Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome To My Life ❯ Welcome to Miriku! ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

BFK: Yes, the next chapter is here! Yaaay! Don't three-day weekends rule? -grins- By the way, three new chars are now introduced. I'd like you to meet Sree Gadamsetty, Katy Williams, and Miriku Hernandez, who isn't so new to one of my reviewers! -laughs- -curtain behind of BFK lifts up, revealing three people-Sree, Katy, and Miriku- Welcome to Welcome to My Life, girls!
Sree: YAAAY! You finally got around to adding me!
BFK: Yeah, well, after you bugged me on our three-way phone conversation with Isun, it's not like I wouldn't. Now on with the fic!
Revised and very technical disclaimer: I only own Terra, the various yamis, and 7/8 of the Celestial Items. Miriku and Kimiru, as well as the Celestial Dagger, are owned by Miriku-Yami's Queen of the Nile-Yami no Hikari. Used with permission. Lexi owns herself. Josh owns himself. Emily owns herself. Sree owns herself. Katy owns herself. May owns herself. Isun owns herself. Jake owns himself. All used with permission.
Okay, I'm done. On with the fic!
Kemisi's POV
My hikari was not a morning person. And I was. Therefore, I now had charge of getting dressed. And I was evilly plotting. I dug through my hikari's closet for an outfit I found suitable, and did finally find something I was sure would knock the boy's socks off. I grinned. Insert evil laughter here. I walked out of the bedroom, and stepped into the kitchen, where all three boys currently were. Luckily for me, unluckily of the Pharaoh, I was not the only yami in the room-Bakura was in control of his host's body, and that Ra-damned Pharaoh was also in control of Yugi. I couldn't resist. In a highly flirty tone, I said, “Hey Bakura.” He turned around.
“Oh, hey, Kemi-WOAH!” Bakura had turned around, and spotted my outfit. I had pulled together a real knockout, if I do say so myself- a black, midriff-baring, form-hugging tank top, a mid-thigh length black leather miniskirt, knee-high black leather boots, and a black leather jacket to top it all off. The Pharaoh and the Tomb Keeper had tuned around, and were currently staring at me with their mouths hanging open. Bakura was just staring.
“Oh, Bakura, you've seen me in less and you know it.” Once again, I just couldn't resist. Not like it wasn't true, though. Of course, our personal lives are none of your business. The Pharaoh and Malik stared even MORE, but Malik kept looking between me and Bakura, clearly attempting to form a mental image. I sighed. “Don't even try, tomb keeper.” That comment seemed to break the spell I the room, and as I expected, the Pharaoh asked a question.
“You got those out of Terra's closet?”
“She had all this lovely leather sitting around and it was just gathering dust. She's gonna kill me when she finds out, but believe me, the expressions on your faces were well worth it.” I grinned evilly.
“Well, may I comment that you have one banging body?” Malik grinned. Bakura hit him over the head.
“She's my girlfriend, tomb keeper…” He said flatly.
“You're so possessive, jeez.” I rolled my eyes. /Ano…Kemisi?/
/I think I'd like my body back./
:'Tevah.: I mentally shrugged. “My hikari wants her body back and I am obliged to hand it over. `Deios.” I said, before switching out with my hikari.
Terra's POV
I noticed that all three boys were staring at me. “What?” I asked. “You're acting like I sprouted a second head. I didn't, did I?” I asked, laughing.
“…Look at your outfit.” Malik suggested. I did.
“OMGWTF! I didn't even know I OWNED the t-top! Much less the miniskirt! May must've slipped them into my bag when we were shopping or something!” I shouted. “I do have to admit, the boots and jacket are neat, though. I think I'll keep it, if only for the sake of seeing my friend's expressions when they see me wearing this.” I laughed. “I still wonder how she managed to dig this stuff out, though…” I said, grinning. “Either way, I like it!”
“And Kemisi seemed so sure you'd kill her, too.” Bakura grinned.
“What can I say? I like leather.” I grinned, to shocked looks from Malik and Atemu. (Screw calling him Yami Yugi, Yami, or Pharaoh. I'm using his NAME, goddamit!) I grinned eviler. “You look like deer caught in the headlights.” I said flatly, still grinning. Then, my expression became confused. “What…is the plural of deer deer…or deers? I have no idea…”
“Well then, you must be bad with grammar.”
“I is VERY good with grammar!” I snapped back, to laughs from the voice in my head, and all three boys. I had effectively shattered the sexual tension my outfit created. Or rather, the outfit Kemisi had forced me into. Aw, what the hell. “By the way, I heard the rest of the empty apartments on this floor are being filled. They're the two next door to me and the one across the hall, by the way. I'm gonna go see if the new neighbors are here yet.” I smiled and left the apartment, leaving the boys alone in my apartment. Probably not technically a good idea, but I wasn't worried about it at the time.
