Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ White Padded Room ❯ Resonance ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

White Padded Room

Rated: R

Disclaimer: Yu-gi-oh and anything else mentioned inside this story do not belong to me.

Warnings: Brace yourself, this is meant to be a dark fic. It deals with a lot of things that people are not generally used to dealing with, or may be uncomfortable with. First off if you are sensitive with the subjects of Intermittent Explosive Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Opioid Abuse (drugs such as heroine), or Borderline Personality Disorder do not read this. There will be some mentions of animal abuse and at one point Jounouchi does suffer from heroine withdrawals.

This will contain yaoi (do I write anything else?), that means guys with guys kiddos, and it will be at least a real lime scene if not a lemon. (Of course this will be the only one of my stories you will ever see it in, and it will most likely be just a lime). Of course, all of the actual yaoi until much later on.

Mentions of abuse will also be found sometime along the line and do not count out possible noting of attempt at suicide. And with all my other fics, just in case, I warn you the characters are more then likely to become out of character at one point or another. Last thing, there will also be some crude language but not a whole lot of it because I'm not too fond of it myself. Oh yeah, and dark humor!

Notes: I know I shouldn't have started this. It was just nagging at me until it drove me crazy, so I finally decided to write it. This will be the only chapter that has notes and warnings. Story will eventually lead up to the Bakura/Jounouchi pairing, though I'm not quiet sure how it will work out yet. I'll tell you this, I know for a fact they do not have one of those 'lovey dovey' relationships (where as they will be in love, no worries), if that's what you're looking for turn back.

Story will switch back and forth from following Bakura and Jounouchi, though normally should follow both at the same time. I warn you all ahead of time, I may be slow on writing this. It requires a lot of research on my part and I want to get everything down to the side effects to medications right. This is my first really involved fiction. Now that all of that is said and done, here is the first chapter of "White Padded Room". Enjoy.

Mad props go out to Hana no Ceres, a very good writer when it comes to the Bakura/Jou couple. ^_~ I recommend you read her stuff if you no what's good for you. I'd dedicate this story to her, but in a way, with my lack of talent, it would be an insult to someone of her caliber.

Jounouchi's POV (They're at the beginning of every chapter sometimes they take place in the past…sometimes the present)

Chapter One: Resonance

I've known for quite some time that I'm insane. I never needed anyone to point out to me that I was in need of professional help. I never needed anyone to come up to me and say 'hey, you're really not alright'.

I've known it all along. I never need some rich punk like Seto Kaiba to rub my insanity in my face. I never needed any of my friends to know about it either. My life was fine the way that it was. But I suppose most people think life as a masochistic, suicidal, heroine addict isn't quite picture perfect.

There really is only one person I've known that could really understand me. That was Bakura. I should've known that he'd understand me sooner then I did. I should've realized that without being sent to this place. I should've known that when my so-called-friends would never understand me quite like he does.

Sure my friends are great and all, but none of them have had to go through what I have. None of them have been so desperate to loose the pain of living they've resorted to one of the worst drugs known to human kind. They've never known what it was like having to sleep with one eye open just in case you drunken father decides he wants to end your life in the middle of the night.

There something's that I've been unfortunate enough to experience that not even the great (but only in his mind, thank you) Seto Kaiba could understand.

I guess in some ways I should be thanking that prissy-ass rich boy for sending me here. Without him, I wouldn't have my first true; the first real person to know me. Then I remember one of the things he sent me for. Every ounce of gratitude I have for him is lost when I remember that.

I wonder sometimes, exactly why he had put that there. He knew what he was doing was a serious matter, or perhaps it was just some sick joke to him. I guess that would make sense.

I could see him waking up one day thinking, 'let's play a trick on Jou and send him to the loony bin'. He's always seemed to go out of his way to torture me. I've never understood that either.

Another think I'm not quite sure of is how he found out that I was addicted to heroine. Not even one other person had even thought about me doing drugs, and they still don't. I guess that's another good thing Kaiba did for me. Damn him, since when did he actually do me of all people favors?

