Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whenever, Whereever ❯ The Concert. ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer- I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh or any of its characters. ^^' heh, heh...but I do own Yumi Kaiba, Ise Honda, Kami Mizuno, and Kama.


The years passed, and the girls drifted on, they started a small singing group who sang all different songs. Anzu was the lead singer, and dancer, Yumi was playing the bass, Ise was playing the keyboard, and Kami was playing the drums. At the ages of seventeen they were doing pretty good, they were getting good pay for singing at dances, and other events. Anzu was in a beautiful relationship Seto, same went for Yumi and Jou, and Ise and Yugi. Kami wasn't interested in anybody, she was just fine making fun of her friends. Everything was perfect, life was great, what could possibly go wrong? *evil grin* please R&R


"Just...like...." Yumi finished putting the black eyeshadow on Ise's eyes. "That, perfect..." she grinned at her creation and turned Ise's chair around so Kami and Anzu could see. "What do you think? Sexy, hey?"

Anzu laughed and put in another green cat-eye contact, she blinked and turned her head toward Ise. "Wow, that's cool. You look great Ise."

"Yeah," Ise looked at Yumi. "Thanks...I...um...think..."

Yumi laughed and sat down. "Why are we even dressing up? We aren't gonna be singing at this dance."

"We have to look great, Yumi." Kami said brushing her tri-colored hair away from her face. "We always have to look good for dances." she giggled and looked at Anzu. "I think the cat eyes are a bit too much, Anzu." she sweat-dropped.

"Really?" Anzu frowned and took the contacts out. "But my eyes are boring."

"Ah, give it a rest." Kami said. "Your eyes a fun." they all nodded in agreement.

"If you say so." Anzu said. She looked down at her watch. "AH! The dance is about to start! We better get going!"


"GIRLS! Go home and get your stuff!" the principle ran up to Kami, Yumi, Ise, and Anzu. "Our DJ couldn't make it. We need you to play!"

"Hold up, hold up." Anzu said. "Sure, we'll play. No sweat sir. And all our gear is in there anyway."

"Great! Now get in there! We need music!" the principle lead them into the school.

"See, it was a good idea too dress up!" Kami said looking at Yumi. "Now we are all ready to play right away."

"Okay, fine with me." Yumi said picking up her bass. "I'm just glad we don't have to be bored for the whole dance."

"C'mon, we need to get out there and play." Anzu said picking up her microphone. "Can't keep our fellow students waiting." they all laughed and ran out into the gym and up on the platform, Anzu in front of them all the way.


After the dance, Anzu walked around the school looking for Seto, she hadn't seen him the whole dance, and that kinda made her worry. She shoved her way through the crowed hallways of the school, no one had left yet, they had all decided to stay in the school and hold an all-nighter. "Seto." Anzu called. "Are you in here?" she poked er head in the kitchen and looked around.

Faintly she could hear someone tell someone else to duck, then Seto stood up from behind the counter. "Hey, babe." he said, his hair was a mess, and his face was sweaty. "What's ya at?"

"Seto....what's going on?" Anzu asked, she began to walk up to him.

Seto stopped her. "Now, Anzu...don't come back here...you...you won't like it one bit..."

"What?" Anzu walked around the side of the counter and looked on the floor. "MAII?! What the hell?!" she looked at Seto, them stormed out of the kitchen.

Anzu ran out of the school and sat on the bridge, angry tears streamed down her face and she stared ahead. "Fucking bastard..." she grumbled. "How could he do this to me...?" Anzu shook her head and hit the side of the school with her fist. "God DAMMIT!" Anzu began to shake uncontrollably, she hugged her knees and cried, not knowing that there was someone else out there, standing in the shadows watching her with great sorrow.

"Anzu? Anzu what's wrong?" Kami, Yumi, and Ise ran out on the bridge. They looked at her and sighed. "Seto and Maii...." Kami said looking at her friends.

Yumi sat down by Anzu and rapped her in a hug. "I'm so sorry, Anzu. My brother is an ass..."

Ise and Kami sat down as well, they all hated to see Anzu like this, seeing Anzu cry made tears well in their own eyes. "Don't cry, Anzu..." Ise said. "Seto wasn't all the great anyway. He always was a jerk to you..."

"B-but he meant e-everything t-t-to me..." Anzu sobbed, she pressed her face into Yumi's shoulder. "I can't believe he would do this to me..."

"Get over him, this minute." Kami demanded. "Anzu you can't do this. I know it may seem I'm going h-hard on you..." a tear fell down Kami's cheek. "But you need to straighten up! M-make that bastard believe that what he has done never bothered you!"

Anzu wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at Kami. "Your right..." she allowed a smile to form across her face. "I'm not letting that little fruit get to me..." Anzu stood up with the help of her three friends, they all smiled.


"Thanks for helping me set this up, Yami." Anzu said, she lifted up another speaker and placed it on a table. "I can't see how I could get all this shit sorted out myself."

Yami chuckled and hauled down on a rope, which made a huge speaker fly up to the ceiling of the gym. "I can see why you needed help. This stuff weighs a ton!" he tied the rope on to a staff that was stuck off from the wall and leaned back. "Phew..."

"You can take a break if you want." Anzu jumped out on one of the speakers and tied a rope to it, then jumped off. "I'm gonna keep working."

"I'm not resting if you not." Yami said walking over to her. "I don't want everyone to think a girl outworked me."

Anzu laughed and hauled on the rope to lift up the speaker. "Ah, dammit give me a hand will you?"

"Alright." Yami stood up behind Anzu and rapped his arms out around her to grab the rope too. "Now, on the count of three..." Anzu nodded. "One, two...three!" the two hauled on the rope with all their might and the speaker went flying up into the table.

"Yay! We did it!" Anzu cheered, she laughed and sat on a table. "Okay, now I need to take a break."

Yami laughed and sat on the floor of the gym. "You guys sure have big speakers, Anzu. Kinda too big don't you think?"

"Yeah, but Yumi has a lot of money, she IS a Kaiba anyway..." Anzu laughed to help her not show her sadness. "She wanted us to have the best equipment, so here it all is..."

Yami frowned and looked at Anzu. "Not to...bring back the mood to a slow, Anzu; but you seem to be taking this thing with Seto quiet well."

Anzu sighed. "Well, not a good as you may think. I'm planning on getting back at him at the concert tonight." she smirked. "How, I don't know. But there is going to be something in the words of the songs I will be singing that will get to him."

"Kami told you to do that didn't she?" Yami asked.

"Yeah, why?" Anzu asked.

"I just thought that would be something she would want you to do." Yami said with a chuckle. "She is a hard case..."

"I think you two would make a great couple." Anzu commented. "You should try and hook up."

"Nah, I have my eye on someone else." Yami said.

"Oh really?" Anzu said nudging Yami with her foot. "Do I know her?"

"Yeah, you know her." Yami said looking up at Anzu.

"I do..?" Anzu sat their on the table with a thoughtful look on her face, then she shrugged. "I can't think of who it is....does she have a boyfriend?"

"No." Yami said. "I try to steer clear the taken ones." he grinned.

Anzu giggled, then looked at her watch. "Damn...the concert will soon be starting...thanks for your help again Yami." Anzu jumped off the table and ran out of the gym to get the girls.


"I'm not going to try that shit with Seto tonight." Anzu said to Kami. "It seems a bit stupid."

"Okay, your lose." Kami said picking up her drum sticks. "Now lets go, the people are waiting." they all nodded and walked out on stage.

Anzu stood in front of the girls on stage, she looked around at all the people who were in the gym. Anzu cleared her throat. "I guess you all know about the murder of the teens in the park a couple months ago..." a silence fell after Anzu spoke those words. "Well, this next song is for them, and their families.."

"He was always such a nice boy
The quiet one
With good intentions
He was down for his brother
Respectful to his mother
A good boy But good don't get attention
One kid with a promise
The brightest kid in school
He's not a fool
Reading books about science and smart stuff
It's not enough, no
Cause smart don't make you cool, whoa..."

Anzu looked around the gym, there was tears in almost every bodies eyes, they also started to well in hers. She glanced back at Ise who was having some trouble playing her keyboard, even though her brother, Honda wasn't killed in the shooting, he was involved, he had gotten away with a shot to the shoulder and leg. Anzu took a deep breath and began to sing again.

"He's not invisible anymore
With his Father's 9 and a broken fuse
Since he walked through that classroom door
He's all over primetime news!"

Anzu took a deep breath and she and the other girls began to sing the chorus...

"Mary's got the same size hands
As Marilyn Monroe
She put her fingers in the imprints
At Mann's Chinese Theater Show
She coulda been a movie star
Never got the chance to go that far
Her life was sto-o-ole
Now we'll never know! No no no no oh."

Everyone was crying now, Anzu even saw tears in Yami's eyes, even though he never knew any of the people who was kailled. Wild tears rolled down Anzu's cheeks, and the music stopped, they weren't going to sing anymore of that song. "W-we are going to take a small...break..." Anzu said into the microphone as her and the others went back stage.


About fifteen minutes when everyone had settled down, the girls went back out on stage. "We need a guy up here." Anzu said in the microphone. "The song that is going to be sung next has to be by a guy." Anzu searched the crowed, and her eyes landed on Yami, he had a wonderful voice when it came to singing. "Yami, why don't you come up here."

"Meh?" Yami said pointing to his chest.

"Yeah, you." Anzu said with a grin. "C'mon, you know this song!" Yami nodded and walked up on stage, Anzu smiled and looked at him. "You sing this all the time Yami, you can do it now..." Anzu said. "I'll sing the chorus to make it easier."

Yami nodded, it was quiet easy to tell what song Anzu wanted him to sing.

"It's hard to wake up
When the shades have been pulled shut
This house is haunted
It's so pathetic
It makes no sense at all.."

Yami sang into the microphone, everyone went crazy to the sound of his voice, he smiled at anzu and started again.

"I'm ripe with things to say
The words rot and fall away
What stupid poem could fix this home
I'd read it every day."

Anzu cut in with the chorus.

"So here's your holiday
Hope you enjoy it this time
You gave it all away
It was mine
So when you're dead and gone
Will you remember this night, twenty years
now lost
It's not right !"


After the concert, Anzu walked alone down the darkness of the road, what a time they had, had that night! She and the girls got Yami up on stage many times after to sing because everybody loved him. They later made a deal that Yami would also be lead vocals.

A loud crack made Anzu jump, she spun around and looked into the face of the person behind her...


To be Continued....