Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What's Love Got To DO With It?! ❯ So Confused > ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh (dammit, I don't want to be sued), and, no, I do not own anything so leave me the @*$! alone
~*~ Chapter 2: So confused
'What the heck happened last night? Wait HOLY CRAP!!! Was it a dream?! No, I remember the feeling...crap! I think I'm getting a hard on... It's not my fault if he looks like a girl!' Bakura yelled in his head while putting his hand over his package to check. He got up slowly from his springy mattress, and wobbled a little as he walked towards the closet. He took out baggy black cargo pants and an oversized white shirt from his suitcase, which was wedged into the closet. He quickly checked in the room if anyone was there watching him. He soon was finished and started to head down stairs.
"Maybe I should leave, the longer I'm away from that freak, the better!" he felt a lump form in his throat once he said that to himself. `What am I thinking?! I have to get going…' he thought to himself as he walked out the front door. “Hopefully I'm doing this right…” he muttered to himself as he took out the cell that Ryou gave him and scanned for Ryou's #. “Here it is…” he said as he pressed the green button twice and brought the phone up to his ear. “Hello?” a man answered the phone, it was Ryou's father. “Hello…” Bakura replied. “Who's this?” Ryou's father asked (And obviously he can't say he's Bakura, lol). “Um…Jounochi!” Bakura lied. “OH! Okay, you sound different though, do you have a cold?” Ryou's father asked. “Um…ya, can I speak to Ryou now?” Bakura sweat dropped. “Yes, Yes….RYOU!!!!!! COME GET THE PHONE, IT'S JOUNOCHI!!!!!!!!” Ryou's father yelled. Bakura could hear someone grab the phone and mutter:” I'm standing right next to you, so you don't have to yell…” . Bakura shifted his weight to his left foot and switched hands with the phone. “Hey, Jounochi!” Ryou's cheerful voice came in out of nowhere. “Hey, this is Bakura,” he said, correcting Ryou quickly. “Oh, what do you want, in trouble with the cops again?” Ryou sounded agitated. Bakura remembered the time he stole some liquor and got caught, he felt really stupid. “No! That's not it! Why the hell did you send me Marik!!!??? I THINK HE'S A FAG!! (either that or a heavy drinker!),” he yelled at Ryou, people began to stare at him. “Just…pay back..,” Ryou hummed. “For WHAT?!” Bakura screamed. “For taking over my body before and hurting my friends!” Ryou yelled back. “You'd understand if you were trapped in a crappy gold ring for 3,000 years!!!” Bakura yelled too. “UNDERSTAND THIS!!!” Ryou hung up the phone. “Man, he's probably having mood swings, he's such a sissy!” Bakura mumbled, while putting the phone in his back pocket. Bakura walked off, to the park.
Bakura hung his head, wondering what he should do, as he walked into the park. Bakura began to just walk with his head hanging, until he ran into someone, knocking whoever it was to the ground. “Ow! Watch it!” a female's voice yelled at him. Bakura looked down upon the girl he had just ran into and snarled at her. She was a beautiful girl, around the age of 15; her long black hair flowed onto the pavement, making it dirty but still pretty. Her amber eyes gazed up into his in anger and hate, Bakura could sense something from this girl, something different and mysterious. He snarled at her again, and she did the same back to him. She got up, wiping the dirt from her brown skirt and pink shirt. She looked him again in the eyes as she walked past him, Bakura heard her say something like,” Let's hope we won't meet again,” but her lips weren't moving. Bakura shrugged it off and went on walking down the gravel path, trying to clear his mind of what happened last night, but never succeeding.
~ Later ~
Bakura couldn't stay out any longer; he had to go back to Marik's place. The moon glowed off of his porcelain pale skin as he walked through the huge city. It didn't seem like a city anymore; everyone had either already retired long ago or gone into one of the many nightclubs. `It's like as if I'm a vampire,' Bakura joked with himself (yes, I'm dissing the Vamp stories). Bakura began to jog; it was getting colder and the wind: stronger. He finally made it back to the house; he stood in front of it, asking himself if he should go in. He walked away once and then walked back, changing his mind. “If he makes a move on me, I'll beat the crap outta him,” Bakura reassured himself as he took his keys out of his pocket and put them in the doorknob. He slowly opened the door, his eyes closed tightly, he was expecting Marik to pop out of nowhere and glomp him. Bakura opened his eyes slowly, to an overly dark house. He walked in, closing the door behind him, and began to grope the walls for the light switch. He finally found it and turned it on quickly. Bakura was so tired now; he looked at his watch to find it was 3:41 A.M. He dragged his sorry @$$ upstairs and plopped himself onto the bed, falling asleep easily.
Bakura was in his crazy mind again…everything was red and black. He spun himself around, looking for someone else which wasn't hard to do. He saw someone in the distance and quickly ran to whoever it was…which it turned out to be Marik. He was lying on the floor; his chest cut wide open, blood still seeping out. Bakura turned around quickly, because he heard a slight tapping noise coming towards him. It was that girl from the park, her arms and jaw covered in blood, from Marik.
~End Dream~
Bakura didn't even get to have 13 minutes of sleep; he awoke to someone crawling into his bed. He looked over to his right to see Marik holding onto his arm. He was drunk. “Marik, get out of my room,” Bakura said coldly to Marik. Marik didn't listen; he climbed on top of Bakura slyly, bending over him to kiss him. Bakura didn't know what to do. Marik gently touched his lips to Bakura's, getting rougher slowly. Marik suddenly shoved his tongue into Bakura's mouth, exploring every inch. Bakura just laid there, his eyes were about to bulge out of their sockets. Marik smiled against Bakura's lips, satisfied with how far he got. Marik got up slowly from Bakura's lips, lingering in front of them for a little while afterwards. “MARIK! GET OFF!!!” Bakura yelled at him as he began to unzip his pants. Bakura freaked, and bitch slapped Marik. Marik got up quickly, holding onto his cheek. “What?! You're not satisfied?!” Marik screamed back. “I'm not gay, Marik! And you're drunk, now get out!!!” Bakura yelled at Marik again. Marik had a hurt look in his eyes as he walked out of Bakura's room, Bakura closed and locked the door after him.
~*~ End Chapter two
Mei: hope you like this chapter, and if anyone starts telling me that I am copying sumiko kurata from fanfiction.net ill go crazy, cause I AM sumiko kurata!!!