Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When Time Wizard Backfires ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

By the end of Joey retelling what had happened, though he made sure to leave out some of the more embarrassing parts for both parties, the three affected youths were left in shocked silence. Mokuba came over and gave Seto his locket back afterward.

"It was too big for you, so I kept it safe."

".. How could something like that happen? It's not possible," the brunette shook his head slightly as he stared at the locket in his hand.

"We weren't really sure either, but we're just glad that Bakura could change you guys back," Tristan rubbed the back of his neck absently.

"It was fun taking care of you guys though! Joey and Tristan did a really good job," Mokuba beamed. "You guys were so cute too! And you couldn't really talk right.." the boy continued to prattle on.

"That's enough, Mokuba.." Seto tried to fight back the heat rising to his face.

Yami seemed to be trying to stifle his laughter while poor Yugi buried his face in his hands and groaned.

"But it was fun having three little brothers for a while! And I got to help give you a bath. They needed me to stay in there while they chased Yami after he started running around naked!"

Yugi snapped his head to face his darkness with a look of bewilderment before he started to giggle. In seconds, he was in a fit of laughter with tears rolling down his cheeks.

The ancient pharaoh coughed slightly and shifted his position upon the couch.

"I was just happy we didn't have to change any diapers. And Joey said that none of you wet the bed. In fact, Yugi only wet his pants once when we had to go out and that's because Joey yelled at him."

The shortest duelist stopped in mid-laugh as a crimson blush overtook his body. Yami bit his lip so he would not laugh. Even Seto had a smug smirk upon his face.

Yugi looked up at the blonde with a little glare that only made him look cuter, "Joey!!!"

Joey held his hands up in defense. "It was an accident! I didn't mean to!"

Mokuba continued, "But Joey got him cleaned up like he was a parent or something.. And he kept saying how cute you were while you were little, big brother! He even told me that you sucked your thumb in your sleep like when we were little!"

Seto stood up, "Mokuba! That's enough!.. I may just have to reconsider my previous offer now."

The raven-haired boy put on the best puppy dog pout that he could. "I'm sorry, Seto! Don't be mad. I just had so much fun. Now I know what you feel like when you take care of me."

That softened the CEO and he let out a sigh. "Fine, but we will speak of this to no one. Understand?"

Everyone nodded quickly and Seto began to leave the room. "Let's just hurry up and eat so I can forget about this wretched day."


Their meal was quiet, except for Tristan and Joey stuffing their faces as usual. Once they were through, Yami and Yugi thanked Seto for dinner and thanked the others for taking care of them while they needed it. They left to go back to the game shop.

Tristan gathered all his belongings and made his way back home as well. Joey was just about to leave as well.

"Uh.. I'm glad yer back ta normal, Se-Kaiba.. Sorry, I got used ta calling ya 'Seto' over da last week.. Guess it's back ta hatin' my guts again, huh?"

The brunette stayed quiet as he thought, ".. I suppose I could change my ways, Wheeler."

Joey gave a soft smile, "Ya can call me 'puppy' if ya want. That's what ya kept calling me instead of anything else."

"Alright.. Puppy."

Mokuba came up behind his brother and gave his shirt a tug. "Can't you let Joey just stay with us? I'm going to miss having him around.. And I can tell you have a crush on him."

Seto and Joey nearly choked.

"Joey likes you too. I think you two only fight because you don't want to admit you like each other."

The blonde tried to cover his face with his hand as he gave a groan of embarrassment. Seto wanted to joyfully ring his younger sibling's neck at that particular moment.

"Mokie, you shouldn't assume you know my feelings about anyone."

"But you do like him, Seto! I know you kept the clippings about him from the papers. You guys know you like each other, why don't you just admit it already!"

Joey lifted his head, his cheeks still dark pink. "Eh, he's tellin' da truth. I guess I've got a 'thing' for ya."

".. I suppose there's no use in denying it now that I've noticed you as well."

"Just kiss each other already!" Mokuba cried out and shoved his brother into the blonde.

That surprise was enough as Seto fell into Joey and they managed to lock lips for a second time. It only lasted a moment as they tried to regain their balance. Joey grinned brightly.

"Can Joey stay here, big brother? Pleeeeeeeease?"

Seto's face was flushed as he could still feel those petal lips against his own. "F-fine, he can stay."

Joey wrapped his arms around Seto's neck as he smiled. "Thanks! So, does that mean we're datin', my koi?"

Once more, the CEO grew flustered and could not find the words to speak. Joey took him into a tender kiss to help Seto find his answer. Once they broke away, Seto gave a slight nod.

"Alright. I guess we're official then.. I want to go to bed though, it's been a very hard day."

Mokuba smiled brightly and gave them both a hug before he went off to go to bed as well. Joey started towards the guest bedroom he had been sleeping in for the past week.

"See ya tomorrow, Seto."

"Goodnight,.. Joey."

Once Joey was in his room and almost asleep, he felt someone slip into the bed behind him and spoon with him. A slight smile crept to his sleepy face.

"I felt like I was missing something.. or someone beside me," came a soft whisper from the brunette.

And, truthfully, Joey felt the same way.

That night, they both slept peacefully. Though, Joey was a slightly disappointed the next morning not to find a little Seto sucking his thumb like he'd grown used to over the past week. But, he still thought the brunette looked rather cute while he was asleep.
