Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ White Roses to Red ❯ With You/ My Last Stand ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Dr00: IM BAAAACCCKKKK! Sry ppl but school was cutting into too much of my time and I had to stop typing for a while. But now school is over! And I can type all I want! ^^ So lets wrap things up in this story shall we…hope you ppl like it and yes this is now the last chapter.


Bakura now stood next to Ryou's grave. It had been a week since the day Ryou had killed himself. And now Bakura would visit his grave every day on the way home from his job he had recently got because he was the one responsible for the house. He had, had Ryou buried under the tree he would always sit under and that same one he had died under.

Today he stood looking at the cold dirt and could just picture Ryou's body deep beneath it. It made him sick to just think that he had done this to Ryou, that he died because of him. "I am so sorry Ryou," Bakura whispered and looked at the clouds over head.

But he knew no matter how many times he said that it would never change anything and that Ryou would never really know that his yami loved him. Bakura slowly made his way out of the graveyard sighing heavily. How could he go on knowing that Ryou's blood was on his hands.

As he made his way down the sidewalk he heard some one call out his name.

"Bakura wait!" The voice was very familiar and Bakura stopped walking. "What do you want pharaoh?" his voice emotionless. Yami walked up with Yugi and stood beside bakura. "I need to…to talk to you." Bakura kept his eyes lowered and continued to walk." Not now." But Yami followed. "Bakura, now." Yami grabbed his wrist.

Bakura withdrew it and kept walking. Yami stepped in front of him shoving a little black book into Bakura's hands. "What is this?" He asked some curiosity in his voice but very little. "Well if you would give me a chance to talk to you, I have been trying to contact you for the last week!" Yami crossed his arms. "I…I am sorry Yami. I just…haven't really felt like talking lately." Yugi came up and stood beside Yami grabbing his hand.

"Well what is it then?" Bakura asked looking at the little book. "It…It was Ryou's."

Bakura looked up. "It's his diary I guess. I picked it up that day…I wasn't sure if you were ready for it so I took it with me." "How dare you! This is my Ryou's journal and you read it?!" "No I didn't read it! I just held onto it for you." Bakura's rage vanished, "Oh well thank you I will be going now..." And with that he left, Yami and Yugi still standing there.

"Did he say My Ryou's journal?" Yugi questioned. Yami looked down at his hikari and nodded. "Oh Yami what are we gonna do?" "I don't know Yugi, is there anything we can do?" "I don't know but I can't stand seeing Bakura like this, he doesn't talk to anyone any more and he is rarely ever seen out of his house, the others are starting to think he is dead and he is even beginning to look that way."

"I know Yugi but I guess it's something he is just going to have to get over, he can't change what he has done and neither can we." Yugi looked up at Yami squeezing his hand tighter. "I know" Yugi whispered. "But…but I wish we could." "Come Yugi lets go home." Yami began walking the other direction from which Bakura went. "Ok." Yugi said and followed his yami.


Bakura had now reached his house and fumbled with his keys. He eventually got the door open and threw his keys on the couch. He studied the book he held in his hands. It was small but big enough to hold folded papers in the front and back pockets. He put it under his arm and quickly went upstairs. He opened the door to Ryou's room and walked in closing the door behind him.

After that horrible day Bakura came back and cleaned up Ryou's room and he now slept in his hikari's bed. Yes, he had a bed of his own, but he could only sleep if he were in his hikari's bed. But even when asleep nightmares would haunt him as he slept. To get right to the point Bakura probably hadn't had a decent night of sleep since then. He also had been cutting down on eating certain foods, not just certain…all food.

Bakura threw himself down on Ryou's bed with a sigh burrowing his face in the pillows. His hand fond the floor however and began to search for something. It found what it was looking for and picked up a black remote control. He picked it up and pressed a button. "Hello and we are back to U93 your number one radio station." Bakura listened to the stereo as he lay there for a while trying to get Ryou out of his head, but it was no use. How could he stop thinking about him and what he had done?

"That was burn by Usher and now for our main event. Now is the time we will be taking requests for songs. Just call in at 255-1000(not a real # don't call it) and tell us what you wanna hear." Bakura looked up at the stereo on the other side of the room and then at the phone next to Ryou's bed. "We will be taking calls for the next 2 hours so call in and get the music your in the mood for." Bakura stood up and made his way towards the phone dialing a number.


