Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When The Phoenix Rises ❯ Quitting?!! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When the Phoenix Rises

Chapter 2


"Moshi moshi?"

"Ki-chan, why are you doing this?"

"Didn't you hear me on the news?"

"Hai, but to give up on something you wanted to do your whole...it's...its ludicrous!"

"Give up? You have to understand Yugi...I'm not ready. Never really was."

~~~~Flash Back~~~~

"Next on the news we have an interview with the pop star, Kihana Ootori." He turns towards her. "So Ootori-san, why did you want an interview? I mean it's rare that you would have an interview willingly."

"I obviously I have something important to say."

"Well, obviously, but what is -so- important, that you have to tell the whole world?"

"I'm leaving the music business." She smiled at the camera.


"I have more important things...important people to me that need me. Its kind a hard to explain."

"Please do, if you can."

"I guess you can say that I want a normal life. To be with my friends. Go to school with. Do things a normal teenager would do."

"So what are you trying to say?"

"I'm taking a long break." And she continued smiling.

~~~~End flash back~~~~

"Never really was??"

"Please try to understand. I don't want to be singer..."

"But you always wanted to be one."

"No, I said I wanted to sing in front of small groups, like friends, and family. I never wanted to be professional. Remember, my father forced me to sing in front of large crowds. He wanted me to become famous, so that he could get the money. It's as if I have no rights with him. He just used me to get tons of money."

~~~Flash Back~~~

"Why do you want? Many people would kill just have your job."

"It's not easy being a singer goes around the world with so many screaming fans, not that I don't love them, too. But I've never really wanted much, except having friends, because when you travel around a lot it's hard to find friends. The only thing I want now is my old life back."

"So what was your old life like?"

"Just having fun with my friends."

"But still...you're giving up your dream..."

"I'm not giving it up quiet yet, but in the future I might return to the music business. I don't know. But I will have my last concert in a couple weeks featuring a new song." She pauses. "Thank you for having me."

"Thank you Ootori-san. Let's hope that you do come back. In other news..."

~~~~End if Flash Back~~~~

"Listen Yu-kun, why don't we talk more tomorrow, ok?"

"All right. See you tomorrow at school."


"Bye..." Yugi hung up the phone. I still can't understand this, he thought to himself, but shrugged it off.



"Hey, guys!" cried Anzu who came walking in the front gates of the gates.

"Good morning Anzu," the boys replied. "Where's Kihana?"

"She hasn't arrived, yet," Jonouchi informed.

Suddenly, Kihana comes running like there was tomorrow. She missed her footing and tumbles to the ground. "ITAI!!!" She cries in pain. She looks back sees two men in black suits that were probably chasing her, entering the school grounds. She stood up, dusting herself off, and then cleared her throat. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! SOMEBODY HELP ME. THOSE AWFUL MEN ARE AFTER ME!!!"

The men stop as a teacher walked to them. The teacher starting yelling at the men, threatening that if they don't leave the schools ground she was going to call the police. One of the men looks at Kihana, but she just sticks her tongue out. Then men left the grounds with sinister looks on them. Kihana jogs to her friends who were just confused about what just happened. "Hey, guys."

"Ki-chan what just happened here?"

"Oh, that. I had an argument with my dad . . . let's go to class or we will be late."


(After school)

"I still can't you quit singing," Anzu said.

"I quit the music business, not singing. I love to sing, but not enough to go too much public."

"Man, you're making this complicated," Jonouchi said while trying to make sense of it all.

"I'm sorry; it's really hard to explain, even to me! Why don't we go to the arcade?"

"That sounds a like a great idea."


(At arcade)

"Wow! There sure are a lot of people here," stated Honda with amazement.

"No kidding. So what do we want to do first, guys?" Little Yugi asked.

"Hmmm...So many choices. Hey Katsuya, let's go to Invaders from Zim."

"Sounds great. Let's go."

"While they're off, what do we want to do?" Yugi asked Anzu and Kihana.

"You got me?" Kihana said.


"Hmmm...How about Dance Dance Revolution 2000 Mix?"

"Uh...I don't know, about dancing, but I'll watch you."

"Kihana, do you want have a small dance competition?

"Alright." They waited until the previous people got off the pads, and then they got on. Anzu chose the music and they began dancing away. A couple minutes passed and they were done. Anzu was the victor. "Great dance."

