Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When Somebody Locks You In Their Basement ❯ How come he gets to use a knife? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When Somebody Locks You In Their Basement:

How come he gets to use a knife?

Authoress Notes: A dash of humor! Enjoy! Teeny bit fluff at the end. I think. Also, I know I said there were two beds in each room, but I changed it into just one bed per room.

Warnings: Burnt out Bakura, Ryou with a frying pan, and super fast Malik-cleaning!


Sunday, April 26th / 6:01 p.m.

"...Yami Malik and...Bakura."

Both of them turned to glare at Ryou. Yami Malik growled from the other side of the room. "I am NOT going to cook like a slave for all you."

"AIBOU! I don't serve anyone, especially not the Pharaoh!" Bakura exclaimed angrily, jumping to his feet.

Yami laughed so hard that he fell off the armchair. "Looks like you don't have a choice." he chuckled. Ryou glared at him.

"You're coming with me too." he said. Yami leapt to his feet in protest.

"You said two people!" he said, a frown crossing his face. Ryou shrugged.

"I changed my mind. Besides, there has to be something that you can do." he replied. The three Yamis gave each other death glares; or rather Bakura and Yami Malik glared at Yami and he glared at them in turn. Ryou sighed.

What have I gotten myself into now? he wondered vaguely to himself. He led them into the kitchen, which was actually pretty nice. He peeked into the refrigerator. There was actually lots of things to cook. He finally settled on simple soup and rice.

"Alright, Yami, you can chop up the vegetables." Ryou said, handing a knife to Yami. Yami grumbled and started cutting vegetables into...pieces. Bakura scowled.

"How come he gets to use a knife? It's not fair!" he whined uncharacteristically. Ryou raised an eyebrow.

"You. Boil the water." he said. Bakura grinned evilly.

"FIRE!!" he shouted gleefully, reaching for the stove. Ryou sighed again.

"Uh...Yami Malik. You can go set the table." Yami Malik walked off, scowling heavily. Ryou looked around him and started to fill a pot with rice.


Sunday, April 26th / 6:24 p.m.

"YAMI!!!!" Ryou screeched at his own Yami. Puzzled, Yugi's Yami turned around.

"Yes--" He chuckled amusedly at the scene. Ryou was chasing Bakura around holding a frying pan threateningly. Bakura was scorched...making his clothes sooty grey...and had succeeded in causing a minor fire on the stove.

"YOU GET BACK HERE!!!" Ryou shouted again, this time raising the pan over Bakura's head and slamming it down. Yami winced. That's gotta hurt. Bakura slumped to the ground. Ryou stood over his fallen Yami, laughing maniacally and uncharacteristically. Have you ever seen Ryou like that? It's scary.

*CRASH* The sound of glass breaking came from the table, which was in a room that was connected to the kitchen. He peered at what had caused that noise. What he found was Yami Malik sitting midst a huge mess including tons of shattered glass from cups, bowls, and plates; silverware; and paper napkins scattered all over.

"Oops..." said Yami Malik uneasily, glaring at the silverware that just had decided to make a circle around him, sticking straight up.

Ryou turned an angry red. He looked as if steam was going to come out of his ears any minute. Then, he proceeded to chase, or attempt to chase, Yami Malik, but eventually ended up face flat on the ground due to all the 'weapons' on the wooden floor. Yami roared with laughter, causing Ryou to raise his head and glare at him with a look that could boil water.

Yami laughed nervously and went back to chopping onions. He made a mental note not to make Ryou angry any time soon. Glancing back at the table, he accidentally missed the vegetables with his chopping knife and gave himself a huge cut.

"OOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!" Then he started to run around the kitchen, carefully avoiding the area around the table, wringing his abused hand. At this time, the entire gang just randomly decided to make an appearance. What they saw, was mind scarring.

Bakura, was lying on the floor near the stove, and was scorched very badly. He was all covered in gray/black and had a frying pan over his head.

Yami Malik was sitting on the floor near the table with silverware weapons poised for attack around him.

Ryou was lying face down on the ground and had shattered pieces of glass (and plastic) and silverware surrounding him.

Yami was running around the entire room, cursing loudly in Ancient Egyptian and wringing his hand. There was a large red mark across several fingers.

What happened next was also a bit strange. Malik, staring at the mess in horror, grabbed a broom and was instantly cleaning up everything. Everyone blinked in surprise, except for those who were...supposedly supposed to be cooking.

Instead of the messy kitchen they had been staring at a second and a half ago, there was a shining room glinting back at them. They all blinked in unison again.

This time, when everyone opened their eyes again, Bakura, Ryou, Yami Malik, and Yami were all sitting at the dinner table. Food was on the table and a serving of everything was on the plates. Bakura, Ryou, and Yami just sat there, staring at the food then at Malik.