Indeed, two of three of my new neighbors were there…but I was shocked to see who they were. “Katy-chan! Sreebee!” I hyperactively bounced up and down, recognizing two of my best friends, both of whom had moved away last year. “You're back!”
“TERRA!” Sree glomped me and Katy grinned.
“Air! I need air!” I gasped out, and Sree un-glomped me.
“So, how is life in Dullsville?” Sree asked, grinning.
“Not so dull ever since my TV spit out three anime characters.” I replied.
“Woah, really?” Katy asked. I nodded.
“Can we meet `em?” Sree asked, grinning. I nodded. “They're in my apartment.”
“Which brings me to another question. The hell is with the miniskirt?”
“Would you believe that my dark side forced me into it when she took control while I was having one of my morning-hatred attacks?” I asked.
“With you, I'm willing to believe anything. Now, tell me about these guys.”
“Well, be warned that two of them have MPD. Uh, sorta. Anyway, they have two different personalities: innocent and shy, and, well, different. One of these other personalities is a 3,000-year-old egotistical Pharaoh, the other one's a 3,000-year-old sadistic, psychotic, kleptomaniac tomb robber with anger issues. The third is semi-normal, I guess. Ah, screw it, just c'mon!” I dragged them both into my apartment, just as the guys were leaving the kitchen. “May I introduce yet more of my friends? Malik, Yami, Bakura, meet Sree and Katy. Sree and Katy, meet Malik, Yami and Bakura.” I pointed to each as they were introduced.
“Umm...hi?” Clearly, meeting yet more of my nutty friends was too much for poor Malik. He was confuuused. I smiled.
“The both of them moved away not too long ago…but now they are back and living in the two apartments next door to mine! Which makes me wonder who the new tenant across the hall is…” I mused. “Oh well, guess I'll find out later. You guys get acquainted. I think I'll go change.” I was true to my word, and came out in a t-shirt and jeans. “Can't have the neighbor thinking I'm some kind of freaky ho, after all.” I grinned.
“But you took that risk with us.” Katy commented
“But I wasn't functioning properly yet.” I retorted.
“Oh, yeah. Your innate allergy to early mornings.”
“Not to mention my other innate allergy to anything that teasing boys can flip up.” I crossed my arms.
“…And yet you had on a leather miniskirt not five minutes ago.” Malik said.
“Moot point.” I replied flatly.
“Getting off the subject of my outfit, I think I hear my third new neighbor.”
“We're coming with ya to meet `em!” Sree said, grabbing Katy and dragging her out after me as I went to go greet the new person in the building. It was yet another girl, one who I didn't recognize. She had goldish-brown hair, and brown eyes behind a pair of glasses. I smiled.
“Howdy, neighbor!” She spun around, a slightly paranoid look on her face. I noticed it and grinned. “Don't worry, I don't bite. Well, unless you tick me off. But that's kinda hard to do unless you dare disturb my sleep or my manga.” That got her to laugh. Then, I spotted her Yami plushie. “You like Yu-Gi-Oh?” I asked.
“Yup! Especially Yami. I'm Miriku Hernandez, by the way.” She smiled at me.
“Terra Cooper. These are Katy and Sree, two of my best friends. The other six are…ano…I have no idea where they are.” I shrugged.
“We've gotta go help move in. You two talk anime.” Sree said, and Katy nodded. The two disappeared to their various apartments, to go move in.
“Want some help? And then maybe you can come over to my apartment afterwards. I can make lunch or something.” I grinned as she nodded. As I helped set up he apartment, the two of us chatted about Yu-Gi-Oh, and Miriku revealing that she had a crush on Yami. After much poking and prodding, I blushingly revealed a crush on Ryou. My reasoning-“That accent is just TOO adorable! And besides, he's so innocent, it's impossible to not love him to death.” In any case, we finished unpacking her stuff, and Miriku came over to my apartment where I made grilled cheese sandwiches-five, to be exact. I heard a shuffle, and Atemu poked his spiky head into the kitchen. Miriku's eyes widened as she recognized the diminutive pharaoh, and I grinned. Job done.
BFK: Next chapter will be very, very soon! And I'm sure you're all eagerly awaiting it. :P We get another visit from Shadi, this time to present Miriku with the Celestial Dagger, and she meets the other two guys. Miriku-sama, I need your help now! Give me scene ideas, please!