Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Where Do Angels Go When They Die? (Reposted) ❯ Hello Yami ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

Where Do Angels Go When They Die? - Chapter 3

By Angel Reaper (and Diane)

"Yugi?" Yami called out. "Yugi, are you here? Don't play games with me, I don't have the time right now."

He opened a door and found Yugi sitting in the middle of an oddly bare and cold room, holding something in his hands. Yami sighed and strode in.

"Yugi, didn't you hear me calling for you?" Yugi didn't respond, and instead ignored his yami completely. "Yugi, what's the matter with you?"

Yugi's slender hands gripped the item in his hand tighter and held it higher, revealing a silver dagger that gleamed in the darkness. Yami gasped, and tried to grab Yugi by the shoulders, but was surprised when his hands passed through easily.

"Yugi, what are you doing? If this is a joke, it's not funny, it's serious. Put down the dagger now!"

When Yugi continued ignoring him as if he didn't see him, he attempted to grab his hikari again. This time, a pair of arms that came from nowhere pulled him back and restrained him.

Someone hissed in Yami's ear, "Let the little whelp slice his own wrists, no one cares about him."

Yami struggled hard against the clammy hands that held him back, and watched horrified as his blank-eyed hikari drew the dagger across his wrists, spilling blood on the floor easily.

"No!! Yugi, please, stop this!! I'm begging you, don't do this to yourself!!!!"

Yugi finally looked up at him straight in the eyes, and smiled sadly. He lowered his head again, and began cutting his other wrist. A moment later, the silver dagger clattered to the ground, and the violet-eyed teen curled up on the floor, careful to keep the wounds in front of his face so that he could examine the blood flow. The arms released Yami from their death grip and disappeared into the shadows.

Yami felt weak and dizzy from the sight of all the blood on the floor, and carefully avoided stepping in it as well as he could. He knelt down beside Yugi and held one of his hands, looking around wildly for anything that he could use as a bandage or something.

"It's alright Yami, I don't want to be saved," Yugi said quietly, his eyelids drooping down drowsily. "There's not much for me to do in life anyway, and no one will miss me too much."

Yami's eyes started watering and he closed them to prevent the tears. They fell slowly anyway as he began speaking. "I would, I would miss you a lot."

Yugi smiled and closed his eyes. "Good-bye anyway, Yami, I'll see you later..."

"No, Yugi!!"

"NO!!!!!!" Yami gasped as he sat up suddenly in bed, sweat dripping down his forehead in small trickles. He breathed heavily as he wiped it away and fumbled to get himself untangled from his blanket. Staggering, he went to the bathroom and splashed cold water over his face, then ran the faucet over his head awhile.

It was the third night in a row that he had woken up sweating and gasping for air dreaming of his aibou's suicide. It was a terrible feeling for Yami to have, not being able to stop Yugi from cutting himself in his dreams. It left him with unsettled and strange feelings when he woke up, and he tried sorting them out, but it only made him confused and even more unsettled.

After he dried his face, he glanced at the digital clock and groaned when he saw that it was only six in the morning. Usually he tried to sleep in late as possible until he had to go to school, but lately the nightmares had made him wake up early and he couldn't fall back asleep again.

Yami tried finding something to do in his small room, anything to keep his mind off of his dreams. He finally settled on cleaning the junk off his writing desk, and started throwing away papers he didn't need anymore. His fingers brushed over an envelope he was sure he hadn't seen before, and was addressed to him in Yugi's handwriting.

Curious, he opened the envelope and pulled out the note that was inside, also in Yugi's handwriting. He sat down to read its contents carefully, his hands shaking ever so slightly.

'Dear Yami,

If you have found this, then I'm probably gone by now. You and Jou and all the others must be wondering why I committed suicide, and why I haven't mentioned it before. Well, if you haven't noticed, I haven't really been going to places with Jou, or even talking to him at school for that matter. We might of been friends at one time, but we've drifted apart, and now we just nod and say hi to each other in the hall.

The same happened with everyone else, Yami; Anzu, Honda, even Seto and Otogi have drifted away from me, and I hardly know them anymore. Only you, and Ryou and Bakura almost, were my friends. But still, Ryou and Bakura were busy with themselves, and you spent a lot of time with Anzu. I am, no, was lonely, and depressed.

I don't blame you for my death Yami, or my one-time friends either. I just want to get rid of the overwhelming loneliness I feel...'

Yami stopped reading there, and hastily shoved the note back into the envelope. He briefly considered throwing it away, then just placed it in the desk drawer that he usually stored special things in. It was the last thing Yugi ever wrote, and maybe he would eventually finish reading it. When he stopped feeling guilty and responsible, anyway.


Yugi sighed, he was beginning to think that being a ghost was the worst thing ever. For one thing, he tried talking to Ryou when he saw him, but apparently the white-haired teen couldn't see him or hear him at all. The same results came when he tracked down Jou and Honda at the arcade. Yugi didn't dare to go see Anzu, just the thought of her made him feel ill. He wasn't sure if he should go see if Yami could see ghosts, partially because he was afraid of the possibility that Yami wouldn't be able to.

Disappointed, he walked back to Rei's apartment and passed through the walls easily to get in. He looked around the apartment, it looked like she was back from those errands she had mentioned. He cautiously went to the door of her bedroom and knocked gently.

"Hey Rei, are you in there? Can I come in?"

"Just a second." There were several odd noises before she opened the door, looking at him slightly suprised and annoyed. "So what's the matter, Yugi? I'm kinda in the middle of a religious ceremony here."