"Same to you, but I can never be as good as you."

"That was awesome, guys!" Yugi exclaimed.

"Hey guys!" cried Jonouchi.

"Yo. So who won?"

"Well, actually...a couple of kids beat us like we were beginners!" They all laughed at the stupidity of Honda and Jonouchi. "So now what are we gonna do?"

Just then someone with a mike called out, "I'm looking for a challenger for karaoke. You choose one song for yourself, then, I'll sing. Finally, I sing and I wait for the challenger to finish her song until I found out what my score will be. Is there anyone to stand to the champion of karaoke, Karo-ke? Come on, I can't stand here all day, you know."

"I'll challenge you," a cry came from near the karaoke machine. It was Kihana.

"Are you sure about that, Ki-chan?" the worried Yugi asked.

"Don't worry Yu-chan. I'll be fine." She walked up to the riser.

"So you're challenging me. Well, choose a song during my song."

"Ok." Karo-ke sung her sung, "Fly, Fly Away". The crowd goes a bit wild. Her score...96.

"Now, it's your turn. Do you have a song ready?"

"Yeah, it's called Super Duper Love, Love Days."

To the audience, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have the song. `Super Duper Love, Love Days'. Now sing!" She muttered to herself. "You little wench, don't you know nobody has ever beaten me."

The music began to play...Then Kihana sang...her voice was as beautiful as a songbird...

Everyone cheered and went wild. The whole arcade was in a tame uproar. Kihana's score...97. Karo-ke was glaring at her with jealousy for getting a higher mark. Why did she get a better mark than I did? I'm better than she is. I'm the champion!! She thought. "Now that is over, it's time for the final battle in KARAOKE!!! First, I will be singing "I Will Forever Love You." Then the challenger will be singing "Sea of Miracles."

Karo-ke sung her piece. People clapped and yelled for joy (big deal, I know.). Now it was Kihana's turn.

(Yeah yeah yea~~h, Hey hey he~y hey he~~y)

The dark night sky separates us

to lay bare our hearts as they call out to each other.

Cast off your useless trappings. Some things can only be seen

When you've lost everything.

Oh wind, I will stand and face you!

I will go to the sea of anguish,

though bonds cut my chest,

and the crushing waves are endless.

(Yeah yeah yea~~h, Hey hey he~y hey he~~y)

What does everyone seek by fighting?

Does spilled blood cause flowers to bloom?

Until the precious tomorrow is in my hands...

Until the day we meet...

Oh wind, I will stand and face you!

I will go and head for the brilliance.

Embracing prayer to my heart,

I wander the seemingly dark future.


Oh wind, I am not afraid!

Love is the miracle I have found!

It's my joy to believe in you.

The storm blows so that we might realize our love

Everyone in the room screamed with excitement. Applauding and cheering relentlessly. "The score on the monitor, please."

On the monitor, the score for Karo-ke is...99! People clapped and yelled. She bowed for her public. The score for Kihana is.......100!!!!

"100?!!! That's impossible!! You must've cheated!!"

"That's assuming I cheated, but I didn't. Just think of the person who wrote and sang this song. If she was the only person to get a hundred on it, then wouldn't the person who wrote and sang the song be me?" Karo-ke's jaw dropped speechless. "This was fun, we should do it again. Nice meeting you." and she walked away and Yugi and the other left the arcade.


(By river canal)

They were walking out of the city and into the neighborhoods by the river canal. "That sure was fun, right guys?" Jonouchi asked.

"Yeah," they all agreed. Suddenly, a man in a black suit was standing in their path. Kihana noticed this and stopped.

Honda observed her stopping. "Hey, Kihana. Why did ya stop?" The rest of the gang stopped to look at her. They noticed she was trembling with fear in her eyes. Anzu followed her gaze towards the man.

"May we help you, sir?" she asked. Then two other men surrounded them.

"Time to go Kihana-san," the man in front said with a deep, low voice.

She mustered all her strength to say, "Then you have to force me to."

"As you wish."

A man from behind, grabbed her shoulder, but Kihana grabbed his arm and threw him to the ground. A second man came running after her, but she dodged his punch and landed her own in the gut. The man stumbled backwards onto the grass. The man glared with evil. The other two men had gotten back up and began to run towards the girl who had her back turned and defense low. Before they could grab the semi-short teen, someone behind the men shouted, "Not so fast!"

