Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Where Do Angels Go When They Die? (Reposted) ❯ Am I Dead? ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! I only own any OCs that might be mentioned in the fic

Where Do Angels Go When They Die? - Chapter 5

By Angel Reaper (and Diane)

Yami closed his eyes as his lips met Anzu's, and ran his tongue over her pink lips. Willingly her mouth opened, and he hungrily explored her moist cavern. This was perhaps one of the best and most delicious kisses they had ever shared before. (A/n: O.O;;; Good God Diane, what the hell are you writing?!?!) (Diane: What do you think? A small Y/A kissing scene!!) (A/n: NOOO!!!! MY EYES!!! THEY BURN!!!!!!! THE VERY THOUGHT IS DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAUUUGGGHHHH!!!!!!!! [runs to the bathroom to retch])

Reluctantly he stepped back to take in some air, but was suprised when he saw who he was kissing instead of Anzu. Yugi was blushing madly, but boldly he reached up to grab Yami by the shirt and whisper something in his ear. Now it was Yami's turn to blush a little, but he nodded and carried his hikari, bridal-style, to a nearby bedroom and locked the door shut.

(A/n: [starts choking Diane] If you ever do that sort of a Y/A stunt again, I will personally see to it that you get stranded on Mt. Everest bare naked with no supplies at all, and no rescue planes either!!!!!!) (Diane: [coughs when AR lets go] Nice little hikari, isn't she?)

The ex-pharoah woke up extremely confused and... well, aroused. He was glad that it wasn't a nightmare again, but the part where he was kissing Yugi was strange. Yami wondered if it was an emotion hidden within himself, or just one of those weird dreams that happened once in a while.

Yami did cared about his hikari a lot, he had tried his best to protect him when he could. He loved Yugi's personality, it was cheerful and optimistic, and he noticed that he was at ease when his lighter half was around. He did admit that he had noticed how adorable Yugi looked at times, and how at other times Yugi looked - there are no other words to describe it - beautifully sexy and sleek. Did all of this mean that Yami liked his hikari, even though he was pretty sure he liked Anzu too?

He sighed, it was so strange to have all these puzzling thoughts about Yugi and Anzu. It didn't help that his arousal was throbbing painfully. Yami headed for the bathroom, pulling down his boxers and taking ahold of his length. It didn't take long for Yami to find his release, and he sighed as he cleaned up afterwards and went back to his bedroom.

(A/n: Heh, sorry peeps, but I don't write scenes where people jack off. Maybe in the future I'll rewrite that part, or get someone else to, but for now, no there's no jacking off. Once again, sorry!)

Turning on a lamp, he found Yugi's suicide note and opened it again. He picked up where he left off and silently read the rest of the letter.

'I just want to get rid of the overwhelming loneliness I feel. It's so awful Yami, to be alone and not noticed by anybody. Not even by the person you love the most.

That's right, I do love someone, a guy to be more specific. But he's dating a girl, so he's already taken. In fact, they're planning to get married, and they're only in high school. It hurt so much when I heard about it, I was sure that my heart was torn to shreds over it. How could such a wonderful guy recklessly ask the most manipulative girl ever to marry him, when they've only been dating for one year? Worse yet, I was invited to their wedding.'

Yami froze when he got to that point, realization hitting him like a ton of bricks. Oh Ra, he was so blind and oblivious sometimes... how could he have not seen that Yugi loved him?

'Maybe if I had noticed earlier, then I could of saved him,' he thought mournfully. 'Instead of being a baka and asking him to be the best man. Oh Yugi, I'm so sorry...'

'You've probably figured out who the guy I'm talking about is. If not, then maybe it's best that you don't know. But I think that he's the one and only for me, my soulmate, I could never love anybody else like I do for him. I read somewhere that if two soulmates never meet, or if they get separated because one of them is with another person, then they'll just die when they reach the afterlife. It's a sad fate, but I'm willing to accept it, even if I'll never be with him. Good-bye, Yami, I'll miss you very much. I hope that you and Anzu will have a good marriage together.

- Yugi'

Yami noticed that there were small watery smudges on the paper; Yugi had been crying as he wrote this. He folded up the paper slowly and gently placed it back in the envelope. Somehow, the thoughts in his head about Yugi and Anzu weren't confusing anymore, but were simple and clear.

But he was still uncertain about the reactions the both of them might give when he would tell them his true feelings. Glancing at the digital clock, he decided that it was early enough to go visit them both. Yanking on his traditional leather clothes, despite the muggy weather starting to come, he hastily scribbled out a note for Grandpa and ran out of the house.

