Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When I Come Back! ❯ The Last Of 'em ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hitori: I am so sorry I haven't updated, but I couldn't get on to the site. My computer kept failing to connect. But... whatever. I am on now so who cares? Oh, and I want to know how old you guys think I am. I ain't older than 25 and I ain't younger than 10. Can you guess? Who ever guesses right, except you yugifreakiswierd, I will update any story of mine you want updated next.

Yami: She is so stupid. No one will guess and no one will choose one of your stories they want updated. Sorry, Hitori.

Hitori: Fuck you!

Yugi: For once I agree with Yami, Hitori. Now you know not everyone likes your stories.

Hitori: So I got 1 or two bad reviews. Who the fuck cares?

Yugi: Whatever. Just start the story, bitch.

Hitori: I will!

Yami: You won that one Hitori.

Hitori: Shut it before I chop it.

^_^ bunny! (*.*)

"I never heard of this game, how do you play?" Bakura asked.

"It may be dangerous so I should play, Bakura." Yami stated.

"Better if you die than me." Bakura said sitting. Yugi smirked at Yami.

"You can't win this game Yami. I am sorry, but it is impossible." Yugi said.

"We'll see." Yami held out his hand as to show he was in for the game.

"Don't play, Yami! He's..." Hitori was suddenly there with two other angels.

"Too late!" Yugi said as he grabbed Yami's hand. Two black swirls of smoke encircled them then dispersed. Yami smirked and put his hands in his pockets while Yugi starred at his own.

"I told you couldn't win." 'Yami' said.

"What did you do?" 'Yugi' asked.

"Get Yugi!" Hitori shouted. The other two angels shot at 'Yami'. 'Yami' yawned as he faced the two white winged creatures.

"You should really know better." 'Yami' said. The two angels were suddenly lifted into the air and thrown t the left, hitting the wall that was blocking their path.

"Yami?" Ryou asked Yami's body.

"Nope, Yugi is my name, switching bodies is a fun game." Yugi said through Yami's body.

"Give me back my body!" Yami said through Yugi's body.

"Uhh... How about...no?" Yugi turned and started for the door, but Hitori blocked his way. "You are really pissing me off Hitori. You don't know who you are messing with."

"A demon." Hitori hissed.

"No. I am a god you dolt. A demon isn't strong enough magically or smart enough to do that magic trick. I am the god of imagination. Anything I imagine and want to become real, I can do. So, are you thinking twice about messin' with me?" Hitori backed up and Yugi smirked. Someone jumped on his back.

"Give me back my body!" Yami yelled. Yugi sighed and pulled Yami down off his back. Next thing Yami knew he was back in his body and Yugi was standing in front of him.

"Happy? You could have had access to my magic, one of the faults and yet you choose your body." Yugi shook his head. "Now I need to find something else to do." Yugi seemed to think for a moment then music started to play.

/Breathing deeply

Walking backwards

Finding strength to call and ask her

Roller Coaster, favorite ride

Let me kiss you one last time/

Yugi smiled.

/Leave me standing here

Act like I'm not around

The coast will probably never clear

Can I please go home now?/

Yugi started running down the space between the two sets of seats and before he hit the doors he jumped kicked them open and ran down the hall. Yami and the others followed moments later, the music not fading, but actually getting louder.

/I had that dream about you again

Where I wait outside

Until you let me in

A there I stayed/

When they saw Yugi he was spray painting 'MELLENIA' on the buildings wall and singing along to the song.

/Lay beside me

And listen at the wall

We'll keep on lying

Until the summer comes/

Yugi finished and below sprayed 'Imagine The Millennia'.

/I had that dream about you again

Where you drive my car

Right off a fucking cliff/

Yugi ran off as he finished. A cloud appeared ahead of Yugi and he hoped on and took off on it like Goku in Dragon Ball Z. Yami and the others took off after him.

/And now I'm breathing deeply

Walking backwards

Finding strength to call and ask her

Roller Coaster, favorite ride

Let me kiss you one last time/

Yugi turned around and started speeding backwards. He saw Yami and the other tailing him. A fun thought entered his mind.

/Make me promise

That I will never tell

All I remember is

The way her bedroom smelled/

Yugi led them to the park and stopped, smirking at them.

/I had that dream about you again

Where I wait outside

Until you let me in/

Yugi's once friends just stood there waiting, wondering what Yugi was going to do next.

/And now I'm breathing deeply

Walking backwards

Finding strength to call and ask her

Roller Coaster, favorite ride

Let me kiss you one last time

Goodnight, goodnight/

Yami's eyes creased in determination.

