Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When Time Wizard Backfires ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own any of the boys of Yu-Gi-Oh!

A/N: Alrighty then, I don't know where this came from, but I guess it's definitely a warning that I shouldn't have plot bunnies while I'm medicated. Perhaps I was watching too much Detective Conan (Case Closed for you Cartoon Network folk). Anyway, this crap is what spilled out of my brain. The first bit of this story was done while I was still feverish and hallucinating while the second half was done after a bad breakup, so, forgive me if I change style a little.

Also, there's some implied yaoi, but this is my first non lemon fic. So, you don't like, don't read the crappy thing.


"You will not defeat me, Kaiba. I have proven to you already that it is destiny," stated the former pharaoh.

"Enough of your speeches. I will show you once and for all, who is the better duelist," retorted the brunette smugly. "I summon my third Blue Eyes White Dragon to create the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon. The end is near, Yami."

Yugi stood beside Joey at the sidelines. Mokuba and Tristan were in the control tower of the new battle arena as they all watched anxiously. The younger Kaiba continued to take notice at the overheating console that was approaching critical levels.

"They can't do this for much longer! The system is getting unstable! We have to stop them!" the boy cried.

He hit the intercom button hard, "Seto! Seto! You have to stop!"

There was a loud sizzle before a shower of sparks erupted from the machine. His warning did not go through.

"You've got to stop them, Tristan! Hurry!"

The named teen rushed out in a flash and ran down the corridor to reach the stadium. Joey noticed movement within the tower and saw Mokuba trying to fight off the electrical fire as he was slowly being pushed from the room. He flew out of the arena to help, leaving the other three behind.

"I'll show you the error of your ways, Kaiba. I will use a card given to me by a close friend." Yami lifted his card high, "Time wizard! Use your time magic to go back into the past!"

"I'll stop you with my magic card!" Seto cried as he went to flip his card over.

Joey and Tristan met in the hallway just as a loud explosion from the stadium shook the entire the floor. They both gasped and turned their heads towards the source of the sound. There was a panicked cry as Mokuba came running towards them.

"NO!.. SETO!"

Wasting no time, the three rushed to the stadium. The arena itself was in rubble and the podiums had been destroyed. There were no immediate signs of the three people who had been there previously.

They began to call as they searched in worried haste.

"Yugi!! Can you hear me?!"

"Yami?!.. Where da hell are ya?"

"Big brother?!"

There was the slight sound of a whimpered groan. Tristan and Joey ran to the side Yami and Yugi had been last. Mokuba rushed to the opposite in search of his brother.

"Hey! I think I see them, Joey!"

Though, as they came to the fallen figures, nothing could quite prepare them for what they discovered.


"Ya've got ta be shittin' me!.. There's no way in hell!" the shaken blonde shouted.

Mokuba was still in a state of shock and did not respond.

"I don't believe it either, Joey, but it's right in front of us now.." Tristan stared down before them.

The raven-haired boy finally managed to speak. ".. The new system overloaded.. The last attacks were too much for it to handle.. But I never imagined anything like this to happen.... It was never supposed to be this real! It's supposed to only be holograms!"

"This ain't no hologram, Mokuba.. We've got a serious problem on our hands now.."

All three turned their gaze down as they stood in the hospital wing. Seto, Yami, and Yugi were laying side by side, covered in scrapes. The victims of the Time Wizard's backfired attack were unconscious, but would be awake soon enough. The only problem now was.. they had been transformed.

Their friends had been turned into toddlers.


There was still some small luck upon their side. Joey, Mokuba, and Tristan found that, even though the others had been changed and seemed to be rather oblivious of what had happened to them or of anything else, they still remembered everyone's names.

"So.. what are we supposed ta do now? I don't think a doctor is gonna be able ta clear this up with somethin'."

"I could try getting the system back up.. I'd have to have my brother's programmers work it out though. But I still don't know if that would work," Mokuba replied with a solemn tone.

Tristan looked over the three pairs of curious eyes that watched the elders' every move. "We're just going to have to take care of them until we can fix this, I guess."

"But what if I never get my brother back to normal?! I don't know how to run Kaiba Corp. all by myself!" the dark haired youth sniffled and wiped at his eyes.

Joey seemed to be thinking deeply. Suddenly, he snapped his fingers. "Wait! I bet Bakura could fix them with some magic from his Millennium Ring! That's gotta be powerful enough ta work!"

"And, why exactly would Bakura want to help us, Joey? Remember, he isn't particularly fond of any of us. Especially these three.. Plus, isn't he with Ryou and his father over in Egypt? How are we supposed to get a hold of him?"

"Yugi's grandpa is over there too, Tristan. We just have ta wait until he gives a call and then we can get Ryou to bring Bakura back here with da Millennium Ring. Ryou will be able ta convince him, I'm sure."

Tristan narrowed his eyes slightly. "And how exactly are you going to explain to Mr. Mutou what happened without giving the poor guy a heart attack?"

"Well uh.. We won't tell him exactly.. We'll just say that we need Ryou and Bakura's help with their ring."

Mokuba added softly, "Tristan's right though, Joey.. He'll probably get suspicious.. Maybe we should just tell him what happened."

The blonde held his head with a groan. "Well, whatever we do, we still have ta do something about these squirts. We can't just take them home and leave them there.. And there's no way I'm takin' them ta my place."

Tristan couldn't take them either.

"There's plenty of room at the mansion. But I can't take care of them all by myself. I'm just a kid still!.. And I don't really want anyone else to know what happened. If someone bad heard about this, they could try to hurt them."

Joey gave a sigh and nodded before looking to his transformed friend, then to Tristan. "Looks like we're going ta be babysittin' for a while at Mokuba's."

Tristan agreed.

"We're gonna have ta get them some new clothes though. They look like they're wearing circus tents," Joey pulled slightly at the excessive material of Yami's shirt.

Yami scrunched his face up and shoved Joey's hand away. He shouted in a child sounding voice, "No!"

"Feisty little thing, ain't ya?" Joey smirked.

"We might still have mine and Seto's old clothes somewhere in the attic. Maybe there's something there that would fit them and then we could go get whatever we need.. But I don't know the first thing about babysitting." Mokuba looked at his 'little' brother.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I took care of my sister an' me when we were growin' up. I know what ta do. Let's go find those clothes."