Yami Malik, on the other hand, was a completely different story. He was bouncing up and down in his seat and had finished everything on his plate. He also had a big goofy grin plastered on his face.

Malik was grinning proudly, holding a ladle in his right hand for some unknown reason.

Isis was the first to respond.

"AGAIN?!?!" she shouted. Malik nodded. She rolled her eyes. The others were just standing there, clueless to what the heck they were talking about. Some were still mesmerized by the cleanliness of the kitchen.

"...how did you do that?" wondered Yami from the table.

"Ooh! I know!" shrieked Yami Malik happily. "It was the funny voice in his head. The one that tells him to clean things or else he'll steal Hikari's blackmail stuff." Everyone turned their eyes to Yami Malik. Yami Malik had just called Malik...Hikari. What the?

Then, all of a sudden. Yami Malik shuddered. He stopped bouncing and the grin was replaced by the evillest of all smirks. He glared back at everyone. "What are you looking at?" he hissed. They each raised an eyebrow. Malik shook his head.

"Y-Yami...just go." he pushed his Yami out of the room. Yami Malik returned to his gloomy corner in the family room.

The others sat down to eat. Yugi nodded in satisfaction. "This is good, Malik!"

Malik blushed slightly. "Uhh...t-thanks, Yugi." Yugi grinned and went back to drinking his bowl of soup.


Sunday, April 26th / 10:43 p.m.

Mai yawned. "I need my beauty sleep. Good night." She walked into her room. The others agreed and went into their respective bedrooms, bidding the others a good night. Then, there was a shout from Seto and Joey's room. "THERE'S ONLY ONE BED? WHAT FREAKIN' BAS#$%& IS TRYING TO KILL US?!?!" yelled Seto. From his room, Yami Malik snickered.

- - - - - Yugi and Yami - - - - -

Yugi yawned tiredly. He climbed into bed and snuggled next to Yami, instantly falling asleep. Yami watched his aibou and sighed contentedly. He leaned his own head on Yugi's and drifted off to sleep.

- - - - - Ryou and Bakura - - - - -

"G'night, Yami." said Ryou softly. He glanced at his Yami, already in bed, curled up. Ryou smiled.

He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. Like an angel. Ryou thought to himself. He climbed into bed and turned the lights off. He wrapped an arm around Bakura and fell asleep.

- - - - - Malik and Yami Malik - - - - -

Malik stared into the eyes of his Yami.

//Good night, Yami.//

Yami Malik smiled, a true smile, and put his arm around Malik protectively. Malik cuddled against his other half and fell asleep. A thought coming from Yami Malik echoed through his dreams...

/'Night, my sweet Hikari./

- - - - - Téa and Mai - - - - -

Mai and Téa lay in bed, silent. Tea decided to speak up.

"Good night, Mai." Mai didn't reply. Tea sighed and buried herself underneath the covers. On the other side of the bed, Mai mouthed, 'Good night, Téa.'

- - - - - Isis and Serenity - - - - -

Serenity hesitated. "So how do we do this?" she asked Isis. Isis paused, thinking.

"How about we alternate turns on who sleeps on the bed and who sleeps on the couch?" She pointed to the large couch on the other end of the room. Serenity nodded.

"Okay. Who sleeps on the bed tonight?" she asked.

Isis shrugged. "I'll take the couch."

"Are you sure?" Serenity asked. Isis nodded.

"Doesn't make any difference to me." she yawned, grabbing a pillow and plopping onto the couch.

"Thanks. Good night." Serenity replied, closing the lights and getting into the covers.

- - - - - Seto and Joey - - - - -

Seto jumped into bed. Joey shoved him off. "What makes you think you're going to get the bed?"

"Well, I assumed, because DOGS SLEEP ON COUCHES!" Seto said angrily.

"If you call me a dog again, I'm gonna-" Joey was interrupted.

"You're going to what? There's nothing you can do to me." he said smugly. Joey screamed in frustration.

"What if we both share the bed?" he said.

Seto, knowing that this wasn't going to get anywhere, just said, "Fine." Joey smirked. They both got into bed.

But unknown to the other, they both tried to sleep the closest they could to each other.

A/n: Next chapter:

What will happen the next day? How will they survive this horrible predicament? Why did I write such a strange humor scene? ...don't ask.

Find out in the next chapter, 'Never fear, Yuugioh is here!'

Thanks to those who reviewed: Blue Lagoon Loon, Jadelyn Hellraiser, Little Kaori solo Yuy-Maxwell, lily22, Kinishi, KaTyA, and Karta! I really appreciate it!

Lots of people (okay, TWO) wanted Seto, so he WILL be cooking later on. Oops, I don't think I was supposed to tell you that. Oh well. Review!