Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Where Do Angels Go When They Die? (Reposted) ❯ Discussions ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!!

Where Do Angels Go When They Die? - Chapter 4

By Angel Reaper (and Diane)

The overwhelming scent of blood never seemed to fade from Yami's nose, no matter how hard he tried to breathe in fresh air. He looked down at his hands and saw that they were coated in dried and crusted blood. Desperately he tried to wash it off under a faucet in the wall, but the dried liquid refused to go away. He yelled frustratedly, and felt a small twinge of panic.

"What the hell is wrong with this stuff?! And why won't it wash off?!" Once again, he tried washing off the blood, but it still remained on his hands.

He sighed with relief when it finally started dripping off his hands and into a small neat puddle on the floor. Yami turned the water faucet off, but then noticed that the small pool of blood began expanding rapidly, and he backed away nervously. He only took a few steps until he bumped into a wall. He looked around frantically, but there was no door or window or any sort of opening for him to escape through, and mysteriously the faucet had disappeared.

Yami started banging on the walls looking for a weak spot, the blood was starting to encroach him and what little free space there was between them. Soon the blood was a foot deep on the floor, and Yami continually slipped on the scarlet liquid as he ran from wall to wall looking for a weak spot. Somehow the blood was now up to his waist, and was getting thicker and making it harder for the tri-colored teen to move. Ungracefully he slipped and fell face down in the blood. Immediately the blood swallowed him up and tried very hard to drag Yami down to the bottom and keep him there.

Thrashing hard, he resurfaced and coughed, spitting out the blood that had seeped into his mouth. He looked around and was shocked to see that the blood was now only a few feet from the ceiling and rising rapidly.

"No..." he gasped. That was the last thing he said before the blood completely filled the room and all he could see was red. It was pouring through his mouth and going up his nose rapidly. He choked and tried to expel it, but it was useless. The red was slowly fading to black, and he slowly succumbed to it.

Once again, Yami sat up in bed gasping desparately for much needed oxygen. When his breathing became semi-normal, he immediately went to the bathroom to go take a shower. The feeling of being covered entirely in blood was awful, and he scrubbed so hard that his skin turned bright pink.

'Oh gods,' he thought wearily as he went back to his bedroom, sunlight slowly creeping through the window. 'All these nightmares are getting worse and worse each night. How long will they last? I can't keep on going on like this, I'm already starting to get drained from no rest and a lot of schoolwork. And on top of that, I've got a wedding to plan out. I wonder if I should postpone the wedding until later...'

Yami mused on this thought, then winced when he thought of what Anzu's response might be. It would most likely be along the lines of her screaming about if he loved her or not and making a scene in public until he gave in and only then would she stop having a tantrum.

'Just great,' he thought gloomily. 'Maybe Yugi knows some way to persuade Anzu into doing something without her acting spoiled.'

Brightened up at that prospect, he began preparing to go to the graveyard. Thank goodness it was a Saturday, because he was sure if he would of been able to sit through school waiting to go and visit his hikari.


"Hey Yugi? Wake up." A finger poked him several times on the arm, and then tapped him squarely between his eyes. He frowned and batted the hand away.

Yugi curled up on his side and turn his back to the speaker. "Go away, I'll be up in a few minutes," he mumbled. Grandpa always woke him up too early for school, didn't he know that he could get dressed and eat breakfast in 15 minutes, then walk to school before the bell in 20 minutes?

"I would let you sleep all you want, but you happen to be sleeping on top of my spellbook, which I need at the moment for my lessons."

The dryness in Rei's voice woke him up and he stood up to let Rei grab her leatherbound book. Groggily he remembered that he wasn't at the Kame Game Shop anymore, and that instead of sleeping in his bedroom, he was sleeping on Rei's couch.

"Sorry," he mumbled. "Why do you have school? I thought it's Saturday."

"It is, but this is a magic school, and they only give you Sundays off as a weekend." She sighed as she hunted around for another leatherbound book. "The principal of the school, who's my personal teacher Akina-sensei, is really strict, but at least she lets us wear whatever clothing we want, so we don't have uniforms....where'd that stupid book go? I know it's around here..."

Yugi looked around, then handed her another book that was lying on the couch. She turned pink and muttered her thanks. Her fingers drummed against the books as she double checked that she had everything, then shoved all of it into her large backpack and waved good-bye to Yugi.

"See ya this afternoon, Yugi, unless you're out with Yami again! If you are, then don't come back too late!"

He stared at her in shock as she smiled and closed the door behind her. How did she know that he met with Yami? Was she psychic or something? Rei had never really specified what kind of magic she could do.

