Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What's with Joey? ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

YnR: I'm Baaack! I know I haven't updated in like forever but, I like to stick to my rules, but I guess I'll bend them a little since I really want to get this chapter up on to the reviews:

Koneko-Neko: first off thank you for reviewing and I know that sometimes ppl don't review when they read a good story (I am sometimes one of them) But if I set up a review bar, than I know my story is being read and I'm not just wasting my time.

Eclipse Shamon: Don't worry, you'll find out what happens, but I don't know if it will be this chapter or not, I think it will though.

For disclaimer and all that jazz, see first chapter.

/Yugi to Yami/

//Yami to Yugi//


*Flash back OR POV Change*

" Serenity!" Yugi yelled as he and Yami both ran over to catch her before she fell. Serenity looked up at them with a look of relief and a small smile crept onto her lips before she black out and landed in the boys' arms.

/ Yami what should we do? What happened to her? It looks like she was in a fight. Do you think her dad did this? Yami ANSWER ME!!!!!/ Yugi was in hysterics

// Calm down Yugi. WE need to take Serenity upstairs and lay her down in your bed so she can get some sleep. Then call Tea on her cell to see if she is anywhere near home yet. Okay?//


It was a good ten minutes before Yugi was composed enough to talk at all none the less coherently. He dialed Tea's cell number as fast as he could.

" Hello? Tea here?"

"Tea? Oh thank god you're there. uhh, Where are you?"

"At the river front about ten minutes from the school, why?"

"Serenity'soverhereandshelookslikeshehasbeenbeatupbadandshehasblac kedoutandwecan'tgethertoanswerusandwecan'tgetaholdofJoeyatall!!!!" Yugi took a deep breath after he finished this sentence.

Tea only caught a few words like Serenity and blacked out and beat up and can't get a hold of Joey.

"Oh god" Tea breathed, "Are you sure you can't get a hold of Joey?"

" He hasn't answered his cell in the last 3 days and he is not at home either."

"Ok, I'll be right over."

" Thanks Tea."

"Hey, what are friends for?'

(YnR: If I may but in I think that sometimes Tea does over do the friendship speeches, but you can't just target her. I mean doesn't Yami also over do the heart of the cards thing a bit too much sometimes and no one ever gets mad at him? Leaving you with that philosophical note, back to the fic)

Tea got over to Yugi's in just less than five minutes and she bolted through the door and straight up to Yugi's room to see Serenity. How she knew where Serenity was, I have no idea.

Serenity looked like she was put through the washer on spin cycle for ten hours and they forgot to let her dry. She had at least one black eye, a broken nose, looked like a sprained or possibly fractured wrist, and a broken ankle. She probably had more injuries, like broken ribs, but right now, Tea wanted to get her out of the sopping wet clothes she was in. So she ran down the stairs to try to find Yugi and found him having a mind conversation with Yami.

"Yugi, do you still have some of you mother's clothes here by chance?"

"I think so, why?" Yugi asked puzzled (no pun intended).

"serenity's clothes are drenched and I personally don't want to add sickness a top the continuously growing list of injuries."

" Oh my god, will she be al right? What injuries does she have?"

" I don't know and to many to tell you about now."

" Oh, Ok well, my mom's clothes should be in the attic."

"Thanks." and with that Tea raced up the stairs towards the attic.

* Serenity's POV*

Darkness. All I know is that it is dark and I'm warm. Am I dead? I would hope so. I would rather die than be at home. Come on girl. Open your eyes and see if fate is on your side. What? Where am I? I know that he isn't this rich and this doesn't look like my house at all. Wait, I think I have seen this room before. That's right, this is Yugi's room. How did I get here? Oh no, please not a flashback.


I just got away. I can't believe that he found me. And it's raining. Perfect, can it not get any worse? Wait, don't answer that. Where am I going? I have no idea. Wait, uhhhhhhh How about Yugi? Yeah, he'll let me in! At least I hope so. Come on. Almost there, Two more Blocks. One more block. I can feel myself blacking out. There it is. I'm tripping over my own feet. There's the door. Oh, no,... I'm .... not...going...to...make...it... Wait, I'm here. Oh god this is gonna hurt.....

*end Flashback*

I don't know why I came here. I'll just be burden to Yugi and Yami. I need to leave.

*Normal ( AKA authoresses) POV*


"What in the name of Ra was that?" Yami asked. He, along with Yugi and Tea, had been up for the past 36 hours running off of sugar and caffine. So, obviously, Serenity has been knock out for the last 36 hours and still known of the, had been able to get a hold of Joey.

" I don't know....." Yugi trailed off thinking about what could have made the noise. Then all of a sudden. almost like it was rehersed, all three of them yelled"SERENITY!!!" and ran for the stairs.

They got up to Yugi's room in a record breaking .00003 seconds and saw serenity laying on the floor, crying.

"What happened?" Asked Yugi as quietly as he could.

"I....I don't......I don't know.....I tried to stand up and..."

"NO!!! You can't stand up!! You're hurt." Exclaimed Tea.

"Really? Haven't noticed." Remarked Serenity sourly. "What's wrong with me?"

"Well," Started Tea,"From what I can tell, you have- uhh serenity? guys? you might want to sit down-..." They got serenity back into bed, "there, now you have a broken nose, two black eyes, fractured wrist, one ankle broken and one severly twisted, at least three broken wrists, a dislocated shoulder, and I don't think that your knee is supose to hang like that. Oh, and you have at least one bruise for every three inches of your height." Tea finished sadly.

Serenity fell back. " Can't believe he hurt me that much." She whispered. Only Yami heard her.

"Actually," Yami started cautously, as if trying to find the right words,"We were wondering what, and maybe even who happened to you."

"Serenity's face turned whiter than snow at these words. "Umm," she started lamely, "I-I don't...I don't, umm, don't remember what, umm, *gulp* what happened."

"Okay... can you tell us....maybe.....if you know.....what....... happened....... to....*pause*. to..*deep breath*...to Joey?" tried to play along but didn't know how Serenity would react to what she said. At these words, Serenity's face showed pure hatred and loathing for a minute and then, as quickly as it came, dissaperead and she broke into hysterics. "Joey.....why could you.......why....not....tell.....hurt.......hate.....love....oh Joey....you...so...stupid.....help....."

It took Yugi, Yami and Tea a good 15 minutes to calm Serenity down enough so she could tell what happened.

"Okay, I'm ready" she began by taking a deep, shuderring breath, "Joey....."

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *

YnR: Please review, I'm only asking for 2 more reviews!