Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Raine ❯ Take Down the Flag ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Welcomed Raine

By: Dark_Wolf

Disclaimer: I do not own anything but for those characters, and places that are the product of my own mind.

Chapter Ten: Take Down the Flag

Summary: While at the Duel Monsters Club, Raine returns something to Jo-Jo, and the entire group witnesses Raine's wrath upon former family.

A/N: I am completely psyched, I've made it to chapter 10! And even though the review only number a few, I am so appreciative of everyone who has reviewed, and am so happy that I've reached over 300 visits. I've read some awesome fan-fictions, and I realize that while my little old story can never compare to the genius of those authors, such as Shadow of Light, Tiger Serenity, and Yzkariel just to name a few; I would love to hear feed-back. Whether you like it or hate it, let me know so that I can try to improve upon the story.


<Yugi to Yami>

<<Yami to Yugi>>

(Ryou to Bakura)

((Bakura to Ryou))

{Malik to Merrik}

{{Merrik to Malik}}

\Raine to any yami or hikari\

|yami to yami|

~hikari to hikari~

^yami to Raine^

=hikari to Raine=

"is regular speech"

this signifies thoughts or Lyrics, depending on my mood.

* flashback *

Seto had been ready for a few hours, he really didn't see the point of spending over an hour to get ready for something. He sat in his study, with his lap-top on and was quietly looking at figures and trying to see just how much it would cost in labor and hours to get his pet-project, the VR game back on the go. He thought back over the week since Raine had arrived. She had brought a change into their lives, and he couldn't help but think that more was to come. Raine made his heart pound, what at first he had thought was a temporary reaction to a beautiful woman had turned into lust. He wanted her, and he was man enough to admit it. 'She is so out there, it's like every time I see her I'm falling. I've never been so stuck on a girl, when I go to sleep at night, I dream of her, when I wake up, its to either a raging hard-on or sticky sheets. I don't know how much longer I can stand to do this. Something has got to give.' He finished his report, and closed his lap-top, leaned back in his chair and looked up at the roof of his personal refuge. His study reflected his love of Duel Monsters, Blue-Eyes White Dragons flew on the ceiling and the walls were painted to reflect the mountains where they made their home. He loved it in here, and never let anyone but Mokuba actually set foot in the room. He had even let Mokuba paint a picture of the Magician of Black Chaos on the wall by the door. Not many people knew that Seto could paint, and that he was quite good at it, he liked to keep it a secret, Mokuba teased him by saying it didn't look good for his cold as steel CEO persona, Seto tended to agree.

A knock at the door halted his thoughts, and he casually sat back up and hollered, "Who is it?"

Raine's voice sang out, "It's your personal assistant, who do you think it is, boss man?" Raine chuckled and she slightly opened the door, "Mokuba told me you might be in here. I don't mean to intrude on your solitude, but I was wondering if I could ask you a question?"

Seto motioned to the wing-backed chairs in front of his desk, "Come on in, sit down and ask away."

Raine walked into the room and finally registered the full effect of the room, she stopped and stared all around her, "Oh Ra, this room is beautiful! Seto, it's absolutely amazing! Who did the pictures? How much did it cost you?"

She turned around and smiled as she saw the three dragons frolicking in the air, the other assorted monsters standing by homes that were representative of the fields they were strongest in, Magician of Black Chaos in the Dark Field, Silver Fang in the Forest, and so forth. She was delighted, the room felt as if it were alive, as if she were actually there.

"I painted most of them, the Magician of Black Chaos was Mokuba's picture, the only thing I had to pay for was the paint and brushes. You really like it?" Seto growled at himself, he had sounded like an unsure boy.

"Yes, I love it. I can't believe you can paint so well, you brought everything to life." Raine continued to the chair and sat down. She looked at Seto and smiled, "Doesn't do much for your cold as ice personality does it?"

Seto laughed and shook his head, "I'm only cold at work anymore. Having friends really changes a person."

