Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Where Do Angels Go When They Die? (Reposted) ❯ Enter Rei, Tenshiko and Yamiko ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!! I only own a few OC's in this fic, like Tenshiko and Yamiko!!

Where Do Angels Go When They Die? - Chapter 2

By Angel Reaper (and Diane)

Yugi subconciously knew that he was lying down on something extremely cold, and that his wrists didn't sting anymore. Did that mean he was dead yet? He tried to open his eyes a little bit to check, but it felt like they were glued shut, or else he was extremely tired. So he was content to just lie there and ignore the cold trying to seep through his school uniform.

"Tenshiko, I wanna get the next soul! He'd be a nice addition to Hell."

"No way, not in a thousand afterlives, Yamiko."

"But you've gotten all of the souls from last week, AND the souls from the gigantic train wreck!! That's a pretty big imbalance in the Hell and Heaven, and you know that Lucifer-sama doesn't like it when there are more souls in Heaven!"

"Yamiko, I don't care what the heck Lucifer-sama likes, this soul is definetely innocent enough for Heaven. Can't u feel the energy vibes he's giving off? Plus, he's very cute, I hope he didn't have a girlfriend or a boyfriend or anything."

Yugi heard a choked laugh from the other girl, (Yamiko, was it?) followed by suspicious sounding coughing. "Sure he's cute, if you go for the short-with-spiky-hair type." Her voice was dripping with sarcasm when she spoke. There was a whacking sound, and a then a small yelp and curses. He managed to open his eyes enough to stare at the two bickering girls.

"I'm not short, I just haven't gotten a growth spurt yet," he croaked out, and both looked at him with quick glances. One was blonde with jade green eyes, wearing a purple striped polo shirt and faded jeans, her wrists adorned with many jelly bracelets of rainbow colors. The other girl had dark brown hair and sharp hazel eyes, her black hooded shirt and baggy pants out of place in the bright white void they were in. He tried sitting up, but could barely make his arms move.

"Oh dear, you still haven't got any energy, have you?" The blonde knelt down and pressed two fingers on either side of Yugi's face, and a small flash of light passed between the two. When she stepped back, Yugi was amazed to find that he could stand up on his own and that he felt oddly refreshed. The other girl rolled her eyes.

"Tenshiko, if you keep on giving your energy to the poor weak spirits that have just passed on, you'll be drained for a century or two." The blonde shrugged carelessly and then turned her attention back to Yugi, who was looking around dazed.

"Where am I? Is this heaven?"

"Nah, it's more of a Limbo-type place. I guess you could say that this is where souls wait while Lucifer-sama and Micheal-sama decide where they're supposed to go. It's me and Tenshiko's job to escort the souls to whatever afterlife they choose," Yamiko explained. Yugi nodded uncertainly, still confused about what was going on.

"So how long do I have to wait until I know where I'm going?"

A loud rumble of thunder rolled by, and Yugi shuddered. He never did like thunderstorms. But Tenshiko and Yamiko listened to it attentively as if it was someone important speaking. The blonde's eyes widened in surprise, while the brunette simply raised her eyebrows, clearly questioning whatever she had heard.

"B-But Micheal-sama, he's so innocent, he deserves to be in Heaven!!" Tenshiko protested loudly. The thunder growled again, and Tenshiko winced. She looked down sheepishly at her feet and muttered apologies to... whoever it was that was speaking. Yugi looked wildly at Yamiko, his heart pounding.

"What did he say? And what does she mean that I'm not going to Heaven? Oh Kami-sama, am I going to Hell?!"

He was startled when Yamiko began to laugh. Then he bristled slightly and frowned at her. "What's so funny? This is serious, am I going to Hell?!"

She snickered, then cleared her throat. "Sorry, it's just that mortals are so funny when they think they're going to Hell. But don't worry, Lucifer-sama and Micheal-sama decided that you're not going to Hell." She sighed and shook her head sadly. "It's a really pity though, you would've made an awesome demon perhaps. Or else a nice play toy for the demons." She winked and licked her lips suggestively.

