Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When Somebody Locks You In Their Basement ❯ You could've landed on the moon! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When Somebody Locks You In Their Basement:

You could've landed on the moon.

Authoress Notes: I'm losing my humor streak! Oh no!! The horror…

Warnings: Malik + Yami Malik thingy, nasty cooking, Seto spitting, and what else?


Monday, April 27th / 6:10 p.m.

Surprisingly enough, Joey found straws under the bathroom sink. They were very thin and the exact color of Pegasus' suit.

(A/n: [cringes])

Joey brought the box of straws back to the living room where everyone was gathered and set it on the table. Serenity took a pair of scissors and seven straws. She was about to cut one when Bakura stopped her.

"Can I cut them?" he asked sweetly, mimicking Ryou. Serenity shrugged and handed them over to him. He turned his back to everyone and started snipping.

A few minutes later, he turned back around, holding all seven straws in his right hand. Ryou frowned suspiciously. Bakura walked up to Joey. "Pick a straw," he commanded. Joey grabbed a random straw, looked, at it, and grinned.

"No kitchen for me!" he said happily. Bakura rolled his eyes and moved onto Seto. Seto didn't even look as he took a red straw. He looked at it.

"DAMN!" he screamed. Joey snickered.

"Oh man, Kaiba's cooking…" he trailed off, bursting into a fit of hysterical laughter. Seto turned red.

"Shut up, Chihuahua." he growled.

Joey stopped and glared at him. "I still think I liked being called porky better." he muttered. Seto heard him.

"Porky?" he snickered. Joey glared darkly at him. Serenity cleared her throat. Both boys stopped arguing and turned back to Isis, who had just drawn a straw. She grinned happily for not having to cook. Mai drew…one of the short straws.

"WHAT?!?!?" she screeched. "I'M NOT COOKING FOR YOU PILE OF LOSERS!!" Joey looked at her curiously.

"Didn't you say you were our friends?" he asked.

Mai glanced at him. "So? That doesn't mean that I can't make fun of you, right?"

"Mai, just deal with it. Remember, Seto has to cook too." Ryou sighed. Serenity took a straw. It was normal sized. Téa took a straw. She looked at it and fainted. Everyone who was not unconscious raised an eyebrow. Isis shook her head and lifted Téa up, dropping her next to Malik and on top of Yami Malik. Yami Malik sunk down due to the extra weight and frowned at the mortal body next to Malik.

Malik, on the other hand, rocketeered way up in the air and dropped back down on Yami Malik. Bakura rolled his eyes.

"Wow, Malik. You jumped so high that I think you could've landed on the moon!" he commented sarcastically. Malik glared at him and snuggled against Yami Malik's chest. Everyone blinked in confusion, then shook their heads, not wanting to know. Yami Malik smirked and pushed Téa off. She landed in a pile on the ground.

Yugi blinked. "Umm…okay…" He took one of the remaining straws from Bakura's fist. He blinked again and shrugged. "I'm okay with cooking…I guess." he said.

Joey grinned. "Okay, Yuge, Kaiba, and Mai are cooking." He pushed them into the kitchen and walked back to the living room, where he proceeded to laugh his head off.

Seto muttered angrily underneath his breath and Mai just scowled. Yugi looked at the other two.

"Um…where do we start?" he asked timidly. Mai shrugged. Seto glared at him.

"We'll each prepare a dish. Those losers can pick what they want." he said, walking to the refrigerator. Yugi nodded and Mai just shrugged again.

They started to cook.


Monday, April 27th / 6:37 p.m.

"What is this stuff?" asked Joey, disgusted. The three 'cooks' blinked.

On the table, there was a big plate, several small plates, and a big pot. On the big plate was what was apparently supposed to be…mashed potatoes, but looked like oatmeal instead. Courtesy of Seto.

Mai had just put water in the big pot, put on the stove, and thrown in random things (such as butter, milk, lettuce, and sliced ham).

Both of the above did not look or sound very…appetizing. The smaller dishes were made by Yugi, and actually looked edible. They were a bunch of traditional Japanese simple dishes. Everyone instantly started eating from Yugi's cooking and not even looking or touching Mai and Seto's food.

Mai scowled darkly, but ate from Yugi's dishes. Seto just stood in the corner, glaring at everyone as if daring them to try his so-called mashed potatoes. Finally, the hunger got to him and he sat himself down, scooping some of the potatoes onto his plate. He took a bite and spit it out onto Isis' face.

