Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When Time Wizard Backfires ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

It was anxious waiting for Bakura and Ryou to return. It took them four days to arrive on the first available flight. The tomb robber was particularly cranky from the trip and feeling rather jet lagged. But, nevertheless, they went straight away to the Kaiba mansion.

Ryou rang the doorbell and only a few moments later the door cracked open to reveal a rather exhausted looking Mokuba. He perked up once he saw who was at the door though.

"You're finally here!.. C'mon in and see if you can help us."

Bakura brushed past roughly and made his way inside with an arrogant smirk. "So where is the little whelp of a Pharaoh? I didn't get my ass dragged all the way back over here for nothing."

The shorter, white haired youth tried to quiet him down. "Bakura, we should try to be polite under these delicate circumstances. I'm very tired from our trip as well, but our friends need our help."

The dark spirit grumbled angrily and stomped down the hall behind Mokuba as he led the way back to where the others were. Five heads turned up at the door when the raven-haired boy returned with their guests.

Joey and Tristan leapt to their feet and grabbed Ryou tightly in a hug as they could almost feel the tears of happiness running down their face.

"You're here! Oh, thank ya god!"

"I never want to watch another episode of 'Blue's Clues' for as long as I live!!"

The doe eyed teen squeaked in surprised as he was embraced. He looked nervously over to his other half, pleading for some sort of help.

Bakura pushed them off. "Quite trying to feel up my hikari. We're only here to help you pathetic mortals with your little 'problem'."

Joey nodded over to the couch where three little heads peeked over the armrest curiously. Yami hopped down and toddled over to stand in front the fair-haired spirit of the ring. He was holding a toy in his little hands.

Bakura gazed down with an amused grin that bordered the line of an evil smirk.

"So.. Pharaoh.. Maybe I should do away with you right now to rid myself of you for good!"

Yami scowled defiantly before he cocked his arm back and threw the plastic figure. It hit the ancient tomb raider in the head with a slight 'thunk'.

"WHY YOU LITTLE, FUCKING BRAT!! YOU'VE JUST EARNED YOURSELF A TRIP TO THE SHADOW REALM!" he roared angrily as the two stared one another down.

Joey snatched the tiny pharaoh off his feet and threw him over his shoulder, trying to fight back a nervous sweat. "Well, would ya look at that! Nap time already!"

"No!! No nap! Nooo naaaap!!" Yami wriggled and beat his little fists against the blonde's back angrily.

"I bet ya guys could use some rest. Maybe something ta eat. I'm going ta put da squirts ta bed and get them out of yer hair. 'Scuse me," Joey rambled out in one breath before he quickly skirted up the other two little ones to put down for a opportune nap.

Ryou held Bakura's arm tightly, trying to keep him calm enough so he would not go chasing after Yami. Joey returned a few moments later as the white haired spirit ripped his arm free.

"Get the hell off me!.. It's going to be your ass when we get home, Ryou! You're going to be lucky if you can get out of the fucking bed when I'm done with you!" He stormed off down the hall to go find somewhere to get some sleep for a few hours.

The other white haired boy was left blushing right down to his toes. He coughed softly and gave a nervous giggle. "Well, p-perhaps we will rest up some.. E-excuse us.."

He took off in a dash, leaving the other three standing with their jaws hanging open in shock. Bakura's hand shot out as Ryou passed and yanked him inside the room he had decided to occupy. The door slammed shut and that was the last they heard for the next few hours.

Once the two emerged again, Bakura seemed a bit more relaxed. Ryou still had some trouble looking them all in the eyes, however. Joey kept Yami as far away from the tomb robber as he could while the two snowy haired youths tried to decide how they could reverse the transformation.

"You could call upon your shadow powers, Bakura. I'm certain you can return them to normal," Ryou urged.

Bakura snorted indignantly while he crossed his arms before him, "Of course I can! I'm not an imbecile like the Pharaoh.. I can have them back in no time. And you all better be kissing my feet to thank me when I'm done."

Yami stuck his tongue out before Yugi glomped him playfully and began a tickle fight. Joey was just glad they were doing something to keep them out of trouble with Bakura.

