Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What reason? ❯ Decisions ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Angela: Hi!! *waves* I am back! ^^

Bakura: Didn't I kill you with that cobra?

Angela & Ryou: *gasp* It was you!!

Angela: Ryou!! *reaches for Ryou*

Bakura: *takes Ryou away* No! You are not going to try and suffocate him!!

Ryou: *blush*

Bakura: *looks at Ryou* Hello hikari…

Angela: Ummm… Bakura… not uhh here please.

Ryou: Not now Bakura. *whispers* Later…..

Angela: O__o O..k….. Ok now replies for Reviews… which I only got 2 is it really that bad you guys?!

Bakura: You'd have to be blind as to not see that. *mumbles* Imbecile…

Angela: *sigh* I suppose… all right…*turns to Ryou and Bakura* Come here you two..

Bakura & Ryou: *gulp*

DemonicAngel198= Angela: Hey!! Thanks for being the first to review my fic! / Bakura: People don't like to review at this site. / Ryou: But YOU *points at reader* decided to review so… *hugs reader* you get a hug!! ^__^ / Angela: Thank you so much for reviewing!! …Bakura…. / Bakura: *sigh* Fine. *hugs reader* happy? / Angela: Yep! ^^

Marikandcloe= Angela: Well… I don't like the fact that Bakura is mean but it's for the plot. / Bakura: Besides… she *points at Angela* made me! / Ryou: *blush* she thinks I'm cute. / Angela: You sure are! / Ryou: Well… I guess I give her a hug don't I? / Angela: *nod nod* / Ryou: Ok! ^__^ *hugs reader* / Angela: Thanks for taking your time to review!!! ^__^

Bakura: Are you done yet? -__-;;

Angela: Hmm... Yes! ^__^

Ryou: *sigh* Well… *to reviewers* Thank you so much for taking your time to review!

Angela: I honestly thought that no one would review…

Bakura: In my point of view that was a fact.

Angela: -__-;; Oh! And Malik and Marik are in this chapter.

Fan girls: Yay!

Angela: Yes and you know what that means! Hentainess!! (Is that a word?)

Fan girls: Ya-y?

Ryou: Did you have to put it that way? -__-;;

Angela: Sorry… Oh `kura? Do the disclaimer … pleaseeee??

Bakura: No.

Angela: *sigh* I didn't want to do this... RYOUUU!! Chibi eyes please!!!

Bakura: NOOOOO!!! Alright I'll do it…

Disclaimer: The imbecile does not own Yu-gi-oh or any of the characters! *gets hit by notebook* @__@

Angela: ^__^


`No… no…' Ryou closed his eyes when he saw that Bakura was now undressed and was hovering over him. He tried to think of anything except his yam but found it difficult when his innocence was about to be stolen by his dark.

He closed his eyes even more tightly when he felt Bakura spread his legs. He was expecting the pain to come. But it never did. Instead he felt Bakura's weigh on top of him. When he felt that his yami made no movement whatsoever he lifted one of his lids to find that Bakura had collapsed on top of him. (A/n: Bakura:*glare* ~ Angela: What!? I had to stop you somehow!)

Ryou still didn't move. `What if he's just playing a trick on me?' He waited a few moments before moving his arm which was twisted in an uncomfortable way. He saw that Bakura did not respond to this movement so he pushed the yami off his body.

He quickly got off the bed and looked at his yami which was in a deep slumber. He looked so peaceful while sleeping. You could have easily mistaken him for his light while in his sleep.

Ryou wanted to run out of the house screaming but he somehow managed to hold himself back. He closed his eyes and swallowed. `Ok Ryou, calm down. It's all right. He didn't do anything.' He tried to calm himself down but the fear was too strong. His tears started falling once more. `He was so close! So close! This has gone too far! I love him but I won't let him try this again!'

Ryou cleaned his tears away and with a determined look on his face began to pick up his clothes and put them back on. He quietly closed the door to his room and ran down the stairs not paying attention when pain shot through his body. He got to the front door, opened it, and went out the door.

`Were will I go? I can't go to Yugi's because then Yami will want to send Bakura to the shadow realm and I don't want that. Besides I have already caused them too much trouble. I can't stay in a park because then I would be in almost the same situation as if I was staying at home. Maybe… what am I thinking?! No! I cannot go to Marik and Malik's home. But then Malik would understand more than anyone and he is the closest friend I have. God I must be going crazy…' he thought before heading in the direction of Malik and Marik's house.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Minutes later at Malik's

Ryou knocked on Malik's door after a few minutes of contemplating whether or not this was a good decision. `I hope they are home. It is 4:30 in the morning so they should be.'

He knocked a couple of more times but he got no answer.

Ryou turned around and was about to leave when he heard the door creak open. He turned around to find a flushed and sweaty Malik in front of him. He didn't have any shirt on and his pants were undone. Ryou blushed and lowered his head.