"WATCH IT!!!" she screamed. Hey, wouldn't you do the same thing if somebody had just spit mush onto your face? Ewww…

Anyway, Isis ran quickly to the bathroom to wash off. Joey snickered loudly. He received a deadly glare from both Seto and Isis (before she went). Yugi sighed and shook his head. He put down his chopsticks and went to check on his Yami.

Yami was in the exact position he had been in for the last three hours. Except that his eyes were narrowed more than usual and his face was dangerously close with the screen. His fingers clicked quickly on the keyboard.

Yugi blinked. He watched as his Yami grinned triumphantly and then…

"I-I-…" he started.

"I LOST AGAIN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" he screamed an ear-shattering scream. So obviously, the eating people heard and ran into the living room. Yugi was still blinking at Yami. Bakura went into another fit of hysterical laughter and started rolling around on the ground.

Ryou glared at his Yami and pulled him up. Bakura wobbled on his feet.

"Dizzy…Ry…ou…." He stood up straight, his face a few centimeters away from Ryou's. Ryou blushed bright crimson at the closeness and backed away.

Yami was about to press the 'play again' button on the computer when Yugi pulled it away. He handed it to Seto, who put it away in his room. Yami pouted.

"Aibou…" he whined. Yugi shook his head. Meanwhile, Joey had gone back to the kitchen.

"Guys, look what I found!!" he shouted. They rushed back into the kitchen, a little curious. Joey had lined up two bottles of soda. But it didn't actually look like soda. It was reddish-pink and had lots of fizzy bubbles. Joey grabbed some plastic cups. "Want some?" he asked.

Yami, Seto, and Bakura all nodded. Joey poured carefully and handed them the cups. They drained them quickly.

Yami made a face. "Kind of…sweetish-like…" he commented. Joey shrugged and poured himself one and drank it in one gulp.

Ryou gave them a worried look. "Guys, are you sure that was safe?" he asked.

Serenity agreed. "This is Pegasus' basement you know."

The four guys glanced at each other and simultaneously shrugged carelessly. Everyone decided to have a Duel Monsters Tournament, since there was nothing better to do.


Monday, April 27th / 8:21 p.m.

Téa woke up to see everyone crowding around Mai and Ryou, who were dueling. So far, Mai was winning. She yawned. Everyone ignored her. Or maybe they just didn't hear. Whatever. So she wandered into the kitchen. Since she was thirsty, she poured herself a cup of the pink soda. She sipped it.

"Hmm. Not bad. Might need some more flavor though." She finished drinking and set the cup in the sink, rinsing it out first. She blinked. Even though she had just awoken, she was still sleepy, so she settled on the bed in her room.

One word was uttered before she fell into a dreamless sleep.



The duel between Mai and Ryou took a while to finish. The ending result? Surprisingly, Ryou won. Mai scowled and said it was just beginner's luck.

Bakura growled.

"Who are you calling a beginner?" he growled, hugging Ryou. Ryou's face turned an interesting shade of red at the embrace.

"Yami?" he squeaked. Bakura looked down at him.


"Why are you hugging me?"

"Why am I wh--" he looked down and instantly drew his hands back. He turned a light pink as well. He laughed nervously.

Yami smirked. "Going soft, Thief? Do you love your hikari so much that you're turning nice?" he said mockingly. Bakura glared darkly at the former Pharaoh.

"I could say the same for you." He hissed angrily. Yami blushed lightly and backed away. With questioning eyes, Yugi looked up at his darker half. Yami went to his room, Yugi following him to ask him a question.


If Joey had been more careful, he would've seen the little note that had once been pasted on the two bottles before they had been taken out.

Peggy's Red Love Drink

Warning: DRINK WITH CAUTION. Makes drinker crazily in love with the first person they see in the morning after they awaken. May cause certain…difficulties. Drink one sip only. Too much may overwhelm and cause obsession.

Drink effects will stop only if the person the drinker falls in love with says the words, "I love you, _________" to drinker. Feelings must be genuine. Drinker will only remember vague details.

There is NO antidote. If drinker does not have somebody say the words by the sunset of the third day, drinker will suffer extreme consequences.

Side Effects: Giggling, obsession, hiccups, no appetite, MUCH change of personality.


A/n: Next chapter:

Who will Yami, Joey, Seto, Bakura, and Téa fall in love with? (Actually, it should be pretty obvious.) Why have I added this incredibly stupid "Love drink" into the plot? What kind of weird and insane things will happen with this added into the story?

Find out in the next chapter, "Love Drink: Day One"