Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Loves Light ❯ Dark MagicianxCeltic Guardian ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kena> Thank you everyone who reviewed! Chapter One was also my first time lemon...with a bit of coaching from my sis, Sailor Yugioh Serenity. She writes lemons more than me. Anyway, thank you to the two people who gave me Duke's Japanese name. Neither my sis nor me knew that...considering we own Kids WB. Hey, does anyone know where we could get the Japanese version of Yu Gi Oh? Anyway, this chapter's mainly for my sis, who won't leave me alone til I write it. Ugh, hope you all enjoy it! Since my sis is forcing me to write this one, it might not be as good as Chapter One. Please Review! Oh, since i'm getting a lot of SetoxJou, that's the pairing. I was actually leaning toward that anyway. There's also going to be more than five chapters...since i'm going to probably kill off Anzu. I really hate her. Any complaints about that sent to me will be eaten by Skysong, mine and my sister's pet dragon.

Chapter Two: Dark MagicianxCeltic Guardian

It's been a day since Celtic Guardian was defeated by Seto's Ultimate Blue Eyes White Dragon. Now, their masters, Yami and Yuugi, are finally relaxing for a day from Duel Monsters, letting their monsters also rest up for the upcoming battles.

Dark Magician growls as he enters the huge room where all of Yuugi's Duel Monsters live. Some lovers, some friends, some loners. Nearby monsters, such as Kuriboh, Winged Dragon, and Gaia The Fierce Knight, move out of Dark's way. Besides being the strongest monster in Yuugi's deck, he's also the most feared of them all...except by Celtic Guardian. Celtic's personality, unless he's on the field battling, is vibrant, cheerful, a lot like Master Yuugi's personality when he's not battling.

Dark shakes his head, ignoring the looks from monsters. An idea just popped in his head, and he wonders where it came from. Celtic is more like Yuugi but he's Master Yami's favorite card and Dark is more like Yami, yet he's Master Yuugi's favorite card. He snorts. By Ra, those two are so in love with each other it's a miracle they aren't together yet.

"Um...excuse...Dark Magician-sama?" asks Mystical Elf, somewhat timid.

"What?" barks Dark, glaring at Mystical and also looking around for Celtic, yet not obvious.

"Never mind..." whispers Mystical walking away as Silver Fang runs in, followed by Mammoth Graveyard and Summoned Skull. Dark immediately knows something is wrong as Silver, Mammoth, and Summoned only act like that when one of Master Yuugi's cards are in danger.

"Who's in trouble now?" asks Dark grabbing his staff as he approaches Silver.

"C...Celtic." gasps Silver, though it comes out hoarsely. No one misses the fact that Dark pales, reaffirming their beliefs that Dark loves Celtic, and just doesn't want to tell him.

"Where?" snarls Dark.

"Shadow Realm. Some girl's Reaper is going insane and destroying all cards that are weaker than him!" says Mammoth. Dark runs out of the room, grabbing Celtic's sword as he does.

"Is Celtic really in trouble?" asks Mystical walking up to Mammoth.

"Yes, and by a Reaper, it's just that we were sent here and couldn't go back. Something was preventing us." says Summoned.

"Oh." says Mystical. She then smiles and starts chanting faintly under her breath. Unknown to Dark, Celtic's sword glows green.

Meanwhile, Dark flies over to where he can faintly feel Celtic's power signature is fading, rapidly. About a minute or two later, he sees Celtic defending himself, albeit weakly, against a Reaper Of The Cards and a Yamatano Dragon Scroll.

"Let's see...Yamatano's attack power is 900 and Reaper's is 1350. Course, without his sword, Celtic's is lowered from 1400 to 1000. (AN-Um, except for Yamatano's power level...i'm purely guessing on the rest. So um, if they are wrong, I am sorry!)

"Destroy him Yamatano!" snarls Reaper.

"You forget." says Yamatano. "He's still powerful than me."

"One more hit and you've got him." reminds Reaper.

"Oh yeah.." says Yamatano blinking. He attacks and Celtic dodges.

"You dodged?! You can't dodge!" says Reaper.

"Says who?" asks Celtic innocently. "This is, after all, the Shadow Realm. Rules are as bendable as a piece of string."

Dark barely stops himself from snorting. Just like Celtic. Just like him.

"SHINE!!" yells Reaper attacking. Celtic gulps. (A/N-Shine is pronounced Shee-nay. It means die.)

"DARK MAGIC ATTACK!" yells Dark, sending his attack between Celtic and Reaper.

"Dark!" gasps Celtic seeing his secret love. Dark wordlessly hands Celtic his sword, and Celtic's power goes to 1400, and then, surprisingly, up to 1900.

"How could his power go up 800 points?!" gasps Yamatano knowing he's dead.

"Mystical Elf." replies Celtic before destroying Yamatano.

"Dark Magic Attack!" says Dark destroying Reaper. Celtic's sword glows green and then stops.

"Damn you Celtic." says Dark before grabbing Celtic and hugging him. Surprised, Celtic hugs back.

"Let's go back before the others worry." whispers Celtic forlonly. Dark shakes his head no, and takes off his hat, causing his long, lavender hair to fall freely. Celtic blinks in surprise, and hope. Could Dark actually return Celtic's feelings?

"D-D-Dark?" asks Celtic stammering.