Raine silently agreed, thanking her lucky stars for her friends, both old and new, "I spoke to my grandfather just a little while ago, finally told him all about my plans for Alicia, he agreed that taking legal action would be best, but he says the only way that I can hope to gain custody of Wren is if Alica proves to be an unfit mother. I don't want to drag both Jo-Jo and Wren into this battle, but it might be the only way. My question is, do you think you can back me up in court? I'm positive that I could win, but having The Seto Kaiba ready to go to bat for me, may tip the scales in my favor." The last part had been said with a smile. "So, Master of the Scales, what will it be?"

Seto looked at her funny, he didn't own the scales yet, she hadn't said that he was worthy, "I'd be happy to go to bat for you as you say. Whatever you need, just ask. So, when are the family going to get here?"

Raine laughed, "Gram and Kurt have been busy trying to get the papers together, I guess that they already have someone interested in buying the house and Kurt's condo. I've sent Tagjaki over to the states to look over the papers to make sure they aren't getting screwed."

"Tagjaki was willing to leave? You must be a very important client then." Seto smiled at her, and was amazed at her answer.

"Tagjaki has been a family friend for a long time, he and my grandfather met when my grandfather was stationed in Tokyo shortly after he and Gram got married. They immediately hit it off, and have kept in contact for a long time. He was our eyes and ears when Marus drug everyone to Japan, but he couldn't guess everything. When I got to college and sold my first book I contacted him to set up some investments and such, that's how I made my money, Tagjaki is a genius with finances, he's even better with legal workings."

"I was wondering why he seemed to consider you three as grandchildren. I guess that explains it."

Raine nodded and smiled at the thought of her surrogate grandfather, "Marus's family has nothing to do with any of us. Tagjaki took the place of my dad's father in my eyes. I value his insight and his wisdom. Now, enough of these maudlin thoughts, I have one more question for you."

"Shoot, I'll answer if I can." Seto smiled at her.

"I know that Joey lost his Red-Eyes Black Dragon to a Rare Hunter during the Battle City Tournament, and I know that someone won it from that same Rare Hunter, but I've never found out who had done that. I'd like to try to get Jo-Jo's card back for him, I can feel the dragon calling out for his master. Do you know who has it?"

Seto nodded, "Yugi and Yami won the card from the Rare Hunter, after the Battle City Tournament Yugi tried to give the card back to him, but Joey refused. He said that Yugi had won it fair and square. I still remember that battle between Yugi and Joey when Merrick was controlling Joey. I thought that they would both die, Yugi turned the final attack back at himself, so Joey, after throwing off the control, could escape. Joey wouldn't let that happen, and in desperation, he called out for the Red-Eyes to attack him and take his life points to zero as well. Now that I think about it, Joey hadn't played any card that would let the dragon hear and obey him."

Raine laughed, "The Red-Eyes is bonded with Joey, he considers Jo-Jo his master. It's no wonder that he listened when his master called for him, especially if it helped to save Yugi, whom all the monsters see as the ruler of the Shadow Realm's soul-mate. They would have done anything to prevent both of them from dying. Even your Blue-Eyes's, Seto, would have helped."

Seto was amazed, "How do you know these things?"

Raine's face slightly paled and she drew a deep breath, "I haven't been sleeping well these past few nights, I'm remembering more of my past life, who I was, and what power I held. I think I've visited the Shadow Realm in my dreams, I've talked to your dragons, as well as almost all of the creatures. Exodia is still sulking because he can't be played anymore. Why is that?"

"According to Yugi, on the way to Duelist Kingdom, Weevil Underwood took the Exodia cards and threw them overboard. Yugi and Joey tried to go after them a but only managed to recover the left leg, the right arm and Exodia himself. He's missing two pieces."

"Seto, I love you. You just solved my whole problem!" Raine jumped up and ran around the desk to kiss Seto's cheek, "I'm going to talk to Yami and Yugi right now! I'll be back in a bit." Raine took off out the door to the study, and quickly made her way to Yami and Yugi's room. She didn't notice the shocked look on Seto's face, but Eric, who had been looking for Raine when she burst out of the Seto's study had, he laughed as Seto stared in a daze in the direction that Raine had gone.

"Seto, my man, you have it bad." Eric chuckled as Seto finally focused on him.