It took Malik, being in his worn out state, some time to realize who was standing in front of him. "Ryou! What ….are you doing here so… late?" Malik managed to pant out. "I'm sorry Malik. Did I uh... Interrupt something?" Malik shook his head and stepped aside to let Ryou in.

Ryou walked in the living room and saw clothes scattered here and there. "Sorry about the mess. Umm… emergency times." He said sheepishly. "Oh don't worry. I should be the one apologizing for coming here so late." Malik then remembered his question and asked him one more time. "It's all right Ryou; we were umm… still awake. But tell me …what on earth are you doing on the streets this late? It is very dangerous you know."

Ryou lowered his head and tried to hold back his tears. He sat down on the couch and lowered his face to the palms of his hands. Malik saw that Ryou's shoulders were shaking and frowned. He lowered himself to his knees next to Ryou and put his hands on the other hikari's face and lifted it.

"Ryou… Ryou what's wrong. Common you can tell me whate-" "MALIKGET YOUR PRETTY ASS UP HERE!!" Malik rolled his eyes.




Malik turned back to Ryou who flinched at their yelling. "Ooops … sorry Ryou."

Ryou smiled slightly. "It's allr-" He was cut off by the mumbling coming from up the stairs. "Marik you idiot! Put some clothes on!" Malik yelled while Ryou turned his head away from the yami blushing furiously.

Marik blinked a few times before seeing why Malik wanted him to put some clothes on. "Huh? Oh Hey Ryou!" He said cheerfully. "H-hello Marik." Ryou said still keeping his head turned in the opposite direction.

Malik sighed and grabbed a random pair of black leader pants that were on the floor and threw them at Marik. Marik caught the pants and put them on. "Ok it's ok to look now Ryou." Malik said in a gentle voice. Ryou turned and Marik saw that he had been crying.

Marik closed his eyes and sat in a chair all the while saying "That dumbass tomb robber." Ryou at hearing this released more tears and started shaking. Malik sat on one side of Ryou and put a hand around his shoulders.

"Ryou what happened? Did he hurt you?" Malik mentally slapped himself for his stupidity. `Of course he had hurt him why else would Ryou be crying?!' He snapped out of his thoughts and listened to Ryou.

"H-he beat me like he always does. T-then he left to a bar I suppose. After a few hours he returned and he he ….He tried to rape me! He was much closer than last time! He removed all of my clothes and then his and then …then…" Ryou trailed off and let Malik hold him. Marik looked at Ryou and then shouted "I thought that the Pharaoh and I had gotten something in his brain but I guess not! What the hell is the matter with him!? He is even more of a shit brain than I thought!!" He stood from his chair and started pacing around the room.

"You talked to Bakura tonight?" Malik asked.

"Yes, after you left I found him drinking his ass off. I knew that something was up with him so I started trying to talk some sense into him. Even the Pharaoh took some time to try and make him realize his mistake but did he listen?! NO!" Marik shouted and Ryou flinched.

"Marik, calm down. You're scaring him!" Malik said and looked down at Ryou who had his eyes tightly shut. Marik sighed and ran a hand down his face and then proceeded to lean down in front of Ryou. He ran a finger through Ryou's cheek brushing away a tear.

"I'm sorry if I scared you Ryou. It's just that I expected for Bakura to act smarter." Ryou opened his eyes and looked deep into lavender eyes. "Ryou, did he just try or did he..." Malik was cut off by Ryou answering.

"No… he …he passed out. I guess he consumed too much alcohol and couldn't be conscious anymore." Both blondes gave a sigh of relief. "I-I came here because I didn't know were else to go… I didn't want to got to Yugi's because then Yami would want to send Bakura to the Shadow realm a-and I don't want that …so I decided to come here. If you w-want I can leave..." he said standing up but Marik was quick and grabbed his arm and locked him in a tight embrace and surprising him.

"Ryou, even though we may have never showed it, we both care a lot for you and Bakura. You need of our help now, Ryou, and we are more than willing to give you that help." Marik loosened the embrace in which he had trapped Ryou and looked down at the hikari who had his face on Marik's naked chest. (A/n: Angela: Ryou you lucky cutie!)

Ryou raised his face to look at Marik and smiled. "Thank you but …" Ryou looked at Malik. Malik blinked twice and then blushed. "Oh! Ryou don't worry! We won't parade around the house naked while you're here! I'll see that Marik doesn't do it!"

Marik's eyes widened and he looked down at Ryou. Ryou on the other hand looked like a tomato in the face. "No! No i-it's not that…" Malik raised an eyebrow and said "Then what is it Ryou?"

The albino lowered his gaze to the carpet and talked in a low voice "My…my clothes and values are all at my house. I didn't bring anything because at that time I just wanted to get away as fast as possible."

Malik and Marik looked at each other and smirked but Ryou was oblivious to their expressions for his head was still lowered. "Oh! Ryou that is something of which you have absolutely no reason to worry about! We can lend you some clothes and get you personal supplies! Then you can find a job or something and you will be along just fine!" Malik said.