Yami was practically out of breath when he got to the graveyard, panting and leaning against the gates for support. He looked around anxiously, but was disappointed when there was no sign of his hikari. And Yami didn't have the time to sit and wait for when he did come, he had to also tell Anzu how he felt.

'I'll just go to her first, then come back here later to see if Yugi came or not,' he decided. 'Damn, really wish he told me where he spends the rest of his time when he's not in the graveyard.'

He started walking off in the direction of Anzu's apartment, making his way through the crowded sidewalks as best as he could. The crowds seemed thicker than usual, and the heat was stifling and heavy.

As Yami was crossing the street, he looked up when he heard a low rumble. Was it thunder? The sky was blue and cloudless, but with all of the humidity it was possible. His eyes widened when the rumbling came again, except this time it was accompanied by the ground beneath him rolling, making him stagger.


The people cried and ran to any safe place as fast as they could, stumbling as the pavement tossed them up and down. Yami tried to follow their example, but his lack of knowledge about earthquakes and the mass chaos just made him stand frozen in one spot, trying to keep his balance. Someone shoved him aside, and the fresh wave of shocks made him fall to the ground. He winced as he scraped the palms of his hands, and was about to get up when he heard a screech. Yami looked up in time to see a car headed straight for him, the driver having lost control because of the earthquake.

There wasn't enough time to react. The bumper of the car hit him squarely, and he flew backwards. There was a brief flare of pain on his forehead and temples before he blacked out completely.


"Damn, it's another comatose soul, Tenshiko. How come they always come here instead of staying on Earth?"

There was a small sighing noise, then someone pressed two fingers against Yami's temples. He wanted to open his eyes so badly, but they refused to obey his commands. There was a cool feeling running through his veins though, he wondered hazily if it was because of the stranger touching him.

"I don't know why anymore than you do, Yamiko, but it does no good to complain. We just have to send them back to Earth and wait for a soul that really did die in the earthquake." The two fingers pulled away from his head, but the cool feeling stayed, and Yami relaxed. "Now, go back to where you came from, strange soul, and don't come back until it's truly your time."

Before he lost conciousness again, he faintly heard the sharper voice say, "Hey, that guy looks like Yugi, doesn't he?"


Blackness... pain... awful humidity... the ground was moving... Yugi... had to see Yugi.... Yugi!!

Yami's eyes snapped open, and he sat up with a gasp. That's right, he was on his way to see Anzu and Yugi to tell them how he felt, when the earthquake struck! And the car, that car ran into him and then he black out...

Gingerly he touched his forehead, making sure that there wasn't any open wounds and such. When he was sure he wasn't injured, he scrambled to his feet and started walking to Anzu's again. Out of the corner of his eyes he looked at all the damage that the earthquake caused. In some parts of the street the pavement was cracked and sticking up, and several of the buildings looked as if they were about to collapse.

'Wow, it was a bad earthquake,' he thought in awe. 'Who knew that Domino City could be affected so much? That's a good thing about Egypt, the ground never moved unexpectedly, it was steady and firm.'

Yami sighed when he saw Anzu's apartment up ahead, and was even more relieved when he saw her walking out the front door towards him. He could talk to her sooner than he had hoped.

"Anzu! Over here!" he called out, but was suprised when she ignored him and walked past him. He started following her, his face showing puzzlement and annoyance.

"Anzu, are you ignoring me? Listen, I just want to talk with you about our relationship. Will you please stop for a moment?"

Yami reached out to grab her by the shoulder, but was utterly suprised when his hand passed right through her body. He stopped in his tracks as he realized that he could almost see through his hand completely, almost like he could with Yugi. All thoughts about Anzu were driven out of his mind, and he fell to his knees in shock. Oh Ra, was he... dead?


"Yami, are here?" Yugi called out softly, trying to make our the tall yami through the dust that the earthquake had shaken from the grave markers. There was no reply.

'I hope that he didn't get caught outside when the earthquake struck,' Yugi thought worried. 'It's always awful trying to get through the screaming panicked crowds when there's a big earthquake. That one must of been a 7 or an 8 on the Richter Scale.'

He had already tried looking for his darker half at the Kame Game Shop, and at some of his favorite places to go. There was one more place that Yugi knew that Yami liked to go to, but he was afraid to. It was Anzu's apartment.

'I don't want to go, Anzu's place has a lot of bad memories for me,' he thought feverishly. 'But I suppose I have to, since Yami might be there.'