They all thought that I was absolutely fine, as I've said before. I'm sure that they still do. I know Honda's probably in denial, Yug's probably broken and Anzu I can imagine is telling them that as long as we believe I'll be okay, it will come true. Ha, how naïve. As for Ryou, I have no idea what's going on inside of his head right now. He's probably got too much to worry about with Bakura locked up in here with me.

You know, now that I think about it there are so very many things I am unsure of, but there's one thing I know for a fact.

I, Jounouchi Katsuya, have officially lost my mind.

The loud blaring of the phone ringing caused Jou to jump from his bed. Inevitably, he fell out of it and right to the floor with a loud 'thunk'. Another loud ring reached his ears, hurting his head. His eyes where watering fiercely, his body was sweaty and his stomach felt like there was something unpleasant living inside it, but still he got the phone.

"Hello?" He greeted in a not too happy voice. Sure, he hadn't been sleeping but lying around doing nothing was one of his favorite pastimes, and he didn't enjoy being interrupted.

"Jou! You're awake!" The voice on the other end piped in a tone the exact opposite from Jounouchi's own. The blonde recognized it immediately; it was his very own best friend Yugi Mouto.

"Hey Yug, what's up?" He tried to sound a little happier that time, giving that it was his best friend he was talking to. There was no reason to make him feel worried. He did this despite the fact that his stomach what churning; something that usually isn't a good sign.

"I was wondering if you'd like to come over today," Yugi suggested, though Jou sensed a bit of nervousness in his voice. He didn't pay much attention to it though. He was a bit preoccupied with the nausea he was currently experiencing to say anything about it. "That is if you're feeling up to it."

Without thinking, Jou answered his friend. What an idiotic thing to do! It didn't take a genius to know that he wasn't in any condition to go anywhere aside from the bathroom, let alone to a friend's house. Still he couldn't resist his friend so he submitted. "Sure thing, I'll see you in an hour or two."

He hung up the phone without saying goodbye, knowing that Yugi wouldn't mind and knowing that he was going to throw up sometime soon. Practically sprinting, Jou made it to the bathroom just in time. With much trouble from his sweaty hands he pushed the porcelain lid up, vomiting violently.

One of his hands found the silver knob once he was finished, pulling on it; flushing the toilet. It had been eight hours since his last hit, and already his withdrawal with unbearable. He'd have to deal with it for now; he promised he'd meet Yugi in an hour or so. That didn't give him enough time to come down from his high before he had to leave.

Reluctantly he turned on the shower. He figured that he would need one before going over there. Not caring whither or not the water was too hot or too cold, Jou slipped off his clothing and stepped it.

The water was relaxing. Sure the showerhead just produced some sort of cheap artificial rain, but Jounouchi found it soothing in many ways.

It washed away the sickening feeling of being covered in sweat. The sweet scent it produced covered up that of the body fluids he had omitted from his body minutes ago. And the soft rhythmic beat of drops pounding against his back provided a twisted version of a massage.

Showers where sort of a temporary escape from the horrible dream we call reality. It was an escape Jounouchi only put second to heroin.

He picked the bar of soap up off the side of the tub; lathering himself up and down with it up until he was satisfied he was clean. Ignoring the newly found stinging sensation on his arm, from where he had been shooting up, he reached for the shampoo, pouring a small amount into his hand.

The scent of coconuts filled the small bathroom as he scrubbed the substance through his hair, cleaning it thoroughly. A growing pain in his abdomen made itself known.

Jou ignored it to the best of his abilities, finishing his 'duties' in the shower. He hastily turned the shower off, knowing he was going to collapse from the still growing pain soon.

He stepped one foot out of the shower and toppled to the floor. His hands clutched his abdomen in a feeble attempt to make the pain go away. Of course it was all in vain.

Jou cursed aloud, crawling his way over to where the phone was. Inside he was praying that someone beside himself was invited over to Yugi's today. There was no way he could possibly walk over there in this condition.

He picked up the phone, dialing the first number that popped into his mind. Naturally that was his other best friend Honda Hiroto. "Hello?" A voice on the other end asked. Funny, Jou hadn't remembered hearing it ring.

