Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What To Do When You're In Love ❯ Decisions and Find-Outs ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Cas: Sorry it took so long to update. I've been kinda' busy lately.
And I'm trying to finish my other story, Give It To Me.
Kotori2004: Thanks for reviewing and I promise
there WILL be lemons in the next chappy.
I hope you continue to enjoy my fic!
Cha. 2 Decisions and Find-Outs
After that… meeting with Seto, Joey went to his apartment. A pretty well managed one too. Decent furniture, working elevators. His cozy apartment was his sanctuary.
He took the elevator to the sixth floor. He fumbled with his keys and inserted it into the lock. The door opened, finally. Joey walked in, shutting the door behind him. Grumbling, he fell onto the couch. What to do next. He lay on the warm couch for a good thirty minutes before getting up.
The blonde went into the bathroom. That's when he saw it. The razor. After relieving himself, Joey picked it up. Taking off his shirt, he observed himself in the mirror. Various scars were visible everywhere on his body. Scars over his chest, stomach, even a few on his arms. All because of what? Seto, his father, Serenity… They all brought some pain to his already painful life.
`Oh, God!' He forgot to lock the door. He really hoped his dad wouldn't come around drunk again. There was a loud crash and the sound of glass breaking. Too late. `Oh shit.'
“Joeeeey!” a slurred voice called him.
“Ya dad?” he shouted back.
“Get your ass over here!”
Sighing, Joey put the razor in his back pockets. Another crash followed by a thump on the ground. Joey walked into the living room to find his dad on the floor about to pass out.
“Call Theresa for me, you worthless piece of shit.”
Joey glared at his dad. For Christ's sakes this was his place! He paid the rent. Not the other way around.
“You need to get out,” he said threateningly.
His father slowly got up. It seemed like he was leaving. But then he turned on Joey with a gun. He stepped up to his son and pointed it square at his chest. Joey was staring at the Glock with surprise. He backed up a little.
“Naw. I have another use for you,” he said, putting the Glock away. “I see you're already ready for me.”
Joey's dad lunged at him, knocking him down. He ripped off his pants and underwear. `Oh shit!' Before his so-called father could thrust into him, Joey kicked him off. The gun fell onto the floor. The blonde reached for it… And got it! (Betcha thought he woulda' missed it, eh?) He scrambled up and pointed at his dad.
“Get…out,” his voice was dripping with venom.
“But Joey---”
Joey's eyes opened wide. It was just as begging when he said it to Kaiba.
“I said get out, you godforsaken bastard!!” Joey snarled.
He grabbed him by the back of his jacket and threw him out the door. The gun still poised at his crotch.
“You'll pay for this Joey.”
When he left, Joey let out a long breath. `I thought I was a goner.' He pulled the small razor out of his pocket. And cut a curved line from his collarbone to his waist. Pain surged through his body. But so did pleasure. The pleasure of controlling himself, hurting himself (Kinda maniacal, huh? ^_^).
He just realized he was naked and the door was still open. He quickly shut it, locked it, and started to cut his arm.
Malik felt something warm rub against him and lazily cracked open a gorgeous lavender eye. Duke was moving in his sleep, accidentally brushing Malik's stomach. Malik felt behind him and noticed Tristan was curled up next to him. `Wait.' His eyes flew open. When exactly had he fallen asleep? Getting up on his elbows, he looked at the clock.
“SHIT!!!” he shot off the bed.
His outburst woke Tristan and Duke. They looked at him in alarm.
“What is it?” Duke asked sleepily.
“Why the hell did you let me fall asleep!? It's fuckin' six in the fucking morning!”
“Shit!” Duke and Tristan said in unison.
Malik rolled his eyes at them. He put on his leather pants and grabbed his shirt. It was torn.
“Duuuuke! Oh my god!” he yelled.
Duke grinned. He searched through his drawer and pulled out a black tank top. He glanced at Malik with that's-the-best-i-got look. Malik groaned and swiftly put it on.
“Marik is gonna' kill me!” Malik murmured.
“Maybe he won't know. Just tell him you spent the night,” suggested Tristan.
Malik looked at him in disbelief.
“You actually said something smart!”
Duke and Malik giggled. Tristan flipped them off.
“No need to get nasty, Tris. Besides, Malik has used that excuse more than once.”
“Duke. Drive me,” Malik instructed sternly.
“Didn't I do a good enough job last night?” he joked.
Malik stared at him. And shook his head.
“Never mind. I'll just walk!” he said, fed up.
“Okay babe, I'm sorry.”
Tristan looked at Duke like he was an idiot. He grabbed his keys and headed toward the door.
“You're wastin' time Duke. He's goin' with me.”
Before Duke could protest, Tristan had already dragged Malik out the door. He looked real smug.
“Prepare to ride in style, Malik,” he grinned.
On the sidewalk was Tris's motorcycle. It was pure black with blue flames covering the sides. Malik couldn't help but whistle.
Tristan glowed with pride and got on, Malik right behind him. The ride was silent. Spent on the actions of last night. Malik was so entranced that he never noticed them pull up. He got off and was about to go inside when he was pulled back and brought into a bruising kiss.