"You are not my hikari. You can't be." Yugi just smiled at them.

^-,-^ Kitty

Hitori: Next chapter up see ya!


Hitori: Hey I can put another chapter up!

Yugi: You are too high on yourself.

Hitori: Nice try Kiren, but I'm not nineteen. Sorry.

Yami: Just write the story!

Hitori: Okay, okay! I am younger than nineteen. Next chapter!

&-& *-* ^().()^

Yugi shifted so he was lying on his stomach atop the cloud.

"I am a new personality from what you all remember, yes, but I am still Yugi. I can be that angel, if I really wanted to, but I don't. I enjoy the freedom I now have. No restrictions, no bullies, no one hurting me. It is quite a wondrous thing that I thought I would never be able to experience." Yugi said.

"You can still go back to the way you were?" Ryou asked. Yugi nodded.

"If I really wanted to be the sane and moral person I used to be I could." Yugi started kicking his feet as a glass ball appeared in front of him. Yugi starred at it intently for a moment, then it started to reshape and become deformed.

"I want the old Yugi back, the one I know and care for." Yami said. Yugi looked away from the glass deformity and looked at Yami. His eyes shone annoyance, like this was getting old.

"Why?" Yugi asked.

"Because the old Yugi was our friend. He wouldn't hurt us. The old Yugi would help us out and be our friend. Be there for us when we needed him." Jou said.

"The old Yugi left you all by committing suicide to become me. The old Yugi didn't like being short or weak or made fun of or used as a punching bag. He didn't like being hated by most of the student body. He didn't like being jealous of others or wishing to be someone else. You see, the Yugi you all knew was so tired of being pushed around and having to fake smiles to make you think he was okay that he decided to leave this world. There was nothing you could do to help him. He was jealous of all of you. He wanted your guys' lives because to him your lives were fairy tales that he could never have the chance to live, impossible for him to ever have the chance. Just forget about him. I am the new and improved Yugi. I can be friend or your enemy. You have to choose, though."

Yami's eyes were wide with shock with this new information about his hikari. The look of determination came upon Yami's face again.

"I want my hikari back!" Yami yelled. Yugi sighed.

"Fine, but he's just a big cry baby who hates you all for having better lives than him." Yugi's body began to glow and...


Hitori: I left you all hangin'! Ha, ha, ha, ha, *cough*, *cough*. He, he.

Yugi: You're making me sound like a jerk.

Yami: You are.

Yugi: WHAT!? I'll get you now, asshole!

Hitori: *sigh* R/E/R! Hitori: Hiya! Hitori here! Don't fret, I got yer update here!

Yugi: stupid bitch.

Hitori: What was that?

Yugi: Nottin'! ^^'

Hitori: ?-?

Yami: He called you a stupid bitch.

Hitori: Oh. *shrug*


Yugi shifted on the cloud so he was sitting cross-legged. He rubbed his head as he supported himself on his other hand.

"Yugi?" Yami asked.

Yugi looked at Yami with his innocent amethyst eyes. The look of confusion that the gang knew well was on his face. Then it turned into a look of exasperation.

"I told Reality that I didn't want to come back to reality." Yugi crossed his arms and got a look of concentration. He leaned back, the cloud moving so that it looked like a chair.

"Reality?" Jou said.

"My other personality. I call him 'Reality' and he calls me 'Imagination' because, one; I live in an imaginary world, and two; I am the god of imagination while he's the god of reality."

"But..." Jou said.

"We can use each others abilities."

"Is it true, do you hate us?" Yami asked.

"I'm jealous of you guys, I don't hate any of you, just jealous of you better lives. You guys didn't have to be scared of a bully jumping you just because you were passing by with a smile." Yami frowned.

"Why didn't you tell us Yugi?" Yami asked.

"You were busy with girls, school, job, car, and clubs. Tea had dancing, school, job, and Honda. Honda had Tea and school; everyone knows it takes him forever to finish his homework. Joey had Seto, school, job, sister, mom, and clubs. Ryou had Bakura and school. And Bakura..." Yugi looked in his direction with 'that' look. That look that says "Ya know." (Hitori: Was that funny?) Joey couldn't help but snicker at that while Ryou giggled. Yugi sighed. "You guys had no time for me, another reason why I chose to leave." Yami walked up to Yugi and wrapped his arms around Yugi's small frame.

"I'm sorry."

