Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What's with Joey? ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

YnR: So Sorry I haven't updated in a while. With Christmas and finals and stuff, I have found zero time. I want to just get to the story so and over all thanks to

ivoryraccoon, Laura merdian / Lucy lui, Jenna aka kitty, Hiei13, YAMIGIRL3, and, Joey Fanatic

Plus anyone else who has read this fic.

This chapter is pretty much centered around Joey and is an explaining chapter, for all of those who care

Well, I think that is every thing.

For disclaimer and all that jazz, see first chapter.

/Yugi to Yami/

//Yami to Yugi//


*Flash back OR POV Change*

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~What have I gotten myself into? What have I gotten myself into? What have I gotten myself into?~ Joey had repeated this mantra over and over and over again in his head for the past 4 days. Ever since he saved his sister from his dad, but didn't get saved himself.

*Joey's POV*

I knew about dad escaping from jail. I was informed first, because I was hurt from him. I begged the police to not broadcast it over anything because I didn't want Serenity to worry. I didn't want her hurt either. I failed in both. She is really very smart. I knew she would catch on; me staying with her and mom, making sure she wasn't out after dark by herself. Telling her that we were going to get and alarm all of it. I think that I wanted her to know about it truthfully. I just didn't want to tell her.

After I moved in, mom disappeared. I know now that she knew. She went into hiding. We needed her money though. Oh well, I would have had to start working sometime. So after school I did odd jobs like helping out at the arcade, or at a restaurant, just making sure I wasn't working at the same place that the gang was hanging out at the time.

I probably should have told the gang about all of this. Ever since dad was sent to jail. Something inside me told me not to tell them. Just after I decided on keeping the silence, Yugi told us about the spirit in his puzzle, and Yami got a real, fake body, which still confuses me.

I know now that Yami knew something. Every time I saw him, he would look at me funny. It was like he saw through my mask I had held up for so long. He even asked me one time if I had a connection to the shadows because of the aura around my name* was almost black, which he explained, was evil. I didn't know what to say. I had no idea about the shadow realm or any of its connection before I met Yugi. Whenever I get out of here, I will have to ask Yami just what he meant. That is, IF I ever get out of here.

How did I get caught? I don't even think that caught is the word I want. It works for now though. Well, I was out shopping, for groceries and stuff like that, (I have ever since mom ran away) anyway, I was on my way to the store when I heard Serenity yell. I ran back, hoping not for the worst, which had happened. My dad found out where we were. I jumped on him and told Serenity to run for it. She didn't want to, I could tell, but she knew that if she didn't, one of us, maybe both would be killed. So she ran. I don't recall what happened after that. We kept fighting for what seemed like forever, I think it was like twenty minutes, tops, when dad pulls out a gun. He says it is loaded and if I don't want anyone to get hurt, I will do what he says. He knows all of my friends, and my family, even my crush, don't laugh, Tea I was frozen in time, seeing my life in front of my eyes and what may happen in the future, if I live that long. He told me to get into the car and not to say or do anything until we got to where we were going. That is where I am now.

*Normal POV*

Joey was brought out of his musings by a sudden jerk in the car. His door opened and there stood Tenkidao with a gun in one hand, and Joey's mom, Destiny, in the other. "Say or do anything and I will shoot her" exclaimed Tenkidao putting the barrel of the gun to Destiny's head for proof. Joey just sighed and got out of the car and walked up the front step. The last thing he thought was 'God I hope this works. Yug', someone, help me' Before he passed out on the step.

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* In my story, Yami can tell by you 'ancestor hood' whether or not you are evil. So by looking 'through' you, he can find out about your dad, mom, grandparents, ect.. Got it?

How was that? I am starting to have writer's block, so it may be a while before I update again.