Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to my Life ❯ Welcome to My Room ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 2 started on 8:24 Thursday December, 2nd finished 5:30 Friday December 3rd

>< Ryou to Bakura <> Bakura to Ryou

Welcome to My Room

Tera-ura had beaten Ryou at Dragon Ball Z 4:1, but he beat her at Mortal Combat 5:2.
After they played those games it was already 8:30 so Ryou had to leave.
The next day of school was Friday and Ryou promised to talk to his friends about the party. He was heading to his first period class when the bullies called.
“Hey it’s pretty boy again. And no girlfriend to be seen! I say we beat twice the crap outta him today.” Chuck snickered.
“I agree with you.” Pek’s voice rumbled in his voice while pounding his fist to open palm. Ryou began to run but since he wasn’t very fast the bullies quickly caught up to him. Ryou shielded his face; Pek punched him the stomach while Chuck gave him an atrocious pair, a black eye with a bloody nose, even with his hands covering his face. Ryou accidently let his thoughts past the barrier between him and Bakura. >Damn these bullies! Can’t they find someone better to pick on?< Bakura received the thoughts in the middle of his jacking-off time and didn’t think it to be the necessary time to help his......buddy.....in the flesh. <Bullies again? Just kick’em in the balls as hard as you can> Ryou did what he was told, trying to ignore the grunts in with his advice, and kicked Chuck as hard as he could in the groin, ducked under, and ran as hard as he could. He bumped into something soft, head on when he was running.
“Ryou? What the hell happened?” Tera-ura asked.
“Chuck and Pek.” Ryou replied with blood leaking out of his mouth.
“Those bastards again?” Tera-ura growled. “I’ll get you cleaned up and take care of them later.” She started walking towards the girls’ room. “I’ll make sure no one is in here first then lock the door.” She stuck her head in the door and waved him to follow. “It’s all clear.” He reluctantly went in after her. Tera-ura took out some peroxide and her handkerchief and started to clean up the red around his mouth with warm water. “Damn them. Why do they favor you?....I’ll make them pay good for this.” She washed her hanky and put the burning liquid on it and started to tend to the other wounds.
“Don’t waste your time. It’s no big deal and it’s nothing new.” He said through clenched teeth and taking deep breathes when the cloth touched the skin that was offended. She finished quickly.
“I will spend my time how I please and I will defend who I wish to. I need to sharpen my fighting skills anyways.” She plainly stated, and left poor Ryou-chan in the ladies’ room. He looked at his watch, saw that he was very late for second period, and did what Tera-ura did, except he didn’t leave anyone behind.
“Excuse me, Bani-dono, I need to speak with Chuck-san and Pek-san. Something very urgent has happened!”
“If you can wake them up, then take them, please.” The teacher practically begged her. Tera-ura walked up behind the snoozing snobs and hit a book over Pek’s head and punched Chuck in the ear.
“Wake up, you imbeciles. I need to,” she took a small breath and sighed out, “speak with you, outside.” Then she walked out of the room. The boys sat there looking surprised, then finally reciprocated her actions. She walked down the hallway for about ten steps and turned around. “I just wanna know wanna thing, you pompous jackasses. Why in the name of hell, are you picking on Ryou? Never mind don’t answer that.” She charged forward and hit Chuck in the nose and hit Pek with her thick braid in the chest, knocking them both back.
“YOU BITCH!!! YOU BROKE MY FUCKING NOSE!!” Chuck was holding his nose. Pek was still trying to catch his breath.
“Don’t worry it’ll look better on you.” She said with a malicious smirk. Pek, getting his respiratory system back on track, attempted to hit her in the neck, which Tera-ura swiftly dodged and brought her elbow down on his upper vertebra, causing him to pass out. Chuck stood his ground with blood flowing out of his nose, and he was breathing hard. He suddenly brought out a small pistol and pointed it at Tera-ura. “Ya know, I would have thought you a great many things, but I never thought psycho would fit you so perfectly.” She hissed out.
“Shut up and die.” He started to pull the trigger when he automatically fell forward, with Ryou behind him with his hands together, shoulder-height and to his right.
“Ryou! You saved me! ^_^” Tera-ura ran and gave him a hug stepping on Chuck going over there.
“Umm...It was nothing...” He wrapped his arms around her back.
“So...I get a distress single drop what I was doing, literally, to come all the way up here, and the only thing that you need is some help with a chick?” Bakura came up to the side of Ryou, who turned toward him resulting in him letting go of Tera-ura.
“It’s not my fault you’re slow, Bakura! You missed how she,” He pointed to Tera-ura, “beat the crap out of those two!”
“Actually you knocked out the bald one...” Tera-ura butted in blushing at the praise.
“Who are you, broad?” Bakura asked, looking her up and down.
“I’m Tera-ura.” She bowed quickly.
“Yea she’s having a party tomorrow. I was there all afternoon she has a great place.”
“Oh so your sleeping with this one? That means hands off for me, right.”
“NO! And right!” Ryou practically yelled while blushing; Tera-ura was to shocked to say anything. While the Ryou was telling Bakura about the fight, Tera-ura turned around and walked out of the school doors.
The next day at twelve in the afternoon, Tera-ura heard the doorbell, from the dojo, ring in her Victorian room. “Who could that be? The others aren’t supposed to be here until 5!” She ran down the flight of stairs, out of her front door, in her back door, and opened the sliding door. “Ryou? Bakura? What are you two doing here? The party isn’t until later!” She exclaimed.
“We,” Bakura elbowed him in the ribs hard. “...err...I thought that you would like some help with the decorations. I brought him along cuz he was bored.” Ryou finished rubbing his ribs.
“Thanks, that’s so sweet of both of you, but I’m almost through. I was getting some decorations from my main room. Are you guys hungry?” She said allowing them to walk in.
“No we just ate.”
“Speak for yourself, hikari. I’m starved!” Bakura’s stomach growled.
“This way. Would you like some miso soup?”
“Sure, I guess” She put the chicken broth on to boil, got some vegetables out of the fridge and headed back to her room.
“Can I go to?” Ryou followed her. Tera-ura just nodded her head and continued on to her room. “This is your room?!?!”
“One of them. My other room is in the dojo. I designed the walls and painted them myself. Do you like it?” The walls were medium grey and on the ceiling karachi was a dark blue-grey in the shape of a cloud. On the north wall there was a funnel cloud, on the south wall a tidal wave, east and west walls lightning streaks and all along the room was rain.
“You did this.......Yea I like it a lot...” His mouth was agape. Tera-ura was getting a kaoroke machine out of her closet.
“Thanks, give me a hand?”

It only took me two days to post. Be very proud of me....:| Any questions comments etc., IM me at freakin_weird_queen on Yahoo! Or e-mail me with the same address , or IM me at tanuki kitsune1 Ja ne