"Ya, ya, ya." Yugi pushed Yami away and stood on top the cloud. "You got your reunion with twerp now it is time for some fun." Yugi rubbed his hands together with an evil grin.

"Reality, you better give Yugi back now!" Reality wagged his finger at Yami.

"Uh, uh, uh. Only Yugi can make me go away. He created me so he could stay in his little world. You can't make me go away, Pharaoh. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"


Hitori: I decided to change the plot. I'm trying to make it funny, but I've always been a serious person with a serious mental problem. Oh, and if any of you have writers block on any 'YUGIOH!' stories, don't be afraid to E- Mail me at pbondwindsong@earthlink.net (grandma's site. *shrug* just on that computer more often.) I'll read the story if I haven't already and think about it. If I think it disserves to go on I'll think on it and try to help you by giving you ideas. I have plenty of good ideas and I daydream a lot on stories I read to see how they should be continued. Just an offer for struggling authors.

Yugi: Ah huh.

Yami: Hmm hm.

Hitori: And don't forget to check out and REVIEW my new story 'Learning Of Love' and the 5th CHAPTER of 'You'll Regret Cause I Says You'll Regret! sequel!'!!!

R/E/R! Yugi: Hitori is busy.

Hitori: La, la, la, la, la *hiccup* la, la, la, la, la.

Yami: So me and Yugi are going to write this chapter.

Hitori: Everything in the world isth uthless. Esept me beautiful alllcohol.

Yami: Uhhh...


Yugi sat on a rock next to a dirt road, a beautiful blue sky with white fluffy clouds, birds, whales, and lions flying, floating, or gliding across it, above the young god, a beautiful, mysterious, and not too quit forest across the way. A white creature that was half human half horse came from the forest with a lion that had white wings and a black jaguar with black wings. The two large cats, larger than usual, sat down and starred at their thinking friend.

This was Yugi's world. Weird creatures and beings coming from here and there and out of nowhere. Yugi loved it here in his world, but... his friends in the real world, reality, a place he did not like. He liked it here, here in his world where no one hurt him, in the safety of his mind letting Reality do what he wanted with their powers.

"Are you all right Yugi?" The lion asked. Yugi looked at his new friends and smiled.

"I'm fine." Yugi replied.

"You created this world so you wouldn't have to hide you feelings or hurt anymore. Tell us the truth." The jaguar said. This was a real world, a realm in the recesses of Yugi's mind. Yugi sighed and dropped his head.

"I went to see my friends again. Their sorry for not being there for me, but... I don't want to leave here. It's so perfect and beautiful. What am I to do? You all don't have to worry about this, but I do. I don't want to make my friends sad. I thought they wouldn't even notice I was gone. They didn't notice when I was alive, why when I was dead, when it was too late to save me? I don't know what to do. Tell me what to do Takati, Jiro, Hajima. What should I do?" The lion, Takati, looked at Yugi with sympathy. Yugi was very emotional and anything could upset him. Jiro, the half/half, trotted up to Yugi and put his hand on Yugi's shoulder.

"Do what you think is right Yugi, and you know you can come back whenever you want. So don't think you'll never see us again." Yugi smiled up at Jiro.

"Thank you." Yugi said before fading out of his world.

* * *

Yugi opened his eyes to see a huge car crash, he, standing in the middle of it all. A cop came up to him.

"Look what you've done you little brat!" he said pointing to part of the crash. Two white wings shot out of Yugi's back and he flew above the crash. He put his out in front of him and the cars moved away from each other and recreated themselves, the people in the cars also coming back. Yugi dropped to the ground and bowed deeply to the officer.

"I am sorry, but I did not do this, my other personality did." Yugi looked around and he saw his shocked friends off to the side. He beat his wings and bulleted for them, stopping just in time in front of Yami. Yugi smiled brightly at them. Yami smiled when he realized it was Yugi. He wrapped his arms around the little god and brought him close, Yugi relaxing into Yami's arms.

"What happened to reality?" Yami whispered. Yugi nuzzled closer to Yami.

"He's in my world, being punished."

"Isn't that just an imaginary landscape?" Yugi shook his head.

"It's a real world with creatures and beings, it just exists in my mind. I'm the only gate in."

"Oh. I'm glad to have you back." Yami looked into Yugi's eyes.

"I'm glad to be here."

"Will- will he come back?" Jou asked staring where the wreck once was. Yugi shook his head.

"No, he won't."


Hitori: La, la, la, la, la, la, la.

Yugi: That's it. See ya.

Yami: Say 'see ya' Hitori.

Hitori: Swee yasss.