Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What Lies Beneath ❯ A Peaceful Life ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

We're back to this chapter again. Thanks for the reviews so far. It was this chapter that caused me to start the fic again. I was too busy deciding whether to make the initial pairing Yugi and Kaiba or Yugi and Joey, but I've settled on Kaiba (Yugi had to be in it, he's such an innocent uke it just had to be done!). I hope you like my writing style - I usually write to the more emotional and psychological style (as well as rather descriptive). If you're gonna write, then write with some flair!!!
What Lies Beneath
Emerald Princess of Vernea
Chapter 02: A Peaceful Life
Yugi's eyes snapped open, and he burst up out of the water in a flash. His hand reached out frantically and grabbed onto the side of the bathtub, desperate for something to hold onto to stop him from slipping back into the water and drowning. His mouth was open and gasping, but all he was getting with each breath was a lungful of lukewarm water instead of air. This caused him to choke and cough, and the side of the bath was so wet and slippery that he kept losing his grip, making him slide back into the bath.
While he was coughing his other hand was fumbling about beneath the slightly soapy water, searching for the bathplug chain that was hidden somewhere at the bottom. He finally found it and pulled on the chain, pulling the plug out of the water and throwing it against the side of the path, beside the wet bar of soap.
With the plug removed the water began to quickly drain from the bath, creating a tall and thin whirlpool on the water's surface. Yugi finished his coughing fit and put his arms on the side of the bath, his head pressed against the white porcelain.
The water drained steadily from the bath. All the while Yugi just sat there and did nothing, his eyes closed as he felt the water drip across his naked body. He felt the sensation of the water sliding down his arms and back, onto his thighs and his lower legs before finally joining the rest of the water. He had to concentrate on the water, for it pushed the memory of the dream temporarily out of his mind.
This wasn't the first time Yugi had had such a dream. That dream had been haunting him a lot the last few weeks. It had started at the beginning of June, but as July had begun the dream became more vivid.
It was always the same lake and the same dark, menacing waters. Those same colours drifted aimlessly about the blackness, just out of reach. The ending of the dream was always different, though. The first night Yugi had just stared into the water until he thought he could see a face staring back at him. The shock had woken him up then, and he had been shaking terribly.
This time, of course, it had been different. This time he had actually made contact and had been pulled into the water by… whatever it was that lay beneath there. It was so strange and eerie… and yet somehow it felt so real. Yugi knew it couldn't have been real - he had never been to a lake like that in his life. Even so it was so vivid and so clear in his mind…
“Yugi! Aren't you done in there yet?”
Yugi jumped violently, but not as violently as he did when a loud knock came on the bathroom door. Yugi lifted his head as the door handle jiggled, but thankfully the bolt and latch kept the door from opening. Realising the door was locked the person on the other side knocked again, this time more loudly, and called Yugi's name again.
“I-I'm all right,” Yugi replied, calming the anxious tremor in his voice so they couldn't tell he was shaken. “I-I'll be out in a minute. I'm just drying off.”
Yugi watched silently as the door handle was released, and listened as he heard footsteps heading away from the bathroom and beginning to jog down the stairs. Yugi waited until he heard a downstairs door close before he grasped the side of the bath more firmly, and unwillingly pulled himself out of the bathtub.
Yugi listened as the door handle was released, and he heard footsteps heading away from the bathroom and down the stairs. He waited until he heard a door close before he grasped the side of the bath more firmly, and unwillingly began to pull himself out of the bathtub.
He felt awkward, standing in the middle of the bathroom all by himself, completely naked. The four walls, although equally spread out at three metres each, seemed to close around him, suffocating him. Yugi found himself standing frozen in front of the bathtub, dripping wet, and feeling the walls of panic beginning to close around him.
