Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When Darkness Loves Light ❯ SetoxJounouchi ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~Chapter Four: Seto and Jounouchi~

Jounouchi Katsuya yawns as he stumbles into his apartment. Reflexes causes him to drop to the ground and roll, barely missing being hit by a beer bottle.

"Hey! Brat! About time you got home!" snarls his father from the dining room. Jounouchi doesn't answer as he enters his room, the only CLEAN area in the whole house. Muttering to himself, Jounouchi grabs a bookbag and starts to stuff enough items for a sleepover at Yuugi's house. Blinking, Jounouchi groans and flops to his bed. Yuugi's invited Ryou, meaning it's either Ryou for real or Bakura pretending to be Ryou. Lately though, Bakura's seem more mellowed out. Must be the fact that the two are lovers.

Getting up, Jounouchi grabs his Duel Monsters deck and his bookbag. As he leaves his room, his father's fist crashes into his face, sending Jounouchi back into his bedroom door, hard.

"What was that for?" asks Jounouchi coldly as he stands, bookbag handing off a shoulder.

"Don't you ever come back home again!" snarls his father enunciating each word with either a kick or a punch.

"Fine!" snaps Jounouchi retaliating just enough to get his father to back off. "I didn't want to live here anyway!"

Stalking out of the apartment, Jounouchi ducks as a beer bottle flies over him and goes over the balcony, hitting the one person Jounouchi never wanted to see. Seto Kaiba. Jounouchi ducks as Seto glares up. His father slams the door shut, locking it. Jounouchi sighs, and forgetting about Seto, gets up and walks down the stairs wincing as the pain on his face seems to multiply by ten.

"What'd you do, run into your door like a scared puppy dog?" drawls Seto as Jounouchi reaches the ground.

"Fuck off Kaiba." snarls Jounouchi walking past Seto and down to Yuugi's house. Maybe Yuugi has some witch hazel or something to take the pain out of the bruise.

"Jou! What happened?!" asks Honda walking up with Yuugi, Yami, Ryou, and Bakura of all people.

"Nothing." says Jounouchi.

"Bullshit." replies Yami seeing the beginnings of a bruise, as does Bakura. "You don't get bruises like that unless they're from fights."

"It's normal shit." says Jounouchi. No one has spotted Seto walking up to Jounouchi's house as they walk away to Yuugi's. Stopping infront of Jounouchi's apartment, easily located by the beer bottle stains on the door, Seto knocks.

"I though I told you not t-" starts Jounouchi's father opening the door. Seto only looks down at him like a master would look down at a slave.

"So you're Jounouchi's father." says Seto coldly. Inwardly, he's wondering why he's doing this for some mutt.

*Cause you love him you doofus.* retorts Seto's conscience. Seto growls at it before turning back to the attention at hand.

"Yeah, and you are?" retorts Mr. Katsuya.

"Seto Kaiba." says Seto. "Just wanted to know."

Two police cars then drive up and walk up to Seto.

"This him Mr. Kaiba?" asks the first.

"Yes Detective. You'll find all the evidence you need in the apartment. He's neglected his child and beaten him." says Seto ignoring the newscrews as he gets in his limo which has driven up discreetly.

Back at Yuugi's house, Ryou and Yuugi are trying to convince their yamis not to go and shadow game Jounouchi's father while Honda takes care of Jounouchi's bruises.

"In other news." says the local newscaster causing everyone to look at the screen. "Multi-billionaire Seto Kaiba has had a local man, Mr. Jonathan Katsuya, arrested for Child Neglect and Abuse. When asked to comment, Mr. Kaiba had only this to say."

The TV then shows Seto getting into his limo before glaring at the camera crews.

"Leave me the hell alone." says Seto shutting the door and the limo drives off.

"That was taken not even five minutes ago. Mr. Kaiba has not yet contacted us as why he has taken a personal interest in this case." says the newscaster. "Back to you Bob."

"Huh. Knew it." says Bakura in the silence. "That idiot can't let a friend get hurt."

"A friend?" asks Yuugi, Ryou, Honda, and Jounouchi.

"Duh." says Bakura. "You four won't recognize it but Seto treats you as acquantinces so that his enemies won't use you against him like Mokuba's been used. The pretense of hatred keeps his enemies away from you, mostly."

