Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When Somebody Locks You In Their Basement ❯ Never fear, Yuugioh is here! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When Somebody Locks You In Their Basement:

Never fear, Yuugioh is here!

Authoress Notes: Um, this is during summer vacation okay? So they don't have to go to school. And Tristan fans, don't fret! He will be a very important plot device later on!

Warnings: ...profanity (should I raise the rating?), Tetris, and pillow fights...plus everyone doing things in unison...


Monday, April 27th / 8:29 p.m.

Seto sat up. He looked around wildly. He wasn't in his room. Or his own house, for that matter. And he was sleeping next to Wheeler. He jumped out of the bed in surprise. Then it all came rushing back to him. Trapped...with a bunch of idiots...in PEGASUS' basement.

On the bed, Joey was talking in his sleep. "Daddy...no, don't! Don't hurt her! Mommy loves you! NO! Daddy!!" Seto put on a pained expression and raised the covers over Joey carefully. He sighed and put on his trenchcoat, walking out of the room.

As he reached the kitchen, the smell of a good breakfast filled the room. He glanced around to find Malik joyfully flipping pancakes and frying bacon at the stove. Yugi, Yami, Ryou, Yami Malik, Isis, Téa, and Serenity were seated at the table, talking animatedly. He took a seat next to Yugi.

"Morning, Seto!" he chirped.

"Yeah, yeah. Good morning yourself." Seto muttered. Malik came over and placed a plate in front of him. Plus silverware, a paper napkin, and a glass of orange juice. Seto just raised an eyebrow as Malik came back with more breakfast on plates. After everyone was served, he sat next to Yami Malik, grinning. Everyone stared at him.

"Enjoy!" he exclaimed, then started stuffing his face with his own food. Isis shrugged and started eating as well. The others followed in suit.


Monday, April 27th / 11:52 p.m.

Mai walked into the family room and found nearly everyone there. Malik was cleaning the table with Windex and a cloth and Yami Malik was watching him boredly. Joey was flipping through the channels of the television... which didn't have cable.


Seto was sitting on the ground, working on his laptop. Serenity was dueling Yugi, though it was quite obvious who was going to win. Yami sat at Yugi's side and kept giving him advice while Yugi kept saying that he didn't need it. Téa and Isis were engaged in a lively conversation where Isis was telling Téa about Egypt. Ryou was sleeping on the couch.

"Morning, sleepyhead." Joey said, never taking his eyes away from the screen. Mai rolled her eyes.

"For your information, Joseph, I wasn't sleeping. I was applying my make-up and doing my hair. I woke up at seven." she stated. Téa nodded.

"She kept screaming about how there she couldn't find her shampoo." Serenity looked up from the duel. So that's why I heard all that screaming." Seto raised an eyebrow.

"It takes you four hours to do your make-up?" Téa shook her head.

"It takes ten minutes tops to apply make-up. But Mai uses like three layers."

"Seven." Mai corrected, taking a seat on an armchair. Yami Malik rolled his eyes.

"Girls." he scoffed. All four of them jumped up.

"Is there something wrong with girls?" they shrieked simultaneously. Yami Malik sighed and waved his hand dismissively. They went back to what they were doing.

Joey threw the remote at Ryou. "WHY IS THERE NOTHING GOOD ON?!?" The object impaled Ryou. He sat up, startled.


"Watch your mouth, Ryou." said Malik cheerfully. He dropped the bottle of Windex on his foot.

"DAMNIT!!" he screamed. Yami chuckled.

"WHY IS THERE NOTHING ON TV?" Joey screamed again. Seto stood up.

"THERE'S NO CABLE, YOU MORON!!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. He glared at everyone. "NOW WOULD YOU ALL SHUT UP? I'M TRYING TO DO MY WORK HERE!!"

Everyone stopped talking. Crickets could be heard chirping in the silence. Yugi glanced at the screen of Seto's laptop.

"Um...Seto? You're playing Tetris." he said timidly. Everyone peered at the screen. Sure enough, a game of colorful blocks was paused. Seto blushed slightly.

Yami sat himself in front of the computer. "Is it a game?" he asked, staring at the screen.

Ryou nodded. "It's pretty much unbeatable." Yami grinned.

"Never fear, Yuugioh is here!" he said, starting a new game. Seto pulled the laptop away from him. Or...attempted to. He looked at the screen where the blocks were falling rapidly.

"YOU IDIOT! That was my highest score and you wrecked it!!!" he screamed. Yami tugged the computer back and began to play. Seto growled and tried to take it back, but Yami wasn't showing any sign of loosening his grasp. Seto sighed and plopped himself down next to Ryou.

He looked at Joey, who was trying repeatedly to get the '3' button on the remote to work.

"Where's your bone, Chihuahua? And your saucer of water?" Seto said to Joey mockingly. Joey barely reacted.

"Go to Hell, Kaiba." he said.

