too busy watching the impending reunion.

The second Eric and Raine passed through the doors, Raine tossed Eric her backpack and trench coat and was running towards her little sister, who was running to meet them. The two met in the middle of everyone and embraced.

"Oh my baby Wren. I can't believe how much you've grown." Raine spun Serenity around and set her back on her feet.

"I've missed you, Za. I've missed you so much. Please say you're not going anywhere."Serenity was fighting tears.

"Shh, baby girl. I'm here now, I'm not going anywhere you and Joey aren't at. I promise." Raine kissed her sister's forehead. "Eric and I talked it out, and we're both transferring here. Megadon can just put up with me sending my stuff in and we'll confer via phone and email. I'm here to stay."

Eric's hand on Raine's shoulder drew both of their attentions. "Raine, I think there is someone who needs to see you. Why don't you let me gat to know my new baby sister and address Malik before he pops."

"Malikai?" Raine turned to where the group of friends stood and sure enough, Malik, Merrik, Isis, Rashid, and Shadi were standing at the front of the group. "Malikai!" Raine stepped out of Serenity's embrace for Serenity to only be swept up in a bear hug from Eric. Raine had only taken two steps toward the Ishtars before a blur of tan, blonde and green tackled her in a hug that forced both of them to the ground. Merrik was at their side in minutes, helping Raine sit up with Malik on her lap. Merrik placed his hand on Raine's shoulder and squeezed it in greeting before directing his attention on the sobbing Malik.

"Raine, Raine, Raine. You're really here, You came back." Malik gripped her in a fearce hug, afraid the woman would disappear.

Raine returned the hug and began kissing Malik's hair, forehead and cheek. "It's all right, little one. It's all right. I'm here. I came back. I'm not going anywhere from now on. I promise."

Isis had to wipe away a tear. No one truly knew just what the relationship was between Malik, Merrik and Raine, but now to see it, she knew that this was a family reunion. Rashid wrapped her up in a one-armed embrace, offering his support and she gladly accepted it.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I couldn't be stronger. I'm sorry." Malik mumbled over and over again.

Raine released the hug and placed both hands on Malik's face to force him to look up at her. "Come now, baby. There is nothing to be sorry for. You did nothing wrong. I promise, you did nothing wrong."

"But I wasn't strong enough to stop Merrik. I wasn't strong enough to prevent the Rod from corrupting him. I let Merrik possess Joey's mind. I'm so sorry."

Raine sighed, "I forgive you. You tried to stop it, I know you did. Merrik is responsible for his own actions. I know he's sorry now, and I swear to you, I could never be mad at you."

Malik's tears quit and he gulped, "You mean it?"

Raine nodded and kissed his cheek, "Swear it. I love you Malik. You're part of my crazy mixed up family. I could never be mad at you. Now, let me up. Dry your eyes. You're starting to worry Merrikai, and you know he's an awful worrier."

Malik giggled and stood up. Merrik reached down to help Raine up and the second she was on her feet she turned to Merrik and slapped his face with enough force his head was jerked back.

"You know exactly what you did to deserve that, you over-grown psycho. You were to protect Malik, not force him into his soul room and go about your crazy end the world scheme. Yami was Pharoh for a reason. I supported that, why couldn't you?"

Everyone was silent, waiting for Merrik to draw the dagger hidden in the Millenium Rod strapped to his waist and slit Raine's throat. They were shocked when all he did was bow his head and nod.

"You are right. I did deserve that. I shouldn't have done what I did, and I'm trying to atone for my sins. I know I have no right for forgiveness, but I am sorry. I let you down, misused the trust you placed in me and for that, I am ashamed."

He wasn't expecting to find his arms full of woman, and he glanced down into Raine's face in amazement. "What?"

Raine stood up on her toes to brush a kiss over his cheek, "My grandmother once told me that forgiveness isn't earned, it is given. No matter what you did, or what you will do for that matter, I will always forgive you, Merrikai. You are part of me, even though you don't like to admit it. I see the good in you."

"But I took over Joey's mind, I put his life in danger, as well as Tea's and Yugi's. How can you forgive me?"