"They won't remember when they get back, but the rest of you will. I better see you all showing me the respect I deserve."

Ryou nudged his darkness in the side slightly and whispered to him, "Please just help."

Bakura smirked. "Fine, I'll do it for you, koibito." He emphasized the last word to watch his little lover squirm with embarrassment. "Their clothes aren't going to grow with them though. And as much as I'd like to see the Pharaoh in pain, I doubt my hikari will allow them to be castrated while they change back."

The others noticeable winced at that thought and decided that stripping them down would be the best. All three squirmed and struggled, but Yami the most.

"No! No no no no no!"

"Will ya quit wiggling around? Ya'll thank me for this later!" Joey tried holding the little one still with one hand while he undressed him with the other.

Tristan came back over from wrapping Seto and Yugi up in towels to give at least some coverage. He pulled out a roll of duct tape and loosely bound the small spirit's arms to lessen his struggling. Joey looked at his brunette friend with slightly narrowed eyes.

"I don't know if I should thank ya or report ya ta Child Protective Services."

The taller teen wrapped Yami in a towel and sat him with the others on the couch. "For now, just thank me... Alright, Bakura."

Bakura stepped forward and held his Millennium Ring out as he called upon the powers of the shadow realm to reverse whatever spell the three had fallen upon to change them back. Ryou, Mokuba, Joey, and Tristan backed away slightly as the room grew dark with shadow magic. Mokuba bit his lower lip nervously as he worried about his brother's safety. He clung to Joey's leg slightly for reassurance.

The blonde placed his hand upon the boy's shoulder gently as they continued to watch. He had his doubts as well, but he did not want to alarm Mokuba.

`What am I thinkin'? I can't start doubtin' Bakura. I hafta be strong for Yugi and da others. Bakura's Millennium Ring is powerful and he should be able ta change them back for sure! I know he can.'

The three little ones looked scared. Yugi clung tightly to Yami and sniffled into his shoulder. Yami finally managed to wiggle himself out of his sticky trap and hugged his light half to stop his tears. Seto scoot himself a little closer to the other two.

Bakura's snowy locks shuddered at the tips as he summoned the power of his Millennium item. He turned his darkened chocolate eyes up to the occupants of the couch. They seemed to be floating in mid air as the shadows overtook the room.

The first changes began as their bodies started to glow softly. Their bodies grew slowly and began to fill out to their original proportions. The glow started to grow blinding and the others tried to shield their eyes. The ancient thief remained still as he let the ring work its magic.

The light expanded until it enveloped them all before the room returned to normal. The group, who had huddled together back behind Bakura, lifted their heads tentatively. Bakura grunted softly and sank to his knees. It had taken a bit out of him to change three people back, but he would be fine in a few moments.

On the couch, Seto, Yami, and Yugi were once again in their original states. The three were unconscious as they laid in an almost cluster together. Mokuba ran to his brother and wrapped his arms around the CEO's neck in a hug.

"SETO! You're back!!" he cried out happily.

The commotion caused the three to stir. They looked around with some confusion as they could only last recall being in the middle of a duel. Yugi gave a squeak as he was the first to realize he was only barely covered with a small towel and that it was starting to fall of his slender hips. He clapped his hands over himself and began to blush brightly.

"W-what's going on you guys?.. What happened to the arena?.. And why are we naked?"

Yami lifted a brow and quickly adjusted his towel over his privates. Seto struggled to pull his towel covering over himself, but Mokuba's shifting was making it difficult.

Azure eyes snapped up and narrowed. "What kind of sick joke are you all trying to pull here?! What did you do with my clothes??.. And why is that psychotic thief in my house???"

Mokuba crawled off his brother's lap and stood before the three, now blushing, teens. "Don't get mad, big brother! There was an explosion in the arena and we had to take care of you.. And we needed Bakura and Ryou to help with their ring. We, uh.. had to take your clothes off because they, um, were all burned and torn up."

Seto focused his icy gaze from his brother, to group, then back. "Fine. Then I suppose I should extend some form of gratitude to you for your help. However, I would like a change of clothes. NOW."

