Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Where Do Angels Go When They Die? (Reposted) ❯ Unexpected Death ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!!

A/n: This is a reposted and slightly rewritten version of my story that was taken down, "Where Do Angels Go When They Die?". The basic storyline's still the same, but this time I will be careful of the no-lemon rule. The previous lemon scenes shall be cut out on FF.Net, but if you go to Mediaminer.org, I will have the lemons there for anyone who wants to read them. *scowls* And if Atomic Ghoul comes crawling around, hoping to report me again, I'll be ready to kick his sorry ass...

Where Do Angels Go When They Die? - Chapter 1

By Angel Reaper (and Diane)


Where do angels go when they die?

Where do they go to spread their broken wings?

Can we still hear the songs they sing with their stifled voices?

Can they still watch over us with their blinded eyes?

Why did they die in the first place?

I believe it's because...

They died of a broken heart


Yugi flinched slightly as he used his right hand to hold the razor to make a long and slightly curved cut across his wrist. It stung slightly, but as the blood began to seep through, a sort of cool relief washed over his body, and the pain subsided. He made another cut right underneath the first one.

Once he was satisfied with the six cuts on his left wrists, he awkwardly held the razor in his left hand to do the same thing on his other wrist. This was slightly harder to do, but in the end, he managed to create six more cuts across his right wrist. The blood was running down his arms and dripping slightly on the bed and carpet. He yawned and laid contently on his bed, waiting for the darkness of death to come over him slowly.

To pass the time until he passed over, he painfully recalled the reason why he was doing this to himself, why he had chosen tonight out of all nights to finally set his plans into action. It was only a few hours ago, but it seemed like a lifetime of suffering and agony.

~ Flashback ~

"Yugi? Could you come down here for a moment?" Yami called out from the back stairs of the Kame Game Shop. The young teen scrambled to get down the stairs quickly, immediately curious about what Yami wanted from him. He sounded like he was trying to contain something exciting.

As soon as he was downstairs, Yami took several deep breathes before speaking to Yugi, his scarlet eyes glittering with some sort of joy.

"Yugi, you know how I've been dating Anzu for the past year, right?"

He stiffened at the name, but kept his disgust over his one-time friend from showing on his face. Yugi didn't particularly like her anymore when she started dating Yami, and she kept on flaunting that fact everytime he or his other friends were around. Especially Yugi, she knew that he loved his yami ever since they first met.

"Well, I've been thinking that now, Anzu and I are getting very close together, and we love each other so I..."

He trailed off and smiled dreamily, and Yugi didn't need him to finish, he already knew what Yami had done.

"You want to propose to Anzu," he said, his violet eyes wide. Yami hesitated, then nodded happily. He pulled the ring box out of his pocket and opened it to let Yugi see the diamond ring.

"And if she does, would you mind being my best man? I would mean a lot to me," he added. Yugi felt his heart clench tightly for a moment, and he tried very hard not to let tears fall. How on earth could Yami ask him to do such a thing? It would be unbearable to watch and see, Yami and Anzu promising to be together forever. Especially since inside his mind he would most likely be crying and screaming over his wounded heart.

He heard his traitorous mouth say, "Of course", and Yami smiled happily. He hugged his hikari tightly, not noticing that when he let go that Yugi's face had turned a nice shade of pink. He ran off to go make more plans about his engagement, while Yugi still sat in his chair, a slightly stunned look on his face.

Later that night, as Yami went out, Yugi prayed fervently to Kami-sama (A/n: "Kami-sama" is the Japanese name for God), the Egyptian god Ra, any god that he knew about, that tonight Anzu would say no to Yami's proposal, even break up with him possibly. Just anything but the horrible fate of watching his soulmate get married.

He heard the front door open and slam shut, and slowly came down the stairs, half-hopeful that his prayers had come true. When Anzu saw him, she smirked triumphantly and held up her left hand to answer his unasked question. Around her ring finger was the diamond ring that Yami had shown him earlier.

Blinking rapidly, Yugi somehow managed to sound cheerful and happy for them as he congradulated them, even though he could of sworn he heart his heart breaking like glass as he did so. Stuttering slightly, he made up an excuse to run upstairs again to his room, making sure to lock his door securely before slumping against the wall and sobbing quietly.

A moment later, he heard the newly engaged couple go out of the Kame Game Shop, and for a minute all he heard was his own heart beating painfully, his shaky breathes and the small noises of Domino City. Then he heard a small part of his mind whisper to him, and he closed his eyes tiredly. He knew what it was saying, it had repeated this for months now.

'If you're so depressed, why not end your life right now? No one would mind, no one would notice.'