"Hey is Honda around?" Jou asked.

"Yes he is hold on a second," The voice was followed by a clash then the sounds of retreating footsteps.

A few seconds later a familiar voice showed up on the other end, "Hello?"

"Hey Honda, it's Jou," the blonde greeted, trying his best to sounds his normally upbeat self. It wasn't the easiest task considering the harsh pain he was feeling at that moment. "Are you going over to Yug's today?"

"Yeah, sure am!" The blonde felt like he had just got a ten-ton weight lifted off his back, he sighed of relief, though he still wasn't sure if he could actually get a ride from Honda or not.

"Do you think I can have a ride? I'm feeling a little dizzy," Jou asked, inwardly feeling bad for lying to his friend. Well, he was only partially lying. He did still have the lingering twinge of nausea haunting his stomach at that very moment.

"Sure thing, I'll pick you up in about ten minutes," Another weight felt like it had been lifted up off of Jou.

"Thanks a lot man! See you then!" He hung the phone up, giving another deep sigh of relief. He really owed his friend for this one.

Putting much more effort into it then should be need; Jou picked himself off the floor and walked into his room. It took him quite awhile to get dressed. By the time he finished the doorbell rang.

He scurried down the stairs, almost tripping twice along the way, and swung the door open. "Ready to go?" Honda greeted in his typical unique type of way. Jou only gave a nod afraid that if he spoke pain would be evident in his voice. "Cool, then lets go."

Both boys entered the vehicle. The ride seemed such a blur. Everything passed by them too fast for Jou's mind to register. Before he knew it, they where in front of the Turtle Game Shop, and Honda was giving him a weird look.

"You okay man?" He asked, concern lining his voice.

Blonde locks fell of his ocher eyes as Jou shook his head. "I'm fine, why do you ask?"

"I've been calling your name for two minutes now," Honda's lips tugged into a frown, "You don't look so good. Are you sure you you're alright."

Instead of shaking his head, this time Jou nodded. "Yeah I'm sure," He grinned to make sure that his friend would believe him.

"If you say so," the caramel haired teen headed towards the door, his not-so-healthy looking blonde friend trudged behind him. Despite what Honda had said, he was still worried. People didn't normally look that pale, nor did they sweat as much as Jou had unless they where working out or had a fever. He sighed and decided to let it go. He knew Jou would only argue and tell him everything was fine anyways.

He knocked on the door, and waited. A few minutes later their small tri-colored haired friend opened the door. "Hi!" Yugi greeted moving out of the way so the two could step inside.

Honda nodded as he entered, Jou continued to trudge along. Upon looking at Jou, Yugi frowned. The blonde noted that a lot of people seemed to be doing that today. That's not a good sign.

Amber eyes looked around the room, taking in the people that where there. Aside from him, Honda and Yugi, Anzu, Ryou, Yami and Kaiba (1) occupied the room. He stopped at the last one and glared at him fiercely, "What's he doing here?"

"Don't worry you pretty little head - dog - I'm here to help you," Azure and ocher eyes locked in an intense glare.

"I don't need your help moneybags," Jou spat the words like they where poison. He didn't need help, especially from Kaiba.

"Jou…" Anzu broke through the glare; he looked over at her, clearly confused. "You do need his help."

"Wha…?" He was going to ask more but Yugi cut him off.

"Kaiba told us…" The usually bright-faced boy's expression turned dark as he spoke. Jou felt his heart jump into his throat. He couldn't believe it, Kaiba told them about his addiction. He couldn't even believe Kaiba actually knew about it, not that he had done a great job at covering it up or anything. "…He told us about your suicide attempts. We think you need to get professional help Jou."

For a second, he felt relieved, that was until exactly what Yugi was saying sunk in. "We've admitted you into the Domino Psychiatric Hospital," Kaiba was the one to but in this time, much to Jounouchi's annoyance, "of course with permission of a parent who seemed all too happy to give you over. You'll be in there until your problems are dealt with. Naturally since you yourself didn't admit yourself to the hospital, you will not be able to discharge yourself. Yugi has left the responsibility up the doctors."