"Did they?" Raine looked over towards the group to see the smaller man with tri-colored hair nodding as well as a pretty brunette. "See, they did. And I know Joey has, because he told me so. You helped my brother realize just how strong his spirit is. I will always forgive you."

Merrik smiled, and for the first time in his long, long life, the smile was genuine, "Thank you, Raine. Thank you so much."

Raine nodded and with a last kiss to his cheek, she stepped away from the embrace and addressed Serenity who was quietly talking with Eric. "Wren. Don't you think its time to introduce me to your friends? We need to be going soon, because I want to see Joey."

Serenity nodded and walked to her sister, dragging Eric along by his hand. She took Raine's hand and turned to the group of friends.

"Well, you know the Ishtars." Serenity pointed to them, and Raine nodded, "Hello you three. I'm assuming we have things to talk about later, but let me get settled in first, we have time."

The three nodded and Serenity pointed to Ryou and Bakura who were standing next to them, "This is Ryou Bakura and his yami Bakura. Ryou is the protector of the Millenium Ring." Raine nodded to them, "It's nice to meet you."

Merrik spoke up, "Bakura is a very good friend of mine."

Raine smiled at him, "Oh, another psycho, hmm?"

Everyone laughed and Serenity went on to introduce Mai and Tea, Solomon Mutou, who was impressed when Raine bowed to him, then Serenity pointed to Yugi and Yami, "This is Solomon's grandson, Yugi, and Yami, the spirit of the Millenium Puzzle."

Raine stepped away from Serenity and Eric and bowed towards Yami, "It is good to finally meet you, Pharoh and hikari. I hope we have time to talk soon."

Yami and Yugi returned the bow and Yami said, "I too hope we may speak soon."

Serenity giggled and pointed to the last two of the group, Seto and Mokuba.But Raine spoke before she could introduce them, she addressed Mokuba first, "Ahh, Chaos, I presume?"

Mokuba's jaw dropped, "How did you know my screen name?"

Serenity chuckled gaily, "Mokuba, you've chatted with her quite a few times. Seto has too, Raine's screen name is Dark_Eyes."

Both the Kaiba brothers were shocked and Serenity and Raine laughed. Raine turned to Seto and executed a perfect bow, "It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Kaiba-sama. I wish to thank you for the offer of a place to stay and also for helping my brother."

Seto returned the bow and said, "Please, call me Seto, or Kaiba, don't bother with that sama bull shit, I tend to hear it a little too much at work. It is my pleasure to help. The Mutt is a friend, and I've been told over and over again, that friends help friends." The last had been said with a smile towards Yugi who blushed but smiled back.

Raine nodded, "As you would. Please call me Raine."

Serenity nodded and laughed, "Her real name is Cadenza Raine Wheeler, but no one ever calls her Cadenza. She'll answer to Cade or Raine, but prefers Raine. Only Joey, Eric and I can call her Za. And the big man to my side is Eric Cameron, Raine's best friend and surrogate brother. I guess he's my surrogate brother as well."

Eric drew everyone's attention at that, "I prefer to call Raine Bitch."

Raine laughed, "Shut up you homo. I don't need you to make our sister's potty-mouth even worse than it already is. Joey's been telling me about it. Speaking of him, isn't there one more to your group? One Tristan Taylor?"

Serenity nodded, "He stayed back at Mokuba's to help Joey, I'm sure you'll meet him later."

Seto glanced at his watch and spoke up, "We've been here an hour already, I think we better be getting back, Tristan and the Mutt are probably wondering what's taking so long."

Everyone agreed and they went to the baggage claim so Eric and Raine could grab their luggage. Once that was done, the large group exited the airport and got into the cars waiting for them. They headed back to Kaiba Mansion.

A/N: Well, chapter five is up, I'll probably get chapter six up sometime after I get home from work. Hope you're enjoying the story so far. Please, give a gal a break, read and review! Whether you love it or hate it or are somewhere in between, I'd like to know how I'm doing.

And as I said last chapter, all flames will be used to start a bonfire so I can roast weiners and marshmallows.....Man, I'm craving a S'more right now. =)