"It's that noticeable is it?" Seto whispered, still in a mood.

"Only to those who know what to look for in the cold as ice types;" You're secret's safe with me. Though I think it is time that we head to the living room, most of the group is waiting for everyone else to arrive. We are going to have a fun night tonight. Maybe if we're lucky Raine will consent to duel."

"She duels? I knew she had ties to the Shadow Realm, but I didn't know she dueled. Is she any good?" Seto was interested, he always loved a good duel.

"Yea. Took Bandit Keith's title away from him this year, also beat Rex Raptor, Weevil Underwood and of course there was the small fact that she's battled and beaten Pegasus once upon a time. That's how she has her favorite card in her hand, Pegasus was in the middle of creating the God Monsters and had stumbled upon an etching picturing Anakzana and her favorite creature, the Dark-Eyes Silver Dragon. The dragon has the attack and defense points of the Ultimate Blue-Eyes. He created the monster into the duel monsters, and right before Duelist Kingdom, he challenged Raine. She won, took the card and told him that he needed to grow up. I sometimes think she still feels guilty for saying that to him. Like that may have pushed him into madness."

"Well, I'll be damned, I keep learning the most surprising things. Do you Duel also?" Seto asked, a devious grin settling on his face.

"Not really, I do sometimes, but its mostly for fun. I'm not as good Raine, or even as some others. I just tend to sit back and laugh at people who challenge Raine. Why? Thinking about challenging one of us?"

"Well, that club does use my duel disks. I thought it may be fun. I wonder where Raine took off too." Seto laughed.

"Don't know, don't care to know. If I didn't love her so much, I'd probably have killed her before her now. She can be one strange creature." The two men laughed and walked into the main living room where everyone but Yugi, Yami and Raine were waiting.

"Eric! I thought you went to get everyone?" Serenity asked.

"The Pharoh and Yugi were about ready, I found Seto, and Raine took off for someplace like the fires of Hell were on her tail. She'll be back soon."

During that time, Raine had ran back to her room, and dug out her deck and her back-up cards. She quickly shuffled through her back-up cards and found what she was looking for. She grabbed her trench coat and dashed to Yugi's room. She turned the corner and nearly ran right into the Pharoh.

"Pharoh! I'm sorry! I didn't see you there." Raine gushed.

"It's quite all right. And please, call me Yami. I think its time you did so, after all, you were my closest adviser in our past. What can I do for you?" Yami asked as he and Raine fell into step walking back to Yugi and Yami's room. They entered the door and Raine addressed both men, "I have a proposition for you. I was told that you are missing two cards that you need to complete Exodia. I happen to hold within my back-up deck the two missing pieces, since I don't call Exodia forth very often, my pieces are quite new. I was wondering if you would be willing to trade the Red-Eyes Black Dragon for the two pieces of Exodia."

Yami's jaw dropped in shock and Yugi quickly pulled their deck out of the compartment that was built into his belt, "I know why you're doing this! You know that Joey won't take the card back because of pride, so you trade the pieces of Exodia to us to get the card and then give it to Jo-Jo as a gift. He would never turn a gift from you down. Isn't that right?" Yugi gushed.

"Yes, Angel, it is. That is exactly what I am going to do, and not just that. I've hunted down the three remaining Red-Eyes Black Dragons. In my travels and my dealings with the now extinct Rare Hunters, I've acquired quite a few rare cards. I traded for the cards in my deck, or I won them. My gift to Joey are the four Red-Eyes's. I'm giving them all to him, including my own Red-Eyes, which was the very first card I ever received."

Yugi sweat-dropped, he couldn't believe what he was hearing, Yami was in a state of shock as well, "Raine, you are truly the most amazing sister any one could ever have. To hunt down all the Red-Eyes and then to give up one of your own. That is self-less, he'll love it." Yugi squealed, wrapping Raine up in an impromptu hug.

"You are protecting him again, aren't you?" Yami asked as the hug ended and the three started to walk to meet the others.