Nervously he backed away from the smirking girl and decided to change the subject to a different topic. "So if I'm not going to either place, then where the hell am I going?"

Tenshiko frowned slightly and softly told Yugi, "Back to Earth apparently, to be a ghost. They said that you died a couple years too early or something, and that your not ready to go into either realm. You'll be assigned to stay with a witch until you are ready to enter the afterlife, and she'll look after you until then."

He gaped at her wide-eyed, his mind not believing what she had just said. Go back to Domino City as a ghost? He had never really believed in ghosts before, or witches. Those were things that were in children's tales, right?

Right then, a strong image of Yami appeared in his mind, and he trembled when he saw Yami staring at the black and white photo on a gravestone. It was his gravestone, and the red-eyed teen laid a small bouquet of flowers in front of it. Yugi blinked rapidly, then looked at Tenshiko again.

"Could I see my friends again? Would they be able to see me, as a ghost?" He whispered. The thunder roared briefly, and the blonde nodded.

"A few of them will be able to see you, but I don't recommend trying to visit them. Mortals are uneasy about supernatural stuff," she advised. Yamiko cleared her throat and pointed to a door that Yugi was sure wasn't there a few minutes ago.

"Go through the door, and you'll find youself at the witch's apartment. I think her name's Rei or something, she's a newbie at witchcraft." Yamiko shoved him lightly to the door, and Yugi looked back hesitantly at the two. Tenshiko was waving good-bye, and Yamiko had vanished completely. The violet-eyed teen waved back, then walked confidently through the door.


Yami was reluctant to go to Yugi's funeral ceremony, but he knew he had to go. He owed that much to his hikari. He sat numbly through the eulogy that Jou was giving, barely paying attention to what was going on around him. All he remembered was that when everyone when to Yugi's coffin to pay their last respects, he was the last one, and the room was empty.

He bit his lip hard when he saw Yugi lying in his coffin limply, eyes closed and looking peaceful. He didn't worry about crying, he had used up every single one the night he found Yugi dead. He cleared his throat and whispered hoarsely out loud, hoping that Yugi could hear him.

"I'm not sure what happened to make you do such a horrific thing to yourself, Yugi, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you died without making amends, that you left behind so many sad friends, and that I couldn't help you sooner."

He shifted nervously, then continued on. "It might be selfish of me to say this, but I would of really liked it if you could of stayed alive to see me and Anzu get married." He paused for a moment, then checked to see if the room was completely empty.

"For some reason Yugi, I'm starting to have second thoughts about it," he said quietly. "I-I don't know why, I want to stay as far away from her as I can, for as long as possible sometimes. Is that bad? I'm not sure, I wish you were alive so you could tell me if it is or not. What you said always made sense and seemed right, even in a really tough situation."

He glanced at his watch, he had to go find the others before they started to worry. "I must go Yugi, but before I leave, I have one last thing I must do, just so I can stop worrying at least."

He brushed a few stray locks of golden hair away from Yugi's forehead, and traced the Eye of Horus on lightly with his fingertip, trying to ignore the coldness of the pale skin. The symbol glowed for a moment, then faded from sight.

"Now you'll be safe from any harm, Yugi, and your body won't ever be desecrated," he murmured. He bowed his head as he closed the lid to the coffin, then walked away slowly. There was a dull aching feeling close to his heart, and Yami wondered what it could mean. He shook it off, then went in search of Jou and the others.


Yugi blinked to clear his vision, then inspected his new surroundings. It was a comfortably furnished apartment, with a large shelf of leatherbound books and several overstuffed couches scattered around. There was a vase of lilacs on a table, which made Yugi somewhat happier that he and the girl - Was her name Rei?- had something in common, and a computer desk in the corner. From what he could tell, this place could of belonged to anybody unmagical, and not some witch that was supposed to baby-sit him.