"Huh." says Jounouchi.

Back at Kaiba Manor, Seto is in his bedroom, glaring at the mirror on the wall.

*Why not just tell him?* wonders his Conscience.

Because he'll hate me, retorts Seto sarcastically.

*Wanna bet?*

Yeah, you try telling the object of your wet dreams that you love him when he hates your guts.

*I did.* says his conscience smugly.

Yeah right, retorts Seto. To who?

*Uh...no one in particular.*

Uh huh, so in my dreams you tell him. Kinda obvious ya think?

*So sleep. Let your dreams outdo reality.*

I'm already out of reality idiot.

*Hey! You called yourself an idiot!* snickers the Conscience. Seto groans and flops onto his bed. Within ten minutes, he is asleep and dreaming.


Seto looks around the meadow with something akin to happiness. Finally, he's alone to just be himself without worrying about the outside world. Just as he's ready to let loose, lo and behold, Jounouchi walks up, looking as lost as ever.

"So, mutt, you still come to taunt me in my dreams?" retorts Seto.

"Your dreams?! This is mine loser." retorts Jounouchi.

"Wishful thinking on your part." says Seto. Jounouchi frowns at him but gets an idea. It's just a dream right....? And dreams go depending on the dreamer....so...aw hell. Jounouchi stalks up to Seto, grabs him, and kisses him. Seto freezes and when Jounouchi starts to pull away, Seto grabs him and deepens the kiss, causing Jounouchi to whimper softly.

*Just like a dog*

Fuck off.

When they finally break the kiss due to lack of oxygen getting to their brains, Seto and Jounouchi stare into each others eyes, arms around each other. As they slowly start to breathe normally, they continue to stare in each others eyes, mesmerized by the absolute love seen in the others' eyes.

"As much as i'd love to continue this...I have a feeling i'm about to wake up." mutters Jounouchi under his breath breaking the eye spell and butting his head against Seto's chest.

"Then visit me in the morning." says Seto.


Seto shoots out of his bed, eyes wide as the dream returns to him. Glancing at the clock, he sees that's he's only been asleep for an hour. Slamming his hand on it, Seto falls back onto his bed, ignoring the pounding of his heart as he tries to figure out if that dream was really a dream, or real.

At the Mouto's, Jounouchi blinks as he awakens from his nap. Yuugi and Yami are lying on the couch, Yuugi ontop of Yami, watching a movie. Ryou and Bakura are asleep on the other couch. Taking a closer glance at Yuugi and Yami, Jounouchi sees that they are asleep. Yawning quietly as he gets up, Jounouchi walks to the door and leaves, never knowing of both Bakura and Yami watching him discretely.

"Seto's?" mouthes Yami.

"Seto's." mouthes Bakura confirming it. Outside, Jounouchi berates himself as he walks to Seto's mansion.

'Come on Jou, what makes you think that dream was real...even though it felt real.' thinks Jounouchi to himself, gently touching his lips which feel as if they've recently been kissed. Shaking his head, Jounouchi realizes he's at Seto's front door, and has apparently ringed the doorbell because Mokuba just opened it.

"Jou! You alright?" asks Mokuba motioning for Jounouchi to enter. Jounouchi groans, wondering what Mokuba eats in the morning for him to be so hyper!

"I'm good. Why?" asks Jounouchi.

"You mean you didn't see the news?" asks Mokuba frowning.

"Oh, yeah I did." says Jounouchi never seeing Seto standing in the shadows on the stairway.

"So where ya going to stay?" asks Mokuba leading Jounouchi into the kitchen before glaring at Seto. Seto narrows his eyes at Mokuba who just grins in return.

"Probably with Yuugi." says Jounouchi as Mokuba sets a can of coke infront of him. "At least for a couple days."

"Huh?" asks Mokuba.

"They're lovers Mokuba." says Seto entering and going to the refridgerator. "Yami and Yuugi are lovers."

"Ohhh....do you think Bakura and Ryou are too?" wonders Mokuba innocently. He didn't miss how Jounouchi became all dreamy-eyed, nor did he miss how Seto also became dreamy-eyed. Those two are so in love it's a miracle they aren't together. Jounouchi then hears Seto's soft groan and snickers under his breath.

