Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What's with Joey? ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

YnR: WOW!! It took like three days for me to get FIVE reviews on ff.net and one day for me to get two reviews on mediaminer.org. I have been pretty busy with exams and I got to sing at Powell Hall in St. Louis (if anyone knows where that is)on Sunday so I have been packed. On to the reviews:

JoeyFanatic : Serenity is not the main character in the story. Joey is. I needed her to have a couple chapters to herself so when Joey comes in, it will make sense. Serenity was just scared to, she wasn't brave.

Someone: Thank you for catching that for me! I was in a hurry when I typed this so I didn't catch that. No one else did either so thank you.

YAMIGIRL3: *begs* ahh don't kill me!!! please!!! don't kill yourself either, you won't be able to read the rest of the story if you do. Here is you update!!

k: First off, I'm in high school, not middle school and I DO have a life. A very chaotic, flabbergastrific life. I write to take a break. on one is forcing you to read this either. and everyone else liked it.

cool: here ya go

and the mediaminer people:

Yugi_chan: *reads review* awwweee!!! that is so sweet thank you!!! here is the update I promised

Someone New: I know. I hate reading cliffhangers, but they are just so easy to write. Well here is the update.

Well, I think that is every thing.

For disclaimer and all that jazz, see first chapter.

/Yugi to Yami/

//Yami to Yugi//


*Flash back OR POV Change*


Serenity took a deep, shuddering breath, "Joey....I don't know where he is. you see, this is how it happened. our dad, Tenkidao, escaped from prison and some how Joey found out about it. He said that it was getting lonely living by himself so he came to live with mom and me. I could tell he was nervous. He did his homework to got his mind off of how much danger we were but he couldn't keep his mind off it so he wasn't able to act like Joey. Does this make any sense?"

"Yeah," offered Yugi, "remember, he didn't offer a retort to Seto when he called him a dog, remember?"

"Yeah, that's right" whispered Tea. "What about not eating?"

" Oh he was saving up his money to buy a burglar alarm for us." answered Serenity. "He said you weren't able to trust anybody anymore. Well, on with the story. Joey went home about a week ago and took the battery out of his phone. I should have caught on, but I didn't. He said it was because telemarketers got a hold of his number. I now know it was so *dad* wouldn't be able to track him. He went to the store two days ago and I was going to put a message on the recorder because our electricity mysteriously went out. Well, not five minutes after he left, dad snuck into the house. I screamed. Joey hear me, he must of, and he ran back and was trying to get dad's attention. He finally did and I ran for it." Serenity started crying.

"Serenity, why was your dad in jail?" Yami asked.

"Child abuse."

"What?!?!?" all but serenity yelled at the same time.

"How could we not have known?" Yugi asked.

" You weren't suppose to. If Joey told anyone, Dad swore that he would kill Joey and me."

"That's why you are so beat up, right?" tea asked.

Serenity nodded, losing the ability to speak.

"Well, we will leave, you need your rest." offered Yugi, "See you later Serenity!" Yugi said in a fake cheery voice.

At the same time, all of them thought , ~Joseph Wheeler, You better be okay. Please be okay~

Serenity laid back in the bed and just started to sob.

Yugi was trying to hold in tears, but he was starting to fail.

Tea was upset beyond tears, she really liked, no, LOVED, Joey.

Yami was thinking about Joey, but not just about him. He was thinking how everyone in the house, and Joey, were in more trouble than they could imagined.

************************************************************** ********

YnR: Yes that was short, but it was intense. Please review!!

Ja Ne!!