'Speaking of Yami, I wonder if he'll go back to the graveyard,' he thought, glancing at the clock. 'I can always wait until he goes, it's not like I have anything important to do.'


Yugi was slightly suprised when he walked past the graveyard gates and saw a familiar red-eyed teen. "Yami, how come you're here so early?" Yugi called out when he saw his darker half sitting on the same bench as yesterday. Yami shrugged as the ghostly teen sat down next to him.

"Lately I haven't been sleeping so well, so I get up and just walk around," he said. He didn't want Yugi to hear about his recent nightmares, especially his latest one. He sneaked a glance down at his hands to make sure they weren't bloodstained.

"Do you always come here when you walk?"

"No, sometimes I go to the park. I just chose to come here because I was hoping you would be here."

"Any particular reason why?" Yugi asked. Yami thought hesitantly on asking about Anzu, but then decided against it. He could always ask later.

"No, not really, I just like talking to you," he said with a shrug. Yugi looked away and turned a light shade of pink, hardly visible on his translucent image. He changed the subject and hoped that Yami didn't see his blush. "Um, did you tell anybody that I'm back?"

"...They'd probably think I was going crazy, or else I was so depressed I imagined that I saw you," Yami answered after a moment. "Jou and Anzu think that I'm already losing it for coming here and talking to your ashes."

Yugi shook his head. "It's not crazy, sometimes it really helps to talk outloud in a graveyard. Besides, it's nice that you came so often to see me. I really appreciate it, you're the only one of my friends that visited, I think."

He smiled sadly at Yami, and the taller teen wondered again about the suicide note. "Yugi, I found the note you left on my desk."

The amythest-eyed teen froze, then cleared his throat nervously.Yugi hadn't thought about what he might say to Yami if he ever found it. Hell, he had almost forgotten it completely!! And it held some private information too...

"Yugi, you said that your friends had left you, and that's why you committed suicide. Is that true? Because we were always there, even at the end."

Relief filled Yugi, and he sighed. Good, Yami wasn't going to talk about "it", or else he hadn't read that part yet. "You might of been with me, Yami, but the others weren't. My friendships with Jou, Honda and Anzu broke. We just didn't have the same connection as before...." He trailed off and cleared his throat. "Um, can we not discuss this? I-I'm not comfortable talking about it yet. Maybe later I'll tell you, but not now."

Yami was disappointed with his answer, but he nodded and dropped the subject. As he was about to speak up again, the ringing of his cell phone interrupted him, and he answered it quickly.

"Moshi-moshi, Yami Motou speaking."

"Yami, where are you? Did you forget we have a brunch date now? And I have a bunch of bridal magazines to look at, and I really need your opinon about what I should pick!"

He winced when he heard Anzu's high-pitched voice over the phone, he had forgotten about that in his eagerness to see Yugi again.

"Oh yeah, sorry. Don't worry, I'm on my way right now. I'll be there in a few minutes." He hung up abruptly, and smiled apologetically at his hikari.

"I have a-"

"I know," Yugi interrupted. "You have something with Anzu. Yami, you don't need to get my permission to go to her. Just go... I'll see you tomorrow." He got up and walked away, and left a confused Yami behind.


'I could of sworn that Yugi sounded bitter when he said that," Yami thought as he made his way to the cafe. 'Was it because I'm spending time with his ex-best childhood friend?'

"Finally your here, Yami!! It's not polite to keep your fiancee waiting, you know," Anzu exclaimed as she pounced on the spiky-haired teen and practically dragged him over to her table. Mentally he sighed and resigned himself to half-listen to her chatter about whether or not the wedding dress she wanted would make her look fat. (A/n: Any dress she's in will make her look fat.) (Diane: |whacks AR| Now's not the time to insult her, get back to typing!) He would have to muse over Yugi's sudden moodiness later, when Anzu wasn't asking him so many pointless questions.

"Anzu," he asked suddenly. "Do you believe in ghosts?"

"Ghosts? Like weird see-through appirations that moan and rattle chains on Halloween?" she said skeptically. She thought a moment, then shook her head. "That's old silly superstitious stuff, Yami. Why do you ask?"

He hesitated, then continued on. "You know how I visit Yugi's grave everyday, right?" She rolled her eyes and nodded. "Well, two days ago, I-"

"Yami," she interrupted, shaking her head. "I hate to say this, but you've been going to that creepy graveyard for almost a month now. I know that you were close to Yugi, but don't you think it's about time to stop? I mean, it's not like he's going to be angry and kill you just because there are no flowers in the sconce. He's dead."