He swallowed hard, then started walking quickly down to where her apartment building was. There weren't many people along the way, only the rescue workers who were trying to dig through some of the rubble and a few families. Yugi saw no sign of Yami anywhere, and he was starting to get worried. Where on Earth could he be?

'What if he died and went to heaven?'

Yugi shook his head and scolded himself for thinking like that, but still, he couldn't help but worry about the possibility. He started walking faster and called out Yami's name softly.

"Yami, are you here? Yami, if you can hear me, please answer back. Yami?"

Unexpectedly he stumbled over something and fell down on his face. Rubbing his nose and ignoring the temporary pain, he looked back at what he ungracefully tripped over. Yugi's violet eyes widened when he saw the familiar spiky haired teen lying down in the street.

"Oh no, Yami, are you alright?" he asked frantically, shaking him and wincing when he saw the long open cut on his forehead. Yami didn't stir at all, and Yugi prayed to Kami-sama that he wasn't dead yet. Grabbing his wrist, he was relieved when he found Yami's pulse. He started shaking Yami again, hoping that he would wake up now.

"Come on Yami, if you're still alive, please wake up!"


The ghostly teen looked behind him, and was very suprised to see a transparent image of Yami standing there. He looked back and forth from the ghost to the body, his face displaying confusion.

"B-But Yami, your body, it still has a heartbeat..." he said slowly. "If it's still alive, then why are you...um, separated from it?"

"How should I know?" Yami replied miserably. "One minute I was walking across the street, the next minute, the earthquake hits and a car runs into me."

He slumped down next to his body, and Yugi felt a bit sorry for his darker half. He sat close to Yami and hugged him. Yami stiffened at the sudden contact, but relaxed and rested his head on his lighter half's shoulder.

"Maybe we should go see Rei about this," Yugi mused outloud. "She'd probably figure out what was going on."

"Yeah... who's Rei?"

"Oh, I never told you before, did I?" Yami shook his head, and Yugi thought about how to describe their situation. "Well, Rei's sort of my guardian, she's supposed to look after me until I go to the afterlife. She's a bit strange at first, since she's a witch, but she's pretty nice when you get to know her."

"Does she sacrifice animals to demons because she made a pact with them to get magic?"

"Yami!" He whacked him lightly upside the head and looked at him reapprovingly. "Rei doesn't worship the Devil, and neither do any other witches!!"

He still didn't look too convinced, and Yugi sighed exasperatedly. "Look Yami, just go visit her, and you'll see for yourself that she's just a teenage witch. I'll also go, if it'll make you feel better."

Reluctantly he nodded, and Yugi tugged at his hand. "Come on, she's probably home by now from school."


"I still think that this isn't a good idea, Yugi," Yami said, warily eyeing the room and all of its contents. The shorter teen rolled his eyes and looked around. Rei should be coming back from school at any minute now...

"Hey Yugi, are you there? Sorry I'm late, the school let us out late because of that earthquake. Hey, is anything broken or fallen in my apartment?" The apartment door burst open and Rei walked in, looking harassed as her hair refused to stay in a ponytail and flushed from the heat. Yami raised his eyebrows questioningly at her as she set down her various school books and went around the room picking up fallen objects.

"That's your guardian, Yugi?" he mumured. Yugi shrugged.

"She always acts a bit... weird," was his reply. Rei looked up when she heard his voice, then promptly dropped the picture frame she was holding when she saw Yami. He stared back at her as she straightened up and placed her hands on her hips.

"Yugi," she said slowly. "Who the hell is he, and why is he here?"

"Um, he's my friend Yami," he said quickly. "We kinda need your help, Rei." Yugi explained the situation to her, and Yami added in some details here and there. The blue-eyed witch frowned when they were done talking.

"Hold out your hand, Yami," she said suddenly. Obediently he stuck his hand out, and she pressed her palm down on his. Her hand didn't pass through his like it did when she first met Yugi.

"Hm...did you go and see the two messengers, Tenshiko and Yamiko?" Rei asked, still frowning. Yami thought back to the two voices that he heard after he had blacked out.

"I-I don't know if they were messengers. I couldn't open my eyes, I just heard two people talking about souls and... and one of them touched my head, and I didn't feel pain," he said quietly, his eyes closed. Rei leaned forward to hear him better, and briefly considered the information.

"Did you hear anything else?"

"Um, I think the one who touched me told me to go back here... and then I woke up like this." He stared at his almost transparent hands, then looked up when Rei cleared her throat.