"I'm remembering more about my past life, I'm feeling the full extent of my talents and power more and more everyday. The last few nights I've awakened to find myself most likely in the Shadow Realm. I know something is coming, and it is my job to make sure that everyone is prepared and protected. I will be giving everyone two cards from my back-up deck which is just what I call the cards I've bought for some reason, but never used, they had called out to me, like they demanded my attention and wanted to be reunited with their masters. I had to get them, and now I have to return them. It was my destiny to lend a helping hand to the Heart of the Cards."

Yugi nodded forcefully, causing his spiky tri-colored hair to bob back and forth, his bangs slid down into his face and he very cutely, like a kitten rubbing his whiskers, pushed his bangs back into their original place, "The Heart of the Cards is everything. I'm glad you are so in tune with the monsters, and I want to thank you Raine. Since you've come here, its almost like we are all family. I don't think there is a force on this world that can rip us apart."

Raine exchanged a glance with Yami and both silently prayed to Ra to not disappoint the very hot, but still is some ways innocent man, "You don't have to thank me, Angel. I know we all are family. It was written in the stars. Now come on, I can hear Jo-Jo grumbling from here. Let's go!"

The three walked into the room, and after apologizing they exited the Mansion and got into the two waiting Limos to drive to the new club. The car carrying Yami, Tea, Mai, Yugi, Ryou, and Bakura stopped at the Turtle Game Shop to pick up Solomon who would be joining them for the night. Fifteen minutes later the group were being shown to the big VIP table in the center of the club. The dueling arena was directly to their left, actually they were on an uplifted viewing platform that was attached to the arena, they could see both duelists and had a ring side seat to any duel that they wished to view. The wait staff were all very pleasant and polite without seeming too interested in the fact that they had all the finalists from Battle City as well as the United States National Champion Duelist attending their opening night.

Maxwell Shezak, Solomon's friend and the owner of the new club made his way over to the group shortly after they ordered. He graciously bowed to the assembled group and turned to Solomon, "Sol, my old friend. It is good to see you here. I'm pleased you all chose to attend the opening night and hope everything is up to your standards."

Solomon stood up and returned the bow, he then turned to those sitting at the table and said, "Max. The place is grand. I know I don't have to introduce the Kaiba's to you, but allow me to introduce the rest of the group. From my left, they are Shadi, he's acolleague from Egypt, Isis Ishtar, the curator of Egyptian artifacts at the museum, Rashid Vegant, her assistant and a Battle City finalist, Malik Ishtar, and Merrik Ismont, a Battle City finalist, my grandson Yugi Motou, winner of the Battle City Tournament, Yami Mansfield, a friend from Egypt, Tea Gardner, a friend of the family, Mai Valentine, a Battle City finalist, Ryou Bakume, Bakura Montaz, a Battle City finalist, Serenity Wheeler, Eric Cameron, Tristan Taylor, Joey Wheeler, also one of the Battle City finalists, and last but not least, Raine Wheeler, the US National Duelist Champion. She along with her family and Eric Cameron have just recently moved back to Japan to be closer to Serenity and Joey as they go to school. Everyone, this is Maxwell Shezak, he owns the club."

Everyone nodded to the owner and Seto observed, "Mr. Shezak, the place turned out superbly. I am glad to have invested in it. The staff are friendly and quick." At that moment, the waiter returned with their drink orders, and once Maxwell left, they all settled down to have a quiet conversation, shortly after the drinks arrived, their food did as well, they ate and talked until all of a sudden Ryou started to giggle.

"What's so funny, aibou?" Bakura asked his lover.

"Look at the dance floor. Isn't that Rex Raptor dancing with Weevil?" Ryou pointed and everyone craned their necks to see.

"Well I'll be damned!" Raine whistled. "It is Rex Rabid and Weevil Underroos. Hot damn, never thought to see the day that Rex would lower his standards."

"You're just jealous because he turned you down a time or two." Eric teased, causing the whole table, including Raine to burst into laughter.

"Yea, you know me. I'm always jonesing for the short ones." Raine laughed before she let out a piercing whistle, meant for the two in question on the dance floor to hear. "All right boys! Shake that ass! Woohoo!!!!"

