Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Where Do Babies Come From? ❯ Where Do Babies Come From? ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Yoku: yeah yeah I know, this plot and or story line has been done before but I wanted to write another brotherly story. So I hope you all like this little one-shot story. Also sorry for some OOC and grammar/spelling problems.
Disclaimer: nope…
Summary: So many questions and yet not that many answers as Seto Kaiba explains how or where babies come from. Brotherly fic! One-shot
Where Do Babies Come From?
Mokuba Kaiba looked up at his older brother from their study room, his shoulders were slouched and his head was tilted upwards. Seto Kaiba sat in his office chair behind his wooden brown desk and his little brother was beside him, staring up at him with huge curious eyes. Seto sighed and turned his chair half way around to meet eye to eye with him.
“What is it, Mokuba…?” he asked with his arms crossed over his blue sweater and locket.
Mokuba blinked in response. “Seto…”
His older brother raised an eyebrow waiting for him to continue. “Yes…” he urged.
“If a guy came up to you and said he was gay, what would you say?”
Seto froze. `Stay the hell away from me is what I'll say…' but he didn't so he just turned his chair away from him as if he didn't say anything.
“Ah! Seto,” Mokuba pulled his chair back so that he was facing him again.
The little boy may have turned his chair but Seto Kaiba shifted his head away from him so he couldn't look at him in the eyes. Mokuba pouted the way he did. He stood up from his position beside him and climbed his way up on top of his office desk. He looked at his brother's glaring eyes.
“Big Brother,” he whined.
The CEO let out a growl, then a long sigh and hung his head. “Why are you asking me this?” he looked back at him. “I don't care if this guy is a man, women, child, or molester, nor do I care if he's gay,” he ended counting his fingers off.
Mokuba just blinked at him as if his words didn't seem to process through his mind. “Seto…”
Seto's left eye began to twitch. `Oh great… I sense another question…' “What is it now little brother? As you may know we are not in the kitchen eating vegetables…”
“I know, but…”
“But what?” a little worry began showing in his voice.
“Seto…” he pause, creating suspense for his older brother, “where do babies come from?”
Seto seemed to freeze a second time that day. He felt his little brother's hands placed at the side of his face.
“I'm not going to turn my head away, Mokuba.”
The kid brought his hands away and waited. “Well…”
“Well, what?”
“Where do babies come from?”
The brunet coughed uncomfortably and shifted in his seat. “Wouldn't the school have taught you by now?”
The boy with the stripped blue green sweater shook his head. Seto let out another shaky breath, brushing his bangs away from his eyes.
“Um…” he began to sweat. `Why is it so hard to talk to him about these things let alone some stranger who I might be able to talk to…?' he wondered.
“Seto…” his kid brother began shaking him out of his thoughts.
“Alright alright…” he looked at him square in the eyes brushing his hands off him just in case he does something drastic. “They come from the hospital,” he replied rather quickly. “Ok whose hungry!” he shot up from his seat and was about to bolt for the door until he felt his small hands capturing him.
“Big Brother, I don't get it! I mean I do get the hospital part.”
“What's not to get Mokuba?” he turned to him who was still sitting on his desk counter top. “You're in the hospital then you're out of the hospital,” he gestured with his hands.
Mokuba sweat-dropped, “But that doesn't explain the babies part.”
Seto growled his frustration. “The topic is rather—”
He placed a finger up, “Uncomfortable for me to address…”
“Yeah uh huh…” his eye lids lowered. “Come on Seto, tell me…” he begged tugging on his arm.
His brother sighed. “Alright… but you better be ready for this…”
“I am I am!”
“Are you sure?” he teased a smirk making its way on his face.
“Yeah! Come on, please…” he whined.
“Alright…” the blue eyed boy pause, “they fall from the sky.” He pointed with a finger.
Mokuba blinked again and tilted his head to the side as if he's conflicting something. “The sky…” he mimicked.
Seto nodded, “The sky…”
Just then they heard a knock and a young woman poked her head in. “Mister Kaiba dinner is ready…” she announced then left closed the door.
The CEO went around his desk while Mokuba just sat there on his bottom still blinking.
“Mokuba come on…”
The young boy seemed to snap out of his daze as he jumped off the office desk. “Ah! Wait a minute Seto!” he cried running after him. “Do they get parachutes too? Is that why they get to the hospital? How is that they have a family to go to? Seto! Seto, answer me!”
His name was last heard as the door closed shut.
Yoku: Yeah… the ending is kinda of bland. Anyways please read and review for meh and please no flames. Oh and I'll do any request, for you see I'm in the mood of writing more humor brother brother stories and I ran out of plot lines to do them on… Thanks for taking your time into reading this. Bai!