He bristled angrily, and was about to say something when she interrupted again. "And what was the question with the ghosts about? Did you see Yugi's ghost or something? Geez Yami, maybe I should sign you up to talk to a therapist, to help with the mourning and stuff. Maybe she'll be able to get you some anti-depressant meds also..."

"What about you? Don't you need any help getting over Yugi's death?" he asked annoyed. She shook her head happily.

"Nope, I'm perfectly fine with his death. I might of been a tiny bit sad during his funeral, but that's it! I have accepted his death as a natural phase in life, and have moved onto planning our wedding. It's best to plan important things like this without your mind crowded with deaths and such. Now, about the dress, isn't this one pretty?"

Yami bit his lip to supress the urge to slap Anzu across both sides of her face. What the hell was wrong with her? Did she really not care that her childhood friend had killed himself?! Maybe Yugi was right when he said that they weren't friends anymore. Yami wouldn't want to be either when she just brushed aside his hikari's death like it was nothing and started chattering about wedding dresses.

(A/n: Yami should've given into his urge and bitch-slapped the slut like there was no tomorrow!!) (Diane: -.- I give up, she's just too set in insulting Anzu at any chance she can get...)


Yugi sighed dejectedly as he sat on a swing in the park. It hurt his soul that Yami and Anzu were still together, and that Yami still spent alot of time with her, especially now that they were planning to get married. That still left him all by his lonesome self, only this time it was worse than when he was alive because only a few people could see him now. Maybe it was for the best, now almost nobody could see him cry.

Listlessly he swang his legs back and forth, swinging gently so that the ordinary people wouldn't be too alarmed to see a swing going fast with nobody in it. He looked up when he heard someone walking across the mulch and sat on the swing next to him. Yugi was suprised when he saw it was an agitated Yami.

"Yami, what are you-"

"I finished my date with Anzu a little bit shorter than planned. We had a little... disagreement," he said curtly. Yugi was curious, but didn't say anything. Instead he remained quiet and kept on swinging back and forth slightly, and watched Yami out of the corner of his eye. Maybe eventually Yami would say what had happened.

"She didn't cry, Yugi," he said suddenly. "She hardly felt anything when you died. Maybe she felt the smallest twinge of sadness, but that's it, nothing else. Anzu's so happy and upbeat, it's only been a month! Is there something wrong with her, or me?"

"There's nothing wrong with either of you," Yugi assured him softly. "Anzu was never really the type to be sad for too long. And like I said, we drifted apart, maybe that was also why she didn't really feel any emotion."

Yami felt slightly better, but frowned and glanced over at him. "Yugi, she wanted me to stop visiting your grave."

"She has no right to dictate what you can or can't do," Yugi said calmly. "You should be able to do what you like to do, even if she will scream at you afterwards for not obeying her. It's not like she's the master of your life. She'll forget later anyway, so it doesn't matter."

Yami almost smiled and quietly thanked him. "Will you go to the Kame Game Shop, just so I don't always have to go to the graveyard to see you? I don't want Anzu to be yelling at me all the time, you know."

Yugi flinched, and shifted uncomfortably. He hasn't seen the shop and his old room ever since the night he died, he wasn't sure if he wanted to. But Yami was looking at him with hopeful crimson eyes, and he sighed. Since when did Yami copy his "puppy eyes" look? Oh well, it was kind of cute when Yami tried it...

"I'll try to come tomorrow," Yugi promised.

(End Chapter 4)

AR: ^^;; Oh dear, everybody's complaining about Yami being clueless and dense. So to assure all of the people who are annoyed by his... lack of awareness, it shall end soon, I swear!!

Diane: |coughs| Yeah right. You love it when Yami is clueless!! It sickens me how you fawn over him when he's oblivious to Yugi's feelings...

AR: >=p Hey, he's really cute like that!! Anyway, next chapter will come out soon. Oh, and I'll be gone over the 4th of July weekend to go to the annual New York Summer Conference at Hofstra University, so don't expect anything then, k? *sighs* I love NYSC, it's awesome. It's for all Asian-American Christians that live near Long Island, and you spent about four days in small groups of about 7-9 people, including leaders. The small groups then go to all these different workshops and then, in the evening, there's this big worship time for God with all of the small groups together. It's REALLY fun, I love going each year!! Last year, during the last worship together, we started a mosh pit for one the worship songs the band was playing, and it was AWESOME...

Diane: *shakes head* She gets on a sort of "spiritual high" each year, and each year she promises to grow in Christ, but then she forgets until the next NYSC.

AR: *whacks Diane* Shaddup. Anyway, ja ne!! Leave nice reviews or constructive crititism!!