Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What lies inside. . . ❯ Thank-you ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer- I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh or any of its characters. But I do own the idea for the story. But fo those of you who read my fics you know who i own {kami, kama, ise, yumi}

Note- I'm gonna get away from Anzu/Yami fics for a bit. Lets try....Anzu/Malik¿? Yup, I'm gonna give it a go. Oh yeh, my sister deleted alone on valentines day, how she got in my account I'll never know, and I cant find it on my computer....sorreh! o.O


It was any other day, Anzu watched Yugi duel one student after another at his desk; she watched Yami sit around getting annoyed with all of Yugi's popularity. She and others said he was jealous, but that couldn't be it, Yami was never jealous of anybody....especially Yugi. She looked over at Seto, Jou, and Honda, they all sat on random desks talking and laughing among themselves. Then there was Malik, he never intermixed with the group, he never really like them.

Anzu sniffed and drew lines all over her math book, it was lunch time, and she wanted to get some studying in before the math test the next class. It seemed she was the only one who really cared about it, everyone else was standing around laughing and talking. 'I care about my grades.' Anzu thought. 'I know when mom comes home in a month she's going to want to see top marks, nothing less.'

That was the worse thing about Ms. Mazaki. She wouldn't settle for any mark lower than eighty percent and she made sure Anzu did the test or assignment over again if she did get under the limit. Annoying...that's the only thing that Anzu could explain her mother as, down right annoying. Even though all her friends thought her mother was the coolest, they weren't around when she was drinking. That's when all hell broke loose.

Anzu's thoughts were interrupted by a hand on her shoulder. She looked behind her, Seto grinned down at her. "I needs your whiteout." he said. "I use pen on my tests."

"Here." Anzu said handing the whiteout to him.

"Thanks." Seto said walking back to his desk.

The bell must have rang, everyone was in their seats, and the math teacher was at the desk rooting through his papers for the tests. 'I can't wait until this is over.' Anzu thought.

Half way through the test, Anzu looked around. Next to her, Jou was scribbling mad at his paper, stopping occasionally looking down to read the cheat-sheet that was sticking half way out of his jacket sleeve. 'How can he cheat on a math test?' Anzu grinned at the thought of ratting on him, she should drop her pencil, then ask for Jou to pick it up, the teacher would watch them, and see Jou shove the paper up his sleeve.

Nah, she couldn't do that, she will wait until he gets caught by himself. 'And it will happen.' Anzu thought finishing up the test. She grinned and stood up.


Anzu jumped on Honda's back on their way home and almost choked him. "Ah!" Honda gasped leaning back trying to make Anzu fall off.

"Keep the hold, Anzu!" Shizuka cheered.

"Yeah, Anzu. Keep it up!" Jou said with a smirk.

"I'm...gonna....kill...you....Jou...." Honda choked.

"Okay, Anzu. I think you won." Yugi said with a grin.

Anzu laughed and let go of Honda, falling back into Yami's arms. "Yay!"

"So, Anzu." Yami said helping her stand up right. "What do you think you got on that test?"

"I dunno." Anzu shrugged. "You?"

"I failed!" Honda hollered. They all sweat-dropped.

Anzu looked at her watch. "Ah shit, guys mom is going to call me soon, I'm gonna cut through the alley."

"See ya." they all said with a wave.

"God speed, Anzu!" Jou yelled.

"Shut-up, Jou!" Anzu said as she disappeared into the darkness.

Anzu looked around the darkened alley and shivered. It was damp and very cold, and she could swear she was hearing voices up ahead. She looked up and a small group of boys stood blocking her way through the alley, one of them looked at her and grinned. "Hey, girly. What are you doing out this way?"

"Going home." Anzu muttered trying to push pass them.

One of them grabbed her. "Not so fast." he said. "You don't just walk through here for free you know."

"I'm sorry I don't have any money." Anzu said looking up at them, she shivered at the smiles that came across their faces.

"Go on, Jim." a guy said to the one that had a hold on Anzu's wrist. "Tell her what happens to girls who can't pay..." they all laughed.

Jim pushed Anzu up against one of the stone buildings. "If you can't pay with money, you will pay another way, girly."

"No...no please don't..." Anzu said trying to haul to one side to get away.

"Sorry, girly." Jim said, he nodded to two of the guys, who grabbed Anzu's arms and pinned them over her head. Jim slowly reached down and put his hands on Anzu's skirt. "But you have no money. Can't let you go on for free."

"No! No! Don't!" Anzu screamed trying to get herself away from the three men. "PLEASE! HELP ME!"

"No one can help you." Jim said undoing Anzu's skirt. "They can't hear you, girl."

Anzu kicked at him but missed, making her skirt fall down to her ankles. "Let me go! Please!" tears rolled down her cheeks as Jim traced the outline of her things with his finger. "Help me!"

"Didn't I already tell you no one can hear?" Jim asked slapping Anzu in the face. "Want me to help you scream? OH! SOMEBODY! HELP!" laughter rose over the group, and a couple hands came out to pat Jim on the back.

Anzu watched Jim in a hurt daze as he undid her shirt with a knife, revealing her white laced bra. Anzu received another blow to the face, her head fell sideways and she just stared at Jim; she felt as if she couldn't move, she didn't want to move, afraid that he'll hurt her even more; she'd might as well let them get what they wanted from her, Jim was right, there was nothing anyone could do to help her.

Anzu shivered as Jim reached around her and undid her bra, when his hands came back around her bra slid up, revealing her breasts. She closed her eyes and stopped straining to get away from the two guys. "She's giving up." one of them said.

"Smart girl." Jim said, he licked his finger and traced over her left nipple with it, making it grow hard.

'I'm going to try again.' Anzu thought shuddering under Jim's touch. Anzu opened her eyes and rose her head up, making Jim jump back a bit. "HELP!" Anzu screamed again.

"Shut up..." Jim said, he walked up to her and wrapped her mouth into a deep kiss, his tongue exploring her mouth.

Anzu jerked away. "Help!" she screamed again trying to launch herself away from the wall.

"For the last time..." Jim lifted a knife out of his pocket, and was about to slash Anzu in the face when...

"Leave the girl alone." the voice said from up the alley.

Anzu, along with the group of men look up towards the boy...Malik. Anzu's eyes shot open, she looked at Malik weakly, she trembled when a burst of cold air brushed across her bare skin.

"Who's gonna stop us? You?" Jim asked.

"Yes..." Malik held up his hand and a beam of light filled the alley, along with a gust of wind and lightning.

"Let the girl go! Lets get outta here!" Jim yelled.

Anzu felt the two guys let her go, she fell to the ground as the group ran away. She felt a warm hand on her shoulder and looked up into Malik's face. "Are you okay?" he asked, barely taking notice that she was hardly wearing anything.

"I..." Anzu shivered.

Malik sighed and took off his coat and wrapped it around Anzu's body, then picked her up.

"Thank you." Anzu murmured.

Malik never said anything, his face stayed grim as he carried her down the alley, it was as if he never cared...


"He never said anything after that..." Anzu said with a frown. "He just brought me home without a word...barely without a breath."

"He knew where you lived?" Kami asked. "Heavy."

Anzu traced over her bedspread. "Yeah, and I never talked to him before...I don't even know him all that good...all I know is his name and Isis is his sister."

"It must be so cool being saved like that." Ise said dreamily.

"No, Ise I was practically nude!" Anzu exclaimed. "It was anything besides cool."

"I bet it was cool for Malik though." Kami said.

"I don't think he really noticed." Anzu said. "He just noticed I was cold...so he wrapped his jacket around me."

"He had to notice those." Kami said pointing to Anzu's tits. "They are everywhere when you have cloths on, I don't want to imagine what they are like uncovered."

"Shut-up." Anzu said giving Kami a small shove.

Ise laughed. "Anzu's big bare hooters." she said with a thought. "Sounds like a strip club."

Anzu stuck up her middle finger at Ise and laughed. "Riiiiiight."

"Did you tell Yumi yet?" Kami asked.

"Yeah, she thought it was cool too." Anzu said nudging Ise. "But what if Malik never got there in time? What if he never got there at all?"

"You would be fucked and left there for another gang to mess with." said Ise.

"That's not funny, Ise." Anzu said.

"It wasn't meant to be." Ise said. "It happened to my cousin, she was screwed three times that night." she shuddered.

"Nasty." Kami said. "I'd die if that happened to me."

"Guys...." Anzu sighed. "That's just gross, Ise."

"Well its true." Ise insisted.

"I don't care, that's just going to give me worse nightmares than I ever..." Anzu shifted on her spot on the bed. "I'm just glad its over...I'm never going through an alley ever again."


Anzu walked down the sidewalk, the sun was melting away the last odds and ends of snow, and the warm spring breeze moved her hair to one side, then to the other. Anzu rubbed her right arm lightly as she looked around the area she had stopped to.

She looked into the park and smiled a bit. 'A nice walk in the park should do me some good...' she thought walking through the gates.

Small children ran all over the place, throwing balls, playing jump-rope and hopscotch, and just running around for no reason at all. This made Anzu smile, it made her remember how she, Kami, Ise, and Miho used to fool around. Yumi never came into the picture until they were fourteen.

With a smile on her face Anzu walked around the park, then her eyes landed on someone who was walking towards her...Isis. Anzu got a lump in her throat, cutting off her breath. But the smile that spread across Isis' face clammed her down. "Hey, Isis..."

"Anzu.....fuck maid are you okay?" Isis asked. "Malik told me as soon as he got home what happened...."

"Yeah I'm fine..." Anzu said.

"Yeah...." Isis sighed. "I'm sorry Malik never showed more concern...its just not him."

"No offence...I wasn't expecting it." Anzu said. "I wasn't even expecting him to bring me home really."

"Yeah. I'm just glad your alright. Not many people get out of a situation like that." Isis said hugging Anzu.

"I wasn't expecting to get outta it either..." Anzu said, she sniffed. "It was so scary Isis...." a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Oh...Anzu..." Isis wiped the tear off her friends face. "Its okay now...its not going to happen again...."

"Yeah...I know...but..." Anzu sniffed. "Its just so scary to think about what would have happened if your brother never came when he did..."

"Don't think about it..." Isis eyes Anzu for a second. "Ise got to you didn't she?" Anzu nodded and Isis sighed. "Don't listen to her, Anzu. I think she's full of crap."

Anzu laughed. "She damn well better be." they both laughed and walked down over the grassy hill towards the park exit.


N.A.: Okay people, what do you think of the first chapter? Do you think I should go on¿? I really need reviews...and also...if I get enough...you know how my chapters are usually 2 pages? Well all the chapters for this story will be LONG!

Yami: -.-;

N.A.: What's wrong with you? o.O;

Yami: Nothing.... *spit*

N.A.: Oh....OH! I get it! Your jealous of Malik!

Yami: No I'm not....

N.A.: Ah-huh! Yes you are! *gets on Yami's lap.* but don't worry, Malik won't take me away from you.

Yami: *twitch* *.* ; ~.~; Yay. . .I feel so lucky.

N.A.: *kiss* you damn well better.

Yami: =D