He whirled around when he heard someone open the apartment door, and tensed as the footsteps came closer. What did a witch look like? Was she old and wrinkly-looking, like someone's grandma who was going senile? Or did she have a pointed hat and black robes that billowed around her body and carried a broomstick in a warty hand?

"Hi, you must be the ghost I'm supposed to take care of. I'm Rei Obediya."

Yugi blinked in surprise. Rei had a young cheerful appearance, only about eighteen or so, and looked...normal. Sure she wore a large sweater despite the fact that it was June and it was moth-eaten, and her jeans were ripped and muddy at the hem, and her reddish-brown hair was mussed and tangled in places, but overall she could of been another teen at Domino High.

He looked her over again, then decided that there were small hints that she could be supernatural. Her eyes were a light blue color that sparkled and shimmered with an unknown power, and her hands, especially her left one, kept on moving and tapping a rhythm out, even if there wasn't a surface to tap. She stuck out her right hand, and Yugi tried shaking it, but was startled when his right hand passed through Rei's.

"Oh, I suppose you don't have enough magic yet to touch real objects yet, huh? It's alright, let me think of something," she said quickly. Yugi drew back his hand and stared at it, noticing that he could almost see the carpet through it. He shuddered and decided not to do that again, it gave him a strange feeling.

"I...I know I'm a ghost and all, but I feel normal, like I'm alive or something..." She nodded absentmindedly, then suddenly snapped her fingers. Yugi noted that a blue spark jumped from her fingertips when she did so.

Without warning she stuck three fingers into the area where Yugi's heart was. He looked at her wide-eyed when he realized he felt nothing when she did so, and that gave him even more chills.

"Let this ghost touch and feel everything that is material and real," Rei murmured, and let a small stream of her blue magic run through the three fingers in Yugi's chest. He felt a faint tingling sensation from his head to his toes, but it stopped when Rei pulled her fingers out of him.

"What did you just do?" he whispered in awe, and she smiled happily. She held out a hand and motioned for him to touch it. Hesitantly he pressed a finger against her palm, and was suprised when his hand didn't pass through as it did before. He pushed harder, and got the same results. Looking around, he tried picking up a book, and grinned when it lifted up easily.

"As I said before, I'm Rei Obediya, apprentice witch to the almost-great Akina-sensei and your guardian for the time being." She stuck out her hand, and this time Yugi shook it firmly and smiled shyly at her.

"I'm Yugi Motou, former Duel Monsters champion and owner of the Millennium Puzzle. It's very nice to meet you."

"Since I'm your guardian, there are only a few rules I have." She counted them off on her fingers as she listed them off. "One, when I'm in my bedroom or in the bathroom, I don't want you looking in on me, alright? If you do, you'll be sorry you're with me."

He shrugged. "It's alright, I'm prefer guys anyway." Rei looked a little suprised, but continued on. "Two, be honest with me because I can't stand liars. Three, if you want privacy or some quiet time, go up to the roof of the apartment building. That's where I go, anyway. Four, there's a small room next to my bedroom that's labeled "Private". That's my workshop, and never go in unless I give you permission, alright? That's all the rules."

Yugi asked hesitantly, "Rei, do I have to stay in the apartment all day?"

She thought for a moment, then shook her head. "Feel free to come and go whenever you like, just don't get into any trouble, because then I'll be responsible." She checked her wristwatch. "In fact, go off now, I have some errands to run, and you probably want to go and look for your family or friends or something."

Before he could say anything, she walked out and slammed the door behind her, leaving behind a very startled Yugi. He shrugged, then followed her example and doing as she suggested. He decided that eventually he would get used to her strange ways and that they would be good friends.

(End chapter 2)

AR: ^.^ Tuesday was my birthday, and now I'm officially 14!! Wohoo!!

Diane: Finally, she'll stop lying about her age now...

AR: Hey, I wasn't lying before!! I was just stretching the truth a little, that's all. Anyway, hope ya liked the new chapter, I would've posted it yesterday but I had some technical difficulties... >.> Review, and ja ne!!