"You can't make me go," Jou yelled. Instantly he regretted doing so as he was hit with a wave of nausea. He toppled forward only to be caught by his hated brunette rival.

Kaiba leaned in whispering in his ear, "Trust me it's for the best Jou, you're not in the condition to struggle. I know how heroin withdrawals go, and believe me, I will tell your friends if you don't listen. It's best if you just give in."

"Why are you doing this?" Jou asked, genuinely confused. Kaiba had nothing to gain from him going into a psychiatric facility. So why in the hell was he doing this? He had to have some motive.

"Being an ex-addict myself, I know what you're going through," the words where hissed in his ear. Had he not felt like he was about to vomit, Jou would've probably been struggling to get away from this far too uncomfortable situation. "Tell me, how many hours has it been?"

"Nine," the blonde replied with out hesitation. "You must have some other reason beside that. You're not exactly the type of person to show sympathy. Actually I would expect you to laugh.

"Just think of it as a chance to get you out of my hair," Kaiba scrunched his nose slightly, dropping the boy he was previously holding, "how's that for a motive, dog?"

"Sounds good to me, but I'm still not going to go," He didn't even try to pick himself off the floor. All he wanted to do right now was either vomit or pass out. Everything went black for a second. It seemed like the latter one would actually become an option.

"You don't have a choice," Kaiba spat. For a second time, Jou's vision turned dark. His hands instinctively went up and held his head.

"Jou?" A voice asked, but he couldn't figure out who it was. Everyone, everything seemed so distant. It was like he was in a complete other room listening in on a conversation. He felt another wave of nausea swoop over his as his vision went blank once again.

He wanted to pass out, but he didn't. He knew if he did he'd wake up in the facility and he did not want to go there. He almost screamed as his stomach lurched, the pain that in his abdomen reminding him that it was there. It was becoming too much to bear. The shock of what could be considered betrayal by his friends, the fact that it was brought on by Kaiba, his least favorite person in the world, not to mention his withdrawal was a big issue at hand here too.

Giving up was his only option. Giving up…it was the one thing he wished he didn't have to do right now, but it was the only thing he could do. Struggling would only make his situation worse. So he gave up, and gave into unconsciousness, hitting the floor with a soft 'thump' a scream, coming from Anzu, heard afterwards.

His eyes flickered opened only to find that he had been taken to another place. He was lying on a bed, a t-shirt and sweat pants at his feet. Both of them had printed on them "Domino Psychiatric Hospital".

He cursed silently. It was exactly what he had thought would happen. That slime ball Kaiba used his withdrawal against him, knowing if he were overwhelmed he would most defiantly pass out. (2)

He was at least a little bit thankful that passing out seemed to have temporarily warn of the uncomfortable symptoms he was having before.

The door opened suddenly, making Jou jump and snap his head in the direction the noise had come from. A girl entered the room, most defiantly a nurse from the attire she was wearing. She had long chestnut hair, and pale green eyes framed by copper glasses. She was looking over a chart, which Jou figured was his.

"Oh Mr. Jounouchi, I see you're finally awake," She smiled upon looking up from her chart, "I'm Nurse Julie Tamari, but you can just call me Julie if it makes you feel more comfortable. Also, you can go into the bathroom on the left of this room and change into your new clothing."

Jou glanced over at the clothing, then back at her. She gave him a look telling him that he had to wear it. He shuddered at how it seemed like she knew exactly what he was thinking. Then again, he doubted that any of the patients would want to wear the so-called-uniform.

He picked the t-shirt and sweat pants off of the bed and walked over to the bathroom. As he passed by, he noted another person on what he originally assumed was an empty bed huddled into the corner. They had their head pressed to their knees, so he couldn't see their face. But the person did have silver hair that reminded him an awful lot of Ryou.

Had he admitted himself too? Jou shrugged and entered the bathroom. It was quite small really. It had a bathtub, with no showerhead, a toilet, a sink but no mirror. It did make a lot of sense to keep the mirror out. If they would've left it in, they'd most defiantly get a lot of suicides around the place.