Everyone laughed at Raine who by that time was making a spectacle of herself by swiveling her hips and shouting, "Grind it, grind it! C'mon Rex, I've seen better moves on a dead cat!"

Eric turned away from his friend and shouted, "I don't know her!"

Rex and Weevil finally noticed where that voice was coming from and shouted up at Raine, "You Bitch! Why the hell didn't you let us know you were going to be in Japan!"

Weevil followed his boyfriend on that one, "That way we could have skipped the country."

Rex and Weevil walked up to the table where the group was and Raine was on her feet in a moment, The three met somewhere between Yami and Bakura and a group hug commenced. "It's been ages since I last saw you two! How's things going?"

Rex released the hug and laughed, "Going good. I've kept the idiot from cheating for the last couple of months. He's still won a few duels, but at least he's taking pride in winning them fairly. What about you, what are you and Cameron doing here?"

Raine pointed at Joey and Serenity, "Boys, I'm sure you remember me mentioning Jo-Jo and Wren. Well those two are them. Joey and Serenity are my younger siblings."

Weevil did a double take, "No way! Oh man that is priceless. No wonder Bandit Keith hates you so much!"

"Tsk tsk, Underroo. Keith hates me because I wouldn't give him nookie. He just didn't understand that I was saving myself for a certain brunette CEO." With that made up remark, Raine walked over to Seto's chair, quickly pulled it out and collapsed onto his lap. The utter shock on everyone's faces, more so on Rex and Weevil's sent both parties into complete histerics.

"You should see the looks on your faces! By Ra, they are priceless!" Raine buried her head into Seto's chest until she could gain control of her emotions again. When she did she stood up and walked back to her seat to get her trench coat, where she had put Joey's present. "Okay, now that everyone has eaten, and I've shocked the shit out of everyone, I have an announcement to make. And I'm glad that Rex and Weevil are here, because I couldn't have done this without them. So, Jo-Jo, when you thank me, and I know you will, you need to thank them as well.."

She pulled out the envelope that contained all five Red_Eyes Black Dragons in existence. She turned to Joey and with a graceful bow, she handed the envelope to Joey. "What's this, Za?"

"Just open it Jo-Jo. I think you'll like it." she waited with baited breath, as did the five other people who had an idea of what she had given her brother. Joey opened the envelope and pulled out the five cards. His jaw hit the floor, he'd know the two cards on top anywhere. The first one was his Red-Eyes, and the second was Za's. "Za, what is this? Are you giving me all these Red-Eyes's?"

"I'm returning a monster to his master, and giving someone I love and trust more than life itself the partnership with one of my most loyal cards. The other three were lost without their true owner, and now they've found their way home. Joey Sheffield Wheeler, you are a true dragon master. The five Red-Eyes have named you as theirs. I am only the messenger."

Joey shoved away from the table almost violently to embrace his sister, the five cards clutched protectively in the hand that was not in a cast, "I don't know what I did in a past life to deserve you here now, but I thank Ra everyday. Thank you Za. Thank you so much for loving me as much as you do. I only hope I can do the same."

Raine, smiled, a solitary tear marking her face as she buried her face into Joey's hair, the two were the same height, "You already have, Jo-Jo. I am so proud of you. I'm proud of all of you. And baby, I'll always love my little brother, you and Wren will always mean the world to me. All of my family mean the world to me. I am so thankful for being a part of all of your lives."

Everyone nodded, the hikari's and the females fighting tears, Rex and Weevil started to walk away, not wanting to intrude on the family affair, but Joey spotted them, and knowing they were uncomfortable he just shouted after them, "Hey Raptor! Underwood! Thank you for helping my sister. I really appreciate it!"

They nodded in acknowledgment and returned to the dance floor. The rest of the evening passed quietly with everyone exchanging stories about their favorite duel monsters and such until Alicia Wheeler arrived. She spotted Serenity right away, having gone to the dorm rooms to see her youngest daughter. She had been enraged when the RA told her that Serenity was at Seto Kaiba's mansion and would probably be staying there as she had called to have her stuff packed up and ready to move. After calling the Mansion and discovering that they were here, she had quickly driven to the club. She hadn't been told that Raine had returned, and she certainly hadn't been informed that according to the other remaining Wheeler's she wasn't a part of their lives anymore.

