Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When Somebody Locks You In Their Basement ❯ I'm a flying horsey! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When Somebody Locks You In Their Basement:

I'm a flying horsey!

Authoress Notes: Alas! It has started! My masterpiece! Starring: (Yami x Yugi), (Ryou x Bakura), (Yami Malik x Malik), (Joey x Seto), and (Téa x Mai) Don't like? There is a back button, you know. Don't come flaming me when you're upset about the pairings.

Warnings: Attempted Pegasus 'suicide' (Not really) and an evil Croquet


Sunday, April 26th / 2:31 p.m.

Maximillion Pegasus sat in his chair in the empty dining room. 'Grape juice' and the 2036th episode of Funny Bunny! What more could a guy ask for? Okay, lots more, but our Mister Pegasus isn't exactly your average guy. The credits rolled.

Pegasus sighed happily. He loved that episode. Even after watching it 6,135 times, it was still his favorite. Croquet, the head of security, watched the CEO of Industrial Illusions and shook his head. Personally, he thought that Pegasus was just loony. But did anyone care about the opinion of some guy in a black suit who was named after a French game with mallets? Nooo.

A plan was being calculated in this man's mind. This man, meaning Croquet. "Mister Pegasus, sir." he addressed half mockingly.

"Yes, Croquet?" replied Pegasus coldly.

"A friend told me there was going to be a Funny Bunny convention in Tokyo!" he said. If Pegasus saw through him...there was no telling what he would do. Unfortunately, or fortunately, take your pick, Pegasus believed him.

"How delightful!" Pegasus answered, clapping his hands. "I must be off at once!"

"I'll call for the packing of your belongings." said Croquet.

Pegasus waved his hand. "No, that's fine." Croquet gave him a confused look. Pegasus opened the one of the windows of the room leapt onto the sill, and jumped, yelling, "I'M A FLYING HORSEY!!" Croquet just stood there staring at the open window.

(A/n: Pegasus fans, don't worry! He's not gone yet!)

Then he shrugged. "I was only planning to rid of him for a day, but that'll work too." he said. He went down to the first floor and bellowed, "HE'S DEAD!!" All the serv--staff of his castle froze. Balloons instantly went up and a party was started.

(A/n: -_- What a supportive group of employees.)

Croquet made sure that nobody was around and pulled out his handy dandy note-...um...sorry. Wrong show. He pulled out his cell phone. Dialing a certain VERY LONG phone number, he waited patiently for the other end to be picked up.

"Hello?" said a voice.

"I need them to be shipped in immediately."

"'k." the voice replied, not showing any confusion.

"Thanks Lei." he said, hanging up.


Sunday, April 26th / 2:37 p.m.

"...and then he bashed my Armored Lizard with this cool magic card called---" The entire group of friends vanished. Okay, they weren't exactly all friends. What about...circle of acquaintances? That works, I guess.

This "Circle" contained of: Yugi Moto, Yami (Yugi), Ryou Bakura, (Yami) Bakura, Malik Ishtar, Yami Malik, Seto Kaiba, Joey Wheeler, Mai Valentine, Téa Gardener, Isis Ishtar, and Serenity Wheeler.

Tristan was either dead, or at his uncle's house. We're not exactly sure which.

So what happened to them? They vanished. Not without a purpose though.


Sunday, April 26th / 2:38 p.m.

Twelve very confused people appeared in a large living room. They each were sitting on a seat on the twisting sofa. They each exchanged confused glances with each other until Bakura said,

"Alright, where the hell are we?"

All twelve exchanged confused looks again. Yami got up and found a steel door in which there was a sign posted. It read: HAHAHAAH! You are in the basement. Yami raised an eyebrow. He tried opening the handle, but it was locked. He tried ramming into it, but it wasn't even dented.

Joey walked up to the door, tapping the steel. "I wonder what kind of steel this is..." he said.

Yami raised his eyebrow again.


"I collect pieces of steel and research it." Joey said solemnly. He tapped the door again. "Probably built three years ago, fourteen layers. Waterproof and fireproof." Yami snickered.

"You put on a very good act, Joey." he said. Joey looked at him. "Oh my Ra, you're not kidding. Okay, I have just been truly freaked out." Yami said, running back to the couch. Joey followed him back.

"We're trapped." Yami Malik said simply.

"Where are we?" asked Serenity.

"In a room. In Japan." replied Malik. Isis whacked the back of his head.

"We know that, you idiot." she said. Malik scowled. Yugi, who had been looking around, came back.

"It's huge! The biggest basement I've ever seen! There are six bedrooms, a kitchen, three bathrooms, and a family room!" he exclaimed. "The bedrooms have two beds each."

