Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Loves Light ❯ BakuraxRyou ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

So without further ado, here's Chapter Three of 'When Darkness Loves Light'.

Disclaimer: ::Chibi Kurama looks at the readers, wide-eyed with tears. Chibi Hiei comes, glares at the readers::

Chibi Hiei (while holding a now very happy Chibi Kurama): She doesn't own anything and if you make my koibito cry, i'll kill you.

Kena: Heh....a very pissed Chibi Jaganshi....would we live? Oooo, before I forget, a note. I know that in the anime, and probably in the manga, Bakura is an evil person who only wants the Millennuim Items for his own evil deeds (probably so he can stop time and screw Ryou senseless, but then, that's my take on it) but for this fic, Bakura is evil to Yami to make him stronger so that when the True Evil comes Yami can defeat it. If it makes no sense, then read the chapter. And here it is before you all kill me for taking so long. This takes place AFTER Duelist Kingdom.

< br> Chapter Three: BakuraxRyou

Ryou yawns as he enters his house. His father is on some archeological dig in Egypt, and Bakura is most likely asleep on the couch. Aware that might be the case, Ryou peeks in the living room to see that it is, infact, true. Bakura is on the couch, asleep, dressed in only a pair of pants that're so tight, Ryou knows Bakura isn't wearing underwear. However, what surprises Ryou is the girl sitting infront of the sleeping Bakura, glaring at him. Ryou backs away, jealous. Of course, Bakura would have some girlfriend while taking over his body. Sighing softly, Ryou places his bookbag down on the floor by the coatrack and enters the kitchen. Even though Bakura's stopped beating him, he's still mean as all hell.

"Let me guess, you're Bakura's hikari." says the girl in the doorway to the kitchen. Ryou jumps, barely catches the falling jar of sugar, and look at her, a bit peeved. She has long black hair pulled back into a french braid and green eyes. She is dressed in a baby blue mini-skirt, a white tank top, a baby blue vest, beige tights and white high heeled sandals. Ryou barely recognizes the uniform is that of the private high school, Zion. She leans against the doorway as Ryou places the jar of sugar on the counter.

"Why do you ask?" asks Ryou.

"Cause half of Zion wants to know why Bakura doesn't want to date, the other half wants to know if he's already dating." says the girl. "Oh, i'm Sena Mazaki."

"Related to Anzu?" asks Ryou. To his surprise, Sena winces.

"I'm twin sister actually. I just dyed my hair black because I want to stand out from her as much as possible." says Sena. "So how bad has she been?"

"You mean besides terroizing Yuugi and Yami?" mutters Ryou under his breath as he grabs a bowl out of the cabinet along with a spoon. He walks over to the pantry, grabs the Raisin Bran, and walks back over to the counter.

"Figures." says Sena while Ryou pours the cereal into the bowl and walks back to the pantry. He then opens the fridge, grabs the milk, pours it into his cereal, and puts the milk back.

"So why are you here?" asks Ryou adding sugar to his cereal.

"Knock some sense into Bakura." says Sena as they walk to the living room where Bakura is still asleep. Asleep, he actually looks innocent. Ryou sits down on the couch with his cereal, legs curled underneath him. Sena sits across from him on the recliner, legs curled underneath her, watching Ryou.

"So, when do you think you'll tell Bakura you love him?" asks Sena after five minutes of watching Ryou watch Bakura.

"W-What?" sputters Ryou, missing the way Bakura seems to tense. Sena doesn't.

"Don't lie to me. I see it. The way your voice softens when you talk about him, the way your eyes sparkle when you think about him and the way you were watching him just now. You practically scream, I love you." says Sena.

"Even if it was true, Bakura wouldn't feel the same." says Ryou softly before drinking the last of his milk out of the bowl. Placing on the table, Ryou streches out on the couch.

"Oh please. Bakura's been pining for someone he calls 'Ry' for nearly three months now." says Sena smirking when she sees Ryou's eyes alight with understanding.

"He...He likes me?" asks Ryou, voice so soft you can barely hear him. Sena groans.

"Likes you?! He loves you and Bakura, get your ass up now or i'll kick it from here to Pluto and back!" snaps Sena at Bakura as he fake-awakes. He glares at Sena, eyes still filled with the vestiges of sleep.

"Why are you here and talking to MY hikari?" snarls Bakura pushing his hair back.

"Alright, I want a straight answer because for once, i'm playing matchmaker and you know how much I detest matchmakers." says Sena.

"What?" snaps Bakura. Ryou blinks. Did he just hear the undertone of hope in Bakura's voice?

"I want you to tell Ryou how you honestly feel before tomorrow. I'm leaving right now so you two can work out whatever problems you have." says Sena getting up. "I expect to see an improvement later." She leaves the house, snickering. Someone's gonna get laid tonight. She KNOWS it.

"I'm going to kill her." growls Bakura.

"Is it true?" asks Ryou almost timidly. Bakura sighs in defeat and flops against the couch, to Ryou's utmost shock.

&lt;&lt;Yes. It's true.>> says Bakura mentally as if it'll be easier to be rejected that way. Grinning, Ryou silently climbs off the couch and straddles Ryou's thighs. Bakura's eyes open a second before Ryou gently kisses him. Bakura moans lightly before taking control of the kiss. Standing, Ryou immediately clasps his arms and legs around Bakura, frightened for a minute. Bakura chuckles as he walks to Ryou's bedroom. Entering the bedroom, Bakura untangles Ryou from around his neck and lightly places Ryou on the bed. Bakura suddenly seems hesitant.

&lt;Bakura, Ai Shiteru.> says Ryou mentally and Bakura can see Ryou really means it. A perk of mental speak is that you can't hide your true feelings when saying something. Bakura smiles and climbs onto the bed. He leans down and kisses Ryou, who wraps his arms around Bakura's neck, obviously happy. Without breaking the kiss, Bakura somehow (by magic most likely) divulges Ryou of his clothes and somehow gets his own pants off. Next thing Ryou knows is that the kiss has been broken and Bakura is licking the skin where collarbone meets neck.

Whimpering, Ryou gasps when Bakura suddenly nips his nipple. Gasping as the intense pleasure coursing through his veins, Ryou nearly screams when Bakura then grabs his weeping erection and starts to gently pump it. Ryou's hips thrust up of their own accord and Bakura chuckles, a low, dark, sexy sound. He then leans over and licks the ruby red tip causing Ryou to half-sob.

"What do you want Ryou?" asks Bakura. Now that he has Ryou's love, he'll make sure he never looses it.

"You....in me...." gasps Ryou brain turned to mush from the pleasure. Bakura reaches for the bottle of lotion on the nightstand, and pours some on his fingers liberally. He then leans over and kisses Ryou before gently inserting a finger into Ryou. Ryou gasps at the slight pain.

&lt;&lt;Relax love.>> thinks Bakura. &lt;&lt;It's pass if you relax.>>

Trusting Bakura, Ryou slowly relaxes and then wraps his arms around Bakura's neck, taking his mind off the pain as Bakura enters a second, and then a third finger, making Ryou loose enough. Without breaking the kiss (again), Bakura pours some more lotion on his hand and coats his own erection with it, before breaking the kiss reluctantly.

Ryou's brain has gone so much past mush that Ryou doesn't register the pain until Bakura gently enter Ryou. Hearing Ryou's whimper of pain, Bakura stops, to let Ryou's body get used to the intrusion. Slowly as possible, Bakura enters Ryou millimeter by millimeter. After fully seated into Ryou, Bakura leans over and kisses away the tears that have appeared at the corner of Ryou's eyes.

&lt;&lt;I'm sorry my Heart.>> says Bakura. Hearing that, Ryou's eyes fill with shock, surprise, but most of all, love. Seeing it, Bakura smiles. He has to make Ryou look like that more. Ryou then gently moves his hips and Bakura groans before gently pulling out and then thrusting back in. Ryou gasps and wraps his legs around Bakura, causing him to go deeper.

"B-B-Bakura!" Ryou half screams when Bakura brushes his prostate. Smiling, Bakura angles his thrusts so that every one hits it. Ryou half screams Bakura's when he comes about two thrusts later and splatters Bakura's chest. Bakura comes not even two seconds later, groaning Ryou's name. Pulling out, Bakura collapses to Ryou's side, stroking Ryou's hair.

"Ai Shiteru." whispers Ryou before falling asleep. Bakura smiles and kisses Ryou's forehead.

"Ai Shiteru, Hikari no Bakura." says Bakura. (Translation: Bakura's light.)

The next day, Bakura yawns as he awakens. Looking at the empty space beside him, he frowns before rolling over to glance at the clock. It's almost eight o'clock. Bakura snarls and leaps out of bed. As he runs downstairs, he grabs his Millennuim Ring and puts it on, being cleaned and clothed an instant later. Black skintight leather pants, a white silk shirt, and black-mid calf high boots, Bakura looks like a walking advertisement for sex. Running out of the house, it's locked and surrounded by the Ring's magic.

'Dammit Ryou!' curses Bakura to himself. He knows today is the day Ryou is going to get beaten because he doesn't have the 50,000 yen. As he runs into the courtyard of the school, he sees Ryou being surrounded by bullies, with Yuugi, Anzu, Jounouchi, and Honda watching. At that, Bakura's eyes narrow more until he notices knives being held at their backs. He sighs. Apparently the Pharoah's light has been threatened if he helps Ryou.

Turning his attention back on the battle, Bakura's eyes narrow. So fast that not even human eyes could track him, he runs and grabs the fist headed for Ryou's face.

"The ONLY one who abuses Ryou is me." snarls Bakura shoving the bully back.

&lt;If that's what you call abuse, I wouldn't mind more of it.> snickers Ryou causing Bakura to burst out laughing. The bullies are confused. Two Ryous?!

"What's Bakura doing here?" snarls Anzu.

"Messing with your mind bitch." snarls Bakura under his breath. He then whirls around and punches the bully reaching for Ryou. Bakura then whirls around and knocks all the gang members out, including the leader. Ignoring everyone, Bakura turns around, glares at Ryou, before pulling him over and kissing him infront of everyone. To the absolute shock of Honda, Jounouchi, Anzu, hell, most of the school, Ryou wraps his arms around Bakura's neck, returning the kiss.

&lt;Oh, did I remind you, that school's been canceled?> asks Ryou mischieviously as they break the kiss. Bakura laughs, full throated as he and Ryou turn to walk out of the schoolyard.

"Why do I think things are going to get a lot interesting?" wonders Yuugi as Yami appears behind him, invisible, arms around Yuugi's waist.

//Because, Aibou, Bakura is revealing who he really is.//says Yami.