Ryou's eyes widened more then any human beings should go. When he looked out the window, Tris had taken Malik into a very touchy kiss. And Malik didn't even push away! In fact, he was responding! Ryou laid back down on his and Malik's bed in their room. A few tears slid down his pale cheeks. So… Malik was cheating on them.
Malik quietly slipped into the house, shutting the door as silently as he could. He let out a long sigh of relief. He walked into the living room. The lights flipped on. Revealing one angry Marik sitting on the couch, watching him. At that moment, Malik was sure glad he had closed off their mind link.
“Where have you been?”
“I slept over at Duke's,” he replied. Somewhat nervous.
They heard a snicker behind them. Bakura was watching Malik intently.
“How come you never call us to tell you are?” Bakura inquired.
“Yes. Interesting question, Kura,” Marik said.
`Damn it Bakura! How come you always show up at the worst possible times.' Malik tried to think of an excuse he hadn't already made. His mind was blank.
“You're not my mom, so piss off!” Malik said with a snarl.
Marik and Bakura raised their eyebrows. Marik in puzzlement, Bakura in amusement. Malik quickly rushed to the stairs. But Ryou, with puffy red eyes, barred his way. Malik gave him a nasty glare.
“Ryou! What's wrong?” Bakura's amusement faded when he saw his hikari's face.
“I… have to tell you something guys,” he said, flicking his eyes toward Malik.
“Oh, God” Malik muttered. He knew he was caught.
“Malik is cheating on us with Duke and Tristan.”
Yugi walked silently to Joey's house. After Yami asked him the big question he had ignored him ever since. He knew he couldn't keep it up much longer. He could feel Yami in pain. Pain of denial.
At first he thought Yami was kidding. But his eyes told differently. I mean, how could he leave? His friends, family, and childhood were here. Yami knew what it meant to him. And yet, he didn't want to lose Yami.
He arrived at Joey's door after taking the elevator. Somehow the door hadn't quite shut when Joey tried to lock it. Yugi slowly pushed the door open. What he saw made his jaw drop to the ground.
Joey was in the nude, moaning softly as he cut a thin line in his stomach. Blood pooled from new gashes on his arms and chest. His shoulder had a particularly one-inch deep cut and blood coursed its way down his body like spilt milk. Yugi watched in astonishment as his friend licked the blood off the small blade.
“J-Joey?” Yugi squeaked.
The blonde looked up. Upon seeing Yugi he dropped the blood-stained blade and covered himself with his clothes.
“Um… I'll be right back Yugi.” He tried to give a warm smile but wasn't even close.
Yugi waited nervously for Joey to come back. As if on cue, Joey appeared in clean clothes with a few bandages on his arm. He picked up the razor, glaring at it, as if it had caused this mess, which in some sense it had. Then tossed it into the bathroom. He motioned for Yugi to sit down with him. He complied.
There were dark, wet stains on the lush blue carpet which Yugi instantly knew was blood. His concern for his friend grew dramatically.
“How long have you been doing this?” Yugi asked boldly.
Joey glanced at him with said eyes and said, “About three years.”
Yugi gawked. “Why? Stop hurting yourself Joey!”
“It's okay Yuge.” Then he added rather guiltily. “I enjoy it.”
“It was because of Seto… wasn't it?”
The blonde looked away. “Partly,” he answered reluctantly.
“I'm going to kick his ass!” Yugi exclaimed, his voice boiling with rage.
“Yuge…” Joey stared at him in surprise then laughed.
Yugi took out his cell phone. And dialed Kaiba's number. Right when Joey realized what Yugi was doing, Seto answered the phone.
“Seto Kaiba speaking,” his sexy voice crackled through the connection.
“You jackass!” Yugi roared.
Kaiba held the phone a foot away from his sensitive ears.
“Stop shouting, you shrimp. What the hell do you want.”
Joey shook his head vigorously at his friend. Begging him not to tell. His pleas were ignored.
“Because of you, Joey is cutting himself! From how much blood I saw leaking out he may have died the next day!”
Joey chuckled. Yugi was exaggerating a little too much.
“What are you talking about?” Seto's voice was calm but inside it hurt like hell.
“Stupid mother-fucker! I thought you were smart. Joey almost died because of you!”
I did nothing to the stupid Mutt. Now if you're done cussing me out, dipshit, I am busy.”
Seto leaned back in his chair. He had hurt his puppy enough to make him cut himself?
He folded his hands together. `One less idiot to worry about.' He mentally slapped himself for thinking that. His cool was starting to waver.
He flipped open his phone once again. This time, instead of answering to a crazed Yugi, he called Mokuba on their private line.
“Yes Seto?”
“Ask Joey if he'd like to… come over for some help with his homework tomorrow at eight p.m.”
Mokie's voice brightened. “Are you going out now?”
“Not just yet. But soon.”
“Okay, big brother!”
Kaiba sucked in a breath and let it out slowly. He smirked. The next evening would be an interesting one.
End of Cha. 2
Cas: Please Review!
Dark Wind: Hehe. Malik is in so much trouble.
Malik: Shut up!
Cas: Don't mind them. The next chappy is sure to
have a complete lemon or two! ^_^