Frowning, he tugged his normal attire up over his head, discarding it on the floor. He put the new, and bleach scented, clothing on his body. The scent made him feel like he was going to hurl. Bleach wasn't one of the most pleasant things to smell, but he figured it would eventually fade so he tried not to make note of it.

Grudgingly he opened the door, exited the bathing room and sat back down on his new 'bed'. Julie looked over at him, still smiling, "Just wait there for a moment and I'll inform your assigned physician you're awake."

He laid back on the bed, noting how stiff and uncomfortable it was. A few seconds later he heard the door open again. He lifted his head, expecting to see Julie, but it wasn't here. It was another nurse. This one had short blonde hair, just above her chin. It flipped outwards slightly at the end. She had bright blue eyes that reminded him greatly of Anzu's.

"Bakura," She said walking up to other bed. Both Jou and Bakura looked up at her. Had she really just said Bakura? No wonder he had looked so much like Ryou. It was his yami.

"What do you want, woman?" (3) The silver haired tomb robber snapped harshly causing the nurse to flinch.

"It's time for you medication," The nurse walked forward. It was then Jounouchi notice the straitjacket that Bakura was in, and the cup of water in nurses hand. He assumed that the other one had the piles. He also noticed how timid the nurse looked as she approached him. "Open your mouth Bakura."

Of course, Bakura's mouth was press into a strait line. He hated those meds with a passion. "Bakura, don't make this difficult. You need to take your meds," there was a hint of a pleading tone in her voice.

Bakura's mouth still stayed close. She sighed. "I'm sorry but I'm going to have to force you," she apologized, her body shaking a bit as she sat the water down beside the bed and took a step forward.

That one simple step was all Bakura need for her to be in striking range. He extended his leg, kicking her with a well-placed foot in the rib. The nurse yelped, flying backwards and hitting the floor. Her chest heaved up and down taking in deep breaths from shock. The nurse would be lucky if she didn't have at least a bruised rib with a blow like that.

Jou jolted from the bed, running over to where the woman had fallen. "Are you alright?" he asked extending his hand out to help her up.

She just nodded as the door opened again. "Mr. Jounouchi," Julie said, stilling looking at her chart and not paying attention to where she was walking and tripping over the fallen nurse. "I'll get the doctor…" She sighed before getting up off the floor and exiting the room again.

When she returned there where two more people with her. Another nurse, this one with medium length curly auburn hair and soft brown eyes and wearing black-framed glasses.

The doctor was a tall man, with chestnut brown hair, and azure eyes. The way he looked reminded him of Kaiba. Saying that, he knew already that he wouldn't like the man much.

What he was holding caught Jou's interest. It was a syringe, the needle stuck in a bottle labeled "Diprivan". His ocher orbs widened, realizing what that meant. The doctor shook his head approaching Bakura, who was immediately pinned down by two of the three nurses that where in the room. "You know you're going to have to corporate one of these days Bakura," the doctor scrunched his nose as he pushed up the leg of Bakura's sweat pants.

Beneath the grip of the two nurses, Bakura started to struggle. "Stop struggling! You're only going to make it hurt," Julie pointed out; Jou could tell that she wanted to scream at him. Screaming at a patient, however, would most defiantly get her in trouble.

"I refuse to go through this again!" Bakura shouted, thrashing about on the bed. With a sigh, Jou got up and held down the spirit's legs. Deep chocolate eyes narrowed at him, distracting him from struggling to get free for just the right amount of time. "So you're on their side!" He yelled, then yelped when he felt a needle inserted into the vein of his leg.

Chocolate orbs grew half lidded as the anesthesia's effects started to take place. The auburn haired nurse opened his mouth, putting the pills in followed by the some water. Both of them where unconsciously swallowed before Bakura fell fully asleep.

Julie turned to Jou, her regular smile returning to her face. "Thank you for the help," she said sweetly, "Dr. Tenmai will see you now. Just follow me."