"Yugi you meanie that was my dark magician!" Yugi giggled as he looked across at his yami. "Sorry Yami but it's the point of the game." "Yeah but I am suppose to win!" "Says who?" Yugi asked. "Me!" Yugi and Yami sat at the living room table playing a game of duel monsters the radio on in the back ground. "Ok yami your turn." "But I am all out of Life Points!" Yami yelled. "Ohhh to bad I guess you lose then..…Again." Yugi giggled. He loved beating his yami at this game especially when there was a prize to be won. "Ok Yami since I won I get to do what I please with you."

"You can't be serious Yugi." "Well that was the prize right? And I quote, `Who ever won the duel got to do what they pleased with the other', and you made that up so…"Yugi trailed off. Yami grumbled as he crossed his arms. "That's because I thought I would win!" "But you didn't did you Yami?" Yami didn't answer but was soon pinned down by a not so `innocent' Yugi. Yami gave in however right away; he wouldn't back out from what Yugi wanted. Also he secretly wanted Yugi but would never admit it.

Yugi began to kiss Yami passionately and Yami kissed back whimpering into the soul-searing kiss. "Was that my yami? My yami whimpered?!" Yugi teased. "Oh be quiet and just continue before I change my mind." Yami said. Yugi didn't complain and continued moving to his Yami's neck sucking on the spot just under his jaw. Yami moaned and gasped. Yugi smirked against the others skin, Yami always loved it when he touched him here. It was his pleasure spot after all.

Yugi could hear the radio faintly but stopped his ministrations on Yami when he could have sworn he heard a very familiar voice. "Something wrong?" Yami asked propping himself up on his elbows. "Shh listen." Yugi said. "And what is your name?" the DJ asked. "My name is not important," said the other. "Is that Bakura?" Yami questioned. Yugi shrugged, "I don't know but I think so," and got off his darker half turning up the radio. Yami crawled over and sat behind Yugi taking him into his lap.

"Uh ok then, what would you like to hear today sir?" the DJ asked. "I was wondering if you could play `With You' by Linkin Park." It was more of a demand than a question. "Why of coarse sir thank you for calling in." Yugi and yami listened as the song played that Bakura had requested.


I woke up in a dream today
To the cold of the static and put my cold feet on the floor
Forgot all about yesterday
Remembering I'm pretending to be where I'm not anymore
A little taste of hypocrisy
And I'm left in the wake of the mistake
Slow to react
Even though you're so close to me
You're still so distant
And I can't bring you back

It's true
The way I feel.
Was promised by your face.
The sound of your voice
Painted on my memories.
Even if you're not with me
I'm with you.
Now I see
Keeping everything inside
(With You)
Now I see
Even when I close my eyes

I hit you and you hit me back,
We fall to the floor,
the rest of the day stands still.
Fine line between this and that,
When things go wrong I pretend the past isn't real.
Now I'm trapped in this memory,
and I'm left in the wake of the mistake,
Slow to react.
Even though you're close to me
you're still so distant,
and I can't bring you back.

It's true
The way I feel
Was promised by your face
The sound of your voice
Painted on my memories
Even if you're not with me
I'm with you
Now I see
Keeping everything inside
(With You)
Now I see
Even when I close my eyes
(With You)
Now I see
Keeping everything inside
(With You)
Now I see
Even when I close my eyes

No matter how far we've come
I can't wait to see tomorrow
No matter how far we've come by
I can't wait to see tomorrow
with you

Now I see
keeping everything inside
(With you)
now I see
even when I close my eyes
(With You)


Bakura lay on Ryou's bed silently sobbing into the pillows as the song came to an end. Bakura sat up and wiped his eyes on his sleeve drying his tears. Then he saw the black book on the floor, remembering that he had brought it in and set it down when he fell on Ryou's bed. He bent over and picked it up then sat back down on the bed still trying to dry his eyes. He slowly opened the journal to the first page and began to read it out loud.

November 21, 2001

This journal belongs to none other than Ryou Bakura. This journal contains all of my deepest and darkest secrets. Ones no one would ever know except me. As to why I have so many secrets is one very strange reason indeed; this reason starts with a capital B. Bakura, my other self, my yami, and my darkness. He is the reason for me even writing in this book. I don't know how or why he choose me to share bodies with but let me tell you now it is something to behold and not as pleasant as you may think.

He is like no one I have ever met before. I didn't know some one so evil and cold hearted could even exist. However I know he can't truly be that way for real. Maybe there is a reason why he is like this, maybe he was hurt in the past because he is over 5000 years old. Yes, he is, in fact he is a spirit not really real person. I wonder what it is like to be him, maybe that's why he is.

I will have to go talk to Yugi about this maybe he would have an answer as to why and how this spirit is sharing a body with me. No one knows about Bakura except for me at the moment but hopefully if I tell Yugi he can help me. Bye I will write back later.

