Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When I Come Back! ❯ I'm Back! ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Yugi?" Yami asked. The boy giggled and shook his head no. "Then who are you?"

"HITORI!" The boy jumped up and off Yami's lap and morphed in to a girl, shocking many people.

"I'm sorry, Yugi! I was only having some fun! I swear I wasn't doing anything wrong!" The girl, Hitori, as Yami guessed, said, obviously scarred.

A boy who looked like Yugi appeared. Yami wasn't sure if this was the real one or not. He turned to Bakura who was holding his ring. It glowed and pointed to the boy. Bakura leaned over to Yami.

"That's Yugi. The real one." He whispered into Yami's ear as he pointed to the boy. Yami didn't wait another second. He swiftly got up and wrapped his arms around Yugi. The girl started to back away.

"That was a stupid stunt." The girl muttered.

"Let. Go." Yugi said through clenched teeth. Yami backed off confused.

"Remember, Yugi, he protected you and watched over you, don't hurt him too bad." The girl said pleadingly.

"NO one touches me without my permission." Yugi said.

"He's your yami. You should be his hikari, not his enemy. Have some fun, Yugi. You've been so tense since you died." Yugi actually relaxed, this only served to scare the girl ever more and cause her to back away even further. A relaxed look was on Yugi's face.

"You're right I should be having fun. I shouldn't be hating everything for being treated badly."

"I know that look. You're in one of your insane moods aren't you?" Yugi shrugged.

"How can one really tell what `sane' is? It is quite impossible for there are so many different ways that are considered sane to some and insane to others. How do you know if I am sane or not?" Yugi smiled at the girl and Hitori looked like she had seen a ghost, no, a room full of ghosts.

"C-cause every time you use that look you hurt someone, something, anything in your path."

"I just want to have some fun. The kind of fun hikaris aren't supposed to have, to know better than. I guess now I have no restrictions, do I?" The girl was pressed as close to the wall as possible, trembling from head to toe. "Now, now Hitori. I promise I won't hurt you. I just can't say the same for every one else." Hitori's eyes widened. She disappeared in a second and Yugi shook his head.

"Give them one concussion and their scared like little dogs."

"You gave her………" Yami was interrupted.

"Yes and I suggest you run like the wind, Yami. I tend to play a bit rough." Yami couldn't doubt he was afraid of Yugi.

"I ain't afraid of you!" Bakura said standing up to face Yugi.

"Do you cherish your life?" Yugi asked.

"Yes." Bakura answered.

"Then I guess we'll just have to play a game."

"What game?"

"It's called `Audios Life.' I know I will enjoy playing this game with someone as ignorant as you."

(*^-^) (^-^*)

Hitori: If you like my stories so much why am I not on your favorite list? I'm only on ten and I know of authors who are on hundreds! Reviews just aren't enough.