Seto smirked. "I'd say 'I'll save you a seat.' but it's too late, I'm already there." Joey ignored him. Seto sighed. Insulting the dog wasn't as fun as it used to be before. He actually felt kind of sorry for Joey. Ack, what am I thinking? Why would I feel sorry for that piece of dirt? he thought.


Monday, April 27th / 3:25 p.m.

"I'm bored!" whined Malik. He had successfully cleaned everything in the basement (and cooked lunch), which was just...scary. Now he was sitting on the couch and complaining about the lack of things to clean.

Bakura threw a pillow at him. "Would you shut up?" Malik frowned and threw the pillow back at him. Bakura ducked and the pillow struck Yami on the side of his head. He didn't even notice, but just continued playing Tetris on Seto's laptop.

Being bored, Joey tossed pillow at Mai, which bounced off her hair and hit Yugi. "Joey! You messed up my hair!" they both shouted in unison. Joey snickered loudly. He was bombarded with pillows from Yugi, Mai, and Seto.

"No fair!" he said, then started throwing pillows at random people.













Everyone looked around to see who said that. Yami Malik growled and stomped upstairs, cursing in Egyptian. They all glanced at each other and the pillow fight resumed. Pillows hit everyone, everyone threw pillows. Except for Yami. He just sat, frozen, at the computer, staring blankly at the screen. The only part of his body that was moving was his fingers that were on the keyboard.

The words, 'YOU LOSE! HAHA!' flashed on the screen. Yami's jaw dropped in horror.

"I...I...I lost? I LOST?!?!" he screamed. Everyone stopped the Pillow War. The last pillow, thrown by Serenity, hit Seto on the head without him noticing. They stared blankly at the screen in silence.

The silence was broken by a snickering Bakura. "YOU LOST?!?! I guess the King of Games isn't so mighty after all, huh?" He laughed insanely and started rolling around on the ground, knocking over various items. Yami didn't even tell him to shut up. He just sat there, staring.

He slowly started a new game, with everyone watching.


Monday, April 27th / 5:56 p.m.

"Hey, Malik's cooking again, right?" asked Yugi worriedly. Serenity nodded.

"I think he's starting right now."

"I think I'll go help him. It's better than sitting here and watching Yami play Tetris." He said, standing up from his spot on the couch. Serenity glanced around at everyone watching Yami on the computer. She rolled her eyes.

"I think I'll follow you." Yugi shrugged and led the way to the kitchen. A heavenly smell was coming from the oven. They both sniffed the air. "Wow, Malik. Smells good. What is it?" wondered Serenity.

Malik, who had just picked up something in a silver pan from the oven, shrieked in surprise. During the process, he dropped the pan onto his foot (the same one that the Windex bottle had dropped on). He yelped at the burn and leaned down to pick it up, except that he dropped it again, this time on his other foot. He screamed and slipped his foot away from under the pan.

Yugi and Serenity watched, mildly amused. Suddenly, Isis came walked into the kitchen. She threw a pillow playfully at her brother. As soon as it hit him, he fainted. Isis raised an eyebrow, retrieved the pillow, and looked at Yugi and Serenity for an explanation.

"He dropped something from the oven on his foot." Yugi explained, pointing at the open oven door. Isis rolled her eyes but nodded. She stepped over the fallen body of Malik and shut the oven door.

"Looks like he won't be able to cook dinner tonight." she commented, dragging the body into the living room. Yugi and Serenity followed. Isis dropped him on top of Bakura and Yami Malik. They looked up from the computer screen. Ignoring their glares, she brushed her hands off and sat down next to Joey.

She looked at Yami. "Is he still playing that never ending game?" Everyone nodded in unison. She rolled her eyes again. "Well, we still need dinner." At the word 'dinner', everyone's attention left the computer screen.

"What are we going to eat?"

"Who's cooking?"

"Get this mortal body off of me!"

"Aibou, get OFF!"



"How are we going to eat without Malik?"


"I'm sure we can think of something."


"Who will cook?"

"How about we draw straws?" Serenity suggested. Everyone but Yami looked at her. Bakura and Yami Malik gave her confused looks. "We get twelve straws and three of them will be shorter than the others. Whoever draws those three straws has to cook for the rest of us." she explained. Mostly everyone agreed to this.

"But how about we eliminate Yami Malik, Bakura, Yami, and Ryou from the choices? The last time they were responsible for cooking...it didn't turn out all that well." said Téa. Ryou blushed crimson at her comment. They nodded.

"But we should probably eliminate Yami and Malik, too. They don't seem to be in the condition to cook." Mai added. Everyone nodded again. So Joey and Téa were sent out to hunt for straws.

A/n: Next chapter:

Which three "lucky" people will have to cook for the others? Why did I end at almost the same place as the first chapter? Why do I get a feeling that dinner will be pure torture?

Find out in the next chapter, 'You could've landed on the moon.'

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