Doing what he was told, the blonde followed the nurse down a few halls until they reached a room. On the door it read "Dr. Deneen Tenmai". Julie knocked on the door before opening it. "Mam, Mr. Katsuya Jounouchi is here to see you," She smiled widely.

Deneen looked up from her desk. Her hair fell down to her shoulders; it was a red-tinted honey color. Her eyes where a deep mahogany, but here ears where what was unique about her. They pointed slightly at the end as she where an elf. (5) "Sit down," she motioned towards the chair before her.

Pulling the chair out, Jou looked at her quite skeptically. She looked just barely nineteen and she was a doctor. Deneen crossed her arms over her chest, "You can relax, I'm not going to ask you anything today unlike most of the others here would. I want you to be comfortable so that can wait until tomorrow. Right now I just want to confirm what was on the submission papers."

She opened one of the many folders that lay upon her desk. "The forums where filled out by Mr. Kaiba, incase you where curious," Jou winced. That couldn't be a good thing. "He states that you show signs of possible abuse, depression, suicidal tendencies, heroin addiction, delirium and masochistic behavior."

"Delirium?" None of them seem to faze him aside from that one. Of course each other stated was actually true. "Why delirium?"

The woman blinked and looked over her file. After a few moments of reading she looked back up at him, giving him kind of an odd look. "It says here that you have tendencies to believe that you are a canine."

A blonde eyebrow twitched at that statement. He couldn't believe it. Kaiba had actually gone to the lengths of insulting him in a medical report. "That one's not true," He shook his head partly in annoyance, but partly in disbelief, "Kaiba's just an ass."

The doctor raised an eyebrow at the statement, "That he is. I suppose I can take your word for it, but I'll still look for you it. Understood?"

"Yes," Jou let out an exasperated sigh; his leg was beginning to twitch as the feeling of restlessness returned to him. Definitely not a good sign.

"You may go now," Deneen smiled, waving her hand in the direction the door signifying what she had stated before hand.

The blonde vacated the chair, making his way back to the room with haste. He was surprised that he was able to remember where it was located. The door opened much faster then he expected, causing him to topple forward. Luckily, the bruised nurse had been removed from the floor by that time.

Mentally giving himself a swift kick, Jou got up and sat on the bed. There he twitched impatiently, waiting for something to happen. Once again his palms and forehead where sweating. Nausea had yet to make itself known at that current place in time. Trying not to think about his craving for heroin, he looked over at Bakura.

It was still odd that of all the people to get put in a room with he had some how managed to wind up with the silver haired, homicidal spirit. At least he was better then Kaiba. Jou snorted at the thought of the brunette CEO. That guy really had some nerve.

He pushed himself off the bed, heading over to where Bakura was still sleeping. For a while he stared at him, pushing a few locks of silver hair out from the silent form. Sometimes it amazed how different people where when they slept.

Bakura at that moment seemed…vulnerable. Something that Jounouchi would've never thought possible for the spirit to achieve.

His old pal nausea hit him, hard this time. The muscle in his stomach tightened around a newly formed not. He bolted from the spot he had previously occupied, and ran into the bathroom, spitting out what seemed like every once of stomach fluids that occupied his stomach in a series of atrocious upheavals.

The disturbing sound of vomiting omitting from the bathing room caused Bakura to stir. Once he did he wished the drugs would've lasted at least another half an hour. Vomit was not a pleasant thing to wake up to.

Face scrunched Jounouchi walked out of the bathroom after rinsing out his mouth of the retched taste. "Heroin or just the flu?" Bakura asked giving the mess of a 'dog' a disgruntled look.

"The first one…" the blonde replied. Was there any use to lying to anyone around here? Not really. Most of the people could either tell, or wouldn't believe you even if you where telling the truth.

"You deserve it," A slight smirk played on his features as he spoke the words harshly.

"What's wrong with you?" Jou questioned sneering at the silver haired spirit.

"You help the drods drug me," Bakura stated in a matter-of-fact tone of voice, yet not failing to show the detail about him clearly being pissed off about the whole situation. "That makes you my enemy now, leave me alone."

