Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whenever, Whereever ❯ No question about it. It HAD to happen ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

'Time to act on this...' Yami Bakura thought.

"Lucky that I love a foreign land for

The lucky fact of your existence."

"ENOUGH!" Yami Bakura screamed, he held out his arms and made all the speakers blow, sending sparks and fire out into the audience. Everyone began to scream and run out of the studio. Anzu and the others looked at Yami Bakura in horror, Seto, Jou, Honda, and Yugi ran out on the stage to see what was wrong.

They all dropped their instruments, but Anzu kept the microphone in her hand, she was in complete shock. When everyone cleared out of the studio, Yami Bakura jumped up on the stage. "Thought you could to it, hey?" he looked at Anzu with a smirk on his face.

"What are you talking about?" Yami looked at Anzu then at Yami Bakura.

Yami Bakura smirked and took a step towards Anzu.

"Don't go near her!" Kami screamed, she ran towards Yami Bakura swinging Yumi's bass.

"Pipe down." Yami Bakura yelled, he made a swift movement with his hand, sending Kami back into the wall, and surprisingly she went through it.

"KAMI!" they all screamed. Seto jumped through the hole in the wall to Kami's aid.

"What the hell?" Anzu looked at Yami Bakura trembling.

"If anyone gets in my way...they'll end up like that." Yami Bakura said with a small shrug. "Now... your coming with me, Anzu."

~Run Anzu!~ Bakura yelled in her head. ~Don't let him get you! RUN!~

Anzu shook her head and began to back away from Yami Bakura. "Le-leave me alone.." she said.

"Sorry, but I can't do that." Yami Bakura said taking another step towards her.

Yami walked out in front of Anzu. "Go.." he said looking at Yami Bakura. "Don't you dare touch her."

"Poor pitiful, Yami." Yami Bakura reached out and grabbed the Puzzle which was around Yami's neck, he put pressure on it and it broke.

"NO YAMI!" Anzu screamed.

A yellow light surrounded Yami as he began to disappear. "AH!" he yelled in pain.

Anzu ran up to him, she tried to touch him, but she couldn't, her hand went right though him. "Yami.." she whimpered.

Yami fell to the floor on his stomach.

"Lets go, Anzu." Yami Bakura grabbed Anzu and put her over his shoulder, he jumped into the air and flew for the roof of the studio.

"YAMI!" Anzu screamed looking back down at him.

Yami looked up at them weakly. "Anzu..." he managed to choke out before he disappeared.

**I'm Standing on a bridge
I'm waitin' in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by now ....**

Tears rolled down Anzu's face as Yami Bakura broke through the studio roof and flew off into the night with her over his shoulder. She looked back down at the studio, not believing what she had just seen...Yami was gone.

**There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening but there's no sound....**

"Oh my god.." Ise gasped. "He...he's gone...just like that..."

"Yugi!" Seto ran out and grabbed the small boy. "Put the Puzzle back together!" he yelled.

"I can't..." Yugi said looking up at Seto.

"You did it a couple times before!" Seto screamed in his face. "Put it back together so Yami can go after Anzu!" Yugi never said anything. "Dammit Yugi do it!" Seto slapped Yugi, letting him fall to the floor.

**Isn't anyone tryin' to find me?
Won't someone please take me home?**

Anzu watched in silence as Yami Bakura settled her down in the stone floor of a small cave type thing. Her face was stained with tears, and her eyes full of hatred. "How could you do that?" she demanded.

"Do what?" Yami Bakura looked at Anzu.

"You destroyed him..." Anzu said.

"Ah, yes." Yami Bakura said.

**It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life
Wont you take me by the hand
take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
but I'm, I'm with you....**

"Seto, don't." Kami weakly grabbed Seto's arm. "This isn't going to help..."

Ise said at Yugi's side, she looked up at them. "I know what you mean Seto.." she said. "he did put the Puzzle together a couple times before...but give him a break."

"No...I deserved it." Yugi said. "Get me the Puzzle pieces..."

"Why are you doing this anyway?" Anzu looked at Yami Bakura how was now sat in front of her. "Why do you not want me to love Yami?"

"Its not only that I'm going to go back to the shadow realm." Yami Bakura said. "Its that...I love you too, Anzu."

**im looking for a place
searching for a face
is there anybody here i know
cause nothings going right
and everything's a mess
and no one likes to be alone....**

"Wh-what?" Anzu backed away from him.

"You hear me." Yami Bakura smirked. "I love you, Anzu. And I'm going to have you one way or another..." he leaned forward and forced a kiss on Anzu's lips.

"No." Anzu jumped up away from him. "No you can't do this...no..."

"But I want to..." Yami Bakura said also standing up. "I really do love you, Anzu."

**Isn't anyone tryin' to find me?
Won't someone please take me home
It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life.**

"But this is wrong..." Anzu said looking at him. "Yami Bakura you can't do this...."

"What's so wrong about it?" Yami Bakura asked. "I love you."

"Yes, but Yami Bakura..." Anzu sighed. "I don't love you....."

Yami Bakura looked at Anzu. "I see..."

**Wont you take me by the hand
take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
but I'm, I'm with you...**

"I don't really care! I was evil from the start! Nothing, not even you will change that." Yami Bakura waved his hand, it made Anzu fly up and stick to the cave wall. "If I can't have you willingly. I'll take you by force."

"No!" Anzu screamed trying to wiggle off the wall. "Yami Bakura don't."

Yami Bakura smirked and walked up to her. He began to kiss her neck slowly.

"Yami Bakura don't...please." Anzu sobbed.

**oh why is everything so confusing
maybe I'm just out of my mind
yea yea yea....**

~NO! I'm sorry Anzu!~ Bakura yelled. ~I'm going to try and take control of my body again.~

A light came around Yami Bakura, and Anzu fell from the wall. "Damn you Bakura!" he yelled. Soon, Yami Bakura was sucked back, and Bakura was standing there looking down at Anzu.

**It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life...*

"Anzu?" Bakura help her to her feet. "Are you okay? Oh my god I'm sorry...."

Anzu looked at him. "Bakura...its not your fault..."

"Yes it is. I can't keep Yami Bakura under control..." Bakura looked at his friend.

**Wont you take me by the hand
take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
but I'm, I'm with you

Take me by the hand
take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
but I'm, I'm with you
I'm with you ....**

"I still can't believe Yami's gone..." Bakura looked at Anzu sadly. "I'm so sorry, Anzu. I know how much he meant to you..."

"Please don't." Anzu said. "Don't talk about it....I just want to die..."

"Ah.." Bakura grabbed his sides.

"What's wrong?" Anzu looked at him.

"I'm sorry Anzu...he's too powerful....he's taking me over again......" Bakura fell to the ground.

**Take me by the hand
take me somewhere new
I don't know who you are
but I'm, I'm with you
I'm with you
I'm with you...**