"Okay, since we seem to have to stay here for a while, so we might as well split up the rooms. Téa and Mai can stay together, Isis and Serenity, Malik with his Yami, Yugi with his Yami, and Ryou with his Yami. That leaves..." Seto said, then groaned. "Me and the mutt." he sighed unhappily.

Joey frowned and held up his fist. "Watch who you're calling a mutt!" he threatened. Mai rolled her eyes as the two started arguing, like always.

She tapped the shoulder of the nearest person, who just happened to be Serenity. "Do you think there could be something going on with those two?" Mai whispered loudly. Serenity gave her a blank look, then started giggling. Téa, who was sitting on the other side of Mai, cracked up and started rolling around on the ground.

The entire group silenced. Téa realized that everyone was staring at her and blushed bright red, sitting back on the sofa. The murmur of voices started again. While everyone was discussing their situation (okay, MOST of everyone, Joey had started to talk to himself about chips), Bakura was looking around the entire place.

He found a room that Yugi hadn't noticed. Strange though, because it had a door that was painted pink. He opened it.

Inside, the walls were pale pink with a white border along the top. Bakura grimaced at the "cutesy things", but what shocked him the most was what was on the walls. Funny Bunnyposters! He whitened. I bet you know where this is going, don't you? Bakura raced out of the room and back into the living room.

"I JUST FOUND OUT WHERE WE ARE!" he exclaimed. Everyone looked up in interest.

He paused. "PEGASUS' CASTLE'S BASEMENT!" he screamed. Everyone's eyes popped out.


Sunday, April 26th / 5:43 p.m.

It was approximately three hours later, and the group had decided to make the best of the worst. They had found that even though it was Pegasus's basement, it was still very nice. They were surprised that their belongings had already been put in their rooms. It seemed that either someone had planned this out very carefully, or they were all hallucinating. The first one was more convincing.

They were all currently in the family room (which was pretty big), where there were two armchairs, a sofa, and two love seats (two-seat sofa). There was also an average sized television and a coffee table. The floor was covered in the same beige carpet as the rest of the basement (except in the kitchen).

Yugi and Joey were dueling, using the table as a platform. Yami lay on the left armchair, feet dangling off the side. Seto sat in the other armchair, closing his eyes, but occasionally opening them to look at Yugi and Joey...or specifically, Joey.

Ryou and his Yami sat on one of the love seats, Ryou resting his head on Bakura's shoulder, who surprisingly didn't shove him off at all. Téa and Mai sat on the other love seat, Téa cheering Yugi on and Mai tossing insults at Joey for fun.

On the sofa, Serenity sat with Isis and Malik. Serenity was adding to Mai's insults, grinning. Isis looked at the ceiling boredly, tilting her head every thirty seconds or so. She would change her glance from the ceiling to the duel, to her brother, who was staring at his Yami.

Yami Malik, unaware of being stared at, was leaning against the wall on the other side of the room. Finding that he couldn't go back into the Millennium Rod, he had been frustrated and had tried to go as far from the social group as possible.

In fact, none of the Yamis could go back into their Millennium Items, for Ra knows what reason.

"Hey," spoke up Serenity. "How are we going to eat?" Everyone looked at her, except for Yami Malik. They all shrugged.

"Does anyone know how to cook?" asked Yami incredulously. Yugi and Bakura looked at Ryou.

"What? I can't cook for all of you!" he exclaimed. Isis rolled her eyes.

"At least go check if there's anything in the refrigerator." she said.

"But I'm comfy here!" he whined. Bakura snorted.

"Just go." he said harshly. "You're the only one of us who can cook anything edible."

"Hey!" shouted various people. Bakura scowled at them. Mai sighed.

"I'll go check. You cowards can't do anything for yourselves can you?" she asked playfully. She walked into the kitchen and looked inside the silver refrigerator. There was actually a lot of food, but nothing that you were supposed to eat directly. Someone was being very evil to them. She walked back to the family room.

"So?" asked Joey hopefully. She shook her head.

"Everything needs to be cooked." All eyes turned to Ryou.

"WHAT?" he exclaimed. " I am NOT cooking for all ten of you!"

"Eleven. Twelve including you." Téa corrected. Ryou scowled.

"Ryou, what if you pick someone to help you?" Yugi asked, trying to help. Ryou grinned.

"Two people." he said.

"Fine." Yugi said. Ryou's grin widened.

"I pick..."

A/n: Next chapter:

Who will Ryou pick? Is he really a good cook, or will dinner spell disaster? How will the gang get out of Pegasus' place?

Find out in the next chapter, "How come he gets to use a knife?"