"I have to go consult Akina-sensei about this, you two stay in the apartment until I come back," Rei instructed. "I have a hunch about what happened to Yami, and I need to confirm it with her."

"Rei, wait-" Yugi started, but she slammed the door behind her. He glanced at Yami, who looked a little overwhelmed at all that was happening. He bit his lip and kept silent, he didn't know what he could say to make Yami feel better. Because it was so quiet, Yugi jumped when Yami finally ventured to say something.

"Um, Yugi?"


Yami's eyes refused to meet Yugi's. "I read more of your suicide note, the part about your crush."

Yugi felt his heart skip a beat, along with a rising fear and panic. Oh no, why did he choose now of all times to talk about it? "S-so?"

"So...I know who it is. And I'm sorry, Yugi..."

The younger teen felt the prickling of tears starting to form and turned away from his yami. He knew it, he always knew that Yami would reject him...

"I'm sorry that I didn't see your pain earlier, aibou, I'm sorry I didn't realize it until now. I'm just... really sorry." Yami lowered his head and let his tears flow. Yugi turned in suprise and stared for a moment at his darker half. His just-shattered hope repaired itself and started fluttering inside of him. Oh Kami-sama, did he still have a chance?

"I-It's ok, Yami," he whispered, wrapping his arms around him tightly. Yami shook his head and clung to the smaller teen, his voice muffled in Yugi's shoulder.

"No, I should've seen it sooner, I would've saved you..."

Yugi tried containing his giggle, but it escaped and Yami looked up at him curiously. "What's so funny, hikari?"

He giggled again. "No offense Yami, but you always play the hero, who tries to solve all of the problems of the world by himself. It's silly that you wanted to save someone like me so dramatically..."

Yami looked at him indignantly. "And what's wrong with that?" Yugi shrugged.

"Nothing, nothing at all. It's just... silly, that's all. You can't save everybody by yourself, Yami. My situation was unavoidable, and even though I'm a ghost, I'm kind of happy as one."

"It wasn't unavoidable, you could of told me that you liked me. I would've listened," Yami said seriously, and Yugi turned bright pink.

"But you're engaged Anzu, what difference would it have made?" he pointed out. "I would still be by myself, and you would've eventually married her."

Yami took a deep breath, he had never told anyone about this before. "Yugi, I'm starting to have doubts about it. I don't really think that Anzu is the right one for me. If anything, we're total opposites."

Yugi's eyes widened. "Seriously?" He nodded, and Yugi grew a bit more hopeful. Yami would be single again! If only he was gay, then the little hikari would get his dearest wish...

"I was going to tell Anzu that I wanted to break up when the earthquake hit. I guess I'll have to tell her later, huh?" He glanced at his hands again, then looked at Yugi straight in the eyes. It was now or never...

"I suppose that something made me realized that Anzu wasn't the right one. I started thinking alot about a guy. He's sweet and gentle, and I never really understood how much I cared for him until lately. And then I realized that... I liked him, a lot, just the way he likes me."

"Um, wow..." Yugi said, his voice sounding breathless. Suddenly Yami seemed to be sitting VERY close to him, maybe a little too close for comfort.

"You know who I'm talking about, Yugi, right?" The smaller teen nodded. "Good then, you won't mind..."

Yami leaned forward for a kiss, and Yugi gave it to him willingly. It was so soft and chaste, but it gave Yugi a small surge of pleasure that left him feeling light-headed and breathless. He was disappointed when Yami started to pulled away, he wanted just a little bit more!

So he tugged at Yami's shirt, pulling him closer to re-initiate the kiss, pressing his lips harder against Yami's. The darker one smiled mentally and enjoyed the feeling of the pink pouty lips touching his. It was wonderful to have this kind of intimacy with his hikari...


AR: Ugh, haven't updated in a while, have I? Gomen nasai!!

Diane: It didn't help that u left for 5 days to go to Hempstead, New York!! And to a bible conference, no less!!

AR: What? Now I feel a connection to our Father above, and I want to spread the Gospel! *sings off key* Did you feel the mountains tremble? Did you hear the oceans roar? When all the people rose to sing of, Jesus Christ the risen One!

Diane: -.-; Ra will not be happy that I have a hikari that worships someone other than him...

AR: Well, sorry I had to cut off here, but this chapter's getting a bit long, and I've dying to post it up for a while. So, next time, there'll be some more Y x YY fluff!! Wohoo!! Ja ne!