"So childish…" Jou teased, chuckling a bit at the spirit's misfortune. He regretted it not soon afterwards, making another sprint for the bathroom. Apparently his stomach contained more the he originally believed it to.

Moments later he emerged looking more battered then when he had entered it. His normally vibrant honey-flaxen hair dull and matted to his sweat covered face. His ocher eyes looked void of life; in other words he looked a total wreck.

"Come sit down" Bakura said sitting up then falling back down, "whoa…should've done that slower." Jou chuckled slightly, sitting the end of the bed.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Julie will get you some meds soon," the silver haired spirit commented in a strange way of trying to comfort the disoriented blonde beside him. "You know you're the third heroin addict I've had to share a room with."

"Really?" Jou asked though not even vaguely interested.

"No, but I thought it would make you feel better," Bakura snorted.

Jou turned to him, giving him an unconvinced look. "Why do you care how I feel?" He would've glared, but knowing it would be a pointless act any ways in his current condition, he decided not to.

"I don't," The spirit retorted, "I was only humoring you feeble mind, dog." He grinned, "Well actually, I figure if I play nice with you then maybe I could get out of this damn jacket sometime soon."

"Why exactly are you in it anyways?" Dull honey eyes flickered closed. Jou was currently fighting back another wave of nausea, and so far he was loosing.

"Well, that blonde nurse, her name is Alexandra just so you know, she used to have about four or five cats running around this place," He explained though currently not making any sense at all, "they where really annoying. I hated those damn cats. And I just happened to have got lucky and stolen a pocketknife from one of the other patients that had recently come in's discard box when the nurses weren't looking. I used it to skin one of the cats.

"You might think it wasn't worth it, but the look on Alexandra's face when she saw her dead cat in the middle of the hall. It was priceless," He chuckled at his own twisted idea of a joke, "I wish I would've had a camera then."

Before Jou could say anything, he was interrupted by a knock on the door. He looked up as Julie entered, teacup and a small cup of pills in her hand. "I told you she would bring you something," Bakura snorted.

The brunette nurse walked forward handing the cup of pills and tea to Jounouchi. He looked at her, confused. "What are these?"

"The square pink pill is Methadone, it helps calm down your symptoms. The large speckled pills are Chinese herbs; they relax your muscles and work well with the tea. It'll help you vomit less, and stop the sweating a bit. The last one is going to be one of regulars. It's called Zyprexa. It's a sleep aid that works as a helper to anti-depressants. You'll mostly likely start taking those after your visit with Dr. Tenmai tomorrow," Julie smiled brightly as she explained each of the things she handed him.

Just before leaving again she added one more things, "Take all of those and you should be fine until morning though sometimes they do take a while to start working."

Unsure Jou looked at the pills, then at Bakura. The silver haired spirit raised an eyebrow at him. With a sigh the flaxen-haired boy shook his head, popped all the pills into his mouth and downed them with the herbal tea. None of it tasted all that great making Jou gag slightly.

"It would be better if you didn't take them all in one gulp," Bakura snapped at him with a roll of his eyes, "moron."

"Thanks for warning me ahead of time," Jou retorted, groaning. "I'm going to bed, goodnight."

"Oh but I just woke up!" He gave a fake pout.


(1) Yeah, he's Kaiba here. I only call him 'Seto' in fictions where he's with Jou. I guess it's a symbolization sort of think if you wish to call it that.

(2) Really, if you get a big shock when you're going through anything like that, including the flu, you're already at risk of fainting, so a shock factor like that could cause you to faint.

(3) O_O Vegeta moment…just thought I'd point that out *grin*

(4) My, aren't I creative with names? -_-

(5) Uh no, she isn't an elf. She's based off of my friend…Deneen (hence above comment), who in fact does look like an elf. ^_^

First chapter done! I hope that everyone enjoyed it. In case anyone wanted to know a little bit of information, all of the nurses and doctors are based off of my friends. *shrugs* I was having fun. (And yes, I did kind of forget he was suffering from withdrawal once we got Bakura in there…T_T I'm sure there is no way that you can just temporally put a stop on it).

Anyways, please review if you actually managed to sit through that whole thing. *smiles*