Even walking up to the table, she didn't see Raine and certainly didn't recognize Eric, because if she had, she would never have done what she did next. Alicia Wheeler marched right up to Serenity and forcefully pulled her from her seat by the younger girl's long auburn hair, "Serenity Beth Wheeler! I've told you that you are not to ever speak to these people ever again! How dare you disobey me!"

There were tears in Serenity's eyes, her mother's grip was pulling her hair and it hurt, "Ouch , Mom! Quit it! Let me go!"

"Not a chance, little lady! I'm taking you right back home! You should be ashamed of yourself!" Alicia started pulling her daughter away from the table, not noticing her older daughter stand up and start towards them. Eric knew that if Serenity said just three magic words, all hell would break loose, so he stood up to be in a perfect position to pull Raine off her mother if Raine lost her temper completely.

"Mother! You're hurting me!" Serenity cried as she struggled to get free.

"I'm not doing anything that you don't deserve!" Alicia snapped and she turned to her younger daughter and pulled her open hand back, letting it fly towards her daughter. The sound of the slap rang through the group, it was only drowned out by the enraged growl that sounded from Tristan, Joey, Eric, and Raine as Serenity's pale face turned red on one side due to that slap. Raine's growl sounded the loudest. She quickly maneuvered herself in front of her former mother, and if everyone hadn't of been so mad at Alicia's treatment of Serenity, they would have laughed at Alicia's reaction to coming face to face with her daughter.

"Cadenza? Is that you?" Alicia took a step back, she hadn't seen her daughter in ten years, and Raine seemed colder than she did then.

"Remove your hand from Serenity. I'm not telling you again." Raine growled, her eyes flashing, the purple seeming to be lightning striking the ground.

"Now Cadenza, let's not be hasty." Alicia tried to reason.

Raine moved quickly, getting a good grip on Alicia's left hand which was still entangled in Serenity's hair, Raine gripped the wrist in her palm and started to squeeze, she didn't stop until Alicia cried out in distress and released her grip of Serenity's hair, Raine forced her mother to the ground in front of her, following her down so she could whisper in her mother's ear.

"You are a failure as a mother. You didn't protect Joey, and you were willing to let your baby go blind just so you didn't have to call you parents or you oldest daughter. Tell me, why should I spare you?"

"Because you're a good person." Alicia whimpered, in tremendous pain.

"Wrong answer. How about we try another one. Why didn't you protect your children?"

"I tried!"

"Wrong again, I'll give you one more chance, what is the correct answer?"

Alicia whined and tried to slap Raine, but Raine had seen it coming and grabbed Alicia's other hand, both hands were nowimmobolized. Alicia sobbed and finally shouted loud enough for everyone to hear, "All right! I hate them! I hate you all!"

Raine released her mother with a look of shock on her face, "I knew you hated me for some reason, but to hate your babies? What kind of mother are you?"

"I'm the type that is sick of having to sacrifice everything for her whelps, for children she didn't even want in the first place."

Raine didn't think, she hauled her fist back and let it fly, connecting with Alicia's face, sending the other woman to the floor, she wasn't unconscious, just dazed.

"Raine! Back off!" Eric stood between them.

"No! You heard her, Eric! Hell, the whole room heard her! The Whore deserves to die!" Raine tried to get past Eric, but first Tristan, then Merrik and finally Yami and Bakura joined them to keep her from Alicia. Raine was enraged, "Move out of the way you guys. I may love you too death, but there is no way in hell I'm letting you keep me from that whore. I'm not going to do anything to her that she doesn't deserve!"

As the five men distracted her, Seto came upon her from behind and quicklyimmbolized her arms and pulled her back into his chest.

"No! Let me go, let me go!" Raine growled.

"Raine! Quit it!" Seto commanded.

"No! I want to hurt her! She hurt my babies!" Raine struggled against Seto, but her rage made her forget her skills and Seto was too strong.

