Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When white meets black ❯ the tears ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

MPAK: Thanks so much for the review! At least I know someone likes my work!

Mark: Yes, yes, It's very good.

MPAK: ON with the story then!

*****************Seto's P.o.V.**************************

I'm sure Joey wanted to go home. But I wasn't going to let him go until he told me who did it.

I had to work for a few hours. When I was finished I came home to find Joey still wrapped up in Gravitation. I thought he'd have put it down by now, but he seemed to like it. In fact, he was so wrapped up in the book that he didn't even notice that I was standing in the door way. I cleared my throat.

"Gyah!!!" He almost jumped out of the bed. He blushed. Big time.

"Gee…" I looked at him for a long second. He had his hands back behind him and his face was red. His lips were open, but his teeth were closed. A blanket puddled around his waist. "I never knew I had that effect on you."

"Save it." He said, "What do you want?"

"I wanna know who did that to you." I said.

"Kutabare!" I expected Joey to say something mean, but I never expected him to say 'fuck you'. It caught me off guard. I fell backwards and started laughing. Joey blushed even more.

"Ware kamu." I said.

"Heh. Don't mind if I do…" Joey said and growled at me as though he was actually going to bite me.

"But seriously…Who hurt you?" I asked.

"mm…ffin…dd…" He mumbled.



"eh…" I stared wide-eyed at Jou. "Really?"

"Naw…A birdie did it!" He paused for a second, "WELL DUH!"

"I'm…I'm sorry…" I looked at him. His teeth were bared and he was growling.

"I don't want your damn pity, Kaiba!"

"It's not pity, Jounouchi, it's-"

"It's what?" He demanded. I looked down.

"I- I don't know…"

"Exactly. It's pity. I get enough of that from the damned school counselor. She's been tryin' to get that out of me for weeks…" I don't know what possessed me to do so, but I walked over to the side of the bed and wrapped my arms around Joey. He became very still. I pulled him closer and rested my chin on his head. "Oh god…" I heard him mutter. He didn't move. No attempt to get out of the embrace. No attempt to return it. I think he was shocked more than anything. I was almost sure he'd slap me, but he didn't. He started to tremble. I heard him sniff. He was crying. I tightened my grip on him.

"It's ok, Jou." I rubbed his arm.

"NO!" He looked up at me with big, honey, tear filled eyes. I was startled. "No, Kaiba. It's not ok." He looked down. If dad finds out I told you…He'll kill us both."

"No he won't. I have body guards, and we can take your father to court. We can take you away from him and have him put up for good."

"No! You don't understand! He has friends! They'll kill us!" Tears were pouring down Jou's cheeks. I pulled him as close as I could.

"Hush, Jou. We'll worry about that when the time comes."

"But-!" Jou just wouldn't shut up. So I did the only thing I could think of to shut him up. I kissed him.


MPAK: Ohh! I'm bad!

Mark: Yes, you suck.

Bakura: *walks in* HEY! Where's that JoeyxRyou lemon you promised me?

MPAK: I'm working on it! *blush*

Mark: SIS?!

MPAK: What? *hiding*

Mark:….Uh…what… ever…uh…PLEASE REVIEW!