Bakura skipped a few pages and then continued reading the little black book once again. Was that really what Ryou thought about him?

December 23, 2001

Hi it's me again. I apologize if there are any water spots on the page of which I write. Yes, I am crying at the moment. I am huddled in my closet afraid to go out there again. Bakura just flat out and hit me when I asked him a simple question, it wasn't an offensive question or anything either. I just wanted to know where he was going because he was leaving the house, and he hit me. I worry about him sometimes is that a sin or something because I get hurt every time I try and care.

I know he cares about me he has too, how can he not? I know we have separate bodies now and he doesn't need me anymore but if he didn't care wouldn't he have killed me already, And why is he still in my house with me? He has to care or I would be dead because he truly doesn't need me around anymore he could kick me out of my own house if he wanted too. Yugi doesn't know why he is so abusive but he did explain to me how I got him as I mentioned in earlier entries, but why Bakura why do you hit me so many times?

Why can't you be like Yugi's yami and care about me like he does Yugi? Sorry but I will have to write back late, I think I hear him co…

Bakura could remember that day, that day Ryou was hiding in his closet from him. And once he found him he…he beat him for no reason. However he never saw the book he was writing in. Ryou must have hid it when he heard him coming in the room. `Why did I beat him?' Bakura asked himself staring at the book. `Because you enjoyed seeing him in pain,' a voice said back. Bakura tried to shake it off though, ` I did not!' he yelled back.

`Then why did you beat him?' the voice questioned. Bakura didn't answer, the voice was right…but why did he like to see Ryou that way? Did the pain he caused him turn him on? Bakura putt the book down and sat there staring at the ground. `I can't read anymore it only gets worse, I would know...' Bakura said. `But don't you wanna know what he wrote in his last entry?' the voice questioned. Bakura looked at the book. He did wanna know but he didn't need to know…did he? Bakura picked the book back up and flipped through it yet again. Until he came pretty close to the last entry, had he really caused Ryou so much pain for 4 years? And he chased away all his friends…Ryou was alone.

April 14, 2004

Dear Journal,

I am so alone. You can't possibly imagine the pain I feel right now. Bakura had his way with me yet again, beating me until his hearts content. I have a black eye, bloody nose and lip, and my ribs are bruised or broken I bet. I can hardly breathe my body hurts so bad. I would call an ambulance or something but Bakura would be furious and I would only be back in the hospital seconds after I would get out. And I really don't wanna make him mad at me but everything I do seems to upset him. What do I have to do to get through to him?

I care about him so much it hurts alone...I think I might even love him. But that's silly isn't it. I mean he beats me and hear I love him for it? Well I don't like that he beats me, but if I told him I loved him do u think he would stop hurting me? I will have to try to get through to him, and tell him, but what if he rejects me? What if it makes him so mad he would kill me for even speaking of it before his presence?

I don't know why I am asking you all these questions because I know you can never answer them journal; but then again I rather ask them and not get an answer than not ask them at all. You are the only one left to talk to now anyway. Bakura pushed all my friends away. They are afraid to even ring my doorbell and Bakura doesn't allow me to go to school hardly ever and when I do I have to lie about all my injuries and people become uncomfortable about staying around me. I would be too if I were them, but if they only knew.

I would call the police and report Bakura or something but if I did and he escaped or when he got out he would only hunt me down and rip my head off while I slept anyway. So I rather not tell on him to anyone, and I love him if I cant change him then no one can. Wait…did I just say I loved him? Well…I guess I do actually. I mean if he were only nice for a change that would be perfect just if he would stop beating me, that would be enough.

Oh I wish he would change I would give everything if he would, well I guess I will tell him about my feelings but I don't know how I should. Every time I open my mouth now he backhands me as hard as he can muster. I will think of something but I have to go now, it's getting late and I should be getting to bed. I am going to try and go to school tomorrow. Bye.

Bakura couldn't believe it. How could he be this way? Yes he had changed but it took his hikari's death to make him see that! That is ridiculous how could he have been so blind. He flipped to the last entry rage in his eyes. He was so mad at himself right now he started crying. He did what he could to hold the tears back though. He didn't want to cry again, he was sick of crying. He swore if he would cry anymore that he wouldn't have any body fluids left inside himself.

He slowly began to read the last entry, but he couldn't get a hold of himself and began to sob. But he didn't stop reading the last entry crying harder as he went. He couldn't believe what Ryou had written in here as he sat against that tree about ready to kill himself. Bakura felt so bad, he just couldn't stop crying. How could he do this!? What had he done?! He was so mad and upset with himself at this time. By the time he was done reading that last entry he threw the book across the room practically screaming at himself.

