Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When It Hurts The Most ❯ I never asked for this ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Bakura frowned, while he sat across from Ryou at dinner time. The paler than usual hikari would occasionally poke absently at his food, but had yet to take a single bite. "What's wrong?" Bakura said after a moment, shattering the uncharacteristic silence. Normally Ryou would be chattering away about his day, and any other slightly entertaining thing he could think of, but tonight...Ryou sat in eerie silence. Ryou looked up from his plate slowly. Bakura blinked and hardened his gaze. Something was different about his hikari's eyes.

They say that the eyes are the window to the soul. If that is the case, then Ryou's windows were shattered. They were empty and devoid of their usual sparkle of life. His eyes were so full of fear and dread. Bakura knew that look...knew that feeling. He had imposed such fear and dread on Ryou many times before, he knew fear when he saw it. Ryou's usually bright eyes did NOT glow with his angelic aura, his happiness or his love...tonight...they seemed to reflect nothing. No hopes...no dreams...no life, they were empty of any of the laughter and love that always shone so clearly through them. Bakura got up from the table and roughly tugged Ryou's face to look at him, to get a closer look.

Ryou whimpered and clamped his eyes shut; it had been a long time since Bakura had used force on him. "I'm sorry..." Bakura whispered after a moment. "Look at me..." He said, coaxing his light to open the deep pools of amber. Ryou complied, after a seemingly endless moment, and gazed at his yami quietly. It was true...everything that had always been so bright...so Ryou...was gone, replaced by emptiness. His eyes were...like the eyes of a prisoner sentenced to death. Grim, it left Bakura with a pit in his stomach and feeling out of place. How could his hikari, his Ryou, undergo such a drastic change? "Ryou...what's wrong?" Ryou looked away and shook his head. "I...I'm fine yami." He whispered getting up and beginning to clear the table. "You're not fine! Eyes do not LIE!" Ryou gave Bakura a weak smile. "But they can be blind..." He sighed and began the chore of washing the dishes he and his yami had used.

That night, Bakura could not sleep. Ryou was having nightmares. "N-no! Please!! STOP!" He would yell out sobbing and curling into the fetal position. "L-Leave me alone!" Bakura shook Ryou and tried to wake him to comfort him, but THIS slumber was one that refused to leave his hikari in peace. "STOP!" Ryou shrieked pounding Bakura, trying to fight him off. One of Ryou's blows landed across Bakura's face, and he backed away, holding his cheek, more in surprise than in pain. "He's strong when he's afraid..." He mumbled rubbing the slightly abused area. There seemed to be no sense in attempting to wake that which wouldn't. Bakura sat down and noticed a small crumpled ball of paper sitting on the desk. "Hm? What is this?" He mumbled picking it up and unfolding it to read the contents.

- - Dear Ryou, - -

I will be coming to visit you this Thursday; I hope you will have the appropriate preparations made. It has been over two years since my last visit to my favorite grandson.


Your Grandfather, William

- - P.s. I'm looking forward to some true quality time with you Ryou.

- -

Bakura blinked, and looked over to his sobbing hikari. Could the two things be connected? "That's nonsense! Ryou loves his father so dearly...he wouldn't be so freaked out by his own grandfather!" He said putting the paper on the desk and beginning to pace the room. What could be the source of this night of hell? Ryou let out a particularly loud scream and began to hug himself, fingernails digging into his arms forming small cuts that stood out violently against his pale complexion, and shaking his head. Bakura gasped and dashed to the bed. "RYOU!" He yelled pulling Ryou's arms above his head and shaking him lightly. "Ryou wake up! You're hurting yourself!"


"Ryou! Stop fighting me!" Ryou shook his head and tried to pull out of his grandfather's grip. "STOP!! I don't WANT to!" Ryou felt sick, he would give anything to get away. "Please! Don't DO this! Leave me alone!" He pleaded and struggled against the force that pinned his wrists above his head. "You're my little pet, I'll always be here...I'll haunt your dreams...I have your soul, I own your body and your mind..." Ryou looked up with horror filled eyes at his grandfather. "Stop! Please I'm scared and I just want to be left alone!" His grandfather merely began laughing at the small pale one's efforts. It was eerie; his laughter rang with a maliciousness Ryou had only heard on TV shows like top 10 most wanted men in the world. "I own you...I will always own you! Whore!" Ryou felt his lips crushed against his grandfathers, in the ever forced kiss. Even though their lips were plastered together the eerie voice of his grandfather was still speaking.

"My pet, I own you, give up....give in. You cannot win, offer your mind to me...please me with your body, and feel my sin! I will take you, you are mine. My toy, my slave! There IS no escape for you my chocolate angel..." Ryou shook his head sobbing. 'No...I'm not yours! Leave me alone!' he thought as the voice continued to taunt him. "My love, my sex. I'll take your beautiful body; I'll rub you against my own. Make you mine...always mine..." Ryou shrieked into the blistering kiss as he felt the hands running over his body, scratching and tearing at him, rubbing and teasing his body, causing him to shiver and cry more violently. 'STOP!' He pleaded in his mind, unable to voice his pleas. "My pet, my sex...I know you love what I do to you."

'I DON'T! Please stop!' Ryou whined mentally, struggling and kicking at his grandfather. Their lips remained connected, as if it were impossible to separate the two. Ryou shut his eyes and tried to will himself away from his grandfather. 'Bakura...I wish Bakura were here!' He sobbed to himself, a tear sliding down his cheek and glistening in the moonlight. Ryou heard the shuffling of clothes, and gasped for breath when the lips finally retreated from his. The relief was short lived, when he felt his grandfather's warm flesh press against his own. "PLEASE!! DON'T!" Ryou yelled and began struggling more fiercely. He felt the leather of a belt dig into his wrists. How had he been tied up?!

"My Ryou, you're so beautiful...I can't live without you. You are so arousing...your hot little body against mine is more than I can bear..." Ryou shook his head in his horror and kicked at his grandfather. "PLEASE!! LEAVE ME ALONE!" His throat stung, his lungs burned, his body ached, his wrists were sore and his soul was being ripped apart again. What had he done to deserve this? "You wouldn't be in such pain right now my sweet pet, if you hadn't pitched such a fuss..."


Ryou's struggles had become increasingly violent, his breathing had become harsh pants and he kept screaming and clawing at anything that came near him. Bakura did the only thing left he could think to do...

The room was filled with the sound of a very cold, SPLASH.

Ryou jumped from his sleep and screamed, in fear, in surprise, and in anger all at once. He was panting now, slowly calming down, his hair was plastered to his forehead; his body had been drenched in sweat before he had been soaked with the icy water. He shivered and shook his head lightly. "Ryou...I think you have some explaining to do..." Bakura whispered shaking his head. Ryou looked to his yami, his eyes shone more clearly than ever the emotion that Bakura could never forget. Fear.