Yugi fell to his knees and put his hands to his head, gasping for breath. His lungs felt like they were being squeezed from within, pushing out all the life-giving air that he needed so badly. He clutched onto his hair and tugged hard, hoping the pain of his tugging would stop his rising panic. He had no reason to be panicky, but the dream…
After a few minutes his breathing had settled back to its normal rhythm. Yugi let go of his hair and let his arms fall to his shoulders, holding himself in a soft embrace. When he was done he opened his eyes again, and reached out for the towel.
He began to dry himself off, dabbing the towel gently against his skin to catch all the loose droplets of water that slid down his body. He started from the top and slowly worked his way down, from his head to his shoulders, from his chest to his waist, and from his thighs to his feet. When he was done Yugi stood up and lifted the towel to his face, pressing it against him.
As he lowered the towel, Yugi found himself looking into the bathroom mirror. The mirror's surface was covered in steam from the hot water, making Yugi's reflection blurred and misshapen. It reminded Yugi of the images he had seen in his dream… in the lake's surface. The purple shades… blurred and shady…
Cautiously Yugi reached out and let his forefinger and index finger touch the mirror just where the reflection of his eyes should have been. He felt the cool water against his fingers, and when he took them away he saw the reflection of his eyes peering back at him. Violet, not red, like in the dream. Yugi stared at that reflection for a second before he placed his whole palm on the mirror, feeling his heart begin to race again. His hand also began to tremble again, and he couldn't make it stop.
“Come on, Yugi! Some of us also want to use the bathroom, y'know?”
Yugi's head snapped round to face the bathroom door again, and the trembling of his hand stopped just like that. Yugi didn't reply and glanced back at the mirror one last time before he wiped his hand furiously against the glass, wiping away all the steam and condensation.
By the time he had finished all the steam had gone, and Yugi's entire reflection looked back at him through the glass. Yugi sighed with relief, although he wasn't sure what reflection he had been expecting to find. Even so he tried to avoid the mirror as he picked up his clothes from the floor, unlocked the bathroom door and walked out, heading briskly towards his own bedroom.
When he was safely inside his room, Yugi closed the door and threw his bedclothes down onto the floor. He then walked across to the open wardrobe and began to rifle through the line of clothes, trying to decide what to wear. Although he had a variety of clothes he settled on a white T-shirt and blue jeans - both of which were a little too big for him but very comfortable nonetheless.
The T-shirt was probably a good size or two too big for him, for as Yugi slipped the shirt over his head it hung slightly off his right shoulder, and Yugi had to pull it back up. Even so it just slipped back to where it was before, and so Yugi left it there. Kaiba liked it when the shirt hung like that anyway. More often than not it turned him on, saying it portrayed Yugi's innocence even more than usual.
When Yugi was finished dressing he began to work on drying his hair. He took note of footsteps coming up the stairs again and the sound of the bathroom door being opened and closed. A minute or so later Yugi heard the sound of water, and he realised that Kaiba was running a bath now.
With his hair dried Yugi let himself fall back onto the double bed, all the time he'd spent on his hair going to waste. His head hit the pillow with a gentle thump and Yugi turned over, allowing his arms to hang limply off the side of the bed. He took in a deep breath and sighed heavily, letting his body began to relax on the soft, comfortable sheets.
Yugi lifted his head up from the bed momentarily to glance over at the bedside radio and clock. The time was 08:38am - no wonder Kaiba had pushed for Yugi to get out of the bathroom. Yugi rolled over a little more and reached out, lightly pressing the button for the radio. It came on with a buzz, and Yugi fiddled with the dial until he found his favourite radio station. He rolled onto his back and shut his eyes, hoping for an extra hour of sleep without the annoying dream.
He didn't really get a chance to sleep, for ten minutes later the bedroom door quietly slid open and a tall figure in a long white bathrobe stepped into the room. Kaiba stopped as he Yugi's lightly dozing figure on the bed, and a sly smirk spread on his face.