"Raine. You need to calm down. You are frightening Malik, Joey and Serenity. Stop now, stop and calm down. Take care of your babies. Alicia will be dealt with, let someone else handle it. You need to be there for you babies." Seto quietly whispered this over and over into Raine's ear until finally, after what felt like eternity but had only been moments he felt her body go limp with acceptance. With one last ragged sigh, Raine nodded her head and said, "Okay, you can let me go now. You're right, I need to take care of my babies. Just do me a favor? Keep her out of my sight. I'm not in total control at the moment, if I see her again. No one will be able to stop me from going after her."

Seto agreed and released Raine, the second Raine was free she turned toward the table to see three blurs aiming right towards her, Malik, Serenity and Joey came out of no where and all glomped her at the same time. The four hit the floor and Raine did her best to comfort all three of her babies.

"I'm sorry you three. I shouldn't have gotten that mad. I should have waited." Raine apologized for her actions, but Serenity cut her off, "She deserved it. I know that you want to protect us, and that you didn't do anything that she didn't deserve. We were just scared because we had never seen you that angry. You didn't fight with Marus in front of us. We love you and know you're not bad, but you did scare us a bit."

"Yea sis. You could do no wrong in our eyes. You know that." Joey hugged her harder, forgetting for the moment the air cast on his left leg, the slight twinge of pain from his still healing ribs and the cast on his arm. "We just don't like to see you that pissed off. You don't look like you when your angry."

Malik finished for Joey, "You look like a demon when someone pisses you off. It's scary."

Raine looked up and spotted Mokuba, Ryou and Yugi standing to the side, and she motioned for them to join in as well, she needed the calming presence of all her babies to keep her from breaking through the wall of yami's, Eric, Tristan, Rashid, and Seto as Solomon, Isis, Tea, Mai, and Shadi escorted Alicia out of the club.

She spent the next moments surrounded by her babies, all of them sitting on the floor as Raine tried to ground herself. When the group who had escorted Alicia to her car returned Raine gently removed herself from the massive hug and stood up. The hikari's were already helping everyone else up and Raine turned to Eric. "I'm still raging. I'm not in total control. It's too late for us to spar, but I have got to release some anger now, if I don't you know what will happen."

Eric nodded and looked around, surprisingly, the scene that had just transpired didn't attract that much attention. He spotted the open dueling arena, "How about dueling someone. Would that work?"

Raine nodded, "But, no offense, you're not good enough. I need a challenge."

Seto stepped forward with a grin on his face, "How about challenging Yami and Yugi to a handicap match?"

Raine's face broke out into a sadistic grin, "That would be right up my alley. Pharoh? Would you and your hikari be willing to duel me?"

Yami exchanged glances with Yugi and at the younger boy's nod, agreed, "Indeed, we would be more than willing. Let's duel."

The three mad their way over to the arena and just before they took their positions, Mokuba's voice rang throughout the club from the DJ Booth, "Ladies and gentlemen, for your entertainment tonight, if you would direct your attention to the dueling arena center stage. We have an once in a lifetime event tonight. Yugi and Yami, the undefeated co-champions of Battle City has just accepted a challenge from the US National Champion Duelist, Raine Wheeler. They will be dueling in just moments, so find your spots right now to witness the duel of a lifetime!"

Seto laughed as Mokuba spoke, he turned to Eric who was leading Serenity back to her seat, "That's my kid brother, the future emc of all tournaments."

The three chuckled as the others joined them at their table, everyone grinning in anticipation, this would indeed be the duel of a lifetime.

A/N: Woah! That is some build up to the first duel. I think I'm finally ready to write the duel, and what I'm planning for it may seem a bit much, but oh well. Next chapter, the duel, and whatever else my crazy muse tells me to write. I can't believe the length of this chapter, it just kept going and going. It wouldn't stop, I think Raine was trying to make up for the fact that I haven't updated in a long time.

Again, thanks to everyone who has reviewed. I'm looking forward to hearing who should be the next Millennium Item holder, so don't forget to review and let me know who should get the Eye. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and am looking forward to writing the next one.