Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wherefore Art Thou, Puppy? ❯ Chapter IV ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I regret to announce that this fic is no longer co-authored. From this point on, Lightning Sage is the sole writer.
On a better note, I am extremely pleased that after three chapters, this story has gotten so much support from reviewers. Thanks so much to all of you that reviewed!
I'm personally very sorry for the insanely long wait (over 4 years!). To make a long story short, I was without a computer for a very long time, and I lost inspiration for my Yu-Gi-Oh! stories.
Another administrative change: this will no longer be a yaoi, but instead a shounen-ai. I'm sorry, but I don't think I have it in me to write that sort of stuff for this pairing.
But the good news: I will finish this story. I just need you guys to hang in there! : )
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Wherefore Art Thou, Puppy?
Chapter IV
“I asked you a question!” Jonouchi's father roared. “Answer me!”
Jonouchi cringed at his father's booming voice. “I-I was at a friend's house…working on a project for school.”
“And how are you supposed to address me, boy?” Kentaro snapped.
“Sir,” Jou added hastily. How about, `asshole'?
“And what the hell were you at your stupid friend's house for? You should be home all day serving your master!”
“I-I was working on a project!” he stammered. “And plus…I have school all day. I can't always be home…”
“Do you think I give two shits, you damn dog?” Kentaro advanced towards his son. He was swaying slightly on his feet, but was obviously sober enough to have a fair amount of mobility.
Jonouchi tried to swallow, but his throat had gone dry. He was drenched in cold sweat. He shivered slightly, praying his father had not caught the tremor in his frame.
“D'ya always quake in your shoes, boy?”
Jonouchi clenched his teeth, but uttered nothing.
“Aww…is the pathetic dog going to growl at me?” Kentaro scoffed. “Ooooh, I'm soooo scared!!”
Though Jonouchi realized that his father's behavior was largely influenced by his intoxication, he also knew that the alcohol was not the sole cause of Kentaro's actions. The words that left Kentaro Jonouchi's mouth were thoughts that Kentaro Jonouchi had experienced at some point. The alcohol merely facilitated Kentaro's openness with these feelings.
That didn't mean it didn't hurt when Kentaro said these things.
Jonouchi, over time, had learned not to take Kentaro's statements to heart. After hearing the same derogatory phrases time and time again, he became desensitized. After a while, he just stopped listening to his father.
In a moment's time Kentaro was up in Jonouchi's face, his hands clenching the collar of Jonouchi's shirt and throwing him against the wall. For a split second, Jonouchi blacked out as his head slammed into the wall with such incredible force generated from a drunken middle-aged man.
The next thing he knew, his father had drawn his fist back and slugged him in the face. The impact of the force reverberated through his skull, causing him to slip between the brink of consciousness and unconsciousness. He clenched his teeth to prevent a cry of agony from escaping his lips, which would only encourage his father to continue his onslaught.
Jonouchi kept trying…trying to hold on, trying to stay awake…but no avail. Finally, he surrendered to a more peaceful place in the confines of his mind.
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Jonouchi awoke in unbearable pain.
It certainly wasn't the first time.
When he finally managed to pull his attention away from his physical agony long enough, the first thing he realized was that he was not in his father's apartment.
“Why didn't you tell anyone?”
Jonouchi's head whipped to the side, and the acute pain the motion caused was enough to make him regret it. His eyes became locked with the same set of sapphire orbs that he'd seen not much earlier.
The blonde frowned, his expression conveying his bewilderment. “Why didn't I tell anyone what, Kaiba?”
“Don't play dumb!” Kaiba snapped. “Your father is abusing you, and it's obvious that this wasn't the first time. It's no wonder you were bleeding all over the place.”
“I fell, Kaiba,” he insisted. “I'm a klutz, as you so avidly remind me in Physical Education class every other day.”
The CEO snorted. “`Avidly'? `Physical Education class'? Why is it that you've spontaneously acquired a vocabulary fitting of a high school student, when you've always acted like a grade-schooler?” When Jonouchi didn't answer, Kaiba pressed on. “Why are you constantly lying about the injuries you have? Don't try to deny it, Jonouchi. You might fool Yugi and the Geek Squad, but you're not fooling me. Don't pretend your problem doesn't exist. Why else would you run out of my house like Satan himself was after you when your alarm went off?”
“What do you want me to say, Kaiba?” Jonouchi shrieked. Kaiba had always known how to push his buttons, how to make him react to something he said. “Yes, I have a problem. Yes, my father gets drunk on a regular basis and beats the shit out of me. I almost never get the opportunity to fight back because he always overpowers me before I can do anything. It's not like there's anyone who can help me with this. I'm not dumb. Proof for child abuse cases is almost impossible to obtain. Even if I do take this to court, they'll rip me apart.”
Kaiba looked at him seriously. “I can help you,” he spoke quietly.
“Didn't you hear me? No one can help me.”
“I have money,” Kaiba continued. “You'd be surprised how much influence it has in the legal system.”
“I wouldn't know,” Jonouchi snarled. “I don't have any money. And I don't need your pity cash, Kaiba.”
“Believe me, Mutt, I'm well aware of what pity is—and I'm not offering you pity.” The brunet smirked. “You should know by now that I don't pity anyone. I'm giving you a chance at a new life.”
For the first time since Kaiba had known Jonouchi, the blonde became completely silent—almost contemplative. He could see the thoughts whirling through the other teen's head as he lay on the hospital bed.
“If you can find it within you to trust me, Jonouchi, I can help you,” Kaiba told him. “But I can't help you if you don't want my help.”
Jonouchi's gaze fell to the floor. “You know, Kaiba, I never really liked you. You've always been a jerk to Yugi and the rest of us.” He sighed. “But you seem sincere. I think I can bear to give you another chance.” His eyes rose to meet Kaiba's. “Don't make me regret it.”
Kaiba smiled with a rare kindness, the sparkle in his eyes genuine—Jonouchi had not been the only one with an opportunity to start anew. “I won't.”
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Well, I hope you liked that chapter. You see, I have this theory that Jonouchi's father calls him a `dog' or something along those lines, and that's probably why he gets so, well…pissed when Kaiba calls him a `dog' or `mutt.'
And just for you SetoxJoey fans out there, I have a two-part fic called The Maththat you might like.