The tri-color haired teens shyly asked for something to wear as well. Mokuba scurried off to find something for his brother and for his friends to wear. Joey came over and suddenly scooped up his diminutive friend in a tight hug. Yugi yelped in surprise and blushed brighter as he squirmed uncomfortable and tried to cover himself with the small towel.

"I'm so glad yer all back! I missed ya, Yug!"

"Joey!.. C-can you wait until I'm not n-naked before you hug me?.. My t-t-towel is falling off.."

Yami arched a brow slightly before giving a smirk. He must have spoken through his mental link because the smallest duelist turned beet red before turning his gaze to his darkness.

"Yami!! Stop being a pervert!.. J-Joey? Can you put me down now?"

The blonde set Yugi back upon his feet before he gave Yami a squeeze as well.

"I missed ya too!" He added under his breath, ".. Even though ya were a pain in da ass sometimes."

The former pharaoh had his turn to be embarrassed and politely pried Joey from himself. "I.. missed you too, Joey?"

Joey let go and, before anyone could question their sanity, leapt onto the startled brunette's lap and kissed him while hugging onto him tightly.

"I even missed you, rich boy! I didn't know if I'd ever get ta fight with ya again!"

Seto's face flushed as he tried to get away from the blonde's grasp. "What the hell has gotten into you, mutt?! Get off of me!"

In their struggle, Joey fell onto his backside upon the floor, but ended up taking the towel with him. Seto's blush only grew deeper as he scrambled to cover himself up.

"Dammit Wheeler!!"

Joey sheepishly blushed and got back to his feet to rejoin Tristan. Ryou helped his darkness back to his feet just as Mokuba returned with a handful of clothes. He let Yugi and Yami borrow some of his own since they were around his size. Yugi felt a little odd wearing pants without any underwear though, but he could understand Mokuba not wanting to lend him something that personal.

Yami smoothed the tight jeans and adjusted the T-shirt that was a bit too small for him.

Bakura smirked. "You look like some cheap, man whore, Pharaoh."

"Sorry, Tomb Robber, I'm afraid you aren't my type."

The white haired spirit growled angrily before turning and grabbing his hikari by the arm. "Let's get the hell out of here, Ryou, before I lose one of my shoes up someone's ass!"

Ryou struggled to keep up as he was dragged out and managed to give a quick 'goodbye' before the two disappeared and the sound of the front door slamming was heard a few moments later.

Seto stepped forward, now dressed in his regular clothes. "I suppose I should do something to show my gratitude for taking care of us and Mokuba. You all can stay for dinner tonight. Now, I'm going to go investigate the cause of this 'explosion'."

He turned to leave and kicked one of the toys that were laying around. He lifted it up and looked over it curiously.

"Mokuba? Why have you littered the floor with these old toys? Haven't I told you not to make such a mess?"

The raven-haired boy looked down at the floor bashfully. "Uh, I, um.. Sorry, big brother."

Seto just tossed the toy away as he walked off. Yugi fiddled with his shirt.

"Maybe we should go home and change, Yami. I feel funny not wearing underpants," the small teen blushed again and shifted upon his feet.

"Alright, aibou. Let's go," Yami put his arm around his other half's shoulders as they walked out.

Joey and Tristan stayed behind to help Mokuba clean up. By the time they finished, Yami and Yugi returned in a new change of clothes and returned the borrowed clothes to the younger Kaiba. They seemed a bit troubled though.

"What's da matter, Yug?"

".. Joey? Why were we gone for almost a week? I thought we were just in the duel when it happened?"

The others looked to each other nervously. Before they could answer, the young CEO threw open the door angrily.

"I demand to know what's going on here! When I arrived to my office, I was asked where my whereabouts have been for the past week.. Anyone care to explain to me just what the hell happened??" he roared.

Mokuba looked up at Joey and Tristan. "Maybe we should just tell them, Joey.. Seto's really upset."

The icy brunette narrowed his eyes at the blonde. "Tell us what?"

Tristan gave his companion a nudge forward, "Yeah, go ahead and tell him, Joey."

"Tristan!.." he growled slightly before he turned towards Seto and let out sigh. "Well, might as well sit down, cause yer never gonna believe it."