It was none other than Jonouchi and Honda to the rescue. They seized the tall men, but before Jonouchi and Honda could strike, the men got to them first, each hitting the teens forcing to stumble to the pavement.

As the two tall teens battled with them, Kihana was having her own battle with the leader, struggling against the large man. Dodging, jumping, and blocking were all she could do. But in return, the man was able to hit Kihana with her only blocking few of those beats.

Yugi and Anzu could only watch.

Kihana jumped 10ft away from the man to take a small breather and gather strength. Before she could even think, the man grabbed her arm and threw the semi-small teen towards the canal, breaking the fence as she was flying by, and then plummeting down the steep, grassy hill.

Yugi and Anzu watched in horror. "KIHANA!!!!"

(Miaki: If this were an actual show, this would be a point where a commercial would have been.)

Yugi and Anzu rushed to the broken fence, but was stopped by the man that through her. "Not so fast, punks," he said and grabbed them.

"Let go!" Yugi pleaded, struggling in his large arm.

"Yugi! Anzu!" Jonouchi yelled as he saw his friends in the large man's arms. But he could do nothing, as he had other problems to deal. (Like the other man)

Moments passed. Endlessly passing. Waiting. Waiting for something.

Somewhere near, out of site, a cold voice spoke. "Let them go. Or you will face the consequences."

"Consequences?" the man holding the two teens chuckled. "You should be careful. We make sure no one gets in our way."

"Is that so? Hmm. Well, I already got in your way, but you're messing with the wrong people."

"Just who are ya?" He looks around for a moment trying to find the voice, then, he realizes that the voice is behind him and turns around.

All he, Anzu, and Yugi could see was a shadowed figure with red eyes glowing against the orange and yellow of the sunset.

"Your worst nightmare." She jumped from the fence high into the air, then falling above the man. She kicked the man square in the face, loosening the hold on the two teens. As they were flying away, the girl grabbed Yugi and Anzu. The man hit the wall and was out cold.

She put down the teens and ran to Honda and Jonouchi's side to help because they were having trouble.

Both boys were to the ground, shaking, but still ready to fight. The bad men came after them, but she stepped in the way. The men stopped in their tracks. She ran to the men as though as she was flying towards them, knocking them both out at once.

She stood in the sunlight dusk's path, looking directly into the setting sun, with a necklace glowing gold. Everyone froze in there place, shocked by this sight. She turned around and it was . . . Kihana!

But different Kihana. Someone they've never seen before.

As though she snapped out a trance, she cried, "What am I doing over? Wasn't I just thrown down to by the canal? WHY IS EVERTHING SO CONFUSING???!!!!!!"

"Calm down, Ki-chan. We'll try and help explain as soon as we get Honda, Jonouchi, and yourself some medical care." Yugi put his hand on her shoulder, trying to calm here down for the strange experience.

"You're right. Gomen. Why don't we go to my house? It's not far and we don't seem to have serious injuries, and I do want to show you guys something that might help you guys explain what just happened to me."

"OK. We'll do that, so let's help Honda and Jo up," Anzu said.

And so, Yugi and Anzu helped the injured to Kihana's house. What could be waiting at her house? ::Announcer voice:: Find out in the next chapter of When the Phoenix Rises!

In the next chapter:

Where has Yami been in this story? Well, he finally returns from a trip from Egypt where he might have found more about his past. (We don't know do we?)

The gang ventures in to the home of the famous star's home, and in Kihana's room is something no one would expect . . .

Well, that just about wraps it up for this chapter. If you wish to see what Kihana looks like go to media miner under Miaki for fanart (this is for ff.net users) under my gallery there is a pick called Taken in Egypt. Now you will see what Kihana looks like.

I might change a few things in my stories because sometimes I don't edit well, so I go back and redo few things to make it better, so you might see a few updates.

Songs: "Super Duper Love, Love Days" is a song from Cardcaptor Sakura. "Sea of Miracles" is a song by Maaya Sakamoto. (I love her songs. She has such a beautiful voice) The other song titles I made up unless there are songs with those titles.

I honestly don't know when I will get the next chapter, because school is a drag and I'm reeeally busy in the month of February. Most of my family's birthdays are in this month, so it gets pretty heck it.


Moshi moshi: hello

Doushite: why

Gomen: sorry

Remember, I want at least FIVE reviews before I put up the next chapter. Tell me what you think. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!