Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whenever, Whereever ❯ Whenever Wherever ( Chapter 20 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"You fool." Yami Bakura said. "You would kill yourself to save these two?"

"I would do anything to help my friends." Anzu said. You see, when a person is bonded wit a duel monster, their whole spirit depends on the magic. If they happen to separate, the duel monster will go on with the magic feeling as good as new. But the person will be drained of so much energy that they might not survive.

Yami looked at Anzu in horror, he couldn't believe what she had done.

*~Kama! Wake up~~* Kami screamed. *~Oh, I gotta get back out there!~* Kami began to take control of her body, she succeeded in a matter in seconds. Kami looked up at Anzu. "Oh dear..." she muttered.

"I guess I'll teach you the lesson of save yourself." Yami Bakura said. he lifted up his hand, in attempt to also make Anzu rise.

A golden light surrounded Anzu, and she never moved. "I'm afraid that won't work..." she said. "I night not be able to use Faith's magic, but I have some of my own when I'm like this." she held up at staff and pointed it at Yami Bakura. "Try a taste of this." a green light flew from the staff, hitting Yami Bakura in the stomach.

He laughed and fired the attack back at Anzu, making her fall down. "That's not going to hurt me!" he bellowed. He gave Anzu a sharp kick in the sides.

"ANZU!" Yami yelled, he couldn't get up, Yami Bakura used his power to pin him to the ground.

"If that won't stop you....I know what will." Anzu stood up. "I'm sorry Bakura." she muttered. She took a deep breath and began to sing from where she had left off.

"Baby I would climb the Andes solely

To count the freckles on your body."

"No! You wouldn't dare!" Yami Bakura hit Anzu with some of his power, making her and Faith separate, Faith never had time to blink before she was sent back into the card.

"Oh no..." Yami gasped.

"Anzu..." Kami winced.

Anzu screamed in pain, feeling all her energy flowing from her. But she still sang.

"Never could imagine there were only

Ten million ways to love somebody..."

-Keep going, Anzu!- Bakura screamed, everyone that was there could hear him this time. -Don't worry about what'll happen to me! Keep singing!-

"Le do le le le le, Le do le le le le

Can't you see

I'm at your feet..."

Anzu screamed again, she gripped her sides in agony and looked over at Yami, his eyes were wide with fear, and he never blinked while he was looking at her.

"Shut-up!" Yami Bakura yelled kicking Anzu.

"Whenever..... wherever....

We're meant to be.... together..."

Anzu's breaths grew short as she sang, but she never stopped, she could see that Yami Bakura was getting weaker...maybe she didn't have to sing all of the song do send him back to the shadow realm.

"I'll be there and you'll be near

And that's the deal my dear..."

Yami Bakura fell to his knees. "You going to destroy Bakura while your at it, Anzu...are you sure you wish to do it?"

"There-over, hereunder

You'll never have to wonder

We can always play by ear

But that's the deal my dear.."

"I guess you don't care." Yami Bakura cried in pain as he began to change back into Bakura. Soon it was over, Yami Bakura was gone, and Bakura was left lying on the grass.

"Anzu!" Yami rushed over to Anzu who was still wincing. Kami rushed over too.

"Hey..." Anzu said weakly. "I did it..."

"Anzu..." Yami looked down at her. "How do you feel? Do you think you can walk?"

"I...I don't know..." Anzu moaned. "I feel weak..."

"Its from where you and Faith were separated..." Yami said looking at her. "You...Anzu you might not make it..."

"I'll make..." Anzu coughed and her eyes closed.

"Anzu..." Yami shook her. "Anzu...Anzu!"

Kami covered her mouth over with her hand and backed away. "She's..."

"No...no she can't be..." Yami brought Anzu up into a sitting position on his lap. "Anzu...please... wake up..." Yami looked at Anzu's face. "I...I love you...." Yami shut his eyes and put his head against Anzu's, a tear fell off his cheek and landed on Anzu's eyelid.

Anzu's eyes moved and they fluttered open. "Yami?" she asked looking up at him.

Yami's eyes flashed open and he looked at her. "Anzu? ANZU!" Yami rapped his arms around Anzu tightly.

Anzu looked over Yami's shoulder and spotted Bakura. "Oh no..." she said.

Yami looked back at Bakura. Kami sighed. "Do you think they are both at the shadow realm?" she asked.

the three of them knelt down by Bakura, Anzu lifted his head. "Bakura...are you okay?"

Bakura's eyes opened slowly. "I..never went back..."


They had decided to get back home on a boat, a strange idea, but it was slow. The sun was going down, and Anzu was leaning on the railing of the ship on deck, she looked out at the water. "This was a disaster..." she said out loud, not knowing Yami was behind her.

"I think it was just fine." Yami said walking up beside her.

"You do?" Anzu looked at him. "How was this fine?"

"Okay...I don't know..." Yami sighed and looked at her.

"Thanks..." Anzu said after a minute of silence.

"For what?"

"Coming after me." Anzu said. "I thought for sure you were gone...I was..." she stopped.

"You were what?" Yami asked.

"Horrified..." Anzu said. "I couldn't imagine that you were really.....gone."

"I'm sorry." Yami said. "o never meant for any of this to happen to you, Anzu."

"Its not your fault..." Anzu said looking at him.

"I think it is." Yami looked at her. "I feel so..bad."

"Don't." Anzu said. she looked at him for a second. "Yami...I was wondering..."


"I could hear you and Kami talking when I was out...when you said..." she looked at him. "You loved me..."

A flash of redness came across Yami's face. "Anzu..."

"Its okay, Yami..." Anzu turned to him. "I love you too...."

Yami smiled and kissed her, he slid his tongue into her mouth and moved it around, Anzu did the same.

"See...that's what I call love." Kami said, she and Yumi watched them from the upper deck.

"They look so good together." Yumi said.

"I had a feeling they were going to get together." Kami smiled.

Anzu and Yami parted their kiss and walked back inside the ship, holding hands.

"She's happy." Bakura said also watching them. "So I'm happy....all I got is a silly crush anyway..." Bakura smiled at his two friends and went back to his room.

The end.