Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To My Life ❯ DROP IT! ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I know ya'll love BFK, (also called BTK by accident by loverly Sree… smooooth), but she was banned from the computer for reasons unknown to aliens, yet kown by me, AND NOT YOU. Mwahaha! I'm one of her best friends, and you all know me as Isun! Yeah, I'm the Isun in the story, and I'm proud to be a part of it, just to let you know, this story was written partially by her, and partially by me! So if there's anything that doesn't sound like Terra? It's me… Or my evil twin Skippy; the magical unicorn clown. But she died, so that's highly improbable. -Isun
/over the phone\ means over the phone.
Miriku's jaw nearly hit the ground. “YAMI!” I snickered behind my hand. She still had her Yami plushie in hand. Yami Yugi realized this about when I did.
“Errr…” he stuttered out upon spotting it. Before he could say anything else, Miriku began to spit out rapid-fire questions about dueling. “Umm… I'll just leave now…” He said, attemtping to edge slowly out of the kitchen. Of course, Yami Bakura wasn't gonna let him. He stuck his spiky white head in.
“What's all the ruckus?” He asked… until he too spotted the plushie.”HA! I KNEW we'd find the Pharoah's fanclub somewhere!” I was laughing my head off by then.
“Shut. Up.” Yami Yugi growled, sending a deathglare Yami Bakura's way. ((Quote courtesy of Miriku-sama herself))
“OHMIGOSH! I can't believe I'm actually meeting you!” Miriku was jumping up and down in exitement. “Can I get your autograph?” Insert Sweatdrops Here
Somehow we had gotten off the subject of getting the guys' autographs and onto the subject of life on the plains. Don't ask how… I think it had something to do with me mentioning that history is one of my best subjects, and Malik mentioning that American history was completely foreign to him. Anyway the obvious question had come up:
“But if there was no wood on the plains, what did they burn?” Malik asked.
“Buffalo shit.” I replied.
“… oh.” Malik said, in a “why-the-hell-did-I-ask” tone.
“Yeah. `oh'” I grinned, I love freaking people out with historical facts.
“TERRA! That was not a very nice word!” Isun had popped out of nowhere, along with Emily and Aurora. “Ya know, shit, that is…” They had apparentally noticed my “funky-face-of-utter-`WTF!'-face” look.
“We know…. popping out of a place in which used to be nothing-“
“Nowhere.” Aurora said curtly, explaining what nobody except Emily could probably understand.
“-is May's job, but it was so tempting. We just HAD to!” Emily finished off, smiling and showing off pearly whites. ((I hope ya'll know that pearls aren't actually white, they're off-white. -Isun P.S If anyone ever says you have pearly whites, dentists only, bite them.)) “What's up?”
“Well, Malik is being stupid and Yami Bakura is annoying Yami Yugi. And I'm sitting back enjoying it ALL.” I sat back in my seat.
“Malik is always stupid, silly!” the sounf of a hyper-active girl with too much caffiene and happy-ness filled the room. It was Isun's Yami, Aishe. Yay…. She scares me. “Aw, my hikari has been very rude, ignoring you!” she laughed, “My name is Aishe! And I'm Isun's yami! Bubbly + Cheery + A Yami S-C-A-R-Y.
This of course lead to a p-oed Kemisi, “Why are you so happy all the time!” she snapped, materializing next to me.
I think the question is; Why aren't you?” Aishe said, still grinning. Kemisi snorted and I sighed.
“You know what?” Isun said, “We should have a sleepover!”
“Hey, good idea! That way everyone can meet Miriku!” I agreed rapidly. Miriku, who had been watching this whole thing exchange, just nodded.
“Hey, by the way, this yours?” She asked, holding up a knife made of pure silver.
“Another one?” I whined. Mirikue had already been explained too about the Celestial Items.
“Oh, so this is one of those `Celestial Items'? Cool!” She grinned.
“A Celestial Dagger? Interesting.” I siad, cocking my head to the side, noe more curious than irritated. “Guess it's yours, I mean, I don't want it.”
“Neat.” She said.
“Okay, so there's eight Celestial Items. Wonder if this one has a yami associated with it?” Isun asked.
“I bet it does, it seems to be par for the course for these things.” Emily said, shrugging.
“Well, we'll see at my place! My folks are out of town and I have permission to have a few friends over!” Isun smiled happily, changing subjects.