He tiptoed over to Yugi and sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at the dozing boy. Yugi's longer lengths of blond hair were strewn across his face, and Kaiba used his hand to carefully move them out of the way, trying not to disturb the boy's rest. He then completely disregarded that idea, as he then leaned down and kissed the boy softly on the lips.
Yugi moaned softly, already too half asleep to really notice what Kaiba was doing. Kaiba just smiled and kissed him again, this time pushing his lips further apart so he could kiss the boy more fully. He then slowly manoeuvred himself onto the boy, climbing onto the bed and lying on top of him.
“…Not now, Seto…” Yugi said quietly, as Kaiba's lips left his mouth and began to caress his neck. “…Don't you have to see Mokuba off…?”
“He doesn't leave until ten…” came Kaiba's voice, slightly muffled as he kissed the soft skin of Yugi's neck. He gave it a quick little nibble and then gave Yugi a sly little smile. “And since when did you start calling me `Seto', Yugi-kun?”
Yugi blushed, his face turning hot. “I… I… Well… You are my lover… Seems strange to keep calling you `Kaiba' all the time…” He looked up and met Kaiba's brown eyes. “I'm sorry. Do you not want me to?”
Seto Kaiba shook his head. His hand was slowly trailing down Yugi's chest, lightly and lustfully tugging the baggy folds of Yugi's T-shirt. “We've been `lovers', as you put it, for almost three years now. You can call me anything…”
Kaiba then continued to kiss Yugi's neck, giving him swift, sharp little nibbles that made the boy gasp. He slid his hand underneath Yugi's shirt and began to lift it up, revealing his bare chest and stomach. Kaiba then slid down the bed and began to plant kisses across that soft skin, each time moving a little bit lower. Yugi closed his eyes tightly as he felt a hot flush spread through his body, but as Kaiba reached the top of his jeans Yugi opened his eyes.
“Seto…! We can't…” he said quickly. “Mokuba will hear us…”
Kaiba didn't seem to be listening to him, and slowly undid the button of Yugi's jeans. Then he pulled them down ever so slightly, continuing to move his kisses further down. When he reached that vital area he shifted his position, and began to slowly massage Yugi's thighs. Within a few moments he heard Yugi begin to gasp and shiver, the desired hot flush of arousal sweeping over him.
Unfortunately Kaiba was not able to get very far with his little game of teasing Yugi. While he was busy pulling down Yugi's jeans a little further the sound of a loud crash outside made them jump. After the crash an angry voice could be heard yelling outside, sounding incredibly harsh.
“YOU IDIOT! Now look at what you fucking did!”
They couldn't hear the reply, but the angry words that followed suggested that the person who was shouting wasn't accepting the apology. Yugi gently pushed Kaiba off him, and Kaiba moved off the bed and headed over to the bedroom window, peering through the curtains.
“What the - don't tell me they're at it again!” he said, although he didn't sound too surprised.
Through the bedroom window he could see directly into the driveway of the house next door, and there Kaiba could see a couple standing just outside the front door. They were both male; one had a head of long blond hair that seemed to stick up on all sides, and his skin was noticeably tanned. The other male had his back to him and he couldn't see his face - all he could make out was a head of long silver hair. That particular male was kneeling on the floor in front of a box of broken objects, which he had presumably dropped onto the floor.
While Kaiba was watching the heated argument in the driveway, Yugi sat up on the bed and hurriedly began to pull his jeans back up. When he was finished fiddling with the tiresome button he slipped off the bed and strode over to the bedroom door. Kaiba turned just as Yugi half-walked, half-ran out of the bedroom door and then ran down the stairs.
Kaiba didn't follow him. Instead he just turned back to the argument, and was surprised to find the tanned male had gone. The silvette boy was still there, kneeling on the floor in front of the box, and Kaiba got the feeling that the boy was crying.
Emerald: Yay! I'm much happier with this version of the chapter - I hope you didn't mind me altering it. To anyone who's read this chapter already you might want to read the first one again as well. It's pretty much the same as before but I redid it anyway, with some more description.