Yugi peered around her and saw that there was a stick of fragrant incense lit in front of a small statue of some woman, except her face was too well-veiled and shadowed to make out any features. The was a small engraved pentagram in the middle of her robes, and he noticed that Rei had a pentagram necklace around her neck. He also noted sheepishly that she had a sheet wrapped around herself tightly, and that a guy was sitting on her bed with blankets covering the lower half of his body.

"Oh, well, I guess what I had in mind isn't really important," he said quickly. "Um, go back to whatever you were doing."

Rei sighed, and when she shut the door, Yugi could of sworn that he heard her say, "Sorry about the interruption, Toshiro. Where were we before?" He decided that he should go find Yami afterall, and quickly left the apartment.


Yami politely thanked the florist when he bought a small bouquet of lilacs and hurried to get to the graveyard. He wanted to put them in front of Yugi's grave before they wilted.

Ten minutes later, he reached the graveyard and hurried down the row of gravemarkers until he reached the one marked "Yugi Motou" in Japanese. It made no sense to Yami why the Japanese cremated almost every dead body and then put the ashes into cubby-like holes, but at least they pasted a picture of the deceased on the front and a small sconce for any flowers or such.

(A/n: That's how the graveyards are like in Hong Kong when I visit there. There are rows of walls with cubby-sized holes in them where they put the person's ashes, and then a stone covers the opening, and a sconce, a picture and the name of the person are on front of the stone. Only a few bodies are actually buried in coffins, and even then they only get a few years in the ground before they get removed, cremated and put into a cubby. Both of my grandfathers and my one grandma are buried like that, and I have to visit them every time I go to Hong Kong. I'm not sure if they have a similar system in Japan, but I'm just basing it off of Hong Kong graveyards.)

Yami pulled out the old bouquet and replaced it with the new one, tossing out the wilted brown flowers. Softly he read over the writing on the gravemarker again, even though by now he practically knew it by heart.

"Here lies Yugi Motou, good friend to many, born July 10, 1987. Died May 31, 2004..." (A/n: Anybody know when Yugi was really born? Cuz that's just a fake birthdate I'm using)

He sat down on a bench and looked up at Yugi's gravemarker. Making sure that no one was around, he began talking. "Konnichiwa, Yugi. Today while I was in school, we were talking about this year's school festival, and they want to use last year's idea to create carnival games again. There'll be different ones than last year of course, but still, it's flattering that they still want to use your ideas. They want to keep the Bluebeard one though, just to see Jou dress as a pirate again..." He laughed at the memory of it, then continued talking to the gravemarker about many different topics. He paused at one point, tilting his head to the side and stared at the picture of Yugi.

"I know I keep on asking you this, Yugi, but... why did you do it? I have no idea if you can hear me in Osirus's realm, but I still need to ask it. I mean, you seemed happy and content with your life. But then, you left that note that your friends abandoned you, and that's why you took your life, but they never really left you. They were always there, and so was I. What was the real reason for you death?"


Said person looked around wildly, he never really expected a reply. His red eyes widened when he saw a transparent image of his hikari, standing behind him looking at him curiously with his amythest eyes.

'Oh Ra, I'm hallucinating, that can't be Yugi,' he thought weakly to himself. Still, part of his mind was screaming that it was his hikari, and that he should go and rejoice. He shook his head to get rid of the thoughts, and stared at the ghost for a moment.

"...Are you really Yugi? Or are you just something my mind created to help me stop mourning?" he whispered. The ghostly teen shook his head, moving closer and sat down on the bench with Yami.

"It's me, Yami, it's just that I don't have a physical body. I'm just a spirit until Kami-sama says that it's time for me to go to the afterlife." He smiled half-heartedly. "It's not so bad, being a spirit and all. I can go pretty much anywhere, and I don't need to eat or sleep to survive. But so far, only you and my new friend Rei can see me, so I suppose that's a disadvantage."

"I-I see," Yami managed to say. Numbly he sat and listened to Yugi talk about being a ghost and the strange world where people waited for their fates to be decided. It was definetely Yugi, but it was strange to see him sitting next to him, when he was also sitting in front of his ashes. And he was so transparent and fragile looking, even though he talked eagerly and sounded like his old self. Yami was startled out of his thoughts when he felt Yugi tug lightly at his sleeve.

"How have you doing Yami? I mean, has anything exciting happened in your life?"

He shrugged. "It's the same old things happening basically, except for me and Anzu's engagement of course. We haven't decided on a wedding date yet, but she's really excited about shopping for a wedding dress."

Yugi bit his lip, then forced out a reply. "T-That's nice..."

They both sat in an awkward silence, sneaking glances at each other from the corner of their eyes. Yami glanced at his watch, then sighed and stood up from the bench.

"I have to go now, Yugi, I made plans with the others to meet them at the park. I usually visit your grave everday in the afternoon, so if you want to find me and talk or whatever, come here. I-It was nice to see you again...."

He gently hugged the ghost then trotted off, and Yugi sat there with a dazed expression on his face. He would have to thank Rei later for casting that spell on him. Standing up, he glanced at his gravemarker for a moment, then walked out of the graveyard and started heading back to Rei's apartment.

(End chapter 3)

AR: Hm, that took longer than I thought it would. I guess my writer's block is starting to kick in again.

Diane: u mean the huge black boulder in front of your house with the words "AR's Writer's Block" engraved in the side?

AR O.O Crap, it's already here! Well, bear with me, I'll try to finish the 4th chapter ASAP, I promise. Ja ne, and please review!!