He then threw himself down on Ryou's bed and sobbed into the mattress until his eyes were red and face was drenched in his own tears. "I'M SO SORRY RYOU, PLEASE FORGIVE ME! WHERE EVR YOU ARE I HOPE YOU HEAR ME! I AM SO SORRY! I LOVE YOU TOO RYOU, SO MUCH I CAN'T STAND IT!"Bakura sniffed and then whispered, "Please Ryou come back to me…" Bakura knew Ryou would never be able to reach him again but he felt like saying it anyway.

He was still silently sobbing when he thought of an idea. A simple idea that could maybe reunite him with his Ryou. Bakura sat up wiping his face off with his shirt. `Ryou I will come to you.' Bakura thought to himself slowly standing up and walking over to leave Ryou's room. He looked back and saw the book lying open on the floor. He walked over and got it taking it with him then left the room.

Bakura soon came to the kitchen of Ryou's and his house. He sat down at the table opened the little book to an unused page and began to write in it.

May 3, 2004

This is not the owner of this book. This is not the boy who was so full of life and who was hurt so much that he couldn't even describe it in words. This is the one who caused the boy we loved so much, all that pain. He will always be remembered in out hearts as that sweet an innocent angel. But as for me I cant say the same; I wouldn't expect anyone to remember me.

Maybe they will remember me as the one who killed the boy, but for nothing more and I don't expect them to either. I was a demon and as blind as a bat, lost in the darkness, but I have seen my mistakes and thought this over clearly. If I could change what I did I would but I can't so now I will take all this shame to my grave. I am going to go to the boy who loved me so much and that I now love just as much in return.

It took the death of that boy to show me what I had done and what I had not seen over all those years and maybe I can finally make up for what I have did to him. I am coming Ryou don't worry, I will see you soon and then I will love you until you can love no more. I am sorry I didn't see it there before and I am sorry that I did those things to you my sweet, but please let my death be your forgiveness. And who ever finds this I hope that you will understand why I am doing this. Good Bye world and hello Ryou.

The demon changed,



Yugi and Yami now stood beside the two graves under the tree. Yugi stood beside his yami clutching to him tightly. Yami held Yugi in his arms and rubbed his back gently. They had found Bakura a two weeks after had committed suicide. Yugi had been traumatized since and Yami was only sorry for the two who now rested in the cold dirt below." Y-yami?" "Yes love?" Yami cooed. "Do…do you think they found each other?" Yami looked at Yugi. "I hope so Yugi, I hope so." Yugi hugged yami and yami hugged Yugi back.

"Come Yugi, let's go." Yami looked down into those amethyst eyes filling with tears.

Yami only hugged Yugi again as Yugi sobbed into his chest. "Yami I'm so upset." "Yugi shh…it's ok. Please don't cry Yugi." "How can I not Yami?" Yami didn't answer and Yugi continued to sob. Yugi calmed down after a bit and then pulled away from the other. "Yami lets go now, I can't stand it being here." Yami nodded and Yugi began to walk off. Yami however didn't follow but instead kneeled next to the two graves and right in between dug a small hole.

Yami then picked up a black book he had set down when they got there. Yami then placed the book in the hole he had dug covering it up again with the dirt. "I hope you find Ryou bakura and love him just like you said you would in that book…I hope you guys are happy together."Yami whispered. "Yami?!" Yugi called a little off in the distance now. "What are you doing, come on?!" "Coming!" yami yelled and then ran off to Yugi.

`Bye bakura and Ryou. You won't be forgotten.'


DR00: OMG I AM SO CRYING…. AGAIN! I DIDN'T KNOW I COULD WRITE SOMETHING SO SAD I DIDN'T THINK I COULD BE SO EVIL EITHER I MEAN POOR RYYOU AND BAKURA! *Cries*………..*Sniffs* I hope you ppl liked my story though. Please review and tell me what you think, k? That way I can decide on whether or not to write another one like it. I am thinking about writing a dark fic with Yugi/Yami in it now.

But I don't know if my heart can take it, b/c I love them so much! They are my fav. Pairing! I wouldn't be able to type the first paragraph I bet! They are just such a good couple I couldn't understand it if something went wrong with them like in this story, its so not like yami. But things change when you're the writer. *Smirk* Well I might type one ok? Still not sure though, it would be heart wrenching to type it. Please R+R. Thank you. ^_^