"C-C-Celtic?" mimics Dark making Celtic start laughing.

"Dark, um, I got something to tell you." whispers Celtic.

"Same here." says Dark softly.

"Ai Shiteru." they say as one. They stare at each other and then Dark pulls Celtic to him and kisses him. Celtic moans softly and wraps his arms around Dark's neck, deeping the kiss. Dark reluctantly breaks the kiss, causing Celtic to whimper.

"The others..." says Dark softly. "They might get worried."

Celtic immediately understands and groans. "It's your fault too koi. You purposely try to be evil."

"Hasn't changed Master Yuugi's feelings toward me." says Dark as they walk back to the area where Yuugi's duel monsters live. They see Silver Fang, Mammoth Graveyard, Summoned Skull, Kuriboh, Gaia The Fierce Knight, and everyone else outside. Dark growls and Celtic laughs.

"Soon koi. Soon." whispers Celtic and Dark barely suppressed the shudder of excitement.

"Welcome Back Celtic."says Mystical Elf hugging Celtic.

"Good to be back." says Celtic hugging her back. Dark ignores them all and walks into the huge arena, and into his room. He takes off all his armor, leaving him in only a loincloth, and grabs his staff. Carefully looking, he sees everyone is still outside. Luckily, Celtic's room is just across the hall. Dark runs into it and shuts the door behind him. The lights are on and no one, not even Kuriboh, is in the room. Dark sighs in relief and hides himself in the shadows as he hears someone approach the room.

"I'm tired guys! Yes i'm fine, i'll talk tomorrow!" says Celtic as he enters. "And no Summoned, I very seriously doubt you can defeat Dark in a battle." He shuts the door behind him and locks it.

"And with everyone outside, I can't get to Dark's room." hisses Celtic flopping on the bed. Dark shakes his head as Celtic takes off his clothes, leaving only a loincloth on incase of an emergency. Dark sees Celtic's erection loud and clear as Celtic lays down and closes his eyes, hand wandering down to his erection and he begins to pump it. Dark places his staff quietly against the wall and approaches Celtic. Celtic then moans Dark's name and Dark grins.

"Allow me." whispers Dark as he pushes Celtic's hand away and licks the top of Celtic's arousal.

"Oh gods...Dark..." whimpers Celtic, eyes still closed.

"I'm far from God my Elf." says Dark before swallowing Celtic whole. Celtic half screams and unconsciously thrusts up. Dark holds Celtic's hips down, and works Celtic's arousal. Celtic's eyes are still closed.

'That will not do.' thinks Dark. He lets go of Celtic's erection, whom whimpers at the loss. Dark starts to stroke Celtic's erection as he crawls awkwardly up and then kisses Celtic. Celtic's eyes fly open and he moans, wrapping his arms around Dark's neck. Their erection fleetingly touch and both Monsters groan in unfeigned pleasure.

"You are here." says Celtic before moaning as Dark licks a nipple.

"Of course, my Elf." says Dark.

"Dark!" Celtic half whines as Dark licks the top of his erection. "Just make love to me!"

"Not without lube." says Dark seriously. Celtic motions wildly to his nightstand and Dark opens the drawer, pulls out a tube of lube, and coats his fingers in it. He then inserts a finger and Celtic moans softly, and Dark leans down and presses a kiss to Celtic's stomach. Celtic then gasps as Dark inserts a second, and then a third, opening Celtic up.

"Dark!" Celtic wails softly as Dark gently brushes past Celtic's prostate.

"Soon, Hati-a. (1)" whispers Dark and Celtic whimpers in loss as Dark pulls his fingers out and proceeds to cover his erection in lube. Dark then positions himself and slowly pushes in. However, Celtic has other ideas, and pushes against the headboard, causing Dark to enter him in one smooth stroke.

"Celtic!" gasps Dark as Celtic's insides conform around his arousal. Celtic waits and then slowly rocks his hips, signaling to Dark he's ready. Dark nods and pulls out at the same time. Dark then thrusts in somewhat harshly but Celtic just moans in appreciation.

Dark pulls back out and thrusts back in, this time Celtic meeting him. Dark continues to thrust in and pull out, with Celtic meeting him stroke for stroke. Barely understandable moans fill the air with the scent of sex.

"Dark!!" Celtic half-screams, half-moans as he comes, spurting over Dark's stomach. Dark thrusts in once and comes inside Celtic, moaning Celtic's name.

Pulling out reluctantly, Dark collapses next to Celtic, wrapping an arm around Celtic's waist.

"Love you." whispers Celtic nearly asleep.

"I love you too." says Dark. Celtic falls asleep, happy, as does Dark. Both sated, content, and secure in each other's love for each other.


Bakura> It sucked.

Kena> Hey! I thought it wasn't half bad, for a rushed one hour lemon. My YamixYuugi lemon took me a week and a night to do.

Yuugi> Mainly because you AND Serene were doing your homework.

Kena> Yeah well...shut up! Anyway, in the lead is SetoxJou, so, that's the pairing. I think I already stated it, but, who cares? Hey, question, any Anzu haters have an idea about how to kill her? I'm thinking a Shadow Realm game...but, i'd like to know what people have to say. Next chapter is BakuraxRyou, so, give me until Saturday, and I should have that one up. Hey, I might be done with this fic by Next Week. Yippee!! I might even do a sequel. Anyway, please review!