"Yep, they're lovers." says Jounouchi sparing Seto from answering. "Have been for about two or three weeks." Seto closes the refrigerator, having in his hands enough food to make about three good-sized sandwiches. Doubting that Seto's making them for him, Jounouchi doesn't ask when Mokuba does.

"Can I have a sandwich too Seto?" wonders Mokuba jumping on the stool next to Jounouchi. Seto doesn't answer as he begins to make three ham and cheese sandwiches. About two minutes later, after putting the ham, cheese, and mustard up (yummy!), Seto places the sandwiches on three seperate plates, and in a move that surprises Jounouchi, places a plate infront of Mokuba, and infront of Jounouchi before grabbing a third and sitting on the opposite side of the counter.

"Thanks!" says Mokuba digging into his. Warily, Jounouchi picks his up and begins to eat it.

*Good manners for a mutt.* mutters Seto's conscience.

Shut up! snaps Seto, realizing he's berating himself. Groaning, and ignoring Jounouchi and Mokuba's surprised look, Seto smacks himself on his forehead. That's when Jounouchi notices that Seto's in only a pair of silk pants. Mokuba then gets up and places his plate in the sink.

"Night Seto." yawns Mokuba glancing at the clock. It reads 8: 35.

"Don't play Kingdom Hearts all night, alright?" asks Seto.

"I won't. I just gotta find the last evidence of Alice's innocence in Wonderland." says Mokuba.

"The hard to get one?" asks Jounouchi.

"Yep." says Mokuba. "I know where it is, I just don't know HOW to get to it. It's on some ledge in the Rabbit Hole."

"Have fun." says Seto pointedly. Mokuba nods and runs to his bedroom. Jounouchi looks at Seto.

"So why did you have my father arrested?" asks Jounouchi. Seto looks at Jounouchi and wonders if he'll get away with a lie.

"And no, I won't let you get away with a lie." says Jounouchi easily seeing that question in Seto's eyes. Seto muses something. Besides Mokuba, Jounouchi seems to be the only one who understands him, well, besides Jounouchi's other friends.

"Well?" says Jounouchi. Seto groans, knowing he's going to regret answering it. The dreams of Jounouchi professing love are just that, dreams.

*He's waiting.*

Fuck off!

*Not until you tell him.* taunts his conscience.

"Yeah, like Jounouchi is really going to confess he loves me after I tell him I love him." mutters Seto, not knowing he said it outloud.

*Well, why not look at him.*

"No." growls Seto under his breath. Jounouchi, meanwhile, is staring at Seto. Seto loves him? As in honest to god love? Jounouchi then blinks. Seto's talking to himself...Inner dialogue. He snickers. Seto's not even paying attention to him.

"So." says Jounouchi startling Seto out of his argument with himself. "Answer or do I have to beat it outta ya?"

Seto blinks. Did he answer Jounouchi's question already?

"Because." says Seto wincing inwardly as Jounouchi's eyes seem to darken. Jounouchi gets up, ignoring the fact he still has half a ham and cheese sandwich to eat, and stands infront of Seto, knowing that sitting, Seto's as tall as he is. Wondering where this reckless streak came from, Jounouchi grabs Seto's chin, leans down, and kisses him.

Seto, not caring if this is a dream or not, wraps his arms around Jounouchi's waist, pulling him onto his lap. Jounouchi wraps his arms around Seto's neck, deepening the kiss. As Jounouchi breaks the kiss due to lack of oxygen, both of them look cross-eyed, and both are erect.

"Bed?" asks Jounouchi breathing hard. Seto doesn't say anything. Instead he stands up, grabbing Jounouchi to keep him from falling, and walks towards the stairs, up the stairs, and into his bedroom without letting Jounouchi down. Down the hall, Mokuba giggles as he closes his bedroom door.

In Seto's bedroom, Jounouchi is in awe. It's covered in blue and white silk. The bed itself is a huge four-postered bed with enough covers that it looks like a sea of blue and white silk.

"You like silk?" wonders Jounouchi. Seto doesn't answer. Instead he pulls Jounouchi to him and kisses him. Jounouchi moans softly and kisses back, arms going back around Seto's neck. Pushing Jounouchi gently backwards, He falls onto the bed, Seto falling ontop of him. However, Seto makes sure he doesn't land to hard on Jounouchi. Won't due to crush his lover. Breaking the kiss again, Seto and Jounouchi just stare into each other eyes, both hoping this isn't a dream.