"Yeah." Marik said grinning. Ryou looked at them and just nodded. "How can I ever repay you for all that you are doing for me?" he said while smiling with tears in his eyes.

"You can repay us by getting rid of those tears and by dressing OUR way." He said with a grin plastered on his face. "All right." The shorter of the two said.

"Allrighty then! Let's get you changed!" Malik said in a cheerful way which made Ryou smile even more.

The two Egyptians dragged Ryou upstairs and started digging through their closet. Ryou just sat on the bed, which he found out was a little damp. (A/n: Angela: For reasons I don't want to know…-__-;;)

"How `bout this one Marik?" Malik asked his yami while holding up black leather pants. "Hmmm… yeah that one will do. How about that along with this?" He lifted up a white shirt which to Ryou seemed more like a net than a shirt.

"Yes! That's perfect! Now Ryou would you mind putting these on?" Malik said handing Ryou the clothes which they had picked. "Umm…sure." Ryou took the clothes and headed for the bathroom out on the hall.

Marik made a disappointed noise while Malik pouted "I thought he was going to undress here!" Marik chuckled and looked at his pouting hikari. "Did I ever tell you that you look hot when you pout?" He said while grabbing Malik by the waist and pressing their hips together. "Ohh…Marik not…uhh….now..." Malik managed to moan out.

"We were in the middle of something before Ryou came and I think that we should finish it." He said before putting his other hand on his hikari's waist pulling him closer. They both moaned again before locking their lips in a heated kiss.

"Hey guys I….." Ryou saw that Marik and Malik were making out and blushed, embarrassed that he once again interrupted the couple.

Marik unconsciously let go of Malik's waist letting him fall to the fall with a loud `thump'. Malik didn't really notice because he too was gawking at Ryou with his mouth open.


"…ou" Marik finished.

Ryou blushed even more if possible. Malik stood by Marik and continued staring. "I knew that he would look great!!" Malik finally exclaimed.

Ryou had on a white shirt ,or net as he put it, which was sleeveless and black leather pants which hung low on his hips but clung to his legs as a second skin and the pants were also very… revealing.

"Just a few more things and you'll be done!" Marik excitedly went to the closet again and bought out a box that was the size of a musical one. He opened it and took out a few chains. And then some small loop earrings which didn't require for the ears to be pierced.

Malik took the earrings and proceeded to put them on Ryou's earlobe. Meanwhile, Marik was hanging a chain around Ryous waist and then put a black, thin, leader cord around Ryou's neck which had a silver cross on it. (A/n: *drool*)

They looked at Ryou with satisfied expressions both Egyptians putting their hands on their hips. Ryou gave a sigh and removed the Millennium Ring which had still been hanging around his neck. His happy expression turned back to a depressed one as he lowered the Ring to a nearby desk.

Marik and Malik saw this and each put an arm around either side of Ryou's shoulders. "Oh Ryou! You will be all right you'll see!" Malik said trying to cheer his friend up.

"My hikari is right Ryou. You don't need to depend on him to live. You will do just fine. Now let's go downstairs and eat!" Marik said already pulling both hikari's down the steps.

"But it is 5 in the morning Marik." Malik said. "Exactly love, I have been up all night and I have gotten hungry. Now let's go eat!"

Malik just shook his head at his lover and helped Ryou down the stairs the same way he had when they took him upstairs.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* With Bakura…

Bakura sat up when he felt Ryou take off the ring. But he had to quickly lay back down because of the pain that came to his head. "What …ow! What happened?" he asked aloud.

"Oh Ra! Damn it! I tried to…were is Ryou?" He looked around but found no one else but himself. "Ryou?! Ryou!?" he called but no one answered. He then tried the mind link.

"Shit! He took of the Ring!" he said getting up and ignoring the pain in his head. He looked around the house but didn't find Ryou. When he finished searching every corner of the house, he sat on a couch to think.

"Were the hell could he be?" he asked out to no one. Then he remembered Yami's words.

"Even a person like Ryou has his limits and I think that Ryou just about reached his. If you don't do something to stop this then Ryou will at some point get fed up and leave."

Bakura closed his eyes and buried his face in his hands. "Oh Ra! No! What have I done! Were could he have went?!" he stood up and went upstairs to his bedroom to get dressed.

He then headed to the door "I will go see Marik so that he can…Oh Ra I am going to regret this… so that he can help me. He needs to help me find Ryou!"

And with those thoughts he left out of the house and headed for Marik's.


Angela: Well? I hope that was better. My hands really hurt from typing so much.

Bakura: Stop whining. It is not as long as the last one.

Ryou: You were typing since 6:00 and it's now 12:00 A.M so that's...

Angela: 6 hours…. -__-;;

Bakura: Will I see Ryou next chapter? In the clothes he's in? >=)

Ryou: *blush* or will Marik and Malik hide me?

Angela: Hmmm...I don't know. But if you want me to update then you will have to review!! Now… Ryou…Bakura? Tell them to review please.

Bakura: Allright anything to see Ryou in those clothes!

Ryou & Bakura: PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!