Before, he would fiercely argue with it, saying that his friends would be sad and mystified as to why their seemingly happy friend killed himself. But lately, his arguement seemed to be getting weaker and more feeble as he hung out less and less with them, and as Anzu spent more and more time with Yami.

Right now, he was too heartbroken to argue. He simply let his head fall down and sigh in defeat.

'How should I do this?'

~ End Flashback ~

Yugi sighed as the room started blurring together, and a sort of peaceful darkness overcame him. The razor fell harmlessly to the carpet, flecks of Yugi's blood staining it here and there. Whispering outloud, he spent his last breath saying this.

"Good-bye, Yami, hope you're happy with Anzu...I love you..."


Yami shivered as he walked Anzu back to her apartment building after celebrating their engagement at a club. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he felt that something was terribly wrong. It had to be important, but what could it be?

Uneasily he pushed it to the the back of his mind until they were standing in front of the door that led to Anzu's apartment building. When they got there, she eagerly offered for him to stay overnight at her flat. That sense of something wrong came back, only a bit more urgently. He shook his head, golden bangs swinging from the movement.

"But why not? We should celebrate some more," she pouted, and he smiled a little nervously.

"We can celebrate any other time we want, Anzu, trust me. But if you really want, I'll stay over tomorrow night."

Seeing that she was quickly satisfied, he bade her good-night and hurried to get back to the Kame Game Shop. Truthfully, the idea of staying overnight at Anzu's made him gag a little. Her apartment reeked of her perfumes, and her entire bedroom was pink and fluffy, which was a bit strange for Yami to understand.

After a few minutes of walking at a fast pace, he breathlessly reached the back entrance to the Kame Game Shop. Fumbling slightly, he unlocked the door and entered quietly, hoping he wasn't disturbing Yugi if he was sleeping.

He climbed the stairs slowly, frowning as he saw a light still on through the crack under Yugi's door. If he was still up, then why wasn't he making much noise?

Gently he rapped on the door and called out softly. "Yugi, it's late. If you're still up, then go to bed."

Yami strained to hear anything through the wooden door, but the silence prevailed. Frowning, he grabbed the skeleton key that Yugi always kept above his door frame. He fumbled to pick the lock as the young teen had taught him how to, finally hearing the lock click as it opened after a few minutes. He opened the door carefully and stuck his head in.

"Yugi didn't you hear-"

He stopped speaking abruptly, and went considerably pale in the lamplight. Yugi stared up at the ceiling with glazed eyes, his wrists face up so that anyone could clearly see the blood flowing from his cuts. The heavy copper tang of blood was everywhere in the room, mixed with Yugi's personal scent of lilac, and for a minute Yami stared at the horrifying sight for several moments. Then he snapped out of his daze and went to kneel by the bed.

"Oh please Ra, let him still be alive," he said softly, his heart pounding in his chest. Yami pressed two fingers against his neck checking for the pulse, a cold chill settling over him when he felt nothing beneath his fingertips. No, the body was still warm, he had to still be alive somehow!

...And yet, it was true. His aibou had committed suicide, and he was now gone. He stared at the cuts on his hikari's wrists, then was startled when he saw that tears were running freely down his cheeks. He wiped them away on his sleeve, then hesitatingly closed Yugi's violet eyes and prayed to Osirus that Yugi's spirit would find it's way to the afterlife and find peace within it.

The flood of tears came after he closed the door to Yugi's room, and he slumped down in the hall as he buried his face into folded arms and let out a choked sob. A deep aching feeling in his chest made him rock back and forth, and he pulled his knees up to his chest and shuddered. The scent of blood-with-liliacs overwelmed his sensitive nose, and his head felt light-headed and dizzy. He took several deep breathes to calm himself down, then lurched up on unsteady feet to go downstairs. He had to get away from his hikari's death place, just for a little while anyway.

"Yugi, if you can hear me from the afterlife, I wish you had told me that you were so unhappy. Then we could of worked out some sort of solution. I hope that... you can find some peace to whatever was troubling you," he whispered outloud, a tear escaping from the corner of his eye.

(End chapter 1)

AR: *sighs* Wow, I finally rewrote and reposted this story! It's kinda a relief, because it's been bugging me for a really long time that such a well-liked story was deleted becuz of a stupid reporting scumbag who is spineless and 22 and annoying as hell...

Diane: *rolls eyes* Gee, and she claims that she doesn't hold grudges

AR: >.< This is a personal one, Diane, he called me some very derogatory things, and I'm only 14!! Well, I'm officially 14 at 2:20 PM on June 1st, which is conviently soon. Anyway, ignore my grudge against Atomic Ghoul, just tell me what ya think of the story. If u've read the story before or not, plz tell me what ya think, any feedback helps me write the story more. Well, ja ne!