Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whenever, Whereever ❯ Feelings ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"Yami!?" Anzu hollered, she took a step back. "What the hell?! You scared me."

"Sorry." Yami said with a small chuckle.

"What are you laughing at?" Anzu demanded, it was dark, but she could see the cracking smile on Yami's face quiet clear. "I don't think its that funny that you almost gave me a heart attack."

Yami chuckled again. "Again I say I'm sorry, Anzu. I was about to say your name but some shit-nuts left a stick on the road."

"Uh-huh..." Anzu smiled. "Anyway's, why are you following me?"

"I wanted to walk you home." Yami said, he seemed not to care that it sounded a bit suspicious.

"Really?" Anzu said. "C'mon then, I have to get home, mom isn't home she's out of town so I have to keep the house warmed up." she began to walk again, Yami followed.


"Do you want to come in?" Anzu asked when they came to her house. "I can cook something up for us to eat."

"Nah, I don't think." Yami said.

"Ah c'mon. I never had anyone in since a week ago when mom left." Anzu said. "Please?"

"Well, I guess so." Yami said. "After would you be able to show me more songs that we have to sing? Just so I can be prepared this time." he grinned.

Anzu laughed and opened the front door. "Sure." they both walked in the house.

"So what do you want to eat?" Anzu asked, she looked over at Yami who was sat at the kitchen table. "I don't have much, I never went shopping in awhile."

"I don't' really feel ALL that hungry." Yami said.

"A'ight then." Anzu said, she slumped down in a chair by Yami. "So, what now?"

"The songs...?"

"Oh, yeah." Anzu said. "Right...um..." she grabbed a box of papers from in under the table. "Well you can choose which ever song you want to sing no one is stopping you." she said taking out some papers. "But this is the one I want to sing." she held up the papers to give to Yami.

Yami shook his head. "Sing it for me." he said.

"Um...okay..." Anzu took a deep breath.

"Lucky you were born that far away so

We could both make fun of distance

Lucky that I love a foreign land for

The lucky fact of your existence ..."

Yami smiled at how Anzu's heart and soul was being put into her singing. He could tell she was meant for this way of life, but he could feel that something would be stopping her dead in her tracts soon, and that it wasn't going to be very good.

"Baby I would climb the Andes solely

To count the freckles on your body

Never could imagine there were only

Ten million ways to love somebody.."

Anzu stopped and smiled. "I have a long ways to go yet." she sighed and put the papers back in the box. "I'm still not all that good at it yet."

"I think your perfect...your singing is." Yami said getting caught in the moment. "I say your already ready for this."

Anzu shook her head. "Thanks for your support, Yami. But no record company is going to sign me and the girls in, we are still rookies at this yet, you know."

"I guess." Yami said.

Seto looked in through Anzu's kitchen window, hidden in the shadows of the trees by the house. "What does Yami think he's doing? This must be Anzu's way of getting back at me..." he snarled and walked away from the house.


The next day Anzu sat on her bed with her pajamas on, and her electric guitar in her hands. "It has been a long time since I played this thing." Anzu said as she stroked the strings. "I better give it a go I suppose, I might be able to play this baby at our concerts and stuff." Anzu thought for a moment and then began to play.

"See, my days are cold without you
But I'm hurtin' while I'm with you
And though my heart can't take no more
I keep on running back to you...

Baby, I don't know why you treat me so bad
You says you love me, no one above me
And I was all you had
And though my heart is beating for you
I can't stop cryin'
I don't know how I allow you to treat me this way
And still I stay..."

Anzu stopped singing, and her hands dropped the guitar, she stopped for a second in silence and then began to cry. Through her tears she began to sing the end of the song, which only made her worse...

"Baby, why you hurt me...
Leave me and desert me...
Boy, I gave you all my heart
And all you did was tear it up...
Lookin' out my window...
Knowing that I should go...
Even when I pack my bags ....
There's something always holds me back..............."

"Oh my god!" Anzu screamed, more tears flowed from her eyes and down her cheeks. Long sobs came from her mouth, and more warm, wild tears ran down her cheeks.


Yami walked around his room with his hands behind his back, tunes from Blink182 was playing low from the computer speakers. Anzu was the only thing on his mind, her and how much she was suffering inside. He wanted to hold her and make all her troubles go away, but he couldn't. How would she act if he told her about his feelings for her? Would she be happy because she felt the same way? Or would she be horrified because she only wanted to be friends, then she would never want to be his friend ever again...then he wouldn't have her in his life at all.

"What can I do?" Yami asked himself out loud. "This is too confusing..."

"Thinking about Anzu again, eh?" Yugi asked walking into Yami's room.

"Yeah..." Yami said sitting down on his bed. "How did you and Ise get together?"

"Well, it was Ise who made the move on me really." Yugi said.

"I see." Yami sighed. "It seems so easy for you, why can't it be easy for me?"