Growling under his breath, Seto rolls off Jounouchi. Sitting up, Jounouchi crawls back onto the bed, wondering what he did wrong now. Before he can ask, Seto crawls up to Jounouchi, looking like a tiger after his prey. He then pushes Jounouchi down and all but tears the shirt of Jounouchi. Jounouchi then gasps as Seto leans down and gently flicks his tongue over Jounouchi's nipples.

Crying out, half in pleasure, half in shock, as Seto gently bites the nipple, Jounouchi then whimpers. Seto looks up, but seeing only pleasure on Jounouchi's face, nips and licks his way down to Jounouchi's stomach. Encountering Jounouchi's pants, Seto all but tears those off too, throwing them haphazardly in some direction, revealing Jounouchi isn't wearing underwear. Smiling as he is faced with Jounouchi's obvious arousal, Seto stops. He wants to be IN Jounouchi when he comes, but what if Jounouchi doesn't want to...?

"Seto?" asks Jounouchi.

"Jou...." says Seto. A light bulb then goes off in Jounouchi's head.

"I trust you." says Jounouchi. Seto looks surprised but then smiles, a real honest-to-god smile that makes him seem more beautiful than before. Taking off his pants, Seto then reaches under his pillow, pulling out a bottle of lubricant and popping the cap open. Gently stroking Jounouchi's erection as he pours some onto his fingers, Seto then places a finger at Jounouchi's entrance. Breathing deeply, Jounouchi relaxes as much as possible. Seto smiles at him reassuringly, and then pushes his finger into Jounouchi. Jounouchi gasps at the brief flaring of pain, his body not used to the intrusion, but he's soon moaning softly because of Seto's gentle stroking on his erection. Reaching his peak, Jounouchi groans in loss as Seto stops the stroking.

"I want you to come when i'm inside you." says Seto as he enters a second, followed by a third finger. After a few moments of streching Jounouchi, Seto then lathers his own neglected arousal and barely stops his moan. Breathing deeply, Seto gently grabs Jounouchi's hips and enters him, slowly. Jounouchi whimpers, half due to the fact that this is all new, half to the fact it's causing him immense pleasure. Soon, Seto is seated fully inside Jounouchi and leaning over, kisses away the few tears that fell. He won't tease Jounouchi about this. It hurts the first few times.

Jounouchi reaches up and wrapping an arm around Seto's neck to pull him down, kisses him. Seto gently kisses back, pouring all his love into it. He then breaks the kiss and slowly pulls out of Jounouchi. Jounouchi gasps when Seto thrusts back in, the pain disappearing and pleasure taking over. Whimpering, Jounouchi then screams Seto's name as Seto brushes past a spot inside him. Seto smirks and angles his thrusts so that they always brush that spot. Not long after, Jounouchi comes screaming Seto's name.

As his muscles clamp around Seto, Seto groans Jounouchi's name as he comes inside Jounouchi. As his muscles seem to give, Seto collapses to Jounouchi's side. Grabbing some tissues off the nightable, Seto cleans them off to the best of his ability before throwing it in the trashcan. He then pulls Jounouchi into his arms.

"Don't let this be a dream." whispers Jounouchi so softly that Seto barely hears him.

"Jou, look at me." says Seto. Jounouchi does warily and Seto smiles before leaning down as kissing him. Breaking the kiss, he says three words that Jounouchi never thought he'd hear. "Ai Shiteru, Jou."

"Ai Shiteru Seto." whispers Jounouchi back before both fall asleep, safe, secure, and happy in each other's love.

~To Be Continued~

Yami Kena> ACK!! Sap!! Save me!!

Hikari Kena> Suffer Yami! We got flamed so I added sap to it. Besides, next chapter is Yami MalikxMalik, and then da da da...Anzu dies!! Two more chapters people. Ooooo...I just thought of something. Let's vote for a sequel to 'When Darkness Loves Light' called 'When Light Loves Darkness'. The Hikaris get their revenge on the yamis! Well, Jounouchi and Celtic Guardian also get their revenge on their lovers too...so vote! Please? Pretty please with sugar on top?