“A few…?” Malik said smartly, Isun glared evilly at him and he glared back, but one shot of the “Death-Ray-Face” killed Malik though, of course with my help.
Please! Just shaddup, Malik.” Rolling her eyes, the Persian sat down comfortably on the couch next to Yugi.
Bakura looked at Isun, then Emily, then me, then at Isun again, he glanced at Aurora before looking at Isun again, then me, then right back to Emily, where she said, “GUYS! He's doing it again!” Emily pointed at the white-haired hedgehog faced tomb-robber. “He's looking at us like we're freaks!”
I smirked, “And that's a bad thing? Who woulda guessed!” I asked shrugging.
“I wouldn't!”
“We know.” chorused throughout the room.
Ann had popped out of from behind the couch, being… well… you know: A little… er. Odd.
(Random Switch of POVs) -Isun's POV-
Unsuprised by Ann I asked her if she could come over for my sleepover,.
“Sleepover? Is everyone invited? Even the boys? Have the RSVP-ed yet? Well I know the boys are coming, so it's gonna be like co-”
“Yeah, yes, yupperz, and YES. And the party will be co-ed.” I said counting on my fingers to make sure I answered every one of her questions.
“Oooooo, Isun! I forgot to tell you: Katy and Sree are back in town!” Terra grinned a grin bigger than Bakura's ego, which would be from the sun to Pluto… at the least.
((Sorry, Bakura fans, but ya gotta admit it, right? -Isun))
“They called me yesterday. It feels so good to have the group back together!” Aurora said proudly, “The ole' girl group…” she sighed whimsically while Yugi stood up from the cough and jumped up and down waving his arms frantically. Aurora noticed and looked at him strangely, after ignoring him for a while she frowned, “Fine! “The ole' girl group” with some new adjustments, as well as a sprinkling as dudes.”
I leaned over to Terra and whispered, “Dudes being an infected hair on an male elephants butt, yeah!” Emily heard and let out a quick snort before stating that Katy and Sree had actually called her as well, she joined in with the smiling, while Ann looked a little more confused that usual.
“They're back! Yay!” I smiled and did a little dance, earning myself odd looks from all the boys and Terra, whom eventually joined in, “So what's there number? I have to ask them about the sleepover!”
Terra wrote the number down and gave it to me, I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and moved to Terra's bedroom to have some quiet.
“Katy? It's me! Isun!”
/Oh, hi Isun! And it's Sree, not Katy.\
“I thought this was Katy's number, how come you picked up?”
/We share an apartment now! In fact, it's right across from Terra's!\
“That's SO awesome! I'm at Terra's right now, too. I caleld to ask if you would like to join the gang for a sleepover at my place. Can you come? My folks are out of town and they said I could have friends over!”
/Cool! We don't have anything planned for the night besides boring CSI: re-runs, so we can come! Yay-ness!\
“We'll pick you guys up on the way to my place. Now all I have to do is call Lexi and the Double Js.” I said reluctantly, knowing that they would probably be the life of the party, at least with the rest of the guys,
/Double Js?\
“Yeah: Jake and Josh. Just be ready in, like, ten minutes, kay? Love ya!”
/See you then!\ Sree hung up.
I came out of Terra's room to utter discombobulating chaos: Terra was trying very hard to tackle Malik, while Bakura was trying to stop Terra by attempting to get his hands around her neck with Emily and Aurora trying to hold him back. With the least amount of success too, might I add, you could even see Ryou and Kemisi. Kemisi was kicking back in Terra's planet chair watching the whole thing and eating popcorn, and, I thought this was so sad, Ryou was trying to reason with Bakura. I know; Reasoning with Bakura, hilarious isn't it? (It's also an oxymoron -BFK)
Of course I needed to think of some way to stop the madness, and I did. “DROP IT!” Terra screamed as she noticed I was holding one of her Yu-Gi-Oh mangas under the sink faucet with my hand levitating over the water control lifty uppy thingy. (I forget the name, sue me, kay? -Isun)
I set it down and smiled, “That's better.” I paused dramatically, “Now wtf is going on!”
Terra stood up with puppy dog eyes and pouted, pointing at Malik, who was still shielding his head and said in the most serious voice. “He stole my—